
Pharyngitis in adults: Symptoms and treatment regimen at home

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Pharyngitis - is an infectious disease of the throat, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymph nodes.

Among the diseases of upper respiratory tract pharyngitis in children is the most common ailment. He is seldom an independent disease and is often associated with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

What it is?

Pharyngitis - inflammation is acute or chronic nature of the pharyngeal mucosa. Pharyngitis seen tickling, uncomfortable and painful sensations in the throat.

The causes of disease

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx is developing a variety of reasons, the main ones are the following:

  1. Acute infectious upper respiratory tract disease. Most infectious agents are viruses, less often, bacteria, protozoa, and pathogenic fungi.
  2. The action of physical and chemical stimuli: inhalation of very hot or very cold air irritants, use of hot drinks and food, the abuse of the acute food and spirits drinks.
  3. As a result of allergic reactions to those predisposed people.
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Allergy is the result of inhaling air containing allergens: dust, animal hair, household products, and others. The cause of the disease can also be a food allergy.

What is different from pharyngitis laryngitis?

The emergence of hoarseness, hacking barking cough paroxysmal shows the development of the patient laryngitis.

In severe cases, due to the severe swelling of the vocal cords, can develop aphonia (impossibility utter sounds) and that is particularly dangerous, laryngeal edema folds, whereby can occur asphyxia (suffocation). Since the consequences of laryngitis may be very serious, with the appearance of his symptoms should consult an audiologist.


The disease is divided into acute and chronic pharyngitis. In turn, given the etiologic agent is isolated viral, fungal, bacterial, allergic, traumatic strep throat and pharyngitis provoked action irritants.

Classification of chronic pharyngitis carried out according to the nature of changes that occur in the mucosa. Distinguish catarrhal (simple), atrophic (subatrophic) and hypertrophic pharyngitis. Quite often there is a combination of different types of pharyngitis. In this case, a mixed form of the disease is determined.

The most frequently encountered among acute pharyngitis catarrhal form of the disease in SARS. Overall, about 70% of pharyngitis occur as a consequence of the impact of different viruses - coronaviruses, rhinoviruses, adenovirus, Influenza viruses and parainfluenza. Most often, pharyngitis develops under the influence of rhinoviruses. However, the viral infection causes only the initial development of the disease, which subsequently have developed under the influence of bacterial infection. In more rare cases, the disease can develop under the influence of other viruses.

The symptoms of pharyngitis

The disease rarely manifests as an isolated inflammation. Most often, it begins in the background of other infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract: acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, flu, etc. As an independent disease pharyngitis develops in the background of the mucous membranes of the pharynx cold air, hot liquids, smoke, etc.

The main manifestations of pharyngitis in adults include these symptoms:

  • sore throat, sometimes quite strong;
  • dry cough;
  • accumulation of mucus in the throat;
  • discomfort when swallowing, often marked by ingestion of saliva or a symptom of the "empty Throat";
  • discomfort in the form of tickling, tickling, burning and / or foreign body sensation.

Also, patients concerned about the general weakness, headache, fever (from low grade to high numbers), increasing the neck, zadnesheynyh and submandibular lymph nodes.

If you have symptoms of complicated pharyngitis:

  • pain and congestion in ears (otitis, Mastoiditis);
  • severe sore throat, pain when swallowing large, persistent hoarseness (purulent tonsillitis, Retropharyngeal or peritonsillar abscess);
  • persistent nasal congestion, expressed headaches, decreased sense of smell (sinusitis);
  • pronounced increase in morbidity and lymph nodes (lymphadenitis purulent) should immediately contact a physician, pediatrician or ENT doctor.

Also on the grounds of illness, you can determine the type of pharyngitis:

  • giperimiya throat mucosa indicates catarrhal pharyngitis.
  • enlarged lymph nodes may indicate hypertrophic form of the disease.
  • pharyngitis in atrophic mucosa becomes thinner due to prolonged inflammation.
  • pharyngitis, provoked by the inhalation of allergens, followed by dry cough, giperimiey back of the throat, swelling of mucosal sore throat.

When detecting the above symptoms, refer to the specialist for the accurate diagnosis of the disease which might be confused with tonsillitis or laryngitis. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

What is pharyngitis: photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in adults.


An experienced audiologist can easily make the correct diagnosis of any form of pharyngitis. For this inspection is carried out of the mucous membrane of the throat. The procedure is carried out by a special unit - pharyngoscope and under good lighting.

Further, to differentiate from other diseases with similar symptoms, a number of bacterial and virological study of pharyngeal smear. Using these methods allows you to accurately determine the type of pathogen that in the future the appropriate treatment.

If necessary the endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx and larynx, is imaging of these organs, attracted other narrow specialists (endocrinologist, gastroenterologist or neurologist).

How to treat pharyngitis in adults?

Regimen ENT etiology of the disease is determined and its type. The first task of all healing techniques is the relief of discomfort, so widely used drugs analgesic, antiseptic and antibacterial action.

  • Infectious origin - rinsing, spraying the throat, pills and lozenges. The specific drug is determined depending on a specific pathogen. To stimulate immunity doctor can additionally assign immunomodulators.
  • Chronic pharyngitis - treatment begins with sanitation foci of infection. This may be used and surgical methods: laser coagulation, cryotherapy.
  • Atrophic pharyngitis treated rinses, inhalations, intake of iodine and vitamin A.

To eliminate the discomfort and pain in the throat may use these tablets:

  • Faringosept;
  • Geksoral Tubbs;
  • Sebidin;
  • Falimint;
  • Strepsils;
  • Grammidin;
  • Lizobakt;
  • Septolete;
  • Neo-angina;
  • May be administered preparations containing iodine: Joks, Vokadin, Iodinol.

Inherent treatment of pharyngitis is gargling. For the procedure are excellent medication solution furatsilina, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine or chlorophyllin.

Remove the inflammation and help relieve pain sprays:

  • Geksasprey;
  • kameton;
  • Ingalipt;
  • Geksoral;
  • Orasept;
  • Tantum Verde.

When you cough that accompanies sore throat, we recommend the use of syrups, contributing to thinning sputum. Many of them contain the extracts of medicinal plants: Gedeliks, Alteyka, Dr. Mom, Gerbion, Linkus. Especially these syrups are suitable for the treatment of pharyngitis in children. You can drink syrups on the basis of ambroxol, acetylcysteine.

At the same time measures are taken to eliminate the causes of the disease. In the case of HF treatment is prescribed gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular, hormonal disorders.

In addition to drug treatment otolaryngologists typically recommend:

  • sparing mode - less talk breathe clean warm humid air;
  • Diet - exclusion from the diet of spicy, acidic foods, carbonated beverages;
  • plenty of warm drinks - teas, fruit drinks, teas, milk and honey.

It is also recommended to give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol.


Systemic antibiotic therapy in acute pharyngitis is often not assigned sufficient a local receiving means, e.g., Bioparox, in the case of the rear wall of purulent inflammation pharynx. It is advisable to prescribe antibiotics in the case of a running process and severe intoxication, or when there is a question - how to quickly cure a sore throat.

Used drugs penicillin group, in the presence of reaction to them - cephalosporins and macrolides. They provide a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity, some drugs in this group also exhibit antiviral action.

Treatment of atrophic pharyngitis

Treatment of atrophic form involves stimulation of mucus production and reduced dryness, this can be achieved obrabatyvaniya pharynx Lugol's solution in glycerin.

Also effective moisturizing inhalation mixture of mineral water or saline with a few drops of vegetable oils, and for softening the crusts - inhalation enzymes, such as chymotrypsin or gargle with 1% solution of salt and iodine, with pretreatment of the mucosal surface in a vegetable oil tampon. By Appointment added vitamins, in particular vitamin A, for better tissue regeneration. For the same purpose it is proposed drug Joks stimulating secretion in glandular cells.

To treat chronic atrophic pharyngitis usual rinses strong solution of the mixture of salt and soda can not, as needed consult a doctor before you rinse your throat antiseptics - uncontrolled use can aggravate atrophic process.

Folk remedies

Here are some recipes that can be used to relieve symptoms of sore throat symptoms:

  1. The flowers of chamomile (2 parts) and bark calamus (1 part) were mixed and poured boiling water per 1 tablespoon per cup of water. After several hours of infusion fluid filter and rinse the throat.
  2. Warming drink warm milk with honey, hot (but not scalding!) Tea with lemon, or tea of ​​chamomile;
  3. Prepare a collection of peppermint, oak bark and flowers of lavender. The proportion of 2: 4: 1. One teaspoon of chopped herbs poured a thermos of boiling water and insist for about 4 hours. Broth rinse the throat or make inhalation.
  4. Rinse pharynx warm solution of salt and soda - ½ teaspoon of salt and soda on glass lukewarm water;
  5. Another recipe rinse - infusion of the bark of an elm leaf-shaped. A teaspoon of chopped bark pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, and after a two-hour infusion filter and hold regular rinse to ease the patient's condition.

Tested folk remedies for sore throat are good because they provide a mild effect on the body, increasing the local and general resistance. However, use herbs and bee products only to those people who do not suffer from allergies.

Nutrition and diet for the duration of the disease

Inflammatory process, which for a long time, there is in the cavity of the throat, it depletes the protective function, so proper nutrition - the key to successful treatment and further prevention of various diseases. Feeding with pharyngitis should be small fractional portions, the food should be well thermally treated.

To prevent further damage and so inflamed mucosa should be deleted:

  1. Rough, poorly digested food.
  2. Cold foods (ice cream, soft drinks).
  3. Sharp, salty, smoked products.

Foods rich in vegetable fats and vitamins (A, B12, B6, and C) will help to quickly recover. As a precaution necessary during the period of raising the level of general morbidity SARS avoid places with large concentrations of people. Immunizations produce timely sanitize the oral cavity infection foci (caries, tonsillitis).


For the treatment of pharyngitis should be taken very seriously. Improper treatment of symptoms of such diseases as pharyngitis may lead to severe and tragic consequences, such as:

  1. Laryngitis or inflammation of the mucous membranes in the throat;
  2. Retropharyngeal abscess. Pus appears in the retropharyngeal space. Most often, this abscess affects children who have a weak immune system is observed;
  3. Peritonsillar abscess. It can develop on the background of pharyngitis, which appeared as a result of streptococci.
  4. tracheitis. Symptoms of inflammation of the pharynx there. Cause inflammation is the same as that of pharyngitis. If we turn our attention to the underlying disease, it is possible to avoid complications.

Treat such complications pharyngitis hard.


As preventive measures to prevent the development of pharyngitis recommend completely stop smoking, to avoid the influence of harmful irritants, strengthen the immune system, a healthy lifestyle, diet reconsider power.

Timely treat pockets of infection in the body, do not allow the development of caries and other dental problems. During the heating season, it is desirable to buy a special moisturizer, which helps to eliminate excessive dryness of the air in the room.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract associated with gastroesophageal reflux during sleep it is recommended to lift the headboard. This will help avoid the casting of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus and to avoid irritation of the pharynx.

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