
Ovarian dysfunction: symptoms, causes, treatment, folk remedies

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Ovarian dysfunction - a pathological condition is not a disease, but is a consequence of the imbalance in the female reproductive system of the body. Violations of the menstrual cycle due to any, even a minor illness, cause of ovarian dysfunction.

Many women get used to these features of the disease and do not pay proper attention the arisen situation. However, the hormonal functioning of the ovaries can lead to disastrous results: cause infertility, habitual miscarriage, persistent changes in the menstrual cycle and even cancer disease.

What it is?

Ovarian dysfunction - is a functional disorder of the reproductive system units occurring on a background of inflammation or endocrine disorders associated with pathological conditions. The disease is characterized by disruptions in the menstrual cycle, in the form of its elongation (from 35 days or more), or, conversely, shortening (interval between periods less than 21 days).

Causes of

According to the protocol ICD 10, provoked by the pathology is divided into:

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  • excess estrogen or androgen;
  • unspecified causes;
  • Stein-Leventhal syndrome (PCOS or polycystic ovarian tissue);
  • primary ovarian failure (absence or inactivity of follicles);
  • other types of pathogens.

In other words - there is a failure at the level of hormone production, as a consequence, the work ovarian violated: i.e. manifested dysfunction. But, in fact, why the process is started?

The reason for that may be:

  1. Obesity.
  2. Congenital anomalies ovary (torsion, etc.).
  3. The formation of tumors or cysts in the reproduction organs.
  4. Inflammatory effects at any level of the genitourinary system (uterus, ovaries) such as: cervicitis, oophoritis, RFP, etc.
  5. Acute and chronic stress, constant fatigue.
  6. Miscarriages and abortions. Of particular danger is caused by interruption of the first pregnancy, because it is an important blow to the hormonal balance of the body.
  7. Endocrine ailments of various genesis, shakes the hormonal balance of the body (e.g., problems in the functioning of the pancreas, thyroid gland).
  8. A built incorrectly intrauterine device (IUD), the erroneous selection and use of hormonal contraceptives.
  9. At least, the disease could push - abrupt climate change, high sun exposure, pollution.

Influenced instigators processes occur in the body, which prevent correct synthesis of female hormones (such as prolactin, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone). This is what confuses the normal rhythm of the reproductive organs, causing a variety of complications and pathology.

The symptoms of ovarian dysfunction

Pituitary at each menstrual cycle phase generates FLG hormones LH and RLP in a specific ratio, which provides a synthesis, egg, its maturation and exit from the ovary, as well as monthly cyclical selections.

Any normal cycle consists of 4-7 days of menstrual flow and 21-30 days between their beginning. Displacement normal menstrual discharges at one to 100 ml. Any deviation from these standards are considered to be impaired. Failure of the pituitary gland and the lack of production of certain hormones that provide the ovaries leads to such changes in the body:

  1. Disorders of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation can be very scarce, or vice versa, it is extremely intense, too heavy to be just one and a half - two weeks or absent for a long period of time.
  2. If no menstrual bleeding more than six months, it is called amenorrhea.
  3. Premenstrual syndrome is more pronounced, tearfulness alternates with increased aggression and complete apathy to an event, weakness.
  4. Pain. Often sore lower abdomen pain are aching, as if pulling at times unbearable.
  5. Violation of the process of ovulation and oocyte maturation. This is the most direct path to infertility, it is impossible to implement long cherished desire to become a mother, and bear a child safely.

In addition to these symptoms may further laminated disease symptoms caused by hormonal disorders.

Dysfunction in different age periods

If the described condition is characterized by changing the ratio of the content of hormones necessary for ovulation. Typically, ovulation does not occur (the state of anovulation).

  1. Ovarian dysfunction in adolescents is associated with disturbances in the brain, or rather, in the hypothalamic-pituitary system. The causes of such disorders can be a brain injury, infections (meningitis), as well as viral and infectious diseases (SARS, influenza, rubella, measles, tonsillitis, and others). Typically, the viruses that cause these diseases are localized in the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, thereby provoking acyclic juvenile menstruation.
  2. Ovarian dysfunction reproductive years often accompanied by a high content of estrogen, in which the risk of uterine tumors (fibroids), endometriosis, malignant neoplasm of breast, mastitis.
  3. Ovarian dysfunction is characterized by premenopausal uterine bleeding. The basis of menopausal bleeding disorders in the maturation of follicles, resulting in an endometrial hyperplasia. Besides climacteric ovarian dysfunction observed in the development of hormone-active tumors in the ovaries, which are often diagnosed in these years.

Wellness treatments, vaccinations, early treatment of colds, good nutrition will make it possible not to experience first hand what ovarian dysfunction.

The consequences of ovarian dysfunction are many complications and troubles for the woman. This is a problem with the appearance of pregnancy and childbearing. Additionally, ovarian dysfunction causes diseases such as breast, ovarian cystic pathology, cancer of uterus, ovaries.

Ovarian dysfunction during pregnancy

Pregnancy and dysfunctional disorder of ovaries - malosovmestimymi things. But if conception did occur, the following scenarios:

  1. Dysfunction missing since her pregnancy should be excluded. In this case, the ovary is in a state of rest, is only the corpus luteum.
  2. Dysfunction violates connection hCG, progesterone, against which the corpus luteum begins to fade, there is a detachment of the placenta or fetal membranes. This state is threatened spontaneous abortion or a sinking of the fetus.
  3. Dysfunction leads to the manifestation of the critical periods of gestation. A woman may complain of temporary abdominal pain and mucous discharge from the vagina, caused by increased uterine tone.

Female reproductive system is in delicate balance and respond to any violations of the general state of the organism. Ovarian dysfunction requires mandatory treatment and the sooner it is done the better. This disease is not terrible with their clinical manifestations and dangerous long-term consequences in the form of infertility, endocrine disorders, mastitis and tumors of various origins.


In carrying out diagnostic pathology provided by using a plurality of assays and techniques. First of all, the doctor collects the complaints of the patient and medical history, conducting an initial pelvic exam, in which it is already possible to suspect an obvious and gross pathology (cysts, tumors). Next, the doctor prescribes a series general clinical research:

  • blood and urine assays for the production of general;
  • blood research on the biochemical composition (especially, the definition of glucose);
  • electrocardiography (to avoid cardiovascular disease);
  • Pelvic ultrasound (detection of ovarian size, their structure and follicular apparatus of ovulation in dynamics);
  • sampling on vaginal microflora;
  • determining genital infections PCR;
  • measurement of basal body temperature (it helps to determine which phase of the cycle there are violations);
  • study of hormonal status (definition of levels of prolactin, FSH, LH, progesterone and estrogen).

analyzes hormone levels produced by the thyroid gland and adrenal (urine and blood) can be assigned if necessary, and also cranial radiography (detection syndrome "empty sella", pituitary tumors and of other pathologies), CT and MRI brain brain. In order to test local changes in the medulla of the brain EEG prescribed.

Based on the evidence of analyzes conducted hysteroscopy, in which scrape the uterus and carry a mandatory histological examination of scrapings. When difficulties in confirming the diagnosis should be performed diagnostic laparoscopy.

Treatment of ovarian dysfunction

In identifying ovarian dysfunction treatment connected gynecologist-endocrinologist. As a rule, patients with this diagnosis admitted to the hospital for emergency indications, ie with severe bleeding and treatment begins with a state of relief. Held hemostasis may be 2 kinds - surgical and symptomatic, and which may include hormones.

Surgical hemostasis or scraping the uterine cavity only performed for bleeding that threatens a woman's life (very low hemoglobin, unconsciousness, or profuse bleeding).

  1. Performed separately scraping the cervix and uterine cavity with subsequent histological examination of scrapings.
  2. Then, until complete hemostasis administered symptomatic therapy, sometimes with hormones elements (Ascorbic acid, uterotonics, Dicynonum, physiotherapy with combined oral contraceptives).
  3. The next stage of treatment is the prevention of bleeding. At this stage treatment recommended intake of progesterone preparations from 16 to 25 days of the cycle (either norkolut djufaston or utrozhestan).
  4. In parallel, measures of anemia therapy (assigned to receive iron-containing preparations "Ferritab", "Sorbifer Durules" based on the testimony of transfusion of red cells).
  5. In the final phase of preparations protegensoderzhaschih reception during the week, there is a slight or moderate menstrualnopodobnoe bleeding, which is the first day of the start of menstrual cycle and in combined oral Accordingly appointed contraceptives. This phase of treatment lasts from 3 to 6 months or more, depending on the willingness of women to preserve future fertility.

After arresting bleeding parallel woman being treated to eliminate the causes of ovarian dysfunction.

  1. If she found sexual infections and inflammatory diseases, conducted antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy. Usually, after a course of antibiotics menstrual cycle and ovulation recover on their own, without the prescription of hormones.
  2. When diagnosed extragenital carried correction identified diseases (selection circuits in diabetes, thyroid disease and others.)
  3. If the development of ovarian dysfunction caused by external factors, it is recommended the power correction, compliance mental and emotional rest, vitamins, dietary supplements on the cycle phases, dosed physical load.
  4. Ovarian dysfunction, which were the cause of tumor and ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and endometriosis and other gynecological disease, is treated, depending on the situation (removal of tumors / cysts assignment hormone therapy).

It is important to remember that women who have been treated for this disease, to set an intrauterine device is prohibited.

Folk remedies in ovarian dysfunction

Borovaya uterus clearly applies to a favorite means of many women who have recovered from problems with the ovaries, uterus and infertility. No wonder it is called the women's grass. It is difficult to explain what is involved in such a wonderful effect of the plant. For the treatment to be used all the components only above-ground portion of the plant.

Recipes for using it:

  • Preparation of tinctures. Within a month infused 50 grams in half a liter of vodka. chopped dry grass. According to the incident this time tincture well filtered, and the precipitate is thoroughly wrung out. Take 30-40 drops, spreading with a small amount of water;
  • Preparation of the infusion. It is used for douching, combining with the inner reception alcoholate. Prepared by steeping a tablespoon of chopped dry grass upland uterus in a beaker of boiling water for half an hour. It is better if this process will take place over low heat or water bath. Infusion should settle for 2 hours.

Also used such popular recipes:

  • Tincture of wintergreen: in half-liter jar with vodka for two weeks brewed 50 oz. wintergreen leaves. Taken 30-40 drops of tincture three times a day;
  • The infusion of herbs mother and stepmother, and clover. Grind these components separately and then mix them to about 10: 1. Infuse tablespoon of the mixture in a beaker of boiling water. Take 100-150 ml three times a day;
  • The infusion of herbs Potentilla goose. Preparing by infusion 2 tablespoons in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take a glass three times per day.

What causes the disease?

The main problem with the extinction of the normal functions of the ovaries -nevozmozhnost pregnant. In this state, the female body is not able to produce an egg, making fertilization impossible. If the problem was not detected in time, the disease becomes chronic, so it must be time to treat.

Long-term ignoring of warning signs can lead to negative consequences: the development of mastitis, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy is possible. If time does not take action, developing infertility, increased risk of cancer. Women over 40 should be especially careful when the signs of ovarian function.


Many of the recommendations that practitioners, uncomplicated and respect them will not cause a lot of effort and is available to everyone. Some of them, the observance of which is a priority:

  1. It is necessary to establish good nutrition with sufficient vitamins and essential nutrients and minerals. The correct mode of the day with a good rest and a well-established diet contributes to the interaction with the necessary treatment methods capable of more rapid ghost of all female bodily functions to the appropriate standards.
  2. Rationing exercise and avoiding exercise and sports sports that require the use of physical exertion. It is proved that exhausting exercise a negative effect on hormone production by increasing the production of testosterone.
  3. Maintaining psycho-emotional stability in a period of acute stress, not to give in to discouragement and a state close to depression. Try to consider the situation with a positive perspective.
  4. Strict control of body weight and getting rid of excess fat tissue. Fat cells have the ability to synthesize the female sex hormones - estrogens, which is the cause of the excess disorder of hormonal function.

Treat ovarian dysfunction or refuse treatment in cases where health is not very susceptible to changes - such a question should not arise in the modern woman who cares about her health. Elimination of ovarian dysfunction should be started as early as possible, because the effects of this condition can be very serious and manifest as infertility, hysteromyoma, mastopathy, endocrine disorders, and with severe manifestations of malignant tumors in internal mammary and genital glands.

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