
Orchitis, the symptoms and treatment for men. Than to treat orchitis

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Orchitis - a purely masculine disease characterized by inflammation of the testicular tissue. Presented pathology began to meet the representatives of the stronger sex more often. Previously suffered from this disease, only 5% of the population, today this figure rose to 15%.

orchitis Treatment involves taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. But as the causes of this disease have a lot of first doctor conducts a thorough diagnosis to establish the etiology of orchitis.

What it is?

Orchitis - an inflammatory disease of the testis, arising on a background of a viral or bacterial infection and often leads to infertility.

Testicles or testes are the male reproductive organ that synthesizes hormones and generating sperm, which ensure continuation of the species. The testicles are located in the scrotum, are ovoid firm and flattened laterally.

Causes of

testicular inflammation causes are infection. Depending on the pathogen caused, orchitis may be specific (caused by pathogens tuberculosis, syphilis) or nonspecific (caused by any other infection).

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The most common triggering factor orchitis (about a third of all cases), doctors call mumps (mumps). Also cause this disease are fever, influenza, gonorrhea. Sometimes orchitis develops after trauma. Separately isolated granulomatous orchitis, the causes of which are still fairly unknown.

Among the factors that predispose to the development of orchitis, allocate:

  • sedentary work or a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Regular physical or severe mental fatigue;
  • overheating or undercooling reducing protective functions and contribute to the development of the disease;
  • sexual abstinence or excesses, as well as the irregular sexual activity;
  • chronic lesions infections - bronchitis, sinusitis etc .;
  • serious diseases (AIDS, diabetes, hepatitis), reducing the overall resistance of the organism;
  • hindered the flow of urine, prostatitis, pyelonephritis and other problems of the genitourinary system.

In the case of acute or chronic urethritis and prostatitis infection is hematogenous and lymphogenous downward path enters the egg, developing inflammation. When mumps disease somewhat different mechanism, associated with the formation of specific antibodies which in turn, having an affinity for testicular tissue, deposited on them, and cause testicular damage tissues.

In any case, orchitis never develops in isolation, there is always a hotbed of inflammation in other organs or body systems.

Symptoms of acute orchitis

Disease in men begins with a sudden rise in body temperature, different intensity and duration of pain in the testicle. Pain can irradirovat in the groin, perineum, in the lumbar region. The testicle on the affected side dramatically increases in size, a few days after the onset scrotal skin becomes smooth, it may be hyperemic.

Pain can be amplified when walking (descent of the stairs), physical exertion, changes in body position. In addition, the clinic of acute orchitis may sometimes present the common symptoms of inflammation: dyspeptic disorders, chills, headache.

Symptoms of chronic orchitis

Chronic orchitis frequency is much rarer severe and more likely to occur as a consequence of improper treatment of acute orchitis.

Pain in the testicle are fickle aching in nature, worse after a long walk, exercise, colds. In this case, the egg a few seals and increased. When you touch the egg slightly painful. The symptoms of intoxication are not expressed, the temperature rarely rises to 38 C.

Although the manifestations of the disease are not so pronounced, and in most cases, patients do not even seek medical assistance. In chronic orchitis largely disturbed secretory function eggs, which often becomes the cause of male infertility.


The consequences of this disease have quite serious. Risk of inflammation is that it can penetrate into the neighboring organs, propagating the infection. When untimely treatment of orchitis may occur:

  1. Testicular necrosis (cell death) of tissues;
  2. Complete removal of the testis by means of the operation;
  3. Infertility, which will not respond to treatment in the future.

It is important to understand that orchitis can be successfully treated with antibiotics and for each pathogen exists adaptive drug. So do not delay treatment.

diagnosis orchitis

Diagnosis is established orchitis doctor based on inspection and the presence in a patient of an infectious disease or injury. On examination, the urologist may see an increase in scrotal palpation of the scrotum skin is hot, edematous, egg greatly enlarged, edematous and acutely painful.

From laboratory diagnostic methods most conclusive evidence of the disease is the virus isolation orchitis mumps from the patient's blood, swabs from the throat, cerebrospinal fluid, salivary gland secretions and, of course, urine. Laboratory methods make it possible to detect the virus in a patient at the cellular level within 2 days after the first symptoms. So in order to diagnose the disease orchitis, you need to:

  • microscopic examination of a smear from the urethra;
  • general urine analysis;
  • check for sensitivity to antibiotics, urine culture;
  • sowing ejaculate;
  • general blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum.

The main method of differential diagnosis of such diseases as orchitis, ultrasound is analysis, it is used if orchitis diagnosis is difficult due to hydrocele, the scrotum or periorhita. It can also be produced testicular biopsy.

How to treat ortih men?

orchitis Treatment consists of administration of these drugs, which are aimed at eliminating inflammation. First of all, antibiotics are recommended. To reduce the temperature often assigned paracetamol. To eliminate pain and improve sperm outflow prescribe antispasmodics.

Regimen orchitis:

  1. Pathogenetic treatment - the use of anti-inflammatory drugs "Indomethacin", "Ibuprofen" painkillers "baralgin", "ketorol" angioprotectors "Venorus", "Detraleks" vitamin complexes.
  2. Causative treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. Spend antibiotic therapy: patients with medication from the group of fluoroquinolones - "Ciprofloxacin" "Ofloxacin" cephalosporins - "cefotaxime", "Cefazolin" or macrolides - "Azithromycin" "Clarithromycin".
  3. Physiotherapy treatments have anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant local and regenerates. Patients with chronic orchitis appoint UHF-therapy, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, acupuncture, electrotherapy, physiotherapy, mud and mineral baths.
  4. Patients with acute disease shows a bed mode, at least movements rest and raised position of the scrotum, the use of the sling, which improves blood circulation in the inflamed organ and eliminates congestion in the organs the pelvis.

In home use the cold compress as an analgesic. Every 4 chasa compress is applied to the scrotum for 10 minutes. orchitis Treatment includes dieting and avoiding harmful habits. From the diet should exclude sharp, sour and savory.

Surgical intervention

If conservative treatment of orchitis does not bring the desired results, it raises the question of surgical intervention.

Indications for the meeting are as follows:

  • tubercular nature of the disease;
  • frequent exacerbations in chronic orchitis;
  • suppuration tissues;
  • acute form, evolved as a result of the injury;
  • severe disease and others.

Depending on the complexity of the surgical intervention can be carried out by several methods. Since the least impact on the operation passes resection - removing inflamed parts egg. With the lack of thoroughness of the operation and in the case of a number of other factors are possible complications and recurrences.

In severe suppurative lesions - orchiectomy - removing eggs from an appendage. If the operation affects both the body, it leads to a significant reduction in the level of male sex hormones and infertility. Also doctor may suggest other methods of surgery.


Completely prevent the development of orchitis is impossible, although each person has the opportunity to protect themselves from infection control: lead healthy lifestyle, do not have intimate relations with unknown persons without a condom, do not overheat or supercool the body, including the area scrotum.

These simple guidelines will help in the future to minimize the opportunity to "meet" with such a serious disease such as orchitis.

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