
Electrophoresis for babies on the neck. Why appoint, reviews

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  1. General principles of electrophoresis, mechanism of action
  2. Why electrophoresis is prescribed on the neck, at what age can you do
  3. Indications for electrophoresis on the neck in infants
  4. Contraindications
  5. Procedure options
  6. What medications are used for the collar zone in infants
  7. How electrophoresis is done on the neck for babies
  8. Duration of procedures
  9. Child's regimen after the procedure
  10. Combination with other physiotherapy treatments
  11. Cost of one procedure
  12. Video about electrophoresis for children

Electrophoresis is a physiotherapy procedure, which is prescribed for the introduction of medicinal solutions into the patient's body without the use of intramuscular, subcutaneous or intravenous injections. This method of treatment is so safe that it is prescribed for the treatment of infants in the first days after their birth. Electrodes generating currents of various frequencies are fixed on the patient's body through special pads.

Physiotherapy equipment is used to warm up the neck, all parts of the back, upper and lower extremities.

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General principles of electrophoresis, mechanism of action

Electrophoresis is indicated for use in infants who need complex treatment of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, and the consequences of birth trauma. Depending on the diagnosis made, electrodes generating currents of different frequencies are installed on the baby's neck or on other parts of his body.

The table below lists the basic principles of collar electrophoresis in infants:

Electrophoresis principles Characteristics of the basics of a physiotherapeutic procedure
Safety During the supply of current, a weak electrical charge enters the metal plates of the electrodes, which is not capable of harming the body of a newborn child. The baby's body is protected by special rubberized pads that transmit electrical impulses. The newborn feels only pleasant warmth, which is localized exclusively in the cervical spine. Electric shock is completely excluded.
Fast therapeutic effect The use of electrophoresis is aimed not only at warming up the tissues of the baby's neck, but also at quickly saturating the baby's body with medicinal solutions. The drugs that were delivered to the skin of the newborn enter the general bloodstream, spreading through the internal organs and life support systems.
Simplicity of the treatment procedure To carry out neck electrophoresis in an infant, you will need an appropriate physiotherapy equipment, a comfortable bed or couch, and medication in solution form. It is enough for a medical worker to install the electrodes, fix special pads and apply a therapeutic drug. After connecting the equipment to the network, the healing process begins, which requires only effective control.
Warming up with dry heat Electrophoresis ensures the delivery of medicinal solutions into the general bloodstream of the infant, as well as warms up the tissues of the cervical spine. The implementation of this principle is especially relevant in relation to patients who are diagnosed with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system requiring this method physiotherapy.
Long-term preservation of the therapeutic effect Medicinal solutions delivered to the child's body using electrophoresis have a more prolonged effect. The active components of the drugs accumulate in the epithelial tissues of the collar zone and accumulate in the subcutaneous fat. This approach allows you to speed up the healing process of an infant who needed this method of physiotherapy treatment.

Electrophoresis for babies on the neck. ReviewsElectrophoresis for babies on the neck is prescribed by a pediatrician.

The mechanism of action of this therapy is as follows:

  • a medical worker soaks the lining fabric that comes into contact with the baby's skin with a drug in the form of a solution;
  • electrodes connected to the main electrophoresis apparatus are connected to these pads;
  • after turning on the physiotherapy device, an electric current flows to the electrodes;
  • there is a heating of the medicinal solution with which the linings are impregnated;
  • drug particles with the same electromagnetic charge begin to repel each other, and oppositely charged molecules are attracted;
  • ions of most alkaloids and metal compounds are introduced from the surface of the electrode with a "plus" charge;
  • the action of the cathode ensures the transportation of metalloids, as well as acid radicals;
  • heated ions of the medicinal solution penetrate deep into the epithelial tissues and blood vessels through the pores of the skin, hair follicles and sebaceous glands;
  • further diffusion of the drug occurs under the influence of the diffusion process.

It has been scientifically proven that the active substances in the composition of medicinal solutions are retained in the structure of epithelial tissues for 3 weeks after the electrophoresis procedure. Due to this, the need for the use of large doses of potent drugs is reduced.

The risk of developing side effects decreases, the kidneys and liver of the newborn are less exposed to drug stress. When treating with electrophoresis, with the need for a therapeutic effect on the local tissues of the collar zone, medicinal solutions with an active substance concentration of 5 to 10% are used. To achieve a segmental-reflex effect, drugs with a concentration of the main component of 1-2% are used

Electrophoresis for infants (special pads impregnated with the drug are applied to the child's neck) provides for the use of medicinal solutions, for the preparation of which only distilled water. This is necessary to prevent the formation of foreign ions that are not part of the therapeutic drug. The strength of the electric current during electrophoresis for infants does not exceed 5 mA.

This indicator is considered absolutely safe for the newborn's body. A clear advantage of electrophoresis is that during the physiotherapeutic procedure, it is possible to achieve the effect of the maximum concentration of the drug in tissues with signs of pathology. For example, in the treatment of diseases of the cervical spine.

Why electrophoresis is prescribed on the neck, at what age can you do

Neck electrophoresis is approved for use in the treatment of infants from the first days after their birth.

This treatment procedure is necessary to achieve the following results:

  • stimulation of local blood circulation;
  • faster tissue regeneration;
  • saturation of the infant's body with drugs without injecting them;
  • warming up the tissues of the cervical spine with dry heat;
  • relief of painful symptoms that are caused by a particular disease of the body.

The appointment of electrophoresis on the tissue of the collar zone of the baby is carried out if, after preliminary examination of the child, the doctor found no medical contraindications for the use of this method of therapy. Between the repeated course of neck electrophoresis, it is necessary to maintain a break of 1 month. Otherwise, local skin irritation of the newborn may occur.

Indications for electrophoresis on the neck in infants

This procedure is indicated for the following clinical cases:

  • treatment of inflammatory processes of the cervical spine, which were caused by the influence of external and internal factors;
  • elimination of edema provoked by disorders of lymphostasis;
  • congenital or acquired torticollis;Electrophoresis for babies on the neck. Reviews
  • relief of pain symptoms of a different nature of origin (in this case, electrophoresis prescribed as part of a combination therapy, which is simultaneously aimed at eliminating the causes pathology);
  • prevention of processes of formation of cicatricial changes in the skin;
  • normalization of the functions of the peripheral nervous system;
  • inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes of the neck;
  • neuritis and neuralgia of various etiologies;
  • improvement of local and general blood circulation in tissues;
  • sleep disorders and the process of falling asleep;
  • muscular dystonia;
  • rosacea;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • getting rid of cramps and involuntary muscle spasms;
  • treatment of the consequences of birth trauma, which resulted in damage to the cervical spine;
  • the period of rehabilitation of the baby after undergoing surgery.

In most cases, electrophoresis is prescribed as an auxiliary procedure as part of the general course of treatment. The number of sessions of warming up the collar zone using medicinal solutions is determined by the pediatrician. The doctor of this profile selects drugs that are indicated for use for the treatment of a child with an appropriate diagnosis.


Electrophoresis for babies (special electrodes are applied to the baby's neck) has a minimum number of restrictions on its use.

This physiotherapy procedure is strictly prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • tumor neoplasms of a malignant nature of origin;
  • high body temperature accompanied by fever;
  • individual intolerance to the child's body of electric current discharges (manifests itself in the form of local allergic reactions);
  • inflammatory and purulent processes on the skin surface in the cervical spine;
  • an acute form of dermatitis, the course of which is accompanied by wound formations, a violation of the integrity of epithelial tissues;
  • hypersensitivity to the constituent substances of the medicinal solution prescribed for introduction into the child's body using electrophoresis.Electrophoresis for babies on the neck. Reviews

Depending on the diagnosis and the general health of the infant, the pediatrician may find other reasons for not using electrophoresis. For example, if there is a reasonable risk of exacerbation of concomitant diseases of the newborn.

Procedure options

Collar electrophoresis can be performed in a specialized physiotherapy room, in the ward of an inpatient department of a hospital, or at home. The actual treatment procedure itself is performed exclusively by a suitably qualified medical professional.

Electrophoresis is used as an independent method of treatment, or in combination with other physiotherapy techniques. While warming the neck of a newborn baby, medications or sterile saline are used. For example, if the baby is shown only warming of epithelial tissues without the use of drug therapy.

What medications are used for the collar zone in infants

The table lists the main categories of drugs that are used for electrophoresis of the cervical spine in newborn patients.

Pharmacological group of medicinal solutions Features of the use of the drug
Drugs with negatively charged molecular particles This category includes drugs based on nicotinic acid, bromides, and iodides. These medications are applied exclusively to the cathode.
Medicinal solutions with positively charged ions They are intended for application only to the surface of the anode. This group includes liquid preparations that contain mineral ions in the form of potassium, calcium compounds, magnesium. Medicinal solutions based on these components are most often used for anti-inflammatory therapy, normalization of local blood circulation and the functional state of blood vessels.
Preparations that are simultaneously applied to the surface of the anode or cathode In this case, the medical staff uses humisol, sterile saline solution, liquid medicinal products based on sea salt.

If necessary, the attending pediatrician can use other medicines to treat the newborn with electrophoresis. It all depends on what kind of disease was diagnosed in the child. The dosage of the drug solution is calculated individually based on the total body weight of the infant.

How electrophoresis is done on the neck for babies

Electrophoresis for infants (a dosed amount of the drug is applied to the baby's neck) is performed by a qualified physiotherapist. Electrophoresis for babies on the neck. Reviews

To carry out this treatment procedure, the following sequence of actions must be observed:

  1. The parents of the newborn bring the baby into the physiotherapy room and then place it on the surface of the couch.
  2. Clothes are removed from the child's body, which prevents the medical worker from accessing the collar region of the neck.
  3. The newborn is turned over onto its stomach.
  4. The physiotherapist impregnates the lined electrodes (in the form of rectangular cushions) with a medicinal solution diluted with sterile water for injection.
  5. The medication-treated pad is fixed on the skin surface of the child's cervical spine.
  6. Before connecting the device to the network, the doctor once again checks that the electrodes of the device fit snugly to the patient's body. Otherwise, the baby will feel a slight tingling sensation in the skin, which will irritate him.
  7. The physiotherapist connects the electrophoresis apparatus to the electrical power supply.
  8. The process of warming up the tissues of the neck is started with the simultaneous saturation of the child's body with the active components of the medicinal solution.

At the end of the therapeutic procedure, with the help of a dry towel, the remains of the liquid preparation that have fallen from the surface of the electrode lining are removed from the skin of the newborn. After that, the parents dress their baby, closing the cervical spine from the effects of air masses.

Duration of procedures

The average duration of a physiotherapeutic procedure in the form of electrophoresis of the cervical spine is from 10 to 20 minutes. If signs of local irritation, scratching, edema of the skin appear, further treatment with electrophoresis should be stopped. A similar reaction of the baby's body indicates an individual intolerance to an electric current or a medicinal solution.

Child's regimen after the procedure

After completing the physiotherapy procedure in the form of electrophoresis of the collar region of the neck, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • do not take the child out into the street immediately after the completion of the treatment session, but give him a rest for 10 minutes. (if warming up is carried out in the winter period of the year, then the duration of rest should be at least 20 minutes);
  • before going outside, the cervical spine of the newborn should be closed from exposure to cold air;
  • with slight redness of the skin of the neck due to its contact with an acidic or alkaline solution, it is necessary to treat epithelial baby tissue with a small amount of moisturizer or lotion (these manipulations are performed 2-3 hours after electrophoresis).Electrophoresis for babies on the neck. Reviews

Care should be taken to ensure that the child does not rub or scratch the skin of the neck, to the surface which performed the imposition of electrophoresis electrodes, as well as a lining dipped in a medicinal solution. A slight reddening of the epithelial tissues in the area of ​​their contact with the electrodes is a physiologically normal reaction of the child's body to an external stimulus. A similar symptom should disappear within 2-3 hours after the end of the therapeutic session.

Combination with other physiotherapy treatments

 Warming up the cervical spine using electrophoresis is possible in combination with the following types of physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • warming individual parts of the baby's body with a Solux heat lamp;
  • warming up the collar zone of the neck with a heating pad, which is filled with warm water (this procedure is performed no earlier than 5 hours after the end of electrophoresis);
  • mud applications to saturate the baby's epithelial tissues with minerals;
  • therapeutic gymnastics and neck massage, which are used before or after electrophoresis;
  • contrast shower to stimulate local and cerebral circulation;
  • warm baths based on mineral salts;
  • warming the tissues of the cervical spine with ozokerite or paraffin.

Electrophoresis is strictly prohibited for simultaneous use with other types of physiotherapeutic procedures that involve the use of electric current or exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays. In this case, a newborn child may experience signs of an allergic reaction, accompanied by local irritation, flushing of the skin, itching, and the appearance of a red or pink rash.

Cost of one procedure

The average cost of one such physiotherapy procedure in a private clinic is 650 rubles. Medicines are sold separately. In public hospitals, the physiotherapy room with neck electrophoresis is free of charge. The child's parents only need a referral from a pediatrician.

Electrophoresis is an effective physiotherapy treatment that can be prescribed to babies in the first days after birth. This procedure is carried out by a doctor in a specialized office equipped with all the necessary equipment.

Electrophoresis is used for the complex treatment of children with pathologies of the cervical spine, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, disorders of cerebral circulation, muscle spasms fabrics.

The advantage of this therapeutic technique is that drugs are injected into the child's body through the pores of the skin, which provide a prolonged therapeutic effect. Electrophoresis is not used to treat children with severe dermatitis, allergic reactions on the effects of electric current, purulent and inflammatory processes in epithelial tissues neck.

Video about electrophoresis for children

Electrophoresis for children on SHVZ with euphyllin:

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