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Why myocardial infarction and stroke are often associated with each other

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myocardial infarction and stroke often accompany each otherIt's all about the mechanism of development of myocardial infarction and stroke. A common cause of both is a blood clot. As a rule, small-diameter vessels, such as those in the heart or brain, undergo thrombosis. Let's find out why.

The substrate for the formation of a blood clot is always a rupture of the intima, that is, the inner lining of the vessels. Most often this occurs when the integrity of the atherosclerotic plaque is compromised. Platelets, sticking to each other, immediately rush to the place of rupture. They strive to fill the defect of the shell, close the "gap". Their excessive activity leads to the formation of a blood clot in this place.

During the existence of a thrombus, the blood flow through the vessel is disturbed. The organ in which this event occurs is experiencing ischemia - that is, a lack of blood circulation. There are violations of its function. In the case of the heart, this is chest pain, shortness of breath, cold sweat. In the case of the brain, this is a violation of cerebral circulation, loss of consciousness, impaired speech and motor activity.

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However, signs of ischemia may appear far from the organ in which the thrombus has formed. In case of cardiac disorders, especially with various kinds of arrhythmias that can develop against the background of myocardial infarction, the formation of blood clots is possible in the heart cavities themselves. This is due to the disruption of the smooth translational flow of blood from one part of the heart to another. With arrhythmias, the time interval and intensity of the expulsion of blood from one chamber of the heart to another with each contraction may be different. Such conditions favor an increase in thrombus formation.

In conditions of increased thrombus formation from the arterial system of the heart along the shortest path, small thrombi enter the nutritional system of the brain. Then an ischemic stroke develops.

To prevent the development of ischemic stroke, acute myocardial infarction, to carry out the prevention of transient disorders of cerebral circulation, experts recommend the use of acetylsalicylic acid preparations (ASK). Thrombotic ACC® is one such drug. It contains cardiological doses of ASA, the regular use of which has an antiplatelet effect, prevents increased thrombus formation and adhesion (sticking) of platelets. Tablet of the drug Thrombo ACC® covered with an enteric film coating, which reduces the irritating effect of ASA on the gastric mucosa1. Antiplatelet effect of Thrombotic ACC® is achieved after the use of small doses and lasts for a long time. The individual dose is calculated by the doctor.

Thus, one substance (ASA) is able to provide the prevention of several life-threatening diseases at once.

1 - Instructions for the use of the drug Thrombo ACC®

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