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Rinse your mouth with oil. Reviews, opinion of doctors, Ayurveda, benefits, harm to sunflower, tea tree, vegetable, coconut, side effects

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The new-fashioned trend is mouthwash with oil, and this is not a dental know-how, but a really necessary element for the care of the oral cavity. Healthy teeth, pleasant smell, decreased sensitivity of the gums, prevention of periodontal disease - the list of useful properties can be continued, according to the reviews of doctors and active users.

Record content:

  • 1 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 2 Indications
  • 3 Contraindications
  • 4 Procedure step by step
    • 4.1 Sunflower oil
    • 4.2 Tea tree oil
    • 4.3 Coconut oil
    • 4.4 Sesame oil
    • 4.5 Grape seed oil
    • 4.6 Linseed oil
  • 5 Possible complications
  • 6 Oil Mouthwash Video

Advantages and disadvantages

Oil rinsing is an effective oral detox technique that is considered a beneficial hygiene procedure and treats about 30 systemic diseases of the whole body.

The practice came to us from India, where this therapy was used thousands of years ago. The technique was officially developed in 1990 by Ayurvedic doctor F. Karach, who successfully tested oil pulling in his medical practice.

Rinsing the mouth with oil (reviews indicate the high value of this procedure for health) is performed on an empty stomach for 10-15 minutes, ridding the body of toxins and bacteria accumulated overnight.

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Benefits of oil pulling technique:

  • a safe alternative to teeth whitening;Rinse your mouth with oil. Reviews, Ayurveda, benefits, harm to sunflower, tea tree, vegetable, coconut, side effects
  • strengthening the immunity of the oral cavity;
  • caries prevention;
  • strengthening the walls of the pulp;
  • treatment of throat and gum disorders;
  • cleansing effect against the background of the oil's ability to draw out harmful bacteria and fat-soluble toxins from tissues;
  • improving the functioning of the kidneys, heart, lungs, small intestine, spine;
  • giving strength in the jaws and voice, developing the muscles of the face;
  • enhancement of taste;
  • decreased sensitivity of teeth to sour;
  • elimination of bad breath;
  • pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • prevention of problems with intestinal peristalsis;
  • elimination of plaque and tartar;
  • removing mucus from the throat and nose;
  • improving the condition of the skin.

American doctors conducted a study, as a result of which they interviewed more than 1000 people who actively use the oil rinsing technique for six months.

The result was as follows - 30% denied possible improvements in health, 10% of people testified a negative result (allergy, deterioration feeling, high blood pressure), and 60% of people stated the health benefits of oil pulling (bleeding of the gums decreased, teeth became whiter, yellow plaque disappeared, breathing became fresh).

The negative opinion is based on the following factors - the use of low-quality raw materials for detox, violation of the technique of rinsing the mouth, possible allergic reactions to the composition of the oil, etc.

Also, studies have confirmed that the oil is able to prevent the penetration of the bacteria "streptococcus mutans" into the oral cavity, which provokes the development of periodontal disease and becomes the cause of the appearance of an unpleasant smell.


Ayurveda technique can be applied in the following cases:

  • with bleeding gums;
  • in violation of the purity of breathing;
  • to prevent diseases of the oral cavity;
  • prevention of dry lips, mouth and throat;
  • with pain in the jaw;
  • for teeth whitening;
  • to strengthen the skeletal system;
  • to eliminate toxins and bacteria;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, to stimulate the immune system;
  • to heal cracked lips;
  • to cleanse the intestines of toxins;
  • as an additional element for weight loss;
  • with purulent sore throat;
  • in the treatment of gingivitis, caries and periodontitis.Rinse your mouth with oil. Reviews, Ayurveda, benefits, harm to sunflower, tea tree, vegetable, coconut, side effects

Rinsing the mouth with oil (user reviews indicate that not only a radiant snow-white smile was obtained, but also feelings balance and harmony) will add joy and pleasure from eating food to everyday life, enhancing taste products.


Oil pulling is not recommended for people with chronic diseases of the digestive tract (risk of swallowing oil composition), with pathologies of the liver, kidneys, urinary tract, as well as with a possible allergy to the composition of the oil.

Procedure step by step

Mouthwash with oil (reviews emphasize the effective use of such base oils as sunflower, coconut, sesame, olive, tea tree), while a prerequisite for detox is the use of only unrefined, organic cold raw materials spin.

You can practice the procedure from the age of 7, when the child will be able to follow the recommendations of doctors and parents, carrying out safe cleaning of the oral cavity with oil formulations.

Things to remember:

  • rinse on an empty stomach;
  • application time - no more than 20 minutes (in the first week, 5 minutes will be enough until the body is fully adapted);
  • take half a teaspoon of oil in your mouth and rinse;
  • DO NOT swallow oil;
  • spit oil into a napkin to avoid contaminating the sink;
  • scrub the tongue;
  • rinse your mouth thoroughly, brush your teeth, use dental floss if necessary.Rinse your mouth with oil. Reviews, Ayurveda, benefits, harm to sunflower, tea tree, vegetable, coconut, side effects

It is recommended to gradually increase the application time, but no more than 20 minutes, as the toxins will begin to be absorbed again and harm the body. With purulent sore throat, it is shown to irrigate the mouth and throat with oil every 30 minutes, which will help get rid of harmful plaque on the tonsils.

During the first detox procedures, the head should be kept down to prevent oil from getting on the walls of the throat and causing a gag reflex. Over time (after adaptation), the duration of the rinse can be increased.

It is recommended to use several types of oils for daily oil rinsing, thus getting the maximum benefit from the natural composition. The use of rapeseed oil or other processed raw materials with additives is prohibited.

The oil should be stored in a cool place, preferably on the refrigerator door.

When doing oil detox, you can do meditation, yoga, exercise, or read a book. After rinsing, the butter should look like milk, losing its oily texture.

It is best to practice the practice every day, but 2-3 times a week is enough to freshen breath and a slight whitening effect, the main thing is to use high-quality organic raw materials.

Sunflower oil

Unrefined oil contains biologically active substances, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. 100 g of the product contains phytosterols (450 mg), lecithin (800 mg), beta-carotene (26 μg), vitamin E (70 mg).

With moderate use of the oil composition, the state of the immune system improves, the level of harmful cholesterol, metabolic processes are normalized, the product has a positive effect on the function of endocrine glands.

When rinsing the mouth, sunflower oil will not only cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, but also stabilize the acid-base balance, preventing the appearance of caries.

Tea tree oil

The essential oil has a pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect. It is recommended to use it for oral cavity detoxification not as an independent remedy, but in addition to the base vegetable oil.Rinse your mouth with oil. Reviews, Ayurveda, benefits, harm to sunflower, tea tree, vegetable, coconut, side effects

A feature of the essential oil is gentle whitening of tooth enamel, strengthening of gums, prevention of yellow plaque and calculus. Doctors advise to perform daily mouth rinsing with water with the addition of a few drops of the essential composition. With a fungal infection (unpleasant odor in the mouth), tangible benefits will be observed from the first day of using the raw material.

For the prevention of caries, tea tree ether must be added to the paste applied to the toothbrush, as well as the dental floss should be treated with this solution. For teeth whitening, use the detox technique 3-4 times a week.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is made from coconut pulp and is composed of 60% triglycerides and lauric acid, which helps to kill fungal infections, viruses and harmful bacteria in the mouth.

The result is fresh breath, caries prevention, reduced sensitivity of tooth enamel, high absorption of minerals. A noticeable effect after use - after 14 days.

Sesame oil

Sesame oil is made without heat treatment, contains amino acids, vitamins E, A, C, K, group B, Omega-3 and Omega-9 acids, as well as calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, phosphorus. It is actively used to cleanse the body of toxins, has regenerating, anti-inflammatory, laxative, antioxidant properties.

With regular rinsing of the mouth, it promotes mineralization and strengthening of the walls of the pulp, is used for toothache, eliminates sensitivity when eating acidic foods.

Grape seed oil

Natural grape seed oil has pronounced anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Works well with clove, lavender, wild orange and mint esters.Rinse your mouth with oil. Reviews, Ayurveda, benefits, harm to sunflower, tea tree, vegetable, coconut, side effects

It can be used several times a week to eliminate bad breath, while normalizing the acid balance and restoring the sensitivity of nerve endings. It is used to treat dry mucous membranes of the mouth and lips.

Linseed oil

The use of flaxseed oil will eliminate a number of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis, caries, bleeding gums, pulpitis. You need to start treatment with a small dose to allow the body to adapt and comfortably "take" the product. The taste of the oil is bitter, it is recommended to chew a slice of orange or grapefruit after using it.

It is recommended to use oil for mouthwash no more than 3-4 weeks, then take a break for 3-4 months. Additionally, the product will normalize metabolic processes in the body, cleanse the skin from rashes, and improve intestinal motility.

Flaxseed oil contains a high amount of vitamin E, folic acid, Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9. The product is indicated for children and adults with the development of immunodeficiency (add to food).Rinse your mouth with oil. Reviews, Ayurveda, benefits, harm to sunflower, tea tree, vegetable, coconut, side effects

Name Description Price
Raw-pressed sunflower oil High quality unrefined natural oil, contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E, K, beta-carotene, minerals and phytosterols. 500 ml / 530 rubles
Cocogreat Oral Care 100% natural coconut oil, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. 120 ml / 500 rubles
Organique Natural Essential Oil Tea tree Organic raw material for medicinal purposes, has antibacterial, immuno-strengthening, regenerating and antiviral effects. 10 ml / 810 rub.
Cocos Body Care, natural flaxseed oil A universal remedy for nutrition, healing, regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, contains vitamin E. 100 ml / 170 rubles
Natural oil "Sesame" Adverso 100% natural product for external and internal use. 50 ml / 220 rubles
Mayur Body Care, grape seed oil Vitis Vinifera Seed Oil contains nutrients and valuable elements, has regenerating and strengthening properties. 50 ml / 160 rubles
Desert Essence, Coconut Oil Pulling Rinse Ready mix for oil pulling with organic coconut, sesame and sunflower oils. Gluten free, used to maintain healthy teeth and gums. 240 ml / 800 rubles

Possible complications

Doctors say that rinsing your mouth with oil can cause complications in the work of the digestive organ, provoke obesity or cause jumps in blood pressure. Similar signs of deterioration in well-being (according to user reviews) can be caused by swallowing raw materials inside or using a poor-quality composition.Rinse your mouth with oil. Reviews, Ayurveda, benefits, harm to sunflower, tea tree, vegetable, coconut, side effects

Also, doctors warn that in the first days of the introduction of oral detox, mild nausea, dizziness, and temporal pain may occur. These symptoms indicate the beginning of cleansing the body - the release of toxins, toxins and other pathogenic microorganisms.

By rinsing your mouth with oil daily, you can safely whiten tooth enamel and improve overall health. User reviews unanimously confirm the positive effect of oil pulling techniques in the prevention of caries, periodontitis, pulpitis and other dental disorders.

Oil Mouthwash Video

Whiten teeth with oil:

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