
How to increase energy in the body at home

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  1. Medicines and remedies
  2. Coenzyme Q10
  3. DHEA
  4. Ginkgo biloba
  5. Ginseng
  6. Eleutherococcus
  7. Traditional medicine recipes
  8. Rhodiola rosea
  9. Mate tea
  10. Liquorice root
  11. Peppermint & Rosemary essential oil
  12. Other methods
  13. Food
  14. Improving sleep
  15. Optimizing your lifestyle
  16. Video about ways to increase the strength of the body

Severe fatigue or lack of energyvisiting at the most inopportune moment - a phenomenon that is not at all rare. With frequent repetition, they lead to the fact that a person cannot do anything in his free time from work, despite the existing work and motivation.

The reasons for feeling tired on a regular basis can vary, and range from simple (chronic lack of sleep or stress at work) to highly complex (chronic illness, depression). In the first case, you can raise the missing energy level in the body on your own by changing some of the daily habits and daily routine, in the second, a medical examination and, most likely, the course of treatment prescribed a doctor.

Medicines and remedies

There are many over the counter medications on the market that are said to increase energy levels. However, there is too little or no scientific evidence to support claims of their effects on the body. The only thing that is guaranteed to cause an energy boost is caffeine or another stimulant, but these effects wear off within a few hours.

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However, a number of drugs are still popular. Some of them often have positive reviews, from which it follows that they have a certain positive effect on some people.

Coenzyme Q10

This enzyme is found naturally in mitochondria, the energy factories of the body's cells. Taking Coenzyme Q10 tablets has been shown to improve exercise performance in people with heart disease, as well as those with rare diseases that affect mitochondria. In all other cases, the effects of the drug are unclear.

How to raise energy in the body
Coenzyme Q10. Benefits and medicinal properties for women

Preliminary research has shown that CoQ10 may slow, but not stop, the progression of Alzheimer's disease. More research is needed to confirm this effect.

CoQ10 has been studied as a preventative for migraines, although its effectiveness can take several months. Its effectiveness in improving low sperm count, cancer, HIV, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson's disease, gum disease and many other conditions has also been considered. However, the studies conducted have not found any conclusive evidence.

CoQ10 is often marketed as an energy supplement, but it has not been shown to increase energy in a healthy person. One small European study found that coenzyme Q10 supplementation may be beneficial for people with chronic fatigue syndrome, but more research is needed.

There is no established ideal dose of CoQ10. Studies have looked at daily dosages for adults ranging from 50 to 1200 mg, sometimes divided into multiple doses throughout the day. The recommended daily dose is 100 to 200 mg.


The body naturally produces the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in the adrenal glands. In turn, DHEA helps in the production of other hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. Natural DHEA levels peak at a young age and then gradually decrease with age.

Sometimes the drug dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is positioned as a "fountain of youth", as well as a means of increasing energy, preventing cancer, heart and infectious diseases. However, none of the listed properties of this natural hormone has been scientifically proven, and there are certain potentially serious health risks when it is taken.

Some studies show that DHEA can damage the liver. It can also lower the levels of good HDL cholesterol. And since this hormone is linked to estrogen and testosterone, there are concerns that it may increase the risk of breast and prostate cancer. By increasing testosterone levels, it can also promote the growth of acne and facial hair in women. Until further research clarifies the likely side effects, it is recommended that DHEA be avoided.

DHEA preparations are available for oral use in tablet form. Possible daily dosage is 30 to 500 mg.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries and is now an over-the-counter (dietary supplement) drug in many countries around the world. The most beneficial components of ginkgo are believed to be flavonoids, which have powerful antioxidant properties. properties, and terpenoids, which help improve blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing "stickiness" platelets.

How to raise energy in the body
Ginkgo biloba Evalar

Its effects on cognitive function (thinking), mood, response to stimuli and memory have been the subject of many studies, but most of them have not been conducted qualitatively.

The evidence is considered too weak to conclude that ginkgo biloba improves cognitive function in Alzheimer's patients. For memory in the absence of dementia, the evidence is conflicting.

Some research suggests that Ginkgo biloba can improve certain aspects of mood, including reducing irritability and maintaining calmness in healthy people. By making a person more alert and calm, the drug can increase energy levels.

The drug is available as oral tablets, extracts, capsules, or tea. The recommended dosage is 80-160 mg 3 times a day for 4 weeks.


People have been trying to raise energy in the body by taking ginseng preparations for decades. It is believed to be a relatively safe and popular herb to reduce fatigue, increase endurance and increase stress tolerance. It is sometimes called an "adaptogen", which means that it helps the body deal with mental and physical stress and is able to boost energy without causing surges like sugar does.

It is believed to reduce the levels of stress hormones, inflammation and fatigue in the body, even in people with cancer or chronic fatigue syndrome. It was noted that people with high blood sugar problems, depression and erectile dysfunction experienced improvements after prolonged use of the drug.

Ginseng is a rich source of trace minerals, including magnesium, potassium, manganese, cobalt, copper, iron, zinc, and phosphorus. Each of them is involved in the reproduction of energy and maintaining its level in the body.

However, the information obtained as a result of experiments on humans is scarce and contradictory. Some evidence suggests that ginseng can improve mood and energy, as well as physical and mental performance. Other studies have concluded that the drug does not improve oxygenation in the body or aerobic performance, and also does not affect how quickly a person bounces back after workout.

Ginseng preparations are available in various forms:

  • Capsules or tablets. The recommended dosages vary greatly (from 200 to 3000 mg per day), depending on the purpose of the drug and the expected effect. For energy boosts, the standard daily dose is 200-400 mg.
  • The powder is usually taken in 1 tbsp. l. at a time. It can be added to smoothies or brewed as tea.
  • Tincture - the dosage indicated on the bottle must be observed. This medication can be added to water or chilled tea.


Siberian ginseng, also known as Siberian ginseng, is an effective tonic for relieving stress and fatigue. For many years, athletes have been taking Eleutherococcus medications to improve performance.How to raise energy in the body

It contains powerful compounds that help improve endurance and energy, reduce inflammation and boost immunity. Eleutherococcus belongs to a class of plants known as "adaptogens" that help the body adapt to stress. The drug helps to improve the function of the adrenal glands, which are often depleted due to prolonged illness, overexertion or stress.

Eleutherococcus is available commercially as capsules, powder, and tincture. In the first case, the recommended dosage is 400 mg 3 times a day, in the rest - in accordance with the instructions on the package.

Release form Contraindications Side effects
Coenzyme Q10 in the form of capsules, chewable lozenges, syrups and ampoules for injection individual intolerance upper abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea
DHEA in the form of tablets pregnancy, breastfeeding, cancer, increased androgen levels, steroid effect
Ginkgo biloba as oral tablets, extracts, capsules, or tea pregnancy, blood clotting disorders, epilepsy headache, dizziness, heart palpitations, indigestion, constipation, allergic skin reactions
Ginseng in the form of tablets, capsules, tinctures and powder pregnancy, hormone-dependent cancers insomnia, headache
Eleutherococcus in the form of capsules, powder and tincture pregnancy, schizophrenia nausea, diarrhea, allergic skin reactions

Traditional medicine recipes

Not only medications and active additives will help to raise energy in the body, but also many plants in their pure form, widely used in folk medicine. In addition to their adaptogenic properties, many contain impressive levels of antioxidants and other nutrients, including micronutrients that the body needs.

Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea is a popular medicinal plant native to Europe, Asia and North America, commonly referred to as arctic or golden root or royal crown. It has been used to increase energy in the body around the world and its effects against chronic fatigue are well documented.How to raise energy in the body

In one promising study, Rhodiola rosea reduced fatigue and significantly increased energy levels in 30 participants compared with a placebo group. In addition, the plant reduced burnout symptoms as well as improved cognition, mental clarity and concentration.

Rhodiola rosea has been shown to reduce levels of cortisol in the body (one of the stress hormones that cause fatigue, impaired insulin sensitivity and inflammation). Compared to antidepressants and other pharmaceuticals, it is a much safer energy boost.

This herb is usually taken in the form of a tea. To do this, brew about 5 mg of Rhodiola rosea root in warm (not boiling) water and wait until it is cool enough for unhindered drinking. To make a potent anti-fatigue tonic, let the tea steep overnight for best results.

Mate tea

Mate tea is obtained from a single variety of holly that grows in South America. In some countries, it is drunk as much as coffee because of its stimulating properties.

The drink contains a significant amount of caffeine. However, it contains a large amount of protective antioxidants at the same time, preventing the negative effects that are observed with excessive consumption of coffee. In addition, Mate significantly reduces inflammation and has been shown to increase endurance, aid in weight loss and improve cognitive performance.

Given this characteristic, this tea is definitely a healthy drink that can replace coffee. to boost energy daily without causing addiction, metabolic problems or increased frequency heartbeat.How to raise energy in the body

Mate is found on sale in the form of leaf or tea bags and powder, and the way it is prepared and consumed depends on this:

  • Tea: you need to brew for 1-2 hours. l. a leafy product in warm water and drink when it cools slightly. There are also tea bags with Mate on sale.
  • Powder - in this form, it is easiest to add it to a smoothie or other drink (1 tsp. l. per serving, or more or less to taste).

Liquorice root

Licorice root, or Glycyrrhiza Glabra, is a potent medicinal plant that can regulate hormonal levels and is also an adaptogen. It is one of the most commonly used folk remedies to boost energy, especially in relation to stress.

Research has shown that the plant restores the balance of stress hormones, thus improving adrenal function. It is also well known that licorice root balances elevated testosterone levels in women, which with prolonged exposure, it can cause metabolic problems, as well as increase the level cortisol. In addition, the plant reduces inflammation and improves mitochondrial health, and prevents cancer in several ways.

Licorice root is often consumed in powder form in a variety of ways. Its effect is so strong that the recommended dosage is always very small. The taste of the root is also very sharp and specific, so its use in increased quantities is impossible.

The most recommended way to consume licorice powder is in baked goods, as it goes well with ginger and cinnamon. It can also be added to smoothies with these spices, especially pineapple, banana, apple, and citrus fruits. It is recommended to use no more than 1/8 hour. l. powder per serving smoothie or 0.25 tsp. l. on all baking dough.

Peppermint & Rosemary essential oil

Essential oils are commonly used in aromatherapy and are excellent natural energy boosters. It is enough to put a little peppermint oil on your wrist to restore concentration and stimulate the brain's ability to work intellectually.How to raise energy in the body

It is easy to raise energy levels in the body with its help - you just need to add a few drops of the product to the shower early in the morning or place it in a diffuser to inhale during the day.

Rosemary is another natural ingredient that can be safely inhaled for an instant boost. The intense scent of the plant is widely known as a stimulant that invigorates the intellect and fights exhaustion and fatigue, both physical and mental. Rosemary oil also improves long-term memory and can provide a natural boost of energy.

Other methods

In many cases, it is possible to raise energy in the body without any medication. To do this, you need to see a doctor to make sure there are no significant health problems. Then you should analyze your daily habits in different areas of life and make changes that will lead to an improvement in well-being.


To feel more energy in the body, you need to revise your diet and start following the basic healthy recommendations:

  • To drink a lot of water. A dehydrated body functions less efficiently.How to raise energy in the body
  • Be careful with caffeine. 1-2 servings of a drink a day with its content (such as coffee, tea or cola) can boost energy and mental activity, but more than 6 can cause anxiety, irritability and negatively affect working capacity.
  • Don't forget about breakfast. Food speeds up the metabolism and gives the body energy to burn. The brain uses glucose as fuel, so it is recommended that you choose carbohydrate-rich foods such as cereals or whole grain breads for breakfast.
  • Do not skip meals. If you skip food for too long, your blood sugar levels drop. One should strive to eat regularly to maintain adequate energy levels throughout the day.
  • Do not limit yourself in nutrition. Low-calorie or severely restricting carbohydrate diets prevent you from getting enough energy to meet your body's needs. Any significant dietary restriction also deprives a person of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • Eat a healthy diet. It is recommended to increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products and lean meats. At the same time, you should reduce in the diet foods high in fat, sugar and salt.
  • Don't overeat. Large meals can deplete energy stores. Instead of eating 3 large meals throughout the day, it is advisable to eat 6 small meals to more evenly distribute your calorie intake. This will lead to more stable blood sugar and insulin levels and help you lose weight faster.
  • Consume iron-rich foods. In particular, women are more prone to iron deficiency disease (anemia). Therefore, it is important to ensure that your daily diet includes iron-rich foods (such as lean red meat).

Improving sleep

Lack of sleep or poor sleep is a common cause of fatigue.

Suggestions to remedy this situation include:

  • Get enough sleep. Adults need about 8 hours. sleep per day.
  • Limit your caffeine intake. Consuming too much, especially in the evening, can cause insomnia. Limit caffeinated drinks to 5 or less per day and avoid them after dinner.
  • Learn to relax. A common cause of insomnia is anxiety after going to bed. It is recommended that you experiment with different relaxation techniques until you find the right one. For example, you might imagine a calm scene, focus on your breathing, or mentally repeat a mantra or phrase.
  • Avoid sleeping pills. These drugs do not work in the long term because they do not address the underlying causes of insomnia.
  • Do not read or watch TV while lying in bed.

Optimizing your lifestyle

It is quite possible to increase energy in the body if you make positive changes in your lifestyle:

  • Do not smoke. Cigarette smoke contains many harmful substances. There are many reasons why smokers generally feel less energy than non-smokers. For example, the body needs to combine glucose with oxygen for energy, but carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke reduces the amount of oxygen available.How to raise energy in the body
  • Limit time spent without movement. Reduce sedentary activities such as watching TV and using the computer.
  • Increase physical activity. This raises energy levels, while sedentary behavior causes fatigue. An active lifestyle has a huge impact on the body and mind. It lowers blood pressure, helps maintain a healthy weight, and is effective in treating depression and anxiety. Good exercise can also help you sleep better at night.

Despite the fact that there are many means and ways to increase energy levels, it is undesirable to abuse it. Constant lack of energy can be a manifestation of serious disorders in the body, including thyroid problems, anemia (iron deficiency), and depression. If your low energy level persists despite all the measures taken, you should see a doctor and get tested.

Video about ways to increase the strength of the body

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