
Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil. How to take, instructions, reviews

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  1. Indications for use
  2. Chemical composition
  3. Release form
  4. Pharmacodynamics
  5. Pharmacokinetics
  6. Application
  7. For children under 18
  8. For adults
  9. For pregnant
  10. For the elderly
  11. Contraindications
  12. Overdose
  13. Side effects
  14. Special recommendations
  15. Drug interactions
  16. Storage conditions and periods
  17. Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies
  18. Analogs
  19. Purified fish oil
  20. Doctor Sea Omega-3
  21. NPO Omega-3 lemon flavor
  22. Omega-3 Syrup Pedicad
  23. Video about preparations with Omega-3

Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil Is a dietary supplement to the main diet, which is taken for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, pathological condition of the musculoskeletal system, decreased visual acuity, premature aging of the body, increased mental and physical performance. This drug is produced by the world famous brand California Gold Nutrition.

The Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil dietary supplement can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of chronic diseases of the body associated with a deficiency of calcium, vitamin E, and unsaturated fatty acids.

Indications for use

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Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil is a drug that is prescribed for a course appointment by a general practitioner, nutritionist, cardiologist or surgeon.

This dietary supplement is indicated for use in the following clinical cases:

  • diseases of the heart muscle;
  • depletion of the body, which is caused by prolonged starvation or a recent severe illness;
  • weak and damaged hair;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • painful condition of the nail plates, which is caused by a deficiency of nutrients (this drug is not suitable for the treatment of nails affected by a fungal infection);
  • premature aging of the body;
  • osteoporosis and metabolic pathologies, which are accompanied by a rapid loss of calcium;
  • inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome and fatigue;
  • overweight;
  • dermatological diseases associated with a lack of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients.

Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil cannot be used for symptomatic therapy. This remedy has a positive effect on the human body only if it is regularly taken during the entire course of treatment, which was determined by the doctor. The use of dietary supplements Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil is possible only after a preliminary examination of the body, as well as establishing the causes of diseases of nails, hair, heart, blood vessels, individual areas of bone and muscle systems.Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil. Instructions for use, reviews

Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil (you need to take the drug in doses that are indicated in the manufacturer's instructions) possesses the following pharmacological properties:

  • improves the functional state of internal organs and life support systems of the body;
  • cleans the intracellular fluid of toxins and chemicals that are formed as a result of the negative effects of free radicals;
  • strengthens the endothelial layer of blood vessels of the peripheral and main type;
  • contributes to a more rapid decrease in excess body weight;
  • maintains a stable balance of key body hormones necessary for the stable functioning of internal organs;
  • ensures the full development of hair follicles, makes hair stronger, preventing fragility;
  • starts the physiological process of burning subcutaneous fat;
  • prevents calcium deficiency in the body (even in conditions of daily loss of this mineral due to chronic bone diseases, metabolic disorders Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil saturates the body with an additional amount of ions calcium);
  • positively affects the performance of the heart, and also strengthens the muscle tissue of this organ;
  • prevents early aging of the body in people who work a lot, do not pay attention to proper rest, constantly lack of sleep;
  • provides prevention of oncological diseases;
  • rejuvenates the skin, and also protects epithelial tissues from the negative effects of external environmental factors (for example, chemical industrial emissions, gas emissions from cars in urban environments, sudden temperature changes, sultry winds and direct rays sun);
  • strengthens bones, prevents inflammatory and degenerative processes in the joints of the upper and lower extremities;
  • reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol, which causes severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels (thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction, narrowing of the lumen of the coronary arteries, cerebral stroke).

Chemical composition

Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil has a completely natural composition. The table below lists the biochemical components that provide the therapeutic efficacy of this agent.

Composition of the preparation Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil Dosage in 2 capsules of dietary supplements
Natural eicosapentaenoic acid at a concentration of 360 mg
Unsaturated Omega-3 Acids Derived from Marine and Ocean Fish not less than 640 mg
Docosahexaenoic acid within 240 mg
Purified Fish Oil Concentrate 2 g
Molecularly saturated fish oil 0.5 g

Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil. Instructions for use, reviewsOmega-3 Premium Fish Oil contains 0 proteins and carbohydrates. There are only 20 kcal in 2 capsules of this dietary supplement. Each batch of this dietary supplement is strictly monitored for compliance with quality standards. For the production of this product, only fish are used in which there are no harmful chemicals, mercury and heavy metal compounds.

Release form

Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil is available in cylindrical gelatin capsules. Packing of this dietary supplement is carried out in plastic vials. The gelatin from which the capsules are made is a product of the industrial processing of tilapia fillets. Each bottle contains 100 capsules of Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil.


The pharmacodynamics of the Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil dietary supplement is due to the biochemical properties of its main substance in the form of unsaturated fish oil acids. This drug allows for effective prevention of cardiac diseases that are caused by aging of the body and damage to blood vessels by cholesterol plaques.

The constituents of this dietary supplement act as natural antioxidants, preventing early death of cells of internal organs and skin. Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil helps to normalize hormonal balance.

Clinical studies show that Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil's unsaturated acids prevent the formation of malignant tumors. A distinctive feature of the pharmacodynamics of this drug is that its active ingredients regulate lipid metabolism.

Due to this, excess fat reserves are burned, the total body weight of a person taking dietary supplements on an ongoing basis is normalized. The nutrients of Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil capsules strengthen hair follicles, normalize the growth of nail plates and give the skin a healthier appearance, nourish and rejuvenate its cells. Regular intake of the daily intake of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids improves visual acuity.Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil. Instructions for use, reviews

It is scientifically proven that the biochemical components contained in Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil capsules, regulate mineral metabolism, maintaining optimal concentration in the human body calcium. This pharmacodynamic property of the dietary supplement helps prevent the development of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and also accelerates the healing process of people who already have acquired diseases of the joints, connective and bone fabrics.

Regular intake of this drug activates the protective functions of the immune system, increases the body's resistance to bacterial, viral and fungal infections.


The pharmacokinetics of Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil capsules are not fully understood. The absorption of this dietary supplement occurs in the intestine. The process of splitting fish oil is provided by bile, which is synthesized by liver tissue. Unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids enter the general bloodstream in the form of nutrients, and then are evenly distributed throughout the body's tissues.


Biologically active food supplement Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil is prescribed for the course intake for children, adult men and women, as well as elderly people.

For children under 18

For children, the duration of treatment and the dose of Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil are determined by the pediatrician on an individual basis. The manufacturer of this dietary supplement has not established a separate dosage regimen for patients in this category.Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil. Instructions for use, reviews In this case, the age of the child, his body weight, the presence or absence of concomitant diseases of the body, as well as the reason why the decision was made to take Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil.

For adults

Adult men and women take Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil in a dosage of 2 capsules once a day. The capsules are washed down with plain water without gas. At the same time, the diet and nutrition schedule does not matter at all. It is recommended to take the dietary supplement Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil at the same time of the day. This will maintain a stable level of nutrients in this preparation in the body. The duration of the course of therapy is determined individually, but on average is from 1 to 2 months.

For pregnant

The dietary supplement Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil is not indicated for women who are pregnant.

For the elderly

Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil can be used to treat or prevent disease in the elderly. Throughout the entire course of therapy with this agent, patients of this category must control their general well-being, monitor the functional state of the liver. Elderly people who do not have medical contraindications to therapy with this drug, take it in a standard dosage of 2 capsules 1 time per day. The duration of treatment or prevention of diseases is determined individually by a general practitioner.


Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil (this drug can be taken by adults and children) is a dietary supplement, which has a minimum number of restrictions on its use in preventive and therapeutic purposes.Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil. Instructions for use, reviews

This dietary supplement is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to the body of the constituent components of this agent (manifested various kinds of allergic reactions in the form of rash, urticaria, edema of the mucous membranes and bronchial spasm);
  • the state of pregnancy, regardless of the period of development of the fetus;
  • lactation of a newborn baby with mother's milk;
  • severe liver disease, which can be aggravated by exposure to pure fish oil (last stage renal failure, cirrhosis, malignant neoplasms of the liver, disrupting the full operation of this organ).

Depending on the patient's general health, the examining physician may find other factors that exclude the preventive or therapeutic use of this biologically active additive.


Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil (this product must be taken in dosage) is a dietary supplement with a safe biochemical composition. In medical practice, there are no cases of overdose with this drug.

Given the properties of fish oil, which is the basis of a dietary supplement, excessive use of this agent can cause the following symptoms:

  • significant decrease or complete loss of appetite;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium (such signs indicate a decrease in the efficiency of the liver);
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • nausea;
  • discharge of vomit;
  • headache;
  • itching of the skin;
  • red rash, which is primarily localized on the surface of the abdomen, but can also spread to the skin of the hands, lower extremities, neck;
  • general malaise;
  • hives;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes.Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil. Instructions for use, reviews

Adults and children with signs of an overdose with Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil should be taken to a hospital for additional examination. Patients in this category receive symptomatic therapy depending on the general state of health. In the presence of symptoms of an allergic reaction, antihistamines are used in the form of Aleron, Loratadin, Tsetrin, Suprastin. It is possible to flush the gastrointestinal tract to remove the remnants of the drug, which did not have time to be absorbed into the intestinal wall.

Side effects

Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil (it is necessary to take this dietary supplement after a preliminary examination of the body) is well tolerated by patients of different age categories. The manufacturer of this drug does not report any side effects.

In people with individual intolerance to the constituent components of this dietary supplement, the manifestation of allergic reactions in the form of the following symptoms is possible:

  • redness of the skin;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • bronchial spasm and attacks of dry cough;
  • hives;
  • the appearance of a red or pink rash, which can be localized exclusively on the surface of the abdomen, or else covers other parts of the body;
  • itchy skin that gets worse after taking another dose of this drug.

In people with severe liver disease, fish oil can cause nausea, loss of appetite, a bitter taste in the mouth, and exacerbation of signs of liver failure. Adults and children who have experienced an allergic reaction in response to taking Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil capsules, should stop further therapy with this remedy, and also seek medical attention from their treating person to the doctor.

Special recommendations

The constituents of the Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil preparation do not have a direct effect on the central and peripheral nervous system, do not reduce the speed of psychomotor reactions and do not show a negative effect on cognitive function. During the course admission of this tool, it is allowed to drive vehicles, industrial equipment, mechanisms and installations, as well as perform work with increased danger.

Drug interactions

During therapy with Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil dietary supplements, you should not carry out concomitant intake of drugs and other dietary supplements based on fish oil. In this case, an undesirable load on the liver tissue will be created, the risk of side effects, overdose and the development of severe forms of an allergic reaction will increase. Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil. Instructions for use, reviewsThe manufacturer of Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil has not conducted clinical drug interaction studies. this agent with antibacterial, antineoplastic, antiplatelet, hepatoprotective or sedative means.

Storage conditions and periods

Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. The optimum air temperature at which the dietary supplement does not lose its pharmacological properties is in the range from +20 to +25 degrees Celsius. The capsules of this product should only be stored in the original packaging of the manufacturer. The drug should not be left in places that are accessible to children. The general shelf life of the dietary supplement Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil is 3 years from the date of production. After this period, the dietary supplement must be disposed of.

Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies

Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil does not require a prescription from your healthcare professional to purchase. This dietary supplement can be purchased at specialized pharmacies or on the global Internet.


The pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection of drugs that are analogs of the dietary supplement Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil.

Purified fish oil

Purified fish oil is a preparation that comes in the form of a drinking suspension. This analogue is produced by the Russian enterprise Tula Pharmaceutical Factory. The filling of the medication is carried out in glass bottles with a capacity of 50 ml. The unsaturated fatty acids contained in this preparation are obtained by industrial processing of cod liver. The average cost of the drug Purified fish oil is 190 rubles.

Doctor Sea Omega-3

Doctor More Omega-3 is another analogue of the Russian-made drug. This tool is produced by the domestic company "FarmOshen". Dr.More Omega-3 is produced in capsule form containing refined fish oil inside. Each bottle of this drug contains 120 gelatin capsules. The average cost of this analogue is 1,039 rubles.

NPO Omega-3 lemon flavor

NPO Omega-3 lemon flavor is a light yellow-colored, fish oil-based drinking suspension. This drug is an analogue produced by the Icelandic pharmaceutical company Odas Pharma. A distinctive feature of this medication is that the specific taste of fish oil is masked by a pleasant citrus aroma. The average price of a suspension of NPO Omega-3 lemon flavor is 2472 rubles. per bottle with a capacity of 240 ml.

Omega-3 Syrup Pedicad

Omega-3 pedicad syrup is a preparation that contains unsaturated fatty acids, ascorbic acid, vitamins A, E, D. This tool is produced by the French pharmaceutical company "Laboratory Ineldia". The filling of the medication is carried out in glass bottles with a capacity of 125 ml. A special measuring spoon is included with the Omega-3 Pedicad syrup. The average cost of this tool is 2203 rubles. for 1 bottle.

Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil is a dietary supplement that is included in the main diet. The active ingredient in this product is natural fish oil containing unsaturated acids.

Reception of this dietary supplement is indicated for children, adult men and women, as well as elderly people who are undergoing treatment or complex prevention cardiovascular diseases, recovering from surgeries, severe injuries, want to strengthen hair, nails, and rejuvenate skin cells. Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil does not contain any chemical additives, preservatives or carcinogens. The average cost of this dietary supplement is 858 rubles. for 100 capsules.

Video about preparations with Omega-3

How to choose Omega-3. Consumer instruction:

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