
The analogue of Trental in tablets is domestic. Price

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  1. Domestic analogues of Trental tablets
  2. Nicergoline
  3. Pentoxifylline
  4. Xanthinol nicotinate
  5. Dipyridamole-FPO
  6. Prices
  7. Video about Trental's analogues

Trental is a drug from the pharmacological group of vasodilating drugs. This medication is available in the form of round white tablets with a concentration of the active substance pentoxifylline 100 mg in 1 table.

Trental is manufactured by the Indian pharmaceutical company Sanofi. Domestic analogues of this drug are sold in Russia, which have exactly the same therapeutic properties.

The drug Trental is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • various disorders of local blood circulation in the vascular system of the eyeball;
  • memory impairment;
  • recovery period after a cerebral stroke;
  • trophic lesions of the arterial vessels of the lower extremities;
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • dizziness attacks;
  • gangrene;
  • degenerative changes in the structure of the vessels of the inner ear;
  • complications caused by cerebral atherosclerosis.

The target purpose of the drug Trental is to improve blood microcirculation in tissue areas that have pronounced signs of local circulatory disorders. This medication has a moderate vasodilator effect by relaxing the muscle fibers of smooth muscles.

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Domestic analogues of Trental tablets

Domestic analogues of the drug Trental can be found in most city pharmacies of the Russian Federation, which also available in tablet form, have a vasodilating effect on the cardiovascular system person.


Nicergoline is a Russian drug produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company AVVA RUS.

This medication has the following pharmacological similarities with Trental:

  • both drugs are available in the form of tablets coated with an additional layer of enteric coating;
  • Nicergoline and Trental have a stimulating effect on the vascular network of the brain;
  • these drugs improve blood flow in the arteries and arterioles;
  • both medicines increase the quality characteristics of blood in terms of its fluidity;
  • Nicergoline and Trental prevent the formation of blood clots;Trental's analogs in tablets are domestic. Price
  • drugs of these types expand the walls of blood vessels, which leads to a slight decrease in blood pressure;
  • the active substances of Nicergoline and Trental help to increase blood flow in the lower and upper extremities;
  • by stimulating local blood circulation, tissues of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs get more the amount of nutrients and oxygen, which has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body human;
  • both drugs are characterized by rapid absorption into the intestinal wall, and also have a high bioavailability in the blood plasma;
  • Nicergoline and Trental have the same indications for use for the treatment of patients with cerebrovascular accidents, atherosclerosis and complications caused by this pathology;
  • drugs of these types are characterized by a similar metabolic degradation process, which occurs in liver tissues with further excretion of chemical breakdown products through the kidneys (within 80-90%) and intestines (10-20%);
  • both medications are prescribed for admission to patients who have been diagnosed with cerebrovascular accident, there are signs of developing vascular atherosclerosis;
  • tablets Nicergoline and Trental are effective in the prevention and complex therapy of thrombosis, as well as embolism of large blood vessels;
  • the active ingredients of these drugs exhibit the same properties in relation to patients prone to frequent hypertensive crises (due to the expansion of the lumen of the vascular walls, the effect of reducing arterial pressure);
  • the drugs Nicergoline and Trental are not used for acute bleeding, since blood loss may increase due to the suppression of the physiological activity of platelets;
  • the main substances of these medicines can cause a common side effect in the form of allergic reactions with varying severity of their manifestation;
  • during treatment with these types of drugs, signs of dizziness, darkening in the eyes, a decrease in blood pressure (this property of vasodilating components occurs due to a sharp expansion of the walls of blood vessels);
  • both medications are not prescribed for course or symptomatic admission to patients who have severe disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver tissues;
  • Tablets Nicergoline and Trental are characterized by the same properties of drug interaction in terms of enhancing the therapeutic effect of antihypertensive drugs.

Nicergoline and Trental have not only similar pharmacological properties, but also a number of the following differences:

  • despite the fact that the drug Nicergoline has similar properties with the drug Trental, it belongs to the therapeutic group of alpha-blockers;
  • Nicergoline is not used to treat degenerative changes in the vascular structure of the internal ear, and Trental tablets are used for the complex therapy of pathological conditions of the organ hearing;
  • the drug Nicergoline shows positive therapeutic properties during the treatment of cerebral disorders circulation, but does not have the desired effect in relation to patients with diseases of the vascular network of the eye apples;
  • the composition of the drug Trental contains the active substance pentoxifylline at a dosage of 100 mg, and Nicergoline tablets are the main component in the form of the chemical compound nicergoline at a concentration of 10 mg.

Analogue of Trental in tablets (the domestic drug is not inferior in pharmacological properties to medicines foreign production) - the drug Nicergoline, which is taken orally in dosages of 5-10 mg up to 3 once a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but on average it is at least 2-3 months.


Pentoxifylline is an angioprotective drug produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company PJSC Biosintez.

Trental's analogs in tablets are domestic. Price

This medication has the following pharmacological similarities with Trental:

  • both drugs contain the same active ingredient in the form of pentoxifylline at a dosage of 100 mg per 1 tablet;
  • Pentoxifylline and Trental improve blood microcirculation, which has a positive effect on the work of internal organs;
  • these drugs reduce the level of blood viscosity;
  • Pentoxifylline and Trental are available in the form of tablets covered with a layer of a protective film;
  • both medications reduce the activity of platelet interaction, preventing the formation of blood clots inside large great vessels;
  • drugs Pentoxifylline and Trental increase the concentration of oxygen molecules in the bloodstream and tissues of internal organs;
  • the constituent substances of these funds expand the lumen of the walls of the arteries, increasing the volume of oxygen delivered to the myocardium of the heart;
  • both medicines have the same property of increasing the total blood volume without significantly changing the heart rate;
  • Pentoxifylline and Trental increase the concentration of ATP molecules in the intracellular space of erythrocytes (due to this properties of medicines, their therapeutic effect is realized in terms of enriching body tissues with an additional amount oxygen);
  • these drugs dilate the blood vessels of the lungs and increase the physiological tone of the muscles of the respiratory system;
  • medicines of these types help to improve the bioelectric functions of the cerebral cortex;
  • Pentoxifylline and Trental allow you to get rid of seizures of the lower extremities and pain syndrome caused by intermittent claudication;
  • both drugs are indicated for use in the treatment of local circulatory disorders, therapy of diabetic angiopathy, the consequences of ischemic stroke, as well as myocardial infarction;
  • Pentoxifylline and Trental enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs with antihypertensive properties;
  • these medicines exhibit the same pharmacodynamics during their simultaneous use with insulin injections (in this case, an increase in the hypoglycemic effect is possible);
  • both drugs can lead to a decrease in blood pressure, which should be considered in patients suffering from hypotension.
    Trental's analogs in tablets are domestic. Price
    Pentoxifylline tablets - an analogue of Trental

An analogue of Trental in tablets (the domestic medication exhibits exactly the same properties as foreign drugs based on pentoxifylline) are dispensed in pharmacies on the basis of a prescription from the attending doctor.

These medicines have a small number of differences, which are manifested in their following pharmacological characteristics:

  • the drug Pentoxifylline is available in the form of tablets covered with a layer of a protective film of pink color, and the drug Trental has a white shell;
  • the drug Pentoxifylline is packaged in polymer blisters, plastic and glass jars, and the vasodilating agent Trental is packaged only in cell plates;
  • Pentoxifylline differs in a more affordable cost, since, unlike Trental, it is produced on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The drugs Pentoxifylline and Trental have practically no differences. The pharmacological properties of these medicines are identical. In the therapeutic process, these funds are considered interchangeable.

Xanthinol nicotinate

Analogue of Trental in tablets (the domestic drug is produced by the pharmaceutical enterprise OJSC "Avexima") Xanthinol nicotinate is part of the pharmacological group of vasodilating agents that stimulate microcirculation of blood.

The angioprotectors Trental and Xanthinol nicotinate have the following pharmacological similarities:

  • both drugs are designed to improve blood microcirculation in peripheral and great vessels;
  • the medicines Xanthinol nicotinate and Trental belong to the same pharmacological group of vasodilating agents;
  • due to the expansion of the walls of blood vessels, these drugs provide increased oxygenation and tissue nutrition with useful substances;
  • Xanthinol tablets nicotinate and Trental increase cerebral circulation;
  • the active components that make up these drugs reduce the level of blood viscosity;
  • taking these vasodilating agents regularly can prevent blood clots;
  • tablets of Xanthinol nicotinate and Trental start the processes of intracellular phospholation with the synthesis of more the number of ATP molecules necessary to provide the tissues of internal organs with an additional charge of vital energy;
  • these drugs increase the efficiency of the myocardium, which minimizes the risk of developing a heart attack;
  • long-term use of Xanthinol nicotinate and Trental can prevent pathological changes in the structure of the human circulatory system caused by atherosclerosis and increased levels cholesterol.

Angioprotectors Xanthinol nicotinate and Trental have the following pharmacological differences:

  • Xanthinol nicotinate contains a completely different active substance in the form of xanthinol nicotinate in a dosage of 150 mg, which has similar properties to the drug Trental;
  • the Xanthinol nicotinate drug is packed in special containers made of polymeric material, and Trental tablets are placed in foil blisters;
  • the drug Trental can be used to treat pathological processes in the vessels of the eyeball and internal ear, and the drug Xanthinol nicotinate does not show therapeutic efficacy in relation to these areas organism;
  • the drug Xanthinol nicotinate has alternative forms of release in the form of a liquid solution for intramuscular injections and intravenous infusions, and the drug Trental is produced only in tablets form.Trental's analogs in tablets are domestic. Price

Analogue of Trental in tablets (domestic medication shows the same therapeutic efficacy as foreign angioprotectors) the drug Xanthinol nicotinate is contraindicated for use in pregnant women, pediatric patients, patients with signs of internal bleeding. The drug Trental has similar limitations to its therapeutic use.


Dipyridamole-FPO is a vasodilating agent that is characterized by antiplatelet and immunomodulatory properties. This drug is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company FP Obolenskoye JSC.

Dipyridamole-FPO has the following pharmacological properties with the drug Trental:

  • both drugs are produced in the form of tablets, which are covered with a layer of a protective coating;
  • the drug Dipyridamole-FPO and Trental exhibit an antiplatelet effect on platelets and other blood cells;
  • the active substances of these medicines expand the endothelial walls of the great vessels, multiplying the blood flow rate inside the arterioles;
  • Dipyridamole-FPO and Trental tablets improve the function of ischemic areas of the myocardium, which were previously damaged as a result of a heart attack;
  • both drugs show the same therapeutic activity in terms of increasing the level of microcirculation of blood flow in the tissues of skeletal muscles and internal organs;
  • the drugs Dipyridamole-FPO and Trental stimulate the venous outflow in the deep veins of the lower extremities, which provides effective prevention of the formation of trophic ulcers;
  • these medicines improve blood circulation in the tissues of the brain, increase the speed of the thought process, concentration of attention and the qualitative characteristics of memory;
  • the active ingredients Dipyridamole-FPO and Trental slow down the development of atherosclerosis of the blood vessels, and also reduce the risk of concomitant complications caused by this disease;
  • both drugs are characterized by rapid absorption of basic substances into the intestinal wall with their further distribution through the systemic circulation and internal organs (the maximum concentration of active compounds of these medicines in the blood plasma is achieved within 1-2 hours);
  • Dipyridamole-FPO and Trental tablets can be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with impaired blood circulation in the brain tissues, the manifestation of signs of ischemia;
  • medicines of these types are used to prevent the formation of blood clots inside arterial and venous vessels;
  • the active substances of the drugs Dipyridamole-FPO and Trental are equally contraindicated for admission to patients who have been diagnosed with a heart attack myocardium, atherosclerosis affecting the coronary arteries, hypotension, a pronounced decrease in the efficiency of the kidneys, liver and heart muscles.

The vasodilating agents Dipyridamole-FPO and Trental have many pharmacological similarities.

Also, these medicines have the following distinctive characteristics:

  • the composition of Dipyridamole-FPO contains the active substance dipyridamole at a concentration of 75 mg per 1 tablet, and the therapeutic effect of the drug Trental is provided by the chemical compound pentoxifylline;
  • the drug Dipyridamole-FPO has not only a vasodilating effect, acts as antiplatelet agent, but it is also an immunomodulator, and Trental tablets do not show such a therapeutic activity;
  • the active ingredient of the drug Dipyridamole-FPO acts as an inducer of a biologically active substance interferon, which simulates the protective functions of the body against external and internal factors;
  • antiplatelet agent Dipyridamole-FPO is prescribed for patients with cardiovascular diseases, as well as for prophylaxis SARS, as an auxiliary drug during the treatment of the influenza virus (the drug Trental is not used for the treatment of such diseases);
  • Trental tablets are categorically contraindicated for the treatment of patients under 18 years of age, and the drug Dipyridamole-FPO is approved for use in children over 12 years of age.Trental's analogs in tablets are domestic. Price

The main difference between the drug Dipyridamole-FPO and the pharmacological characteristics of Trental is not only the presence of different constituent substances with a similar effect, but also its more extended effect on the body person. For example, the pharmacodynamics of the last medication applies exclusively to functions cardiovascular system, and Dipyridamole-FPO additionally activates performance the patient's immunity.


The table below shows the average cost of medicines that are domestic analogues of the drug Trenatal.

Name of the medication Price
Nicergoline from 393 to 400 rubles. per pack of 30 tab. with a dosage of 10 mg
Pentoxifylline from 138 to 152 rubles for 60 tab. with an active substance concentration of 100 mg
Dipyridamole-FPO from 449 to 490 rubles. for a package of 40 tab. with a dosage of 75 mg
Xanthinol nicotinate from 98 to 120 rubles. for 60 tab. with a dosage of 150 mg

Trental tablets are a vasodilating agent that has the pharmacological properties of improving local and cerebral circulation. This drug is prescribed for a course admission to patients who have had an ischemic stroke of the brain, myocardial infarction, suffering from atherosclerosis and damage to the walls of arterial vessels. There are several analogue medicines on the Russian pharmaceutical market that have a similar therapeutic effect. Long-term use of the pill can cause a drop in blood pressure.

Treatment with Trental, as well as its domestic counterparts with the simultaneous use of insulin injections, can cause the onset of a hypoglycemic effect.

Video about Trental's analogues

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