
Proktozan candles: instruction manual, reviews and prices

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Proktozan hemorrhoids - quite an effective tool, and recently widely used. It is known that hemorrhoids can be of three kinds: external, internal, combined.

The main symptoms of the disease are manifested as pain, bleeding, itching and burning sensation in the anal region, growth hemorrhoids. In severe cases, swollen and inflamed nodes begin to fall out of the anus, restrained, patient thrombosing and turn life into a continuous series of tortures.

the drug

Proktozan - a complex preparation, providing for hemorrhoids bactericidal, analgesic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. It accelerates the regeneration of the mucous membrane and reduces the risk of bleeding. The composition of this popular protivogemorroidalnogo means includes active substances such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory component - bufexamac, lidocaine, bismuth and titanium.

  1. Bismuth subgallate has astringent and disinfecting effect suppresses bleeding. It causes coagulation of protein, which is diseased portion form a protective film.
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  3. Bufexamac - a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, akriluksusnoy acid derivative which when topically applying relieves pain and inflammation. The substance inhibits the enzyme cyclooxygenase, resulting in disturbed metabolism of arachidonic acid, and it is at the time necessary for the synthesis of prostaglandins - the major mediators of inflammation. Inflammation subsides, the pain goes away. In addition, bufexamac blocks the production of mediators of pain.
  4. Lidocaine hydrochloride is a local anesthetic. It was his presence in the composition of candles is due to a rapid analgesic effect of the drug.
  5. Titanium dioxide has podsushivayuschee and astringent effect, accelerates tissue repair and healing of cracks, enhances the pharmacological effect of bismuth subgallate and bufexamac.

It is proved that the combined preparation Proktozan hemorrhoids is highly effective in the treatment of chronic and acute hemorrhoid and has good tolerability. It relieves inflammation well heals cracks, reduces swelling and itching, relieves bleeding and pain. Doctors recommend that patients with hemorrhoids keep this tool in the home medicine cabinet.

pharmachologic effect

Suppositories for the local treatment of diseases of the anorectal region. Due to its pharmacological properties, Proktozan quickly eliminate the main symptoms of hemorrhoids, but after treatment it passes completely.

Characteristic symptoms:

  • Pain, sometimes throbbing.
  • Itching, burning, swelling.
  • Increasing swelling and hemorrhoids around the anus form "bumps".
  • Fever, chills.

Immediately after application proktozan spark occurs analgesia, relief from burning, itching. Reduced temperature, reduces inflammation and irritation of the anal region, dries the mucous.

It forms a special film, through which bacteria can not penetrate into the rectum, as it protects the mucous membrane irritation stool. Due to the content in the preparation of special antibiotic kills harmful bacteria. Resolves thrombosis hemorrhoidal veins, edema passes, the bleeding stops.


Proktozan used not only in the treatment of hemorrhoids in different stages, as well as:

  • treat anal fissure
  • Break eliminating anal mucosa
  • treatment of acute and chronic eczema anal canal
  • elimination of inflammation in the rectum
  • preventing and getting rid of blood clots.

Candles proktozan - not a hormonal drug that eliminates the itching and inflammation in the rectum. It has bactericidal and anesthetic effect on the disease, but also promotes wound healing.

Proktozan helps reduce swelling, helps to speed up the regeneration of the mucous membrane and reduces the risk of bleeding. During inflammation of hemorrhoidal proktozan nodes it allows you to quickly reduce pain and due to bactericidal effects stop the inflammatory process.


Proktozan candles can not be used for tuberculosis and syphilis, individual sensitivity to it components, and if on the skin are allergic rashes or acne near the anal hole. In pediatrics for children less than 18 years, the drug is not recommended due to not set the impact of its components on the child's body.

Side effects

Candles and ointment are usually well tolerated by patients. In some cases, possible allergic reactions such as urticaria, skin redness, rashes and itching. Occasionally patients may experience hypersensitivity to substances, which is part of the medication.

This manifests appearance of edema, feeling of itching and burning, blistering and peeling of the skin at the site of application means. In such cases the use Proktozana cancel and selected other therapeutic agents.

Instructions for use

If you use candles Proktozan, instruction manual advises to empty the bowel prior to administration. Enter up to two times per day.

Introduction rectal suppositories:

  • before the introduction of a rectal suppository or empty the bowels do an enema
  • thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water and dry (not recommended to wipe with a towel)
  • if necessary cool candle in a refrigerator (according to the instructions for use suppositories must be stored in a cool place)
  • gently pull the plug out of the packaging (do not keep for a long time in the hands, as it quickly melts)
  • for the introduction of the free Lie on your side, with the lower leg, try to hold the line, and the upper bend to the stomach
  • not occupied by the hand spread the buttocks and enter the sharp end of a candle in the anal canal
  • to avoid leakage of candles, you can lie on your stomach, stay at least 30 minutes in this position
  • you must not allow the candle failed, can hold it with a napkin
  • You can take a comfortable position for you at the end of the required time.

Candles "Proktozan" and "Proktozan Neo" is used 1-2 times a day. In the early days, usually the medication is administered twice a day, then the treatment continued with a single use. Medicine "Proktozan" not recommended for more than 7 consecutive days. Candles "Proktozan Neo" can be used up to 14 days. Further treatment is determined by the physician. It is necessary to carry out his instructions.

Price, analogs and reviews of medications

The price of candles "Proktozan" ranges from 360-440 rubles (depending on the point of sale). Suppositories "Proktozan Neo" can be bought for 330-420 rubles.

  • Drug analogues "Proktozan" of the active ingredients do not exist. A similar therapeutic effect is drugs, "bisacodyl", "Gepatrombin F", "Avenok", "Detraleks", "Prostopin", "Laksatin", "Relief Ultra," "Simetrid", "Troxerutin", "Aescusan", "Parembal ". Analogue of drugs "Proktozan Neo" is "Gepatrombin F". Instead, it is possible to use a substitute "Gepazolon" containing heparin and prednisolone.


  • Oksana: "The candles gave a positive result, the side effects were not. I put, as well as in the instructions, first of about 3 - 4 days until the symptoms are gone sharp, and then another 10 days. I like effect. Now, even if I am asked to choose which candles used in the treatment of, for example, or Relief Proktozan, I boldly choose the latter. "
  • Inga: "Candles acquired prescribed by a doctor. I had hemorrhoids 2 degrees. So for two weeks of treatment I felt much better. For me it is a very good indicator of the efficiency of funds. Deficiencies were found, thanks for the doctor reviews about the drug and its recommendations. "

special instructions

In the event of adverse reactions or if there is no effect of the use of the drug is stopped. In such cases, you need to see a doctor. The simultaneous use of a condom reduces the strength of the latter.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

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