
Home inhalation. How to breathe correctly can often be done

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  1. Diseases for which inhalation is prescribed, with what can it be done?
  2. Contraindications to inhalation
  3. How to breathe during inhalation: nose or mouth?
  4. Correct mouth breathing
  5. Correct nose breathing
  6. How to properly inhale with an inhaler (nebulizer)
  7. Equipment preparation
  8. Preparation of medicines
  9. Technique of the procedure
  10. How to do steam inhalation, breathing technique
  11. With a runny nose, sinusitis
  12. With dry, wet cough, bronchitis
  13. At a temperature
  14. With asthma
  15. Passive inhalation for colds at home
  16. Duration of inhalation
  17. For children
  18. Adults
  19. The best time to inhale
  20. Hygiene procedures after inhalation
  21. Inhalation video

Inhalation is an effective and safe method fight against colds and pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. Recovery after using the inhaler is faster. And if you carry out the procedure after hypothermia, then you can avoid the development of the pathological process.

The drug, when inhaled, acts directly on the affected area, destroying the pathogenic microflora. But for the procedure to be effective, you should remember about correct breathing.

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Diseases for which inhalation is prescribed, with what can it be done?

Inhalations are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the lower and upper respiratory tract. In the presence of chronic diseases of the respiratory system, such a procedure is necessarily included in the complex therapy.

The essence of the method is inhalation of medicinal substances using special devices. But it is possible to carry out therapy without using any devices. This method of treatment contributes to a faster and more effective assimilation of medications.

The main therapeutic effects of inhalation:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • expectorant;
  • bronchodilator;
  • immune-strengthening;
  • calming.

Most often, the procedure is recommended for such pathologies as:

  • bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • sinusitis;
  • ARVI and ARI, etc.

Depending on the existing problem, certain drugs are selected that will help solve it:

  • sinusitis. With inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, inhalation helps the active substances to penetrate directly to the pathological focus. The procedure is carried out using drugs with vasoconstrictor and drainage properties;
  • cough. In this case, the order of medications is important. Within 15 min. use bronchodilator drugs. Then it is necessary to use mucolytics that thin the phlegm. After half an hour, you can carry out the procedure with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs;Home inhalation. How to breathe correctly, how often to do
  • bronchitis. The therapy is carried out with the use of anti-inflammatory, decongestant, sedative, sputum-thinning drugs. The use of oil solutions is strictly prohibited, this can lead to blockage of the bronchi;
  • asthma. The disease is manifested by difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, a feeling of tightness in the chest. To alleviate the condition, the use of bronchodilators, mucolytics, glucocorticosteroids is recommended. If an infection has joined, it is necessary to connect antibiotics. With an exacerbation of pathology with a frequency of attacks from 2 times a week, inhalations are contraindicated.

The selection of drugs for the child requires special attention. Many medicines are used only from a certain age or are generally prohibited for children. Therefore, it is imperative to study the instructions for the drug.

In case of pathologies that are accompanied by a cough, the inhalation of the child is carried out most often with the drugs Ambrobene, Lazolvan. A good effect is given by the use of saline, mineral water. Expectorants are also prescribed, for example, Mukaltin.

If a child suffers from bronchial asthma, it is possible to use the drug Pulmicort, Budesonide. But only a specialist should select such funds.

For sore throats, you can use a soda solution or herbal preparations (for example, Malavit, Rotokan). It is possible to use medicinal plants, for example, linden blossom, juniper, chamomile, eucalyptus.

Contraindications to inhalation

Inhalation (a small child is not yet able to breathe correctly) is not carried out for children under the age of 3 years.

Also, the procedure is contraindicated for:

  • individual sensitivity to the prescribed agent;
  • bleeding from the lungs;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • pneumothorax;
  • decrease in protective forces;
  • acute pneumonia;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • severe heart failure;
  • tendency to nosebleeds;
  • blood pathologies.

How to breathe during inhalation: nose or mouth?

Inhalation (it is very important to breathe correctly during the procedure) should be carried out according to the rules, this is will allow the drug to penetrate directly to the focus of inflammation:

  • if the larynx is affected, inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose. It is necessary to use a mask-shaped attachment during the procedure;
  • with a pathological process in the nasopharynx, inhale-exhale through the nose. In this case, a mask or special cannulas are used;
  • if the lower respiratory tract is affected, a mouthpiece is used, which contributes to a more rapid achievement of the therapeutic effect.

Correct mouth breathing

Inhalation helps to improve the condition with pathologies of the deep parts of the respiratory system. For the procedure to be effective, it is necessary to breathe correctly through the mouth. Breathing should be slow and deep. Before you exhale, you need to try to hold your breath for 1-2 seconds. In a very serious condition, this can be difficult. Such patients are advised to simply breathe calmly.

Home inhalation. How to breathe correctly, how often to do

In case of diseases of the pharynx, trachea, it is necessary to take an intensive breath with the mouth, followed by holding the breath for 2 seconds, after which it is necessary to make a long exhalation through the nose.

Correct nose breathing

In a pathological process in the nasopharynx, inhalation and exhalation are made through the nose. In this case, breathing should be calm, superficial, without tension.

How to properly inhale with an inhaler (nebulizer)

Inhalation (it is easier to breathe correctly with the use of special devices) with a nebulizer is a safe and effective procedure.

But when conducting it, you must adhere to some rules:

  • to avoid nausea or heartburn, the procedure should be carried out 1.5 hours in advance. before meals;
  • if it is planned to use an agent that has not been previously used, the first procedure should last no longer than 2 minutes, which will make it possible to assess the body's response to a new substance;
  • during inhalation, a person should be relaxed, therefore, it is advisable to exclude physical activity before the procedure;
  • after inhalation, you should stay indoors. Talking and eating should be avoided. The body must rest for at least a quarter of an hour.

Equipment preparation

Preparation for the procedure takes a few minutes.Home inhalation. How to breathe correctly, how often to do

Before using the device:

  1. Rinse the face mask, hose, device chamber with clean water and let them dry.
  2. Parts of the device that are in direct contact with the patient's skin are treated with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.
  3. After checking the instructions, assemble the device.
  4. The reservoir of the device is filled with the drug solution, the device is installed vertically.

Preparation of medicines

Before using the medicinal product, it is necessary to check its expiration date. To prepare the working composition, a mixture of the main drug with sterile saline in a ratio of 1: 3 is used. However, other options for mixing the components may be recommended by the attending physician.

Prime the inhalation solution using sterile needles and syringes. Saline is first poured into the chamber of the device, after which the main drug is added.

Technique of the procedure

It is necessary to carry out the procedure in a comfortable position that allows measured deep breathing. Sitting on a chair with a straight back, you should straighten your shoulders, opening your chest. Clothes should be loose.

Home inhalation. How to breathe correctly, how often to do
Home inhalation

When inhaling, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Having installed the device in a stable position, the mask is tightly fixed on the face or the mouthpiece is wrapped around the lips.
  2. Turn on the device.
  3. Take even and deep breaths in and out.
  4. After completing the procedure, rinse the mouth with water.
  5. The accessories are washed, dried, the device is removed to the storage location.

How to do steam inhalation, breathing technique

Inhalation (breathing correctly is especially important when using steam) with boiling water can only be carried out for adults. The therapeutic effect is provided by warm steam saturated with highly volatile medicinal substances.

At the same time, blood vessels expand, blood circulation is activated, edema is eliminated, mucus discharge is improved, and inflammation is reduced. In children, the mucous membrane is too sensitive, hot steam can cause burns, so this treatment is contraindicated for babies.

For the procedure, the selected agent is dissolved in boiling water. The medicinal solutions used are most often two-component (for example, water with soda), but may more complex formulations can also be used (medicinal plants, medications, mineral waters, essential oils). Liquid temperature approx. 50 ° C. After the procedure, you can not go outside for 2 hours, within half an hour - eat, drink.

With a runny nose, sinusitis

With a runny nose and sinusitis, the procedure helps to moisturize the mucous membrane, relieves inflammation and edema, and accelerates recovery.

For inhalation use:

  • soda. Soda solution helps to reduce swelling, make breathing easier;Home inhalation. How to breathe correctly, how often to do
  • potato. For the procedure, hot pre-boiled potatoes are kneaded and steam is breathed. This method of therapy is considered harmless and can be used to treat a cold when carrying a baby;
  • essential oils, herbal decoctions.

If there is no special device, you can use a kettle for the procedure. Having filled it with a liquid of the required temperature, a funnel made of cardboard is put on the spout. With pathologies of the nose, you should alternately close the nostrils, taking deep breaths. You need to breathe calmly and measuredly. If the liquid has cooled down, add a little boiling water.

With dry, wet cough, bronchitis

For inhalation with steam when coughing, you will need a pot of boiling water, to which medicines, herbal decoctions, and essential oils are added. After the liquid has cooled down to the required temperature, they bend over the container, cover their head with a towel and inhale the steam. When coughing, bronchitis is inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the nose. Inhalations are carried out twice a day. The duration of therapy is 5 days.

Under the influence of steam, the vessels of the respiratory mucosa expand, blood circulation is activated. Due to its analgesic and moisturizing effect, the procedure allows you to eliminate cough for a while.

To improve the condition, plants with expectorant properties are used:

  • linden;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • elderberry;
  • verbena;
  • eucalyptus;
  • chamomile;
  • marshmallow root.

With an unproductive cough, the use of essential oils is effective:

  • lavender;
  • tea tree;
  • pine trees;
  • anise;
  • mint;
  • incense.

At a temperature

At elevated temperatures, the procedure is prohibited. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate dryness and inflammation of the airways using other methods. Steam inhalation can cause an even higher temperature rise.

With asthma

In asthma, steam inhalation is allowed to clear and moisturize the airways. But it is not recommended to use medications, plants and essential oils, as the condition may worsen when inhaled. The procedure is carried out using mineral water, sea water, soda.

Passive inhalation for colds at home

At the first signs of the development of a cold, you can try to stop the pathological process using passive inhalation. This is a simple and safe procedure, as it does not require any special devices or boiling water.Home inhalation. How to breathe correctly, how often to do

You can take paper napkins, drip a few drops of essential oil on them, which has anti-cold properties, spread them by the bed, on the work table, in the kitchen and inhale the aroma. Such a procedure is also suitable for a small child, since the treatment will be invisible to him.

You can also boil water in a saucepan, add herbs (mint, chamomile, eucalyptus) to it and reduce the heat to a minimum. While in the kitchen, you just need to breathe this vapor.

There are also special plasters impregnated with essential oils. They are simply glued to clothes. Such non-contact treatment is convenient for both adults and children. The frequency and duration of the use of the agent are not limited.

Passive inhalation will also help if the disease has already developed. When evaporated, the essential oil disinfects the air, which will reduce the likelihood of contamination of loved ones.

Duration of inhalation

Inhalation is carried out until the aerosol "fog" disappears completely. In this case, it is also important to take into account the patient's age, the type of medication, and the peculiarities of the course of the disease.

For children

Depending on the disease, the age of the child, the duration of inhalation is selected.

Duration of the procedure in childhood:

Pathology Child's age Duration of procedure / minutes
Cough (productive and unproductive) Up to 6 years old 1-2
6-12 years old 2-4
After 12 years 4-6
Rhinitis Up to 6 years old 4-5
6-12 years old 5-7
After 12 years 7-10
Throat diseases, bronchitis Up to 6 years old 4-5
6-12 years old 5-7
After 12 years 10

In babies up to a year, the procedure is carried out no more than 5 minutes. In case of bronchial obstruction, inhalation can last more than 15 minutes, while taking into account the severity of the symptoms.


The average duration of inhalation for an adult patient is 10 minutes. The duration of the procedure is also affected by the volume of the drug used. The dosages of medicines recommended by the doctor should be strictly adhered to so that the inhalation time of the solution does not exceed 15 minutes.

The best time to inhale

The procedure is best done between meals. In this case, after eating, at least 1 hour should pass. To maintain the therapeutic effect, the subsequent meal should be planned no earlier than 2 hours later. after inhalation. If the specialist has appointed two procedures a day, they are carried out after breakfast and dinner.

Hygiene procedures after inhalation

After inhalation, the accessories should be rinsed. To do this, use warm boiled water and soap. Reassemble the device only after all parts are completely dry.Home inhalation. How to breathe correctly, how often to do

In addition, the device needs periodic disinfection. This procedure is carried out once every 2 weeks. If the device is used by several people, then it should be disinfected each time it is transferred to another family member.

Disinfection is carried out:

  • thermal. The components of the device are boiled for a quarter of an hour;
  • chemical. The device is treated with alcohol, peroxide, and other disinfectants.

Inhalation is a simple procedure that will quickly help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. With its help, various pathologies are treated using medications, herbs, essential oils. At home, you can use a nebulizer or inhale with steam, the main thing is to breathe correctly during the procedure. And for the selection of drugs, it is better to consult a specialist.

Inhalation video

What you need to know and how to do inhalation correctly:

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