
Eye pills to improve vision. List

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  1. Classification
  2. The best drugs from the pharmacy
  3. Lutein Complex
  4. Lycopene
  5. Blueberry Forte
  6. Biorhythm vision
  7. Beta Carotene
  8. TauRetina
  9. Eye Vitamins Video

Eye pills to improve the quality of vision - this is a separate group of medicines aimed at strengthening the functions of the eyeball, timely prevention and treatment of ophthalmic diseases. Preparations in this category contain biologically active substances, vitamins, minerals, plant extracts and chemical components of synthetic etiology.


Eye tablets to improve vision functions are used throughout a continuous therapeutic course. The table below lists the main classification types of drugs in this category.

Classification of ophthalmic tablets to improve vision Characteristics of drugs
Dietary supplements Dietary supplements in ophthalmology are tablets that contain extracts and essential oils of medicinal plants. Drugs in this category supplement the patient's main food ration, saturating the tissues and structural elements of the eyeball with additional nutritional components. The therapeutic efficacy of dietary supplements in ophthalmology is disputed and rejected by many experts, but the funds of this group are presented on the pharmaceutical market. These drugs include Herbavision and Lyutigold tablets, Lutein Intensive, Blueberry Anthocyanins. Dietary supplements are not recommended for people who have been diagnosed with severe functional disorders of the organ of vision requiring specialized treatment with potent medicines.
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Fortified medicines The preparations of this group contain in their composition key vitamins and minerals that are necessary to maintain the stable functioning of the eyeball. A distinctive feature of these medicines is that the implementation of their therapeutic efficiency is carried out due to the nutrition of the eye tissues with vitamins of group B, A, E, C, providing them microelements. Fortified drugs are certified drugs that are taken on average for 1-2 months. depending on the medical indications and the patient's health condition.

Eye tablets to improve vision are selected by a qualified ophthalmologist based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the patient's organ of vision. Most of the drugs in this category are approved for use by adults and children of all ages.

The best drugs from the pharmacy

In city pharmacies, a wide selection of ophthalmic preparations in tablet form is presented, the active substances of which contribute to the restoration and strengthening of vision functions. Medicines in this category can be used to treat and prevent eye diseases.

Lutein Complex

Lutein Complex is a high quality dietary supplement formulated to support vision functions. This drug is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Vneshtorg Pharma. BAA Lutein-Complex is a cylindrical tablet with a film shell of a dark purple hue.

Eye pills to improve vision. List
Lutein Complex - eye pills to improve vision

The table below lists the main components of Lutein-Complex for the eyes, as well as their therapeutic dosage.

Lutein Complex Eye Firming Active Ingredients Concentration of the active ingredient
Retinol acetate Not less than 660 mcg
Ascorbic acid About 200 mg
Anthocyanins Within 7 ygs
Tocopherol acetate Not more than 30 mg
Betacarotene Not less than 2.6 mg
Lutein About 4 mg
Copper Not more than 1000 mcg
Selenium Within 30 mcg
Zinc Not less than 10 mg
Taurine At a dosage of 100 mg

The energy potential of 1 tablet of Lutein-Complex is 0.2 kcal. This indicator is represented by carbohydrate compounds in a mass fraction of 0.06 g.

The drug Lutein-Complex has the following pharmacological properties:

  • protects the organ of vision while working at computer devices, as well as during other intense loads;
  • acts as a safe source of flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamins and minerals;
  • optimizes the functional activity of the visual apparatus;
  • saturates the tissues of the retina and lens with an additional amount of lutein, which is necessary to protect their structure;
  • provides timely prevention of the occurrence of ophthalmic diseases.Eye pills to improve vision. List

The dietary supplement Lutein-Complex accelerates the restoration of full-fledged vision functions in adults and children who have undergone surgical operations of varying complexity during the treatment of eye diseases.

The drug Lutein-Complex is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • myopia (in this case, dietary supplements are prescribed to prevent the development of complications);
  • persistent eye fatigue syndrome;
  • daily work associated with increased stress on the retina (electric and gas welding of metals, bright lighting);
  • living in regions where the increased level of insolation prevails;
  • long stay at the computer monitor.

Reception of Lutein-Complex is prescribed to drivers of vehicles who are forced to carry out prolonged driving at night. The constituents of this drug relieve eye fatigue, remove irritation of the mucous membrane caused by constant lack of sleep.

The dosage regimen of Lutein-Complex involves taking 1-2 tablets of the drug per day during a meal. The duration of the therapeutic course is 30 days. This remedy is contraindicated in pregnant women, mothers who are breastfeeding a newborn baby. Lutein-Complex is not prescribed for admission to patients who have an individual intolerance to the constituent components of the ophthalmic drug. The average cost of this dietary supplement for the eyes is from 170 to 412 rubles. for 20 tablets.


Eye tablets for improving vision are a dietary supplement to the basic diet of Lycopene. This drug is produced by the Russian company OJSC Evalar. The active substance of this dietary supplement is the antioxidant lycopene at a dosage of 6.5 mg.

The following components perform an auxiliary function:

  • gelatin;
  • refined soybean oil;
  • glycerol;
  • moisture-retaining sorbitol syrup.Eye pills to improve vision. List

BAA Lycopene has the following pharmacological properties:

  • slows down the processes of natural aging of the organ of vision, and also contributes to its rejuvenation;
  • reduces the concentration of free radicals that damage the structure of the eyeball;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents capillary fragility;
  • maintains an optimal level of blood viscosity, which is very important for maintaining full blood circulation in the vascular network of the eye.

The drug Lycopene can be taken to prevent ophthalmic diseases during critical loads on the organ of vision, and is also included in the complex drug therapy of already acquired eye diseases. A dietary supplement is prescribed to be taken 1 tablet 1 time per day with food. The duration of treatment is 1 month.

BAA Lycopene is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • the state of pregnancy;
  • lactation of a newborn baby by breastfeeding;
  • a tendency to manifest an allergic reaction to the constituent components of the drug.

The shelf life of the dietary supplement Lycopene is 2 years, and its average cost in pharmacies is 669 rubles. per pack of 30 tablets. The drug is dispensed without a prescription.

Blueberry Forte

Blueberry Forte is a dietary supplement for improving the functional state of the organ of vision. The active substance of this drug is Omega-3, zeaxanthin, as well as anthocyanins obtained from blueberries. The pharmacological properties of this dietary supplement are enhanced by ascorbic acid, zinc, B vitamins. The Bilberry Forte tablets contain auxiliary components in the form of mannitol and sorbitol, which are capable of having a moderate laxative effect.

The drug for eyes Bilberry Forte has the following pharmacological properties:

  • improves visual acuity;
  • eliminates the feeling of eye fatigue after prolonged work at the computer, sewing, reading a book, driving a vehicle;
  • provides a gradual increase in visual acuity;
  • promotes the renewal of the structure of the retina;
    Eye pills to improve vision. List
    Blueberry-Forte for eyes
  • increases the quality index of the pigment of the organ of vision rhodopsin;
  • maintains an optimal level of intraocular pressure, which is the prevention of glaucoma;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels that provide nutrition to the eyeball;
  • activates metabolic processes in the tissues of the organ of vision;
  • eliminates signs of muscle weakness, which is responsible for the functional mobility of the eye;
  • replenishes the deficiency of B vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the organ of vision.

BAA Bilberry Forte is indicated for the prevention of ophthalmic diseases and improving the functions of the eyes. This drug can be prescribed for children over the age of 3 years. Blueberry Forte is taken 2 tablets 2 times a day during a meal. The duration of the therapeutic course is from 2 to 4 months. depending on the functional state of the patient's organ of vision.

The drug Bilberry Forte has the following contraindications for its use:

  • breastfeeding a newborn baby;
  • the state of pregnancy, regardless of the timing of intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • hypersensitivity to the constituents of this drug.

The shelf life of the dietary supplement Bilberry Forte is 3 years, after which this product must be disposed of. The average cost of this drug is 169 rubles. per pack of 50 tablets.

Biorhythm vision

Eye pills to improve vision contain vitamin complexes, trace elements and plant extracts. The ophthalmic agent Biorhythm vision is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Evalar. This product maintains stable eye function during the daytime and also provides eye nutrition at night.Eye pills to improve vision. List

This dietary supplement contains the following components:

  • taurine at a dosage of 100 mg;
  • vitamin A at a concentration of 1.0 mg;
  • zinc not more than 15 mg;
  • lutein about 1.0 mg;
  • vitamin E in the amount of 10 mg;
  • Zeaxanthin not less than 0.2 mg;
  • ascorbic acid with a mass fraction of 35 mg.

The pharmacological formula of the drug Biorhythm vision is designed in such a way that the patient takes the above components at a certain time of the day. To ensure the best therapeutic effect, this ophthalmic agent is taken in 1 morning and evening tablet, which are indicated by the appropriate labeling.

The components of the drug relieve eye fatigue, nourish their tissues with vitamins and minerals, and provide a gradual improvement in the quality of vision. The duration of the therapeutic course is 1 month, but it can be extended by agreement with the attending physician.

The drug Biorhythm vision is contraindicated in pregnant women who are breastfeeding, as well as in patients with individual intolerance to the constituent components of this drug. The shelf life of this dietary supplement is 3 years in conditions of temperature not higher than +25 degrees Celsius. The average cost of the ophthalmic agent Biorhythm vision is 219 rubles. for 32 tablets.

Beta Carotene

Beta-Carotene is a drug that belongs to the pharmacological group of carotenoids. After entering the human digestive system, Beta-carotene undergoes a complex process of metabolic conversion into vitamin A. This drug comes in the form of yellow tablets, which contain an oily substance inside.

Beta-Carotene has the following pharmacological properties:

  • slows down the natural aging process of eye tissue;
  • prevents damage to the vascular network of the organ of vision by free radicals;
  • acts as a safe antioxidant agent;
  • protects the mucous membrane of the eye from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and bright light sources;
  • improves visual acuity.

Beta-Carotene in tablet form is used for the prevention of most ophthalmic diseases. Patients who have already acquired eye diseases regularly use this drug, restore the previous functions of the organ of vision 2 times faster. Beta-Carotene is taken 1 tablet once a day after meals. The drug is taken with a sufficient amount of liquid. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending ophthalmologist.Eye pills to improve vision. List

In conditions of prolonged therapy with Beta-Carotene, it is necessary to control its concentration in the composition of blood plasma, which should not exceed 40-50 μg per 100 ml of biological material. In the case of the simultaneous use of this agent with vitamin E and ascorbic acid, signs of a positive drug interaction in terms of enhancing therapeutic properties provitamin A. The average cost of Beta-Carotene is 1170 rubles.


Eye tablets to improve vision should be taken after a diagnostic determination of the causes that cause the development of ophthalmic diseases. TauRetina is a combination dietary supplement. The table below lists the active substances of this drug, and also describes in detail their pharmacological properties.

Composition of the ophthalmic agent TauRetina The principle of therapeutic action
Taurine This component is a sulfur-containing amino acid that is synthesized in the human body after metabolic conversion of cysteine. Taurine strengthens the vascular network of the eyeball, stimulates metabolic processes in the tissues of the organ of vision, has an anti-cataract effect. This substance prevents dystrophic changes in the structure of the eyeball.
Coenzyme Q10 This active component of the TauRetina preparation is a derivative of the biologically active compound ubiquionone. Coenzyme Q10 exhibits antioxidant properties, accelerates redox reactions in the cells of the organ of vision. Regular intake of this substance into the human body allows achieving the effect of rejuvenating the tissues of the eyeball, increasing local immunity.
Marigold extract The biochemical component obtained from these plants contains the maximum concentration of natural lutein, zeaxanthin, and carotenoids. This substance prevents age-related changes in the structure of the eyeball, prevents the development of cataracts and signs of macular degeneration.
Turmeric longa This component of the TauRetina preparation contains calcium, phosphorus, vitamins of group B, K, ascorbic acid, iodine and iron oxides. Longa turmeric provides high-quality nutrition for the tissues of the organ of vision, and also helps to eliminate inflammatory processes.
Zinc gluconate The active ingredient in the form of zinc gluconate is a trace element of the TauRetin preparation, which is necessary for the organization of high-quality metabolism in the cells of the eyeball. This substance protects the tissues of the organ of vision from the negative effects of internal factors of the body (free radicals, toxins) and adverse environmental conditions.

The drug TauRetina is prescribed for the course of admission to patients of the adult age group to improve visual acuity and prevent ophthalmic diseases. This remedy is especially effective in reducing the potential risk of age-related maculopathy. The dosage regimen of the TauRetina drug provides for the regular intake of 1 tablet 1 time per day during a meal. The duration of the therapeutic course should be at least 6 months.Eye pills to improve vision. List

Ophthalmic agent TauRetina contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity of the patient's body to the constituent components of this drug;
  • chronic gastritis, which is in a state of exacerbation (taking TauRetin tablets during a painful state of the gastrointestinal tract will lead to a deterioration in general well-being);
  • childhood;
  • ulcerative lesion of the mucous membrane and deeper tissues of the stomach, as well as the duodenum;
  • gallstone disease (turmeric extract has choleretic properties, which can cause mobility of calculi inside the gallbladder).

TauRetina is not recommended for use by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding a newborn. This limitation is due to the fact that the constituent substance zinc gluconate is able to overcome the blood-brain barrier, penetrating into the body of a developing child.

Violation of the prescribed dosage regimen with the ophthalmic agent TauRetina can lead to the following symptoms:

  • pain inside the abdominal cavity;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • decrease in blood pressure indicators;
  • loss of appetite;
  • spasms of the digestive system;
  • skeletal muscle cramps.

Patients with signs of overdose with TauRetina eye drug receive symptomatic therapy. A mild degree of poisoning by the constituent components of this ophthalmic agent is quickly stopped by drinking plenty of milk or plain water without adding carbon dioxide. More severe states of intoxication of the body may require the intake of antidotes from the chelate group, as well as blood dialysis.

Eye tablets for improving visual acuity are dietary supplements and certified medications of complex action. Preparations in this category contain vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts.

The mechanism of the therapeutic action of ophthalmic agents is to improve intracellular metabolism in the tissues of the eye apples, protecting the vascular layer of the retina from the negative effects of free radicals, toxins, aggressive environmental factors. Taking pills to improve the quality of vision is carried out over a continuous course lasting from 1 to 6 months. depending on the type of drug.

Eye Vitamins Video

Vitamins for eyes and good vision:

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