
Blepharitis: Symptoms, photo, treatment of blepharitis eye

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Blepharitis - a group of diseases that are characterized by inflammatory lesions of age with their outer edges. Blepharitis usually develops on both sides. The inflammatory process is accompanied by considerable discomfort. This pathology does not belong to the group of contagious, t. E. contagious.

For chronic disease characterized by, but is isolated as a chronic or acute form. In most cases, the disease does not cause significant visual impairment. Inflammation of the eyelids often seen in elderly patients, but there are cases of disease and in people of other age groups, in Vol. H. - in children.

What it is?

Blepharitis - a large group of various eye diseases involving chronic inflammation of the eyelid margins. The disease has many causes, which are not always in the ophthalmic field, but regardless of this, symptoms of blepharitis similar.

Causes of

First of all it should be noted that not every person can get sick blepharitis eye. For its development requires the presence of predisposing factors that contribute to the emergence of the disease. These include:

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  1. Family history. It is proved that each person has a tendency to certain pathologies. Is no exception and blepharitis eyelids. Indirectly determine their predisposition can be analyzed the underlying disease in close relatives. If they put this diagnosis, or were any signs of inflammation in the specified area (redness, discomfort, pain, etc.), that genetics plays a role of risk factors;
  2. Decreased immunity. This condition may occur as a result of diseases (HIV, diabetes, cancerous processes; to a lesser extent with any chronic disease), and in the usual physical / mental overload. Stress, lack of sleep, fatigue - all this weakens our defenses;
  3. Bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse. These substances not only have a negative influence on the immune function, but also partially disturb normal metabolism in the dermis;
  4. Allergies. For people who react to the action of certain substances (dust, dander, pollen, industrial emissions, etc.) inflammation, there is always the probability of hitting the century, in contact with their allergen or general development of atopic dermatitis.

If the patient has even one of the above conditions, the effect it causes blepharitis can lead to disease.

Symptoms of blepharitis, photos

During any shape blepharitis accompanied by the typical symptoms (see. Photo):

  • itching;
  • burning sensation;
  • gluing eyelashes;
  • the formation of plaque on an eyelid;
  • dry eyes;
  • redness;
  • swelling of the affected;
  • foreign body sensation;
  • irritation;
  • century;
  • temperature rise;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • wearing contact lenses leads to increased irritation and feelings of discomfort occurrence in some cases may develop ulceration;
  • yellow or greenish discharge - appear mostly in the morning and typical for infectious blepharitis.

The clinical picture of the disease can vary to some extent depending on the specific variety.

Demodectic blepharitis

This form is due to the defeat of mite Demodex, as a result of which inflammation develops. The initial symptoms of this type of blepharitis is a constant intense itching, worse after sleep. Eyelashes become red, thickened, there is a strong sense of hurt one's eyes. Sebum and cell fragments accumulate between the lashes.

allergic blepharitis

Symptoms of allergic blepharitis, in most cases, appear suddenly and clearly linked to any exogenous factor. The disease is accompanied by swelling and persistent itching eyelids, tearing, mucous discharge from the eye, photophobia, sharp pain in the eyes. For typical allergic blepharitis eyelid skin darkening (so-called "allergic bruise").

scaly blepharitis

When it occurs thickening age, occurrence of congestion, epithelial sites with excessive amounts of lamellar structures. After a night's sleep eyelashes stick together because of the secret released by the sebaceous glands. Trying to manually remove the scales came to nothing lead, as they have a high density of fit. At night, there is a strengthening of itching. Eyes tired quickly in artificial light. Also shown hypersensitivity to irritants such as dust, heat, wind and bright light.


Yellowish proceeds with formation of crusts, which when removed opens sores. After healing ulcerations formed scarring, due to which disrupted the normal growth of eyelashes (trichiasis). In severe cases, the eyelashes may discolour (polysaccharide) and fall (madarosis), and the front edge of the ciliary become exaggerated and wrinkled.

meybomit blepharitis

It is a disease of the meibomian glands, which are located in the thickness of the cartilage century. the patient's eyelids are thickened, covered with grayish-yellow crusts. Blepharitis pronounced symptom of this type is the contents of a whitish hue, liberated of the pressure-sensitive eyelids. This type of the disease is often accompanied by conjunctivitis.


Blepharitis can diagnose when viewed through a special age ophthalmic microscope - slit lamp. In some cases, requires additional laboratory studies of cellular and microbial composition of scraping of the conjunctiva may microscopic examination eyelashes Demodex.

However, it is important not to forget that the correct diagnosis can only be Ophthalmologist (by determining the exact cause of the disease, the success of the treatment).

treatment of blepharitis

If there blepharitis treatment should be comprehensive and desirable etiologically directional, i.e. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease. Required toilet damaged areas 2-3 times daily.

  • In a simple blepharitis flakes removed with a cotton swab moistened furatsilina solution followed by careful treatment with an alcoholic solution of brilliant green 1%. 2-3 times a day dexamethasone ointment applied on the eyelids.
  • When meibomian gland dysfunction, age spend processing procedure as described above and massage with a glass rod after the instillation of the drops anesthetics (Dikain, Alkain). In all cases it is necessary to bury antiseptic solution in the conjunctival sac (Solution sulfatsil 20% sodium, 0.25% chloramphenicol) was to prevent the spread of the inflammatory process.
  • In seborrheic blepharitis shown lubrication century hydrocortisone ophthalmic ointment, instillation of "artificial tears". In the treatment of demodectic blepharitis, except obschegigienicheskih measures used special ointments antiparasitic (metronidazole, zinc-ihtiolovaya), alkaline drops; conducted systemic metronidazole therapy.
  • In ulcerative blepharitis crust softens using ointment (1% tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya 1%) and treated with a solution of an antiseptic. Hormonal ointment are contraindicated.
  • Demodectic blepharitis requires prolonged treatment (at least 1.5 months). Skin treated with tar soap. Damaged areas are treated with antiseptics. 2-3 times a day, causing metrogil gel. If there are symptoms of allergy (itching, burning), using drops with dexamethasone (Maksideks, Oftan-dexamethasone).

Systemic therapy includes at blepharitis vitaminoterpiyu, immunostimulatory therapy autohaemotherapy. Effectively a combination of local and general drug treatment with physiotherapy (UHF, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, darsonvalization, UVR), radiation rays Bucky.

When complicated forms of blepharitis may require surgical treatment: removal chalazion, eyelid when trichiasis, rectification or ectropion bloat.

Perhaps the treatment of blepharitis folk remedies, and some of them have a right to exist. For example, wipe the eyelids decoction of chamomile and calendula, strong green and black teas.

Compresses and hygiene

The first secret is required to provide the outflow glands, purifying their ducts. To do this, apply warm iron by warm moist compresses. A positive effect can be achieved by repeating the procedure 3-4 times a day. Compress damp cloth or towel is applied for 5-10 minutes.

Also required careful hygiene edges of the eyelids, assuming them gently cleansing of scabs and dandruff. It is advisable to use a diluted shampoo children. It is wetted with a clean cotton swab and purified eyelids in the direction from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. A high level of hygiene is an indispensable component of successful treatment. Regular cleaning procedures many times reduces the risk of infection and complications.


First of all, it is required to comply with hygiene rules: do not use other people's faces for wiping / not the first fresh towels, handkerchiefs, to touch your eyes, is the habitat of various pathogens germs.

When demodectic blepharitis patient should use a separate towel hanging away from everyone else. His pillow should not "jump" from one family member to another, for this it is necessary to watch closely. The patient himself must consciously approach the issue of prevention of the infection of their family members, observing practice good hygiene, close to the quarantine order.

Preventive measures blepharitis are mandatory in the treatment of chronic infections flow, avoiding contact with allergic substances, timely treatment disorders of the sebaceous glands, observing visual hygiene, improvement of sanitary conditions in the rules work and at home.

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