
Giardia in adults. Treatment, the best drugs, folk remedies

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  1. Forms and symptoms of lamblia infection
  2. Causes
  3. Why is giardiasis dangerous?
  4. Treatment regimen and essential medications
  5. Stage number 1 - preparatory
  6. Stage number 2 - destruction
  7. Stage number 3 - restoration
  8. Treatment of giardiasis with folk remedies
  9. Therapeutic diet
  10. Adjunctive therapy
  11. Video about the treatment of giardiasis in adults

Giardiasis is a disease the causative agents of which are protozoal parasites. We are talking about the simplest flagellar microorganism - lamblia (Giardia). The parasite in most cases affects the small intestine. Infection of adults with lamblia occurs through the fecal-oral route.

Parasites are transmitted through food, water, or through household contact. Their reproduction occurs very quickly, so it is necessary to carry out treatment with the best drugs, which will be prescribed by a specialized doctor.

Forms and symptoms of lamblia infection

In most cases, there are no pronounced symptoms with giardiasis. The disease proceeds without characteristic signs. If the symptoms appear quickly and acutely, it means that the human body is massively infected with parasites or its immune system is weak to resist microorganisms. In medicine, an acute and chronic form of giardiasis is distinguished.

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Giardia in adults. Treatment, drugs, folk remedies

Each type of pathology is accompanied by characteristic clinical symptoms:

Name Clinical manifestations
Acute form · Decreases appetite;

• belching appears;

• the person is sick;

• bloating accompanied by strong rumbling;

· Due to increased flatulence, abundant gas emission is observed;

· Body weight decreases;

· There is a strong pain syndrome under the right ribs and near the navel;

· There is a sour or bitter taste in the mouth;

· Increased salivation;

Rashes appear on the skin;

· The ability to work of a person decreases;

· Vitamin deficiency develops;

• stool is disturbed, diarrhea appears;

· There is general weakness, rapid fatigue for no apparent reason.

Chronic giardiasis · The functioning of the organs of the digestive system is impaired;

Diarrhea gives way to constipation;

• appetite worsens;

· Periodic bloating accompanied by loud rumbling;

· Headaches worried;

General health worsens, irritability appears;

• constant drowsiness is present;

Characteristic rashes appear on the body in the form of an allergic reaction, which do not disappear after taking antihistamines;

· The skin turns yellow;

Follicular keratosis develops (a rough crust and white round plaques appear on the body);

Aphthous stomatitis appears, which is accompanied by seizures in the corners of the mouth and inflammation of the lips;

· Hair breaks, becomes dull and thin.

Giardia in adults. Treatment, drugs, folk remedies

Long-term development of giardiasis will lead to deterioration. We are talking about the weakness of the immune system, symptoms of intoxication will appear. Against the background of various complications, the lymph nodes and tonsils increase, the body temperature rises slightly. An indirect symptom of the disease is intolerance to cow's milk, against the background of which there is bloating and gas formation in the intestines.


Giardia in adults (treatment, the best drugs and recommendations will be selected by the infectious disease doctor after the diagnosis) develop against the background of numerous provoking factors.

Infection of a healthy object occurs in the following ways:

Name Description
Fecal-oral Giardia enters the human body during contact with the feces of a sick animal. This applies not only to children, but also to adults.
Dirty water Blooming or muddy bodies of water are a source of parasites. Bathing in such a place guarantees infection of the human body with lamblia.
Products The danger is carried by products that have not undergone heat treatment. The same goes for unwashed fruits, vegetables, herbs.
Giardia in adults. Treatment, drugs, folk remedies

The entire life cycle of Giardia occurs in the intestines of the human body. Parasites absorb nutrients, provoking pathological processes and accompanying symptoms. As lamblia progresses, the person's condition worsens, without timely and correct therapy, complications await him.

Why is giardiasis dangerous?

Giardiasis is dangerous in the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment. Progressive pathological processes provoke complications in humans, especially for children. The immune system of a small organism is unstable, therefore, very often negative consequences appear.

Complications of giardiasis:

Name Description
Viral and bacterial pathologies By suppressing the functioning of the immune system, the defenses are reduced, as well as the body's resistance.
Lesion of the gastrointestinal tract Giardiasis provokes biliary dyskinesia, chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis. All pathologies are accompanied by a strong inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Often, diseases become chronic, even after the complete removal of parasites from the body.
Bronchial asthma The activity of parasites leads to the exacerbation of chronic diseases, including pathologies of the respiratory system.
Allergic reaction on the body The skin gives the first signals of problems in the functioning of the organs of the digestive system. Signs of an allergic reaction on the human body are manifested with the active reproduction of lamblia. Their increased activity is accompanied by a large release of toxic substances that quickly enter the bloodstream.
Giardia in adults. Treatment, drugs, folk remedies

In most cases, the prognosis is favorable, patients are successfully treated and get rid of lamblia. Complications and consequences more often occur in people who are negligent about their health.

Treatment regimen and essential medications

Giardia in adults (treatment, the best drugs and dietary nutrition for patients are prescribed without fail) require a comprehensive and carefully selected therapy. The diagnosis of pathology is carried out by an infectious disease doctor. The specialist prescribes a comprehensive examination to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Based on the test results and taking into account the individual characteristics of the human body, the patient's complaints, the most effective and safe treatment regimen is selected.

Stage number 1 - preparatory

The fight against parasites is carried out in several stages. First, the body is prepared for drug therapy. At this stage, the infectious disease doctor gives useful recommendations to the patient to mechanically remove as much lamblia from the intestines as possible. It is also important to reduce the toxic manifestations of the disease.

The patient is assigned a dietary meal and it is important to strictly adhere to it:

  • Refuse to eat sugary foods that contain fast-digesting carbohydrates.
  • Add fiber-based dishes to the menu.
  • Completely exclude whole milk and fats from the diet.
  • You need to eat more protein foods.
    Giardia in adults. Treatment, drugs, folk remedies
  • It is important to stick to the regimen, eat small meals and often.
  • Also observe the drinking regime. To consume not only clean water, but also sour fruit drinks, choleretic decoctions.

In addition to the diet, the infectious disease doctor will prescribe medications that will help create an unfavorable habitat for parasites. Reproduction and activity of lamblia will slow down.

Stage number 2 - destruction

At the second stage of treatment, a specialized specialist prescribes medications for the patient that destroy parasites. It is important to take them strictly according to the instructions or observing the dosage, since all funds have certain contraindications and side effects.

Name Application Contraindications
Metronidazole The medicine is taken orally with food or after a meal. It is preferable to drink the drug with milk. The adult dosage is 250 mg 2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 10 days. · Individual sensitivity to active ingredients;

· Organic damage to the central nervous system;

· Second and third trimester of pregnancy;

· Lactation period;

Renal and hepatic impairment.

McMiror The adult dosage of the drug depends on the condition of the person. In most cases, patients are prescribed 200-400 mg 2-3 times a day. The medicine should be taken after meals. The duration of therapy is 1-2 weeks. · Impaired kidney function;

· Individual sensitivity to the drug;


· Pathological condition, which is accompanied by glucose deficiency.

Fazizhin The medicine should be taken orally with or after meals. The drug is prescribed for adult patients once for 2 g. If necessary, after 10 days, it is recommended to repeat the medication. · Oppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis;

· Hypersensitivity to components;

· The first trimester of pregnancy;

· The period of breastfeeding;

· childhood;

· Organic diseases of the central nervous system.

Giardia in adults. Treatment, drugs, folk remedies
Giardia in adults. Treatment can be carried out with the drug Fazizhin.

In most cases, therapy with antiparasitic drugs is carried out for 5-10 days.

Stage number 3 - restoration

Giardia in adults (treatment, the best drugs and a treatment regimen are selected by an infectious disease doctor) after excretion leave behind serious disturbances and malfunctions in the work of internal organs. The last stage of treatment of giardiasis involves the restoration of beneficial intestinal microflora, increased immunity. An individual therapy regimen is selected.

The following drugs are prescribed:

Drug group Name Application
Probiotics Linex, Lactobacterin Medicines contain beneficial microorganisms that are necessary for the restoration of intestinal and stomach microflora. The drug is taken orally, 2 capsules 3 times a day, not chewed and washed down with a sufficient amount of water.
Prebiotics Lactusan, Prelax Medicines promote the growth of beneficial microflora. Adult patients are prescribed 2 tsp. l. 2 times a day. The course of therapy lasts 7-14 days.
Enzymes Pancreatin, Festal The dosage of the drug is selected taking into account the patient's condition. In most cases, it is 150,000 units per day.
Immunomodulators Likopid, Bion-3 The drug should be taken on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals. The adult dosage is 10-20 mg 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 10-20 days.
Giardia in adults. Treatment, drugs, folk remedies

Additionally, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed (Alphabet, Vitrum). In most cases, after treatment, the patient recovers fully, especially if the person strictly adhered to all the prescriptions and recommendations of the infectious disease doctor.

In some situations, a relapse occurs, so the patient is left for dispensary observation, which lasts 3-6 months. During this period, the patient is recommended to undergo a preventive examination at least 2 times.

Treatment of giardiasis with folk remedies

Unconventional methods of healers and healers can be used for giardiasis, but as additional and auxiliary means. It is important to remember about the high likelihood of an allergic reaction or individual sensitivity. Treatment with folk remedies should be discussed with an infectious disease doctor in order to prevent possible complications.

Giardia in adults (treatment, the best drugs are selected by a specialized specialist) will help eliminate the following recipes:

Name Recipe Application
Horseradish The root of a medium-sized plant (3-4 pieces) is well peeled, washed and cut into shavings. Fold the resulting mass into a glass container, pour cold boiled water. Close tightly with a lid. The resulting product must be infused at room temperature for 3 days. Strain the finished tincture and mix with natural honey in equal parts. Then again leave to infuse for 3 days, shake occasionally. Ready horseradish balm is recommended to be taken orally before meals for 15-20 minutes. The adult dosage is 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 10 days. After a one-week break, it is recommended to repeat the therapy.
Garlic Peel and chop 50 g of garlic. Place it in a dark glass container. Add 200 ml of vodka. Close the glass container tightly. The garlic tincture must be kept in a dark, cool place for 7 days. It is necessary to take a ready-made garlic tincture 3 times a day, 20 drops each, first dilute them in water or milk. It is preferable to take the medicine before meals for 30 minutes.
Flax and carnation The seeds of the plant are individually cleaned and ground with a coffee grinder to a powder state. Mix in proportions 10: 1. With giardiasis, the patient needs to take 20-25 g every day of the resulting mixture. The powder can be added to food or consumed neat. The course of treatment lasts 30 days.
Barberry Pour the leaves of the plant (10 g) with hot water (1 tbsp.). Put the resulting mass on fire and boil for another 15 minutes. Cool and leave for 1 hour, drain. The resulting broth is recommended to be taken orally in 1 tbsp. l. before every meal.
Giardia in adults. Treatment, drugs, folk remedies

Barberry can be replaced with wormwood. The herb, which has been used for a long time, is also effective in the fight against various parasites. The same goes for corn stigmas, immortelle, and St. John's wort. Patients should understand that it is impossible to get rid of parasites with folk remedies alone. A comprehensive and correctly selected therapy is required.

Therapeutic diet

Treatment of lamblia in adults is carried out not only with the best medicines. Proper nutrition for giardiasis is a prerequisite in the fight against parasites. The main purpose of the diet is to reduce the toxic effects on the human body from pathogens.

Featured Products Prohibited foods
· Sour vegetables, fruits, fresh herbs;

Whole grain bread, bran;

· Fermented milk products;

· Porridge cooked in water;

· Dishes from lean meat, fish;

· Low fat soups;

· Marmalade, honey, marshmallow;

· Seafood;

· Dishes with the addition of vegetable oil;

· pumpkin seeds;

· Sauerkraut and cranberries;

· freshly squeezed juices.

· Fatty and fried foods;

· Legumes;

Lard, margarine;

· Fatty meat, fish;

· eggs;

· Condiments, spices;

Smoked meats;

· Fatty broths;

· Confectionery, sweets;

· ice cream;

· mushrooms;

· Sugary carbonated drinks.

An individually tailored diet will help create the most unfavorable conditions for the development of parasites. A properly selected diet will restore the beneficial microflora, the functioning of the biliary system.

Giardia cannot live and multiply in an acidic environment, so patients are advised to add lemon juice to the water or dress them in salads.

Adjunctive therapy

Additionally, at each stage of the treatment of giardiasis, patients are prescribed auxiliary therapy, which involves the use of certain medications. All drugs are selected individually for each patient, taking into account the established diagnosis, the symptoms present, concomitant diseases and the individual characteristics of the organism.

Giardia in adults. Treatment, drugs, folk remedies
Drug group Name Application
Enterosorbents Smecta, Enterosgel Medicines remove toxins, excess gases, bile and hydrochloric acid from the digestive organs. Adult patients are prescribed 3 sachets per day. The powder should first be diluted with water (0.5 tbsp.). The recommended course of treatment lasts 3-7 days.
Hepatoprotectors Carsil, Legalon Patients are prescribed 1-4 tablets 3 times a day, taking into account the severity of the condition. The minimum course of therapy is 3 months.
Antihistamines Zyrtec, Telfast Medicines help stop the allergic reaction. The tablets are swallowed whole and washed down with a little water. The recommended dosage is 10 mg once a day.

Adjunctive therapy is necessary in order to eliminate the accompanying symptoms of giardiasis. It is important to give up independent actions, since you can harm your health even more. All medicines are prescribed only by an infectious disease doctor.

Giardia in adults appears when the body's defenses are weakened. You should always take care of your health, especially for children. If infection could not be avoided, it is important to carry out treatment under the supervision of a specialist. The infectious disease doctor will prescribe the best drugs and give useful recommendations.

Video about the treatment of giardiasis in adults

How to treat giardiasis in adults:

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