
Lytic mixture for adults, injection, tablets. Composition and dosage

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  1. General information about the lytic mixture
  2. Side effects, contraindications
  3. The composition of the mixture
  4. How to prepare the mixture
  5. For injection
  6. For oral administration
  7. Dosage and method of administration for adults
  8. In ampoules
  9. In tablets
  10. Execution rules
  11. Injection
  12. In tablets
  13. Which is better - injecting or drinking
  14. High temperature remedies video

Fever in adults is not always treated with common antipyretics. Sometimes this problem needs to be solved with special lytic mixture. This tool relieves temperature quickly and effectively.

General information about the lytic mixture

Urgent antipyretics or a lytic mixture both relieve pain and eliminate fever. This combination drug quickly improves the condition of patients. The positive effect is achieved within 15-20 minutes. Before using it, an allergy test is usually carried out by injecting the agent into the patient's lower eyelid. In the absence of negative reactions, the mixture is used as intended.

The lytic mixture can only be used in isolated cases, but not on a permanent basis, since it is considered a very powerful remedy.

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This drug is intended mainly for certain groups of people to get rid of prolonged hyperthermia.

A lytic mixture at a high temperature (over 38.5 °) is especially needed:

  • suffering from chronic vascular and heart diseases;
  • aged people;
  • children;
  • those with a hangover;
  • patients with severe poisoning or vomiting;
  • adults and adolescents who refuse to drink conventional antipyretic drugs.Lytic mixture from temperature to adults injections, tablets

A multicomponent lytic remedy for extreme heat is recommended if:

  • Against the background of a high temperature, febrile convulsions are observed.
  • There are symptoms of pale fever:
  1. chills;
  2. pale skin;
  3. strong heartbeat;
  4. coldness of the extremities.
  • The patient cannot take pills or syrup.
  • No effect from common antipyretics:
  1. candles;
  2. tablets;
  3. syrups.

Doctors prescribe an emergency multicomponent remedy for fever intramuscularly for those patients whose temperature rises above 38.5 °. This mixture is applicable if Nurofen or Paracetamol does not help. But it is sometimes replaced with antipyretic suppositories or syrups.

Another lytic agent is prescribed if:

  • the patient refuses to drink conventional medicines for fever;
  • the patient is unconscious;
  • a person has vomiting from oral pills.

The lytic mixture is sometimes used even at not very high temperatures.

This is done for those patients who have:

  • mental or neurotic illness;
  • disturbances of consciousness and convulsions;
  • deterioration of the general condition;
  • acquired or congenital heart defects;
  • arrhythmia;
  • pale skin.

Side effects, contraindications

Injections with a lytic mixture do not:

  • those who have already taken antipyretics within the last 4 hours before the injection, in order to avoid drug overdose;
  • people with individual intolerance to the ingredients of the product;
  • with pain in the stomach, since a mixture of drugs can hide the true causes and symptoms of dangerous conditions;
  • patients with severe kidney and liver diseases;
  • patients with certain blood pathologies.
  • children up to six months;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus.

Lytic mixture from temperature to adults is intended for intramuscular administration. The aseptic injection should be delivered slowly and carefully. It is desirable that its temperature be similar to that of a human. The subsequent administration of the medication is possible only after 6 hours.

An emergency mixture for high temperature is not used for probable:

  • rashes;
  • leukopenia;
  • jade;
  • pneumonia;
  • alveolitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • anaphylactic shock.

Doctors strongly recommend not using the lytic mixture on your own and uncontrollably. Instead, it is better to take antipyretic drugs of a weaker effect before the arrival of an ambulance.

From injectable and tablet forms of an urgent antipyretic agent, the following negative points may appear:

  • weakening of coordination;
  • inhibition of reaction;
  • abdominal pain;
  • burning sensation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system;
  • detection of protein in the urine;
  • hypotension;
  • drowsiness;
  • intestinal colic.Lytic mixture from temperature to adults injections, tablets

Medicines prohibited for use with analgin include:

  • anabolic steroid;
  • anticoagulants;
  • other analgesics;
  • drugs for diabetes mellitus;
  • sleeping pills;
  • products with sodium chloride.

Along with diphenhydramine, it is forbidden to take:

  • sodium cefmetazole;
  • strong acids and alkaline solutions;
  • sodium cephalothin;
  • barbiturates;
  • hydrocortisone succinate;
  • X-ray contrast agents.

Do not use with papaverine:

  • quinidine;
  • procainamide;
  • tricyclic antidepressants;
  • reserpine.

Lytic Blend Increases Efficiency:

  • antispasmodics;
  • local anesthetic drugs;
  • sleeping pills;
  • sedative medications.

An overdose may occur from the constituents of the lytic agent.

It manifests itself:

  • From analgin:
  • rapid breathing;
  • strongly lowered temperature;
  • nausea.
  • From diphenhydramine:
  • convulsions;
  • redness of the skin of the face;
  • dry mouth;
  • rapid or labored breathing.
  • From papaverine:
  • low blood pressure;
  • weakness;
  • sleepiness.

A lytic mixture from temperature to adults can also act as a tablet intake. The preparations included in its composition are washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid. But taking the medicine in this form is not as effective as injecting it.

For any signs of an overdose from the lytic mixture, the following sorbents are taken before the ambulance arrives:

  • Activated carbon;
  • polysorb;
  • enterosgel.Lytic mixture from temperature to adults injections, tablets

There is evidence that papaverine is administered with caution to patients with:

  • shock manifestations;
  • craniocerebral trauma;
  • supraventricular tachycardia;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • hyperplasia of the prostate gland;
  • hypothyroidism.

We must also not forget that taking diphenhydramine is contraindicated in:

  • bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • ulcers of the duodenum and stomach;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • stenosis of the urinary tract;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • epilepsy;
  • increased intraocular pressure.

The composition of the mixture

You can see what makes up the classic Adult Lytic Blend recipe in the following table:

Component name Properties
Papaverine hydrochloride (it can be replaced with no-shpu). Antihypertensive and antispasmodic effect; vasodilation and increased heat transfer.
Diphenhydramine or diphenhydramine (suprastin is sometimes used instead). Antihistamine drug with sedative and local anesthetic characteristics, enhancing the effect of analgin.
Sodium metamizole or analgin. Anti-inflammatory agent with analgesic and antipyretic effects.

Analgin quickly soothes pain and relieves heat. No-shpa or papaverine eliminates spasms and has a hypotensive effect on the body. They dilate blood vessels and increase heat transfer from the body. The sedative drug diphenhydramine increases the effectiveness of analgin, and also relieves allergic manifestations. This medication also improves breathing and eliminates a runny nose.

Lytic mixture from temperature to adults injections, tablets
Lytic mixture from temperature

Instead of diphenhydramine, you can use:

  • tavegil;
  • diazolin;
  • suprastin.

A lytic mixture from temperature helps adults if a fever is accompanied by dehydration and convulsions. A similar drug helps out faster than conventional pharmaceutical drugs. It instantly relieves fever and relieves pain. But do not forget that such therapy can be accompanied by allergic reactions.

The main and most effective drug in an urgent antipyretic compound is analgin. There should be exactly half of it in the product. Analgin relieves fever and reduces fever. Diphenhydramine 1% with a strong sedative effect is mainly replaced by suprastin or tavegil. Papaverine, like the previous medication, increases the effect of analgin and has antispasmodic properties.

How to prepare the mixture

To create a lytic mixture, all of its components are combined together. Then it is distributed intramuscularly (in the form of injections) or orally (in the form of tablets).

For injection

When preparing a lytic mixture for injections, the following is injected into the syringe:

  1. 2 ml of analgin.
  2. 2 ml papaverine.
  3. 1 ml diphenhydramine.

The sequence of the recruited drugs is not changed.

If it is incorrect, the following occurs:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • loss of sensitivity to antipyretic drugs;
  • harm to the body.

For oral administration

The tabletted version of the lytic mixture is better than the injectable one, since after the appearance of an allergy, it is always possible to wash the stomach with it. The solid form of the combination medicine for high fever is made from the same drugs that are included in the liquid form. Tablets (1 pc.) Are crushed or drunk whole. Their action is manifested only after 30-60 minutes.

Dosage and method of administration for adults

The potent adult lytic blend is nearly harmless. It includes three drugs, thoroughly mixed with each other.

In ampoules

When preparing a quick-acting mixture for high temperatures for adults, they are guided by the rules for composing doses from the following components:

  • 2 ml of 50% analgin;
  • 1 ml of 1% diphenhydramine;
  • 2 ml of 2% no-spa.

The above dosage can be used by people weighing up to 60 kg. For those with a heavier weight, it is recommended to add another 1/10 of such a product for every 10 kg of its own weight.

Lytic mixture from temperature to adults can have both intramuscular and oral forms. In case of allergies from it, the stomach should be washed.

In tablets

A tablet intake, in contrast to an injection, leads to a result only after half an hour. Analgin also irritates the stomach and leads to unpleasant symptoms.

If the lytic mixture cannot be used in ampoules, then it is used in tablets:

  • 1 PC. Baralgin or Analgin;
  • 1 PC. Suprastin or Diphenhydramine;
  • 1 PC. Papaverine or No-shpy.

Execution rules

Injections, like tablet forms, with a lytic mixture, when administered alone, require correct application. There is a certain algorithm for their execution.


For injections with an emergency mixture, the syringe is sequentially recruited:

  • Analgin;
  • Papaverine;
  • Diphenhydramine.

Self-injection is performed on the front of the thigh, with the needle penetrating 4 cm into the skin. The tip of the syringe is injected clearly and quickly, and the solution from it is injected slowly. Then the needle is quickly pulled out of the skin. If the fever reappears, the injection is not given again, but an ambulance is called. The fever after injection with the lytic mixture usually disappears completely within the next day.

Ampoules with components of an emergency antipyretic agent are pre-heated to body temperature. Then they are disinfected together with the needle of a disposable syringe. Before the injection itself, the place for it is also treated with alcohol. The tip of the syringe is inserted inside strictly perpendicular to the body. If seals appear on the surface of the skin after injections, then they must be treated with iodine, drawing a grid for them.

After the injection with the lytic mixture, the body temperature is measured every 2-4 hours, since it sometimes tends to rise again. Repeat the injection if the fever returns. The maximum number of receptions of the mixture should not exceed 3 times a day. Between its administration doses, a 6-hour break must be maintained. The day after treatment with lytic drugs, the need for them disappears, since the temperature with their help is completely lost.

The algorithm for performing an injection with a lytic mixture on a patient with a critically high temperature is as follows:

  1. In a disposable syringe, the necessary drugs are injected in turn.
  2. Before the injection itself, they get rid of excess air in the syringe.
  3. To make the injection comfortable, the syringe is heated in the hands.
  4. The gluteal muscle is disinfected by rubbing it with a cotton pad moistened with alcohol.
  5. The tip of the syringe is placed at right angles to the buttock.
  6. The injection itself is made in the upper right region of the muscle, since there are no main vascular lines.
  7. The mixture of drugs is injected as slowly as possible so that the patient does not get much pain.
  8. After the injection, the buttock is again wiped with alcohol.

Uncontrolled use and composition of emergency injections can cause:

  • deterioration of health;
  • loss of sensitivity to antipyritic drugs;
  • weakening of the immune system.

The lytic mixture in the injections manifests itself within 15 minutes. For adults, fast-acting drugs for temperature are prescribed when it rises above 38.5 °. Such remedies must be resorted to when the usual preparations for fever do not help.

In tablets

The tablets that make up the lytic mixture must be taken with plenty of water. But this form of the drug is not as fast as injectable. For better acceptance by the body, tablets are crushed to a powdery state, so that later they can be easily swallowed and washed down with water. This method will relieve the increased temperature in half an hour, but at the same time, strong sweating will also be observed.

Which is better - injecting or drinking

It is only the attending specialist who has the right to decide which form of the lytic mixture is better. In terms of effectiveness, pills and injections are almost the same. Both forms of the remedy are similar to each other in terms of the effect on the internal organs. Therefore, both injections and tablets are suitable for reducing intense fever.

When administered intramuscularly, the lytic mixture begins to show its effect already 10 minutes later. The tablets used to formulate such an emergency remedy only work after 30-60 minutes.

If the temperature is critically high (more than 39 °), then it is better to give injections with a lytic mixture. Instead of pills, patients with intense fever are sometimes given the contents of the ampoules used for injections to drink. But with their use, an overdose and harm to the body can occur, since analgin in a concentrated form is very strong.

Before using the lytic mixture, an allergic test must be performed with it. To do this, the prepared solution in the amount of 1-2 drops is carefully injected into the lower eyelid of the patient. If after a few minutes no reaction is detected (for example, irritation or itching), then this will mean that there is no allergy to the lytic agent.

With a positive test, instead of an urgent antipyretic, other methods of getting rid of the high temperature are used:

  • Vodka rubdown, leading, however, to the following side effects:
  • mild sweating;
  • slowed down blood circulation;
  • vascular spasm.
  • Acetic rubdown, along with which, in case of complications, you will also have to take drugs that relieve vascular spasm.
  • Cool compresses on the forehead and wrists.

A fast-acting antipyretic agent of 3 components is allowed for administration not only in the absence of allergies to it, but also in those cases when getting rid of an elevated temperature does not contribute to:

  • ibuprofen;
  • paracetamol;
  • aspirin;
  • naklofen;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • indomethacin.

A lytic mixture must be used to relieve intense heat from:

  • the elderly;
  • young children;
  • patients with cardiovascular problems.

An urgent antipyretic drug in ampoules or tablets helps to avoid:

  • convulsive syndrome;
  • disorders of cardiac activity and electrolyte balance;
  • phenomena of intravascular blood coagulation.

The usual medicines for fever are not always effective. A multi-component lytic mixture helps to quickly bring down fever in adults. Its medical workers are also called "troicatka". Such an active preparation of several components is completely harmless and effective.

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