
Adenoids in children: Symptoms and Treatment without surgery, tips Komarovsky

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Adenoids in children - is the most common diagnosis, which put children otolaryngologists. Most often, problems arise in a child 2-10 years.

This disease is accompanied by inflammation of the nose and throat, hypertrophy adenoid tissue, which is a constant source of infection in the body. Early treatment or surgery will help get rid of many problems that can cause the adenoids.

What it is?

Adenoids in children - it is nothing like the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil tissue. This anatomical education, which is normally a part of the immune system. Nasopharyngeal tonsil, holding the first line of defense against various microorganisms seeking to enter the body with the inhaled air.

Causes of

Pathological vegetation lymphoid tissue in children because of the following reasons:

  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • childhood infections (whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever);
  • frequent viral diseases (influenza, SARS);
  • allergic mood body (toddler arises in reaction to the products with chemicals and the excessive use of sweet);
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  • Immune inconsistency (weak defense forces);
  • bottle feeding (breast milk the baby gets the mother's immune cells);
  • vaccinations (inadequate response to vaccination often provokes adenoids in the nose);
  • hereditary predisposition (limfosistemy abnormal functioning normally combined with endocrine disorders);
  • external environment (dust, gas polluted air, releasing plastic toxins, household chemicals);
  • Pathological Pregnancy / childbirth (viral infection in pregnant 1 trimester fetal hypoxia, birth asphyxia).

Depending on the size of sprawl is divided into three degree adenoids in children. Such a division is a very appropriate and important in terms of tactics patients. In particular, large growths require more active intervention, because they significantly impair the quality of life and may soon enough to provoke the appearance of complications.


Suspect problems with inflammation of the adenoids should be in cases where the child has marked symptoms:

  • often it has a slightly open mouth;
  • a nose mouth breathing;
  • signs adenoids at deteychasto suffers from ear infections and upper airways;
  • sleepy, sluggish and soupy (due to hypoxia);
  • it is difficult to concentrate;
  • He complains of headaches;
  • vaguely says;
  • worse to hear.

All signs adenoiditis which occur in inflammation, depend on what is causing their inflammation, but include:

  • pain in the throat;
  • difficulty breathing because of nasal congestion;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck;
  • pain in the middle ear and other hearing problems.

The nose blocking conditions breath therethrough becomes a problem. Other symptoms of adenoids inflammation associated with nasal problems include breathing that carried out through the mouth, there are problems with sleep, as well as developing a resonating effect on conversation.

Adenoids 1 degree

First degree adenoids cover only a third of nasopharyngeal lumen, do not cause serious complications, that allows the child to lead an active life and breathe in the afternoon. Difficulty in nasal breathing appear most often during sleep in a horizontal position, as this changes the location of the adenoids. They begin to close most of the nasal lumen, forcing the child to breathe through the mouth.

Important for parents to sign, which indicates begun sprouting adenoids, can serve as a bad dream the baby and frequent nightmares due to lack of oxygen. Against this background, developing chronic daytime sleepiness and fatigue. Also, there may be children of nasal congestion and serous discharge.

2 degrees Adenoides

Adenoids grow not only from time to time and they are able to become inflamed. In this case, there is an acute disease called adenoids. His signs:

  • thermometer confidently overcome the mark of 38 degrees;
  • appearance of liquid, with possible admixture of blood, secretions, which become mucopurulent;
  • the baby is difficult to fall asleep, he snores at night, the case of brief pauses in breathing - apnea.

The doctor prescribes a treatment, which lends itself to an illness, but repeated exacerbations of the disease must be removed adenoids.

Adenoids second degree manifested significant difficulty in breathing, which increases at night. Constant lack of oxygen is due to the weakness and lethargy baby, drowsiness, underdevelopment, weakness and headache. You may experience asthma, bedwetting, marked hearing and speech.

Adenoides 3 degrees

With a significant increase of the adenoids, their influence on a child's body becomes more and more devastating. Constant inflammation contributes to the smooth development of mucus and pus, which freely enter the respiratory system. Laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis are frequent visitors to join them and purulent otitis.

The process of normal development of the facial bones broken, and this affects the baby's speech development in profoundly adverse ways. Inattentive parents do not always notice appeared twang, and the inability to articulate the set of letters blamed on other causes.

Permanently open mouth changes the appearance of hitherto attractive child, he begins psychological problems due to the ridicule of peers. It is not necessary to hope that the child will grow, at this stage of treatment to the doctor becomes a necessity.

How are adenoids: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in children.


A comprehensive diagnosis is to conduct a full examination, which consists of several stages:

  1. Determination of complaints and medical history.
  2. Digital examination of the nasopharynx.
  3. Rinoskopii (front and rear) - Inspection of upper parts of the nasopharynx using a mirror.
  4. X-ray of the nasopharynx (now rarely used).
  5. Endoscopy (inspection with a probe with a camera).
  6. CT.

Endoscopy and computed tomography are considered the most informative diagnostic techniques that allow to accurately determine the degree of proliferation adenoid vegetation, causes them to increase and tissue structure, the presence of edema. And also to find out the state of adjacent organs, to determine the possibility of conservative therapies (topical treatment, laser therapy, therapy folk medicine and homeopathy, physiotherapy) or the necessity of the operation and procedure adenotomy.

How to treat adenoids in children?

Doctors are several ways to treat adenoids - without surgery and with the help of surgical vmeschatelstva. But lately come to the fore is the newest way to get rid of the disease - the laser.

Common regimens are based on the following:

  • Laser therapy - to date this method is considered to be very effective, and most physicians consider it safe, although long-term effects of laser exposure, no one knows the long research in the area of ​​its application did not produced. Laser reduces swelling of the lymphoid tissue and increases local immunity reduces inflammation in the adenoid tissue.
  • Drug therapy adenoids is primarily in the careful removal of the mucus of the nose and nasal discharge. Only after cleaning, you can use local medicines, as the abundance of mucus greatly reduces the effectiveness of the therapy.
  • Physiotherapy - a UFO, electrophoresis, UHF - procedures that are prescribed by a doctor endonasal usually for 10 procedures.
  • Climatotherapy - treatment in sanatoriums Crimean Stavropol edge Sochi has a positive effect on the entire body, it increases immunity and reduces proliferation adenoids.
  • Neck massage, facial, breathing exercises -Entrance in the complex treatment of adenoids in children.
  • Homeopathic materials- it is the safest method of treatment, whose effectiveness is very individual, one kiddies very well to homeopathy, for the other is poorly effective. In any case, you should use it, because it is safe and possible to combine it with traditional treatment. Especially recommended to take Limfomiozot - a complex homeopathic medication, which the manufacturer is a well-known German company Heel, and the oil arborvitae in adenoids is considered very effective means.

The diet of the child must be sated with vitamins. Eating nizkoallergichnyh fruits and vegetables, milk products is necessary.

Options adenoidectomy

Adenoidectomy in children can be performed in a conventional manner - adenotomy, using a laser knife, and endoscopically using shaver-mikrodebridera.

More popular uses laser removal. This method is considered the least traumatic, it allows you to remove the adenoids in children without anesthesia and causes the least amount of complications. the period of rehabilitation after such an operation takes no more than 10-14 days.

Contraindications to adenoidectomy:

  • congenital malformations hard and soft palate;
  • diseases that are accompanied by an increased tendency to bleeding;
  • blood diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • severe cardiovascular disease;
  • skin diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the adenoids - adenoiditis;
  • severe allergies;
  • age up to 3 years (only on strict conditions).

Indications adenotomy:

  • inefficiency conservative treatment;
  • frequent relapses (up to 4 times a year);
  • complications - arthritis, glomerulonephritis, vasculitis or rheumatic disease;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing, which constantly leads to the development of sinusitis, otitis media and sinusitis, with conservative treatment has not given the desired results;
  • sleep disorders;
  • stop breathing during the night;
  • otitis permanent hearing loss and expressed;
  • deformation of the maxillofacial skeleton ( "adenoid face") and chest.

Favorite Dr. Komarovsky, answering questions from worried mothers, explained that the reason for the removal of the adenoids is not the fact of their existence, and specific indications for surgical intervention. Getting rid of enlarged adenoids at the age of three or four years is fraught with their re-emergence. However, if there are problems with hearing, there is no positive trend in the conservative treatment and the child permanently breathing through the mouth, the indications for surgery are undoubtedly present, and the age of the baby is not an obstacle to its implementation.


Considering all the above, the question arises: what preventive measures should be used so as not grown adenoids, what to do to protect the child from this disease?

Perhaps the most important thing in this case is the maintenance on the proper level of immunity of the child, as well as adherence to the rules and power. Equally important is the timely treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. In addition, good effect gives hardening.

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