
A remedy for insomnia in old age. Reviews

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  1. Causes of Sleep Disorder in Older People
  2. Peculiarities of the choice of treatment for sleep disorders in the elderly
  3. List of over-the-counter drugs
  4. Melaxen (Circadin, Malarena)
  5. Donormil
  6. Valocordin (Valoserdin, Corvalol)
  7. Light preparations
  8. Afobazol
  9. Glycine
  10. The best remedies after a stroke
  11. Donormil
  12. Zolpidem (Iwadal, Sanval, Ambien)
  13. Herbal medicines
  14. Persen
  15. Novo-passite
  16. Motherwort Forte
  17. Dormiplant
  18. Phytosedan
  19. Homeopathic
  20. Nervohel
  21. Notta
  22. Passidorm
  23. Prescription Drugs for Elderly Sleep
  24. Zolpidem (Sanval, Iwadal)
  25. Zaleplon
  26. Donormil
  27. Effective folk remedies for insomnia in old age
  28. Recipes for sleeping pills, decoctions, infusions
  29. Herbal pillows
  30. Herbal baths
  31. Insomnia Cure Videos

Cure for insomnia are taken by many patients in order to normalize sleep, since the lack of night rest leads to the development of disorders on the part of internal organs and systems. In old age, such a deviation is common, which in most cases is associated with the presence of chronic diseases. When choosing a drug, the doctor takes into account the general condition of the patient, the presence of diseases, and the individual reaction to medications.

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Causes of Sleep Disorder in Older People

Insomnia is a condition in which a patient's night sleep is disturbed as a result of internal factors. At the same time, he may have chronic diseases, and against the background of a lack of proper rest, complications appear.

The main causes of the disorder:

  • Pathologies of the nervous system, accompanied by impaired cerebral circulation.
  • Psychoemotional disorders.
  • Arterial hypertension and other vascular diseases.
  • Disorders of the urinary system, in which at night the patient is forced to frequently empty the bladder.
  • Pains of various origins. With injuries, somatic diseases, pain can be expressed in an acute form precisely at night.
  • Heart failure of various forms.
  • Respiratory pathologies, for example, bronchial asthma.
  • Acute pathologies of the digestive system.
  • Mental disorders that are accompanied by anxiety and restlessness.
  • Diagnosing restless legs syndrome.
  • Stopping breathing during sleep. This complication often occurs in patients with heart disease.
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages, coffee and strong tea.
  • Taking medications that can provoke sleep disorders.Remedies for insomnia in old age. Reviews

These and some other reasons can provoke insomnia, which negatively affects the general condition of the patient, leading to complications.

Peculiarities of the choice of treatment for sleep disorders in the elderly

The remedy for insomnia in old age is always selected individually, the doctor takes into account the characteristics of the patient's body.

There are several nuances that should be considered when choosing a medicine:

Peculiarities Description
The presence of accompanying deviations If the patient has deviations from the internal organs, when prescribing a sleeping pill, it is important to take into account its effect on the course of this disease. In some cases, the appointment of potent medications provokes complications.
History of the use of drugs from this group When prescribing any medicine, the doctor asks the patient, specifies whether he has used such a medicine or its analogs in composition in the past. Perhaps the patient had negative reactions, drugs from this group should not be prescribed.
Reactions to funds in the past If the patient has a history of complications when using sleeping pills, the patient should inform the doctor about it. The specialist may choose a different medication or use other methods of treating insomnia.

When prescribing, a specialist also takes into account blood pressure indicators, since many drugs have antihypertensive properties. The minimum effective dosage must be prescribed, which helps to achieve the desired result, but reduces the risk of complications.

Experts recommend taking the funds in short courses, and the cancellation for the elderly should be gradual. Throughout the entire period of therapy, the doctor monitors the patient's condition.

List of over-the-counter drugs

With a mild course of the disorder and the patient has no concomitant deviations, doctors may prescribe medications, which are freely available in pharmacies, are effective, but help to eliminate only mild disorders.

Melaxen (Circadin, Malarena)

A popular medication in tablet form, which contains the hormone melatonin, which has hypnotic properties. The drug helps to fight mild insomnia and has a positive effect on the general condition of patients.

The cost of the product ranges from 530-600 rubles. per packing. The regimen usually involves taking 1 tablet at bedtime, and the duration of therapy is 2 weeks. If necessary, the doctor, according to individual indications, can change the dose and duration of the treatment course.

Do not prescribe the drug in case of intolerance to the ingredients of the composition, taking hormonal medications, diabetes mellitus. Contraindications include renal and hepatic failure.


A remedy for insomnia in old age, which is often prescribed with a mild form of disorder and the absence of concomitant abnormalities from the internal organs. It contains the substance doxylamine, which helps to improve sleep, and additionally has mild sedative properties.

The drug is produced in the form of effervescent tablets, which are taken orally after dissolving in 100 ml of water. The daily allowance for the patient usually does not exceed 1 tablet, which should be taken before bedtime or in the evening. The duration of use is determined individually, more often 2-3 weeks are enough to obtain a therapeutic effect.

The drug is not prescribed if there are contraindications:

  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Glaucoma in various forms.
  • Violation of urination.
  • Identification of prostate adenoma.
  • Hypotension.
Remedies for insomnia in old age. Reviews

The cost of the funds is approximately 130-150 rubles.

Valocordin (Valoserdin, Corvalol)

The most popular remedy that has mild hypnotic, sedative properties. It is often used by patients who suffer from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

The drug dilates blood vessels and helps to lower the heart rate somewhat, which leads to an improvement in the condition.

The drug costs about 80-120 rubles. and is available in the form of drops for oral administration. A single dosage when taken is 25-35 drops. Take the remedy in the evening.

The duration of therapy usually does not exceed 10 days, since the drug is addictive. Sometimes the therapy is prolonged, but the appointment is made by the doctor.

The drug is not used for allergies to ingredients, low blood pressure, brain diseases.

Light preparations

Medicines with pronounced properties are used only for severe insomnia, accompanied by complications, but for a mild course of the disorder, they are not prescribed. That is why patients prefer to use drugs that have a hypnotic effect, but are not potent.


The drug is based on the active ingredient of the same name, which is often used to improve sleep. The medicine eliminates anxiety and irritability, but its effect develops a few days after the start of the drug.

Tablets are consumed for 2-4 weeks, 2 pieces per day, while the rate is divided by 2 times during the day. The drug helps to improve the condition, but it can provoke headaches and some other disorders.

It is not prescribed for liver and kidney failure, acute diseases of the digestive tract. The cost of the funds is approximately 300-450 rubles.


An insomnia remedy that does not work directly to improve sleep, but helps to improve the state of the nervous system. In old age, glycine deficiency leads not only to sleep disturbances, but also to concomitant abnormalities in the internal organs.Remedies for insomnia in old age. Reviews

Glycine is not a hypnotic, but when it is used, psycho-emotional processes are normalized, anxiety and causeless anxiety are eliminated. Tablets dissolve 1-2 pieces 3 times a day for 2-4 weeks.

The drug has a contraindication in the form of intolerance to the ingredients of the composition. It is considered safe, and the cost is approximately 100-130 rubles.

The best remedies after a stroke

Insomnia is considered one of the most common complications after suffering a cerebrovascular accident. Patients show signs of depression, therefore, prescription of drugs is required to improve the condition. The principle of action of such funds is aimed at eliminating anxiety and increased anxiety, as well as reducing the load on the central nervous system. The drugs are selected individually.

The main indications for their use are the following symptoms:

  • Headache.
  • Sleep disorder for a long period of time.
  • Constant sleepiness during the daytime.
  • Deterioration of the work of the heart.
  • The appearance of disorders from the digestive tract.
  • Constant fatigue and decreased performance.

Medicines are used in short and long courses, depending on the severity of the manifestations. But they are not prescribed for allergies to components, a critical decrease in blood pressure indicators, a tendency to stop breathing at night during sleep. Do not use drugs when diagnosing liver and kidney pathologies in severe form, as well as myasthenia gravis.


The medication is considered one of the most popular remedies for insomnia for patients who have had an ischemic stroke. The tool helps to quickly normalize the condition; if used correctly, it does not lead to the development of complications.Remedies for insomnia in old age. Reviews

Take it 1-2 tablets per day, depending on the severity of the manifestations. The duration of therapeutic use is 2-4 weeks. The cost of tablets is from 130 rubles. Before use, they are dissolved in 100 ml of water, which accelerates the absorption of the ingredients into the blood.

Zolpidem (Iwadal, Sanval, Ambien)

The drug is based on the active ingredient of the same name, the cost of which is approximately 900 rubles. per packing. The drug is available in tablet form and helps to eliminate insomnia, concomitant deviations.

Take tablets inside, 1-2 pieces per day, and the duration of the course is 2-3 weeks. Experts note that the use in minimal dosages allows patients to recover faster after suffering a stroke.

Herbal medicines

The remedy for insomnia in old age often contains herbal ingredients in the composition. The principle of action of medicines from this group is based on the normalization of the patient's emotional state, elimination of anxiety and a slight decrease in blood pressure indicators.

Medicines are used in the following cases:

  • Impossibility of prescribing medications of synthetic origin.
  • A mild form of insomnia.
  • The absence of concomitant abnormalities in patients.
  • A negative reaction of the patient's body to potent hypnotics.

The only absolute contraindication for therapy with drugs of natural origin is considered intolerance to the ingredients of the composition. But there are relative obstacles to treatment, among which alcohol dependence, liver and kidney pathologies, and myasthenia gravis can be distinguished. In the presence of relative contraindications, the doctor decides on the appointment of medications.


One of the popular herbal medicines that has mild sedative and hypnotic properties. It helps not only to normalize sleep, but also improves the general condition, eliminates the signs of depression.Remedies for insomnia in old age. Reviews

The drug is taken in 2 capsules before bedtime, and the duration of therapy does not exceed 2 months. With the normalization of the condition, it is allowed to stop the therapeutic course after 3-6 weeks. The cost of the drug is approximately 250-270 rubles. The medication is considered relatively safe for the patient, provided that all recommendations are followed.


The drug is based on several herbal ingredients with mild hypnotic properties and improves the psycho-emotional state of the patient. The medicine prevents the development of depression, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Take it 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, the duration of therapeutic use does not exceed 4 weeks, but is adjusted by the doctor individually. The cost of the medicine is approximately 200 rubles.

Motherwort Forte

A medicine containing motherwort extract in the composition, prescribed to patients with mild insomnia. The remedy somewhat lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, and prevents the development of disorders from the nervous system.Remedies for insomnia in old age. Reviews

Take the drug in tablet form, 1 piece 3 times a day. The dose may vary, as well as the duration of the course. In most cases, 3 weeks is sufficient. The price of tablets ranges from 120-140 rubles.


A tablet formulation based on lemon balm and valerian, which helps to normalize sleep and improve general condition, eliminates irritability and increased excitability. The tablets are taken in 2 pieces at bedtime, and the duration of treatment does not exceed 4 weeks. On an individual basis, the agent can be applied over a longer period. The price of the herbal preparation is 120-130 rubles.


A multi-ingredient herbal product available as an herbal preparation. The medicine has positive properties, helps to improve sleep, prevents the development of complications from the nervous system. For 300 ml of boiling water, you should take 1 tbsp. l collection, insist for 30 minutes. The filtered product is taken before bedtime. The treatment lasts up to 2 weeks. The cost of the collection is 60-80 rubles.


A remedy for insomnia in old age may be safe for patients. For example, medicines from the group of homeopathic remedies help to improve sleep, but rarely provoke negative reactions. The principle of their action is based on the ability to improve the state of the nervous system and prevent the development of increased excitability, which provokes insomnia. As a result, the patient's condition improves, sleep is normalized.

The following conditions are considered the main indications for prescribing homeopathic medicines:

  • Mild sleep disturbance.
  • Increased excitability and irritability.
  • The appearance of signs of a depressive state.
  • The impossibility of prescribing potent drugs for various reasons.

The only obstacle to the appointment of homeopathic remedies is considered intolerance to their components. This is due to the natural composition and the minimal risk of complications.


Homeopathic pills that have pronounced properties and have a natural composition. The tablets improve the state of the nervous system, prevent the development of complications, and improve sleep.Remedies for insomnia in old age. Reviews

Tablets are taken 1 piece 3 times a day. To obtain a therapeutic effect, the medicine should be taken for at least 30 days, but the duration is determined individually. The cost of the funds starts from 350 rubles.


Oral drops based on herbal ingredients. They have mild sedative properties, help to normalize sleep, eliminate increased irritability and associated disorders.

Reception of funds begins with 10 drops 3 times a day, but in each case, the dose may vary. The duration of the course is 3-4 weeks. The price of the remedy is 330-360 rubles.


Means in the form of an oral solution containing extracts from plants and some other ingredients of natural origin.

The drug is taken orally 5-15 drops 3 times a day, but the dose can be changed for the patient on an individual basis. The minimum course duration is 4 weeks. You can buy the solution for about 800-870 rubles.

Prescription Drugs for Elderly Sleep

Prescription drugs are considered powerful drugs. They affect certain centers in the brain, which leads to better sleep and the elimination of associated abnormalities.Remedies for insomnia in old age. Reviews

Usually, drugs are prescribed in short courses for severe insomnia and patients with concomitant abnormalities.

Zolpidem (Sanval, Iwadal)

The remedy is used for severe insomnia. It helps to improve the condition and prevent the development of complications due to lack of sleep.

The daily dosage for the patient is determined individually, but usually 1-2 tablets per day are enough.


A hypnotic with pronounced properties that helps to relieve insomnia. It can only be purchased with a prescription.

The maximum daily allowance for a patient is 10 mg, and the duration of therapy can be 3 weeks.


In many countries, you can buy the medicine without a prescription, but in Russia it is only available with a prescription.

The drug is taken for 2-4 weeks, and the daily dosage is 1-2 tablets, determined individually, depending on the symptoms.

Effective folk remedies for insomnia in old age

Alternative medicine prescriptions are considered effective, but cannot replace conventional therapies. Doctors recommend using home formulations if drugs are not available or insomnia is mild.

Recipes for sleeping pills, decoctions, infusions

Some herbal formulations help to improve sleep and have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient.

The most effective recipes:

  • Chamomile tea is considered a good sedative. For 500 ml of water, you should take 10 g of dry raw materials, cook it for 5 minutes. After cooling, filter the finished product, take 100 ml 3 times a day for 10-14 days.
  • Peppermint tea is considered to be an effective sleep aid. For 200 ml of boiling water, it is worth taking 3 g of dry raw materials, leave for 20 minutes. The filtered composition is taken before bedtime. The treatment lasts up to 10 days.
  • An infusion based on lemon balm and linden is also considered effective. For 50 ml of boiling water, you should take 5 g of each ingredient in dried form, leave for 1 hour. After that, it is worth taking a filtered infusion of 200 ml before bedtime. The duration of the course is 2 weeks.Remedies for insomnia in old age. Reviews

Herbal formulations have contraindications and can provoke adverse reactions, therefore, the use should be agreed with the doctor.

Herbal pillows

To improve sleep, experts may recommend putting bags of herbs under your pillow. It is enough to place the dried herbs in a small cloth bag before bed. To do this, you can take mint, lemon balm, chamomile.

It is worth putting in a new portion of dry herbs every day, which will maximize the effect. The duration of this method is not limited.

Herbal baths

It is allowed to take baths with herbs for 10-15 minutes. In this case, the water should not be hot, and it is allowed to repeat the manipulations no more than 3 times a week.

For the procedure, it is worth preparing 1 liter of a decoction of mint, calendula, chamomile or lemon balm. For 1 liter of water, you need 100 g of any herb, it is also allowed to take several components in approximately equal parts to get 100 g of raw materials.

It is necessary to cook the composition for 5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. After that, you need to filter it and add it to a bath with warm water.

The remedy for insomnia must be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, especially in old age. Today there are many methods for improving sleep, but the doctor should make the choice based on the data of the diagnostic examination.

Insomnia Cure Videos

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