
Lozap analogs and substitutes are Russian. Price

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  1. Domestic analogues of the product
  2. Losartan
  3. Blocktran
  4. Lorista
  5. Vasotenz
  6. Karzartan
  7. Prices
  8. Video about the drug analogue Lozapa

Lozap is a medicine, which is available in the form of tablets covered with a layer of a protective film. The complete set of each package of this medication includes 30, 60 or 90 tablets. The active substance of this drug is the chemical compound losartan potassium at a concentration of 50 mg. Lozap belongs to the pharmacological group of drugs of angiotensin II receptor antagonists. The same drug category includes its main analogues and substitutes. This drug is used for the complex prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Domestic analogues of the product

Lozap is a potent antihypertensive medication that is indicated for patients over 18 years of age. There are several analogues and substitutes for this drug on the drug market, which have similar therapeutic properties and a number of pharmacological features.


Losartan is a domestic analogue of the drug Lozap. This medication also belongs to the category of complex antihypertensive drugs.

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Lozap analogues and substitutes are Russian. Price, reviews
Losartan - analogue of Lozap

The following pharmacological similarities are distinguished between the drugs Losartan and Lozap:

  • Both drugs belong to the pharmaco-therapeutic group of drugs acting as antagonists in relation to angiotensin II receptors.
  • Losartan and Lozap contain the same active substance in the form of potassium losartan.
  • The preparations have an identical form of release, which are white tablets with an additional layer of a protective film.
  • The mechanism of the therapeutic action of the antihypertensive drugs Losartan and Lozap is non-peptide blocking of receptors that exhibit increased sensitivity to angiotensin II. Due to this property of these medicines, prevention of a sharp narrowing of the walls of blood vessels is ensured.
  • Both drugs are characterized by a long half-life of the active substance with its metabolic conversion in the liver tissues. On average, it takes about 24 hours to completely break down losartan potassium.
  • Losartan and Lozap inhibit the biochemical properties of angiotensin II in terms of the secretion of an additional amount of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex. Due to this, the human cardiovascular system works more stably, does not undergo additional stress loads due to the imbalance of hormonal substances.
  • These funds differ in the same rate of absorption of the active substance into the intestinal walls with further saturation of the bloodstream.
  • The bioavailability of the drugs Losartan and Lozap in the blood serum is within 33%, which is also a generalizing factor of these drugs.
  • At the first stage of passage through the liver tissue, the active substances of these drugs are metabolized to the level carboxyl half-life product, which has more saturated pharmacological properties than losartan potassium.
  • Medicines Losartan and Lozap have a similar rate of binding to blood plasma proteins, which exceeds 98%.
  • The maximum concentration of metabolites of the active substance of these medicines is achieved no earlier than 3-4 hours after taking one therapeutic dose.
  • The drugs Losartan and Lozap have the same characteristics in terms of utilization of the products of their metabolic decay. Together with urine, 35% of the active ingredient of the tablets is excreted. Another 60% of losartan potassium metabolites are removed from the patient's body along with feces.
  • Both medicines are indicated for use in patients suffering from arterial hypertension.

The drugs Losartan and Lozap have not only similar pharmaceutical characteristics, but also a number of minor differences.

They consist in the following aspects:

  • The therapeutic dosage of the drug Lozap is 50 mg, and the Losartan tablets contain 100 mg of the active ingredient in the form of losartan potassium.
  • Lozap is packaged in polymer blisters, and Lozartan is packaged in cell cassettes and plastic cans.
  • Due to the different concentration of the active substance, these drugs have differences in the initial therapeutic doses. For example, the medication Lozap is allowed to be taken in 1 tablet, and to use a similar amount of Losartan, the patient needs to drink 0.5 tablets.
  • Losartan is a more affordable Russian analogue, which is produced by domestic pharmaceutical companies Pranafarm and Atoll.

Depending on the general condition of the patient's cardiovascular system, dynamics towards normalization blood pressure, the attending physician may decide to replace the drug Lozap with its cheaper analogue of Losartan.


Lozap (analogues and substitutes for this medication can be purchased at most pharmacies in the city) is a drug that can increase the level of potassium in the blood. Elderly patients and patients suffering from chronic kidney disease should regularly donate blood for its study for the indicator of this mineral.Lozap analogues and substitutes are Russian. Price, reviews

The drugs Blocktran and Lozap have the following pharmacological similarities:

  • The active substance of these medicines is the chemical compound losartan potassium in an identical dosage - 50 mg.
  • Packaging of medicines Blocktran and Lozap is carried out in polymer blisters of 10 tablets. in everyone.
  • Both drugs belong to the same pharmacological group of receptor antagonists that are hypersensitive to angiotensin II.
  • Bloktran and Lozap do not have the side effect of inhibiting an enzyme called kinase II, which is involved in the destruction of bradykinin.
  • These medications prevent myocardial tissue hypertrophy in people who have previously suffered from cardiac attack, or have an individual tendency to develop degenerative changes in the structure of the heart muscles.
  • Bloktran and Lozap increase the level of tolerance to stressful physical activity in patients suffering from heart failure.
  • After a single intake of these medications, a gradual decrease in blood pressure is observed. This effect of the drugs Blocktran and Lozap can be diagnosed 6 hours after taking their therapeutic dose.
  • Both medicines are characterized by a prolonged and accumulating principle of action, since the maximum vasodilating effect with a decrease in blood pressure is achieved after 3-6 weeks of their continuous reception.
  • Bloktran and Lozap are able to reduce the concentration of adrenaline and aldosterone in the general blood flow, which reduces the physiological load on the patient's cardiovascular system.
  • The maximum bioavailability of these drugs is achieved 1 hour after taking their standard therapeutic dose.
  • Medicines of this type have the same effect on the liver tissue of patients. People suffering from chronic diseases of this organ need to receive lower doses of Blocktran and Lozap.
  • Both medicines are indicated for use as the main or auxiliary agent for the treatment of patients with arterial hypertension.
  • The maximum therapeutic effect from the use of Blocktran and Lozap is possible only if they are taken over a continuous course with a duration of 3 to 6 weeks.
  • These drugs are contraindicated in patients under the age of 18.
  • Bloktran and Lozap have a similar dosing regimen, since they are taken 1 tablet 1-2 times a day, depending on the diagnosed disease of the cardiovascular system.

Blocktran and Lozap drugs have a minimum number of differences, which consist in the following characteristics:

  • Bloktran is available in the form of tablets that have a pinkish-orange hue, and the protective shell of the drug Lozap has a rich white color.
  • The drug Lozap is produced by the Slovak pharmaceutical company Sanofi, and the manufacturer of the drug Blocktran is a domestic enterprise JSC Pharmstandard.
  • The cost of Blocktran tablets is almost 2 times lower.

Lozap (analogues and substitutes for this medication are dispensed by prescription of the attending physician) is a drug that has a pronounced effect on a person's blood pressure. Patients receiving therapy with this drug should have daily blood pressure measurements.


Lorista is a drug that is a complete analogue of Lozap. This medication is Russian-made.Lozap analogues and substitutes are Russian. Price, reviews

The following similarities are distinguished between the pharmacological properties of Lorista and Lozap tablets:

  • Both drugs contain the same active ingredient in the form of losartan potassium.
  • Lorista and Lozap have a pronounced vasodilator and antihypertensive effect.
  • These medicines belong to a similar pharmacological group of angiotensin II receptor antagonists.
  • Medicines of these types are prescribed for the complex treatment and prevention of arterial hypertension, as well as for reducing the risk of sudden death from complications of this disease.
  • Lorista and Lozap are used for the timely prevention of cerebral stroke, myocardial infarction and hypertrophic changes in the tissues of the left ventricle.
  • Both drugs are indicated for use to protect the internal structure of the kidneys in patients who suffer from type 2 diabetes mellitus, accompanied by proteinuria.
  • Lorista and Lozap have an identical therapeutic effect on patients diagnosed with chronic heart failure.
  • These drugs include in the course of combined treatment of patients with severe heart disease and blood vessels that suffer from individual intolerance to drugs from the group of inhibitors APF.
  • Medicines of these types have the same dosage regimen. This is 50 mg of the active substance, which is taken orally 1-2 times a day, depending on the diagnosed disease and the patient's condition.
  • Lorista and Lozap are contraindicated for use in patients under 18 years of age, women in a state of pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding a newborn baby.
  • Regular intake of these drugs helps to curb the progression of chronic renal failure in patients who suffer from severe diseases of the excretory system.
  • Lorista and Lozap medicines cannot be prescribed to patients who have been diagnosed with individual intolerance to their active substance in the form of losartan potassium.

Lozap (analogues and substitutes for this drug must be prescribed by a doctor) and Lorista are medicines with similar properties, which have the following differences:

  • The cost of the drug Lorista is 2 times lower than that of the foreign Lozap.
  • Lorista tablets are characterized by a rich yellow color and regular shape.
  • As part of the Lorista preparation, the concentration of the active substance losartan potassium is 2 times less (25 mg) than in Lozap tablets (50 mg).
  • The drug Lorista is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company KRKA-RUS LLC.

The disadvantage of Lorista is the low concentration of the active substance in 1 tablet. Patients who are prescribed course therapy with this medication are forced to drink 2 tablets at once. for 1 reception. At the same time, most other analogues of the antihypertensive agent Lozap have a dosage of not 25, but 50 mg, which is more convenient in conditions of daily use of several drugs at once.


Vasotens is a foreign analogue of the drug Lozap, which is also available in the form of tablets with different dosages of the active ingredient.Lozap analogues and substitutes are Russian. Price, reviews

These medicines have the following similarities in terms of pharmacological and therapeutic characteristics:

  • Both drugs belong to the group of receptor antagonists that are sensitive to angiotensin II.
  • Vasotens and Lozap are antihypertensive agents, promoting the expansion of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure.
  • The active substance of these medicines is the chemical compound losartan potassium.
  • For the onset of a positive therapeutic effect, Vasotens and Lozap must be taken over a continuous course of 1-1.5 months. Also, these drugs have a similar daily dosage rate, which is 1-2 times a day.
  • Vasotens and Lozap are completely safe for patients suffering from severe kidney disease. Patients in this category do not need to adjust the dosage regimen with these medicines.
  • Both drugs are contraindicated for persons who have been diagnosed with hypotension, have increased blood potassium levels, or have dehydration of the body.
  • The medicines Vasotens and Lozap are equally dangerous for patients with hepatic impairment. Patients in this group should receive 2-3 times less doses of these medicines than other adults who do not have liver problems.
  • The drugs Vasotens and Lozap similarly affect the physiological state of the fetus, provoking various anomalies of intrauterine development. Therapy with these types of antihypertensive drugs in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy can cause sudden death of the child.
  • Both medicines are capable of provoking severe forms of an allergic reaction in patients who have an individual intolerance to their active substance - losartan potassium.
  • In patients with an increased concentration of potassium in the blood, the drugs Vazotens and Lozap can cause an electrolyte imbalance with the further development of hyperkalemia.

Lozap (analogues and substitutes for this medication are produced by Russian and foreign enterprises) is a drug that can be replaced by the drug Vazotenz.

Antihypertensive pills of these types have the following differences:

  • Vasotenz is available in a wide variety of dosages. For example, a customer can purchase these tablets with an active substance concentration of 12.5, 25, 50 or 100 mg.
  • Vazotenz is produced by the Irish pharmaceutical company Actavis, and Lozap is produced by the Slovak company Sanofi.
  • On top of the Vazotenz tablets, there is a characteristic marking in the form of the number "3" and the Latin letter "L".

In the rest of the external, pharmacological and therapeutic characteristics, the drugs Vazotens and Lozap are absolute analogues. If necessary, the patient's attending physician can replace these medications.


Karzartan is a foreign analogue of the drug Lozap, which is sold in the Russian Federation on the basis of a prescription from the attending physician.Lozap analogues and substitutes are Russian. Price, reviews

These medicines have the following pharmacological similarities:

  • They are produced in the form of round tablets, which are covered with a layer of a protective shell.
  • Both preparations contain the same active ingredient in the form of losartan potassium at a dosage of 50 mg.
  • Karzartan and Lozap belong to a single pharmaco-therapeutic group of receptor antagonists responsible for sensitivity to angiotensin II.
  • Medicines in this category are characterized by a long period of action and slow metabolic degradation, which takes up to 24 hours.
  • The standard therapeutic dosage with the drugs Karzartan and Lozap is 50 mg 1 time per day, but it can be adjusted by the doctor to the side increase or decrease, depending on the diagnosis, which is made to the patient, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases of the liver, blood vessels, kidneys.
  • Both medicines are prescribed for patients suffering from arterial hypertension, heart failure, pathological conditions of the kidneys caused by a complication of diabetes mellitus.
  • In the process of treatment with Karzartan and Lozap tablets, side effects may appear in the form of dizziness, the development of orthostatic hypotension, and hyperkalemia.
  • These drugs are contraindicated in patients under the age of 18, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.
  • In adult men and women who have a concomitant disease in the form of liver cirrhosis, Karzartan and Lozap are able to increase the concentration of losartan potassium in the blood serum.
  • Both medicines are used with caution in patients with signs of imbalance in water and electrolyte balance.

The distinctive features of the antihypertensive drugs Karzartan and Lozap include the fact that the first medication is produced by the Indian pharmaceutical company Micro Labs. The Karzartan preparation is packaged not only in polymer blisters, but also in polypropylene cans, designed for 100 tablets.


The average cost of the drug Lozap is from 228 to 313 rubles. for 30 tablets with a dosage of the active substance of 100 mg. The table below lists the prices for the main analogues and substitutes for this medication.

Drug name Price range
Losartan From 131 to 159 rubles. for 30 tab.
Blocktran From 324 to 396 rub. for 60 tab.
Lorista From 160 to 198 rubles for 30 tab.
Vasotenz From 114 to 123 rubles. for 30 tab.

Lozap is a potent drug developed for complex therapy and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The pharmacological properties of this drug are manifested only if it is taken as a course. A stable decrease in blood pressure indicators, the prevention of hypertrophic changes in the tissues of the left ventricle is achieved after 3-6 weeks of continuous therapy with this medication.

On the market of pharmaceutical products of the Russian Federation, substitutes and analogues of the drug Lozap are presented, which have a similar effect on the human body. Dispensing of antihypertensive drugs in this category is carried out only on prescription.

Video about the drug analogue Lozapa

Instructions, price and analogues of Losartan:

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