
Creatine Monohydrate. How to take creatine monohydrate, why, price, reviews

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  1. Pharmacological properties of creatine monohydrate
  2. Indications for use
  3. Contraindications
  4. From what age can you apply?
  5. Creatine Monohydrate instructions for use, dosage
  6. Side effects and overdose
  7. special instructions
  8. Interaction
  9. List of the best creatine monohydrate remedies
  10. Prices
  11. Video about creatine

Many athletes use Creatine Monohydrate to build muscle and improve endurance. Various myths and speculations are associated with this food supplement. Creatine monohydrate is completely harmless, but in order to achieve real results with it, you need to know exactly how to take it correctly.

Pharmacological properties of creatine monohydrate

Creatine is one of the amino acidsproduced in the human body. The second name of this substance is nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid. It is also found in red meat, sea fish, and river fish. From these foods, creatine is obtained through protein extraction. Due to its fat burning and tonic properties, this remedy has been used by bodybuilders for several decades.

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The undoubted advantage of creatine monohydrate is its high bioavailability. It is in the form of a monohydrate that the amino acid can be produced at an optimal price.

To understand the principle of action of creatine monohydrate, it is important to have an idea of ​​the mechanism of the simplest biochemical processes that continuously occur in the body. It consists of several steps in the conversion of molecular energy and the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate and adenosine diphosphate contained in the cells of the body.

These simplest compounds are responsible for the restoration of muscle tissue even after minimal exertion. The faster ATP and ADP are replenished in muscle fibers, the higher the endurance of a person.

Creatine is a kind of stimulant for the production of ATP, so increasing its concentration in the blood helps to increase strength. After physical activity, muscles are restored by "supplying" carboxylic acid, which helps the body convert ADP to ATP.

Creatine Monohydrate should only be taken by people who do regular and intense exercise. sports, since the natural reserves of creatine available in the body will not be enough to recruit masses.Creatine Monohydrate How to take, what for

Once they are depleted, the body uses its internal resources of glucose and fatty acids to continue producing ATP and maintain muscle activity. With regular use of creatine supplementation, the total muscle volume increases much faster, muscle cells receive more energy, and become resistant to fatigue.

Thus, creatine has a direct effect on muscle fibers, promoting their growth. On the one hand, Creatine Monohydrate retains fluid in the cells, due to which they increase in volume, and on the other, it is sufficient intake of this substance in the body allows athletes to repeatedly lift heavy weights and stimulate growth muscles.

Indications for use

There are no diseases for which doctors would recommend taking creatine as a drug. However, for bodybuilders and athletes, this supplement is indispensable. The main indication for its use by an athlete is the need to gain lean muscle mass and increase physical endurance.

About 40 years ago, this substance was investigated in order to study the possibility of its experimental use in the treatment of heart disease.

Today creatine is also taken to:

  • prevention of injuries;
  • increasing the level of glycogen in the blood;
  • stimulation of anaerobic glycolysis;
  • stabilization of the heart.

The accumulating amino acid dilates the vessels that feed the heart valves, resulting in an increase in the intensity of contractions and the degree of oxygenation of cells and tissues.Creatine Monohydrate How to take, what for

Creatine monohydrate is most often used to improve the basic strength indicators in athletes. It should be understood that this supplement itself affects muscle growth only indirectly. Unlike steroids and anabolic steroids, creatine increases the body's capabilities and creates all the necessary conditions for positive dynamics of physical parameters during a normal training regime.


Any sports supplements and cocktails have a systemic effect on the body. So, an excess of creatine can not only promote intensive muscle growth, but also negatively affect some organs and systems. By analogy with any other active substance, there are a number of restrictions on its use. For some categories of people, taking creatine is contraindicated.

These include:

  • persons with individual intolerance to the components in the supplement;
  • patients with chronic kidney disease;
  • people with gastrointestinal problems;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

It is also recommended to take creatine with caution in women over 50 to avoid problems with blood pressure and hormone balance. In addition, in the composition of such preparations, allergenic components are often found, which make it impossible to use the supplement for persons with hypersensitivity to certain substances.

From what age can you apply?

Teens who play sports and want to gain muscle mass should not do this with Creatine Monohydrate. Only adults should take the supplement. In young men and women, the drug can cause acne and metabolic disorders.

Artificial creatine in adolescence will interfere with the normal development of the hormonal system, the work of the myocardium and the autonomic system. It is recommended for young athletes to replace such a supplement with natural products with a high content of creatine (meat, fish, milk, fermented milk drinks).

Creatine Monohydrate instructions for use, dosage

It is advisable to take Creatine Monohydrate with regular physical activity. Supplements based on this substance make up for its deficiency in the body in a short period of time. So, for example, 100 g of red fish contains no more than 0.1 g of creatine. For normal muscle function and increase in muscle volume, the athlete needs to consume 100 times more creatine daily.

Amino acid monohydrate provides a 5% increase in lean muscle mass in 30-40 days of strength training. Weight gain due to the increased fluid content in the tissues is also not excluded. It is also worth noting that with a sharp cancellation of the supplement or a decrease in dosage, a loss of strength and performance may occur.Creatine Monohydrate How to take, what for

Experienced athletes stick to one of two time-tested and reviewed creatine supplementation regimens.

For maximum effectiveness, you need to take a supplement:

  1. immediately in large dosages (called a loaded trick) to provide a faster and more visible result;
  2. gradually increasing concentration.

The latter method provides a similar result with more time and less raw material. The choice of the method of reception largely depends on what result the athlete expects. Each of the schemes of use requires adherence to the diet. The main differences between them are reflected in the table:

Reception day With loading Uniform consumption
1 The daily dose is 10 g. Drink half in the morning mixed with juice or dietary supplements. Take 1 time in the morning half 1 tsp. l., washed down with sweet juice (you can with pulp).
2 The total daily amount is 12 g. The first intake in the morning (5 g), the second - after exercise (in the same amount) and 2 g before bedtime. In the absence of training, 1-2 hours before bedtime, 3-4 g.
3 According to the scheme similar to the second day, with the exception of the last dose - instead of 2 g, use 4 g of creatine. It is allowed to divide the daily dose of creatine (3-5 g) by 2 times. Drink on an empty stomach or after exercise.
4 From the 4th day, take the drug 3 times a day for 5 g.
8 Divide 10 g into 2 doses.
9 A 5 g maintenance dose is taken in the morning or after training.
10 From the 10th day, take 3-5 g per day once with sweet juice. The dose can be increased to 6 g if the body weight exceeds 100 kg.

Based on the reviews, there is no fundamental difference in the above reception schemes. Most fitness trainers recommend using an off-load supplement for better control of your strength performance.

You can take the supplement at any time. Creatine Monohydrate is allowed to drink both in the morning and in the evening, while it is important that it enters the body along with a portion of carbohydrates. The average duration of the course is 6-8 weeks, then the body's susceptibility to the substance decreases, which makes it possible to consider its further use inappropriate.

Side effects and overdose

There is no officially confirmed evidence that creatine monohydrate sports supplements are harmful to the body. At the same time, the manufacturers of such drugs themselves do not deny that the active substances can cause side reactions.Creatine Monohydrate How to take, what for

The likelihood of developing negative consequences from taking creatine monohydrate is no more than 4-5%, and in in most cases, violations occurred against the background of mixing the additive with other compositions used for building muscles.

Among the common side effects, it is worth noting the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • dehydration;
  • digestive disorders;
  • cramps of the calf muscles.

Excessive consumption of creatine monohydrate can lead to stomach upset. The appearance of such a symptom is possible when taking more than 20 g of the supplement in its pure form and non-observance of a full drinking regime. In addition, the consequences of using products of little-known brands purchased at low cost can be unpredictable.

The filling of body cells with fluid is the most common result of creatine use. But in fact, it is this "side" effect that is the main purpose of the intake, because by increasing the concentration of water inside the cells, an increase in body weight and muscle volume occurs.

Any mention of creatine as an obscure and dangerous supplement has no scientific research justification. This substance is present in the body of any person who consumes protein products.

special instructions

When using creatine, it is important to adhere to a clear dosage and regimen. Otherwise, the substance will not be able to assimilate in the body and will not perform the desired functions. Since creatine penetrates into muscle fibers from blood plasma, it is advisable to take it in combination with insulin. And we are not talking about getting insulin injections in parallel with the supplement.

The release of this hormone can be triggered by eating carbohydrate foods and amino acids. Together with insulin, creatine monohydrate produces an anabolic effect that promotes intense muscle growth and an increase in other physical indicators.

With each creatine intake, it is important not to forget about fast carbohydrates in an amount of at least 20 g. The best option is any sweet drink (juice, compote, fruit drink), from which sugar is instantly absorbed into the blood. It is also recommended to regularly consume protein and amino acids, which serve as a kind of building material for muscles.


With some sports supplements, creatine is combined and acts on the body better, and it is better not to combine it with other substances. So, for example, it is desirable to take it along with protein, high-carbohydrate blends and BCAA. These products are excellent "protectors" of muscle fibers from destruction. Another important ingredient that is beneficial when combined with creatine is beta-alanine.

Creatine Monohydrate should not be taken with fat burners. Such substances, when used simultaneously, do not provoke side effects, but neutralize the action of each other. It is recommended to drink a fat burner before a course of creatine. The combination with L-carnitine, which must be used before starting to increase strength and endurance, will have a similar effect.

List of the best creatine monohydrate remedies

When working on the formation of a beautiful body, you cannot do without the use of a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid. Creatine monohydrate comes in different forms. The most popular supplement is powder, although capsules and tablets are more convenient to use.

Next, you should pay attention to the best Creatine Monohydrate, which have a minimum of side effects and a maximum of positive reviews:Creatine Monohydrate How to take, what for

  • Creatine powder Is one of the most affordable monohydrate powders. Approved for use by beginners, does not contain any chemical additives, fragrances. Of the side effects, it is worth noting the appearance of edema, especially in the first days of use.
  • Creatine Xplode Powder Olimp - does not contain carbohydrates. The drug increases efficiency, relieves fatigue, has a pleasant taste. Users note its rapid solubility in water and the absence of adverse reactions from the body.
  • Micronized Creatine Powder - This monohydrate is often added to protein shakes. The supplement is easily absorbed through the intestinal wall and quickly reaches the muscle fibers. Unlike other creatines, Micronized Creatine Powder does not form a sludge.
  • Creatine Monohydrate (Nutrition Ultimate) - visible results are achieved after 7-10 weeks of use. The supplement is sold in powder form in jars of different sizes, from 100 to 1000 g. The drug may cause abdominal pain.
  • Creatine Monohydrate (Scitec Nutrition) - has an optimal concentration of creatine monohydrate. This product is marked by experts as high quality, since it does not contain foreign impurities. The disadvantage is considered to be an unpleasant aftertaste and the need to use for at least 10-12 weeks.
  • Build-HD - does not contain artificial colors, has an unobtrusive taste, does not form a sediment. The disadvantage of this creatine is the rather high cost.
  • Fierce (SAN) - has a natural composition (vitamin C, nuts, milk, calcium, magnesium), however, this product requires the strictest adherence to the application regimen. In addition, caffeinated foods should not be consumed with this creatine.


Sports nutrition supplements based on creatine monohydrate have different costs, which depend on the form of release, the amount of the product and the brand. The cheapest products from this category are in the range of 650-800 rubles. for a can of 500 g. Micronized Creatine Powder, for example, belongs to a higher class of creatines, so 1000 g of powder corresponds to a price of 1900-2200 rubles.

Creatine Monohydrate How to take, what for
Creatine Monohydrate is the most popular form of creatine release

The duration of the result obtained with the help of creatine directly depends on the duration of the course and the regularity of training. When planning to take sports supplements, including Creatine Monohydrate, it is important to remember that they the composition contains artificial substitutes for those substances that are produced in the body naturally way.

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What is Creatine Monohydrate:

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