
Iodine tablets. Price, what is it for

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  1. Composition and active substance
  2. The value of iodine for the body
  3. Indications and contraindications
  4. Iodine preparations in tablets, prices
  5. Dosage regimen
  6. During pregnancy and lactation
  7. Side effect
  8. special instructions
  9. Overdose
  10. Video about the benefits of iodine

Iodine tablets are essential to compensate for the deficiency of this trace element. The price of a drug can be different - several types of such drugs are produced. Iodine is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Its deficiency causes disruption of the functioning of all organs, and as a result - the development of dangerous diseases.

Composition and active substance

Iodine in tablets (the price depends on the composition and manufacturer of the drug) is produced by almost all pharmaceutical companies. Most often they are classified as dietary supplements with a low content of the active ingredient. In all preparations, it is contained in the form of potassium iodide. The exception is Iodine-Active, based on casein. Each medicine has different additional components.

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Iodine-containing preparations are divided into 2 groups. With a physiological dosage, which is used for prophylaxis, it is prescribed for infants, adolescents, and pregnant women. Drugs with pharmacological - are needed to replenish iodine deficiency. Medicines and dietary supplements are dispensed without a prescription, the dosage is in the instructions.

The value of iodine for the body

Iodine is an important element that needs daily intake. Normally, a person should consume 150-200 mcg / day. Iodine is the only component involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which is an integral part of them.

They have an important impact on:

  • metabolism;
  • assimilation of vitamins and nutrients;
  • mental and physical development;
  • the growth of children;
  • reproductive function of adults;
  • body thermoregulation;
  • mood;
  • the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle;
  • saturation of cells with oxygen;
  • the amount of subcutaneous fat;
  • energy reserves.Iodine tablets. What is it for, the price

But iodine itself is not produced, it is delivered with air and water in small quantities, mainly only with food or dietary supplements. Most concentrated in the thyroid gland, blood plasma. But if there is no intake of iodine along with food, it becomes deficient. At the same time, the production of hormones begins to decline.

This leads to hormonal imbalance, hypothyroidism. Diffuse goiter develops - overgrowth of thyroid tissue, which causes respiratory distress due to compression of the neck. With prolonged iodine deficiency, the growth of nodes begins. Sometimes thyroid tissue degenerates into a cancerous tumor. With iodine deficiency, memory worsens, intelligence decreases, in men, potency weakens.

Long-term lack of substance becomes the cause of arrhythmia. A person feels overwhelmed, chronic fatigue appears. With iodine deficiency, hypothyroidism occurs, an increase in body weight and cholesterol levels. The concentration of attention is impaired, the speed of thought processes and fertility decreases.

Indications and contraindications

Iodine in tablets is used to prevent the lack of an element (the price for such drugs is usually low). They need to be drunk in a strictly defined dosage, which is not recommended to be exceeded. Also, drugs are used to treat gland pathologies (in particular, endemic goiter), correction of organ dysfunction.

Iodine deficiency is not noticed for a long time. Therefore, treatment generally begins when a deficiency in the production of certain hormones is detected, with a pronounced increase in the thyroid gland. Medicines and dietary supplements are prescribed first to restore balance, then as a prophylaxis.

Iodine tablets. What is it for, the price

For residents of regions in which there is a persistent iodine deficiency, it is recommended to take them even without signs of insufficient production of hormones or symptoms of thyroid pathologies. People with weakened immunity, adolescents, pregnant women, breastfeeding are especially in need of drugs.

The lack of iodine cannot be determined using the folk method - applying a grid. This is revealed only by laboratory tests. There is an opinion that to replenish the deficiency of the component, it is enough to drink a drop of iodine. This is contraindicated, since it contains a component 30 times more than the daily requirement.

Such a concentration of iodine for 1 dose is dangerous. For the same reason, the dose of drugs should not be exceeded. Contraindications - individual intolerance, toxic adenoma, Duhring's pathology or toxic goiter.

Iodine preparations in tablets, prices

Iodine tablets (the price is set by the manufacturer) are divided into two groups. Medicines are prescribed for therapy, prevention of thyroid pathologies. The second group - dietary supplements (biologically active additives), which are used for tonic purposes. But they cannot replace full-fledged treatment, their effectiveness is noticeably lower.

Preparations, price Features of use Application scheme
Potassium iodide, cost - from 120 rubles. The active ingredient is potassium iodide. Prescribed for the prevention and treatment of goiter, in the treatment of the thyroid gland with complex drugs. In addition to general contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, hyperthyroidism. It should be taken with caution in old age and with renal failure. Children are given potassium iodide 50-100 mcg, for adults the dose is doubled.
Iodomarin, price - from 220 rubles. The active ingredient is potassium iodide, among the auxiliary ones is lactose, magnesium carbonate. Iodomarin is given to correct iodine deficiency, prevent and treat goiter. It is not advised to use the medicine for oncology, the simultaneous use of radioactive iodine. With hypothyroidism, it is prescribed only with a pronounced deficiency of the substance.Iodine tablets. What is it for, the price The tablets are drunk after meals, for children they are pre-mixed in juice, milk. For some diseases, you can consume no more than 300 mcg / day. To prevent the development of goiter, infants and adolescents are given ½ tablets / day, adults - 1-2 pcs. The same dosage and to avoid relapse. With euthyroid goiter, 1-2 tablets / day are prescribed for up to 12 years, and 3-5 tablets are prescribed for older ones. Pregnant and lactating women are prescribed 2 pcs / 24 hours. Goiter therapy in infants lasts 14-30 days. To prevent iodine deficiency, the drug is taken for several years.
Iodine-Active, price - 100-290 rubles. The active ingredient is iodine, the auxiliary ones are casein, lactose, calcium stearate and skim milk. The composition also contains a complex of vitamins. This dietary supplement is used as a supplement to food. Increases the secretion of thyroid hormones. Iodine-Active is prescribed for the prevention of thyroid pathologies. Do not take pills together with other medications containing iodine. Contraindicated in pregnancy, breastfeeding. The dosage is selected individually - depending on the severity of iodine deficiency.
Antistrumin, price - from 800 rubles. The active ingredient is potassium iodide. Antistramine is prescribed for the prevention of iodine deficiency, treatment of goiter, hypothyroidism, after surgery on the gland. Contraindications - furunculosis, acne, kidney pathology, pulmonary tuberculosis. The tablets are drunk after meals, preferably with jelly or milk - to protect the gastric mucosa. For prevention, they drink 1 tablet / day for a week. Goiter therapy - 1-2 pcs / day, 2-3 times. The course of therapy is a week. The dosage can be changed at the discretion of the physician.
Microiodide, price - from 110 rubles. The active ingredient is potassium iodide, from the auxiliary ones - aerosil, calcium stearate, refined sugar, lactose. The drug is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the gland, after surgery on it. Contraindications - strong and latent thyrotoxicosis, herpetic dermatitis, nodular goiter or toxic adenoma. Microiodide can be drunk with hypothyroidism only if it is of a pronounced form and is not caused by a lack of iodine. Prohibited for thyroid oncology. Microiodide should not be drunk at the same time as radioactive iodine. As a prophylaxis, children are prescribed Microiodide 50-100 mcg / day, adolescents and adults - a double dose. With treatment, the dosage is doubled. The doctor determines the course of therapy individually.
Iodine Vitrum, price - from 420 rubles. The active active ingredient is potassium iodide. Prescribed for the prevention and treatment of goiter, subsequent relapses. The effectiveness will be reduced with the joint administration of antithyroid drugs. Iodine Vitrum is not taken for hyperthyroidism, toxic adenoma, diffuse and nodular goiter, or Duhring's pathology. The drug is not advisable to take when carrying a child, breastfeeding. Children are given 50-100 mcg, adults - a double dose.
Iodine balance, price - from 110 rubles. The active ingredient is potassium iodide, additional starch, cellulose, lactose. The drug is prescribed to prevent iodine deficiency, goiter therapy, in order to avoid relapses after surgery. Even babies are allowed to give iodine balance. Contraindications - nodular goiter, any form of hyperthyroidism, toxic adenomas or Duhring's dermatitis. Due to the content of lactose monohydrate, the drug is not recommended for people with hereditary pathologies that are associated with intolerance to the component.
Iodine tablets. What is it for, the price
Iodine balance - iodine tablets
For prevention, infants and adolescents are prescribed 50-100 mcg / day, and adults - a double dose. To eliminate goiter, the dose is doubled. The tablets are drunk after meals, if given to children, then they are first dissolved in warm boiled water. For prevention, Iodine balance is taken from six months to several years.

Prophylactic doses of iodine are contained in vitamin complexes, active food supplements. Therefore, before taking such funds, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition. The most popular are Alphabet, Multitabs, Vitrum. The advantage of iodine in tablets is a strictly calculated dosage, fast and complete assimilation, the ability to control the exact intake of the component.

Dosage regimen

Iodine in tablets (the price of the drug may depend on the dosage in which the drug is packaged - 50, 100, 200) during treatment, they are first prescribed in large quantities. This course of therapy lasts several weeks until the hormonal background is normalized. Then the dosage is reduced, and the drugs are taken for prophylactic purposes. This course also takes a long time.

Daily doses up to 1 mg are physiological and do not cause disruption in the body. If more of the element is supplied, then this is the pharmacological dosage. This happens while taking certain medications. When taking tabletted iodine, it must be borne in mind that in small concentrations the substance is contained in some expectorants.

For example, the Amiodarone tablet contains 60 mg of the component, which is equal to the annual requirement. In a drop of Lugol - 6.3 mg of iodine (this is a monthly dosage), 1 ml of alcoholic tincture - 40 mg, which is enough for 200 days. For prophylaxis, iodine-containing preparations are prescribed at 100-200 mcg per day.Iodine tablets. What is it for, the price

The dosage is calculated depending on age and condition:

  • children are given 50-100 mcg / day;
  • adults - double dosage.
  • During pregnancy, Iodide-100 is prescribed, 1-2 tablets per day, or Iodide-200, 1 table / day. During the period of childbearing, even physiological doses are highly effective. A monthly therapeutic course is enough.

During pregnancy and lactation

The main reason for the appearance of iodine deficiency is unhealthy nutrition, when products containing this component are excluded (or consumed in insufficient quantities) from the diet. More often this happens during pregnancy, when toxicosis occurs against the background of hormonal changes.

A woman cannot eat the right foods, they often cause nausea and vomiting. But this is a temporary phenomenon, then it is imperative to include products containing iodine in the diet in order to ensure the normal course of pregnancy and to exclude complications and miscarriages.

Its deficiency is very dangerous for children. At the same time, physical and mental development is disturbed, cretinism is manifested. In pregnant women, there is an abnormal formation of the fetus, its skeleton, and the nervous system. A child may be born with congenital physical and mental disabilities, and there is a high risk of miscarriage or stillbirth.

The laying of the thyroid gland begins in the first month of pregnancy, and from 10-12 weeks the organ begins to take iodine. Then the synthesis of thyroid hormones begins. Their lack in the fetus causes a decrease in the amount of the brain and DNA that it contains, and histological changes. Therefore, pregnant women are prescribed iodine-containing drugs in a physiological dosage.Iodine tablets. What is it for, the price

Other negative manifestations include the development of strabismus, short stature, dumbness and deafness. Newborns may be diagnosed with neonatal hypothyroidism. Iodine overdose can cause serious problems in infants. Therefore, during lactation, it is important to monitor the concentration of the substance and, if necessary, adjust it with a doctor.

Even physiological doses of drugs help restore iodine balance. 3-4 weeks are enough to eliminate the deficit. At the same time, the concentration of iodine in nursing mothers increases, which lengthens the period of natural feeding.

Side effect

When using iodine-containing drugs, Wolf-Chaikov syndrome sometimes occurs. At the same time, the capture of the substance by the gland is blocked for two weeks and the synthesis of thyroid hormones stops. This prevents excessive iodine intake. Within two weeks, the iodine concentration decreases to normal. Sometimes, after iodine-containing drugs, side effects can be diagnosed - allergic reactions, heart rhythm interruptions, numbness in the extremities.

special instructions

Iodine in tablets (the price does not depend on special instructions for taking the drug) must be taken additionally, not only if there is a deficiency of the component.

It is important to remember what prevents him from assimilating:

  • cobalt;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • bromine;
  • iron;
  • chlorine.

Therefore, if the diet is based on many of the listed minerals, then taking medications is necessary in order to prevent deficiency. Special instructions are prescribed in the instructions of the drug - in particular, interaction with other medications, can it be taken by the elderly.


Medicinal iodine-containing preparations are prescribed by an endocrinologist after a complete examination. If you take them on your own or exceed the recommended amount, then an overdose may occur.Iodine tablets. What is it for, the price

This can cause health problems:

  • migraine;
  • destruction of teeth, bones;
  • nausea, bouts of vomiting;
  • development of thyrotoxicosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • general weakness;
  • iodism;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • toxic goiter;
  • disorders of the heart system;
  • diarrhea;
  • hair loss and brittleness;
  • metal taste in the mouth;
  • pain in the epigastrium and abdomen;
  • muscle weakness, sometimes to the point of paralysis;
  • temperature increase.

In case of an overdose, the manifestations of side effects increase significantly. In severe cases, dehydration, shock, esophageal stenosis may begin. With signs of severe intoxication, an urgent gastric lavage is necessary.

Iodine tablets can vary in price. It mainly depends on the manufacturer, the packaged dosage, and the region of sale. But in general, preparations with iodine are inexpensive. A short course of treatment is sufficient to compensate for the deficiency of the substance. Even with prolonged use, the drug is taken strictly in small quantities and according to a specific scheme.

Video about the benefits of iodine

Iodine - to accept or not:

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