
Temperature 35.8 in an adult. Reason what to do

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  1. Possible reasons
  2. Exhaustion of the body
  3. Hypothermia
  4. Vegetovascular dystonia
  5. Post-viral asthenia
  6. Hypoglycemia
  7. Anemia
  8. Hypothyroidism
  9. Addison's disease
  10. Pathology of the hypothalamus
  11. Intoxication
  12. After taking medications
  13. Other reasons
  14. Rare causes of a drop in temperature
  15. Treatment methods
  16. Conservative therapy
  17. Possible consequences and complications
  18. Low temperature video

Decrease in body temperature in an adult a person up to 35.8 ° C refers to hypothermia, that is, a violation of heat exchange due to exposure to low temperatures or due to other reasons that reduce heat production and increase its return. There is such a thing as compulsory heat production.

That is, in a healthy person, heat is produced as a result of the simplest physiological or metabolic processes in the body. There is also additional heat production, which is activated if the ambient temperature decreases. But sometimes failures occur that lead to a consistently low body temperature.

Possible reasons

There are several probable reasons that lead to a drop in temperature.

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Exhaustion of the body

In this case, there may be a slight decrease in temperature indicators. This sometimes happens if a person has been following a strict diet for a long time and the body simply does not have enough energy compounds and necessary trace elements for normal life. In this case, in order to conserve energy, metabolic processes begin to slow down, which significantly reduces the activity of obtaining oxygen by the tissues. Also, in such situations, contractile thermogenesis in the muscles decreases and becomes insufficiently effective.

People in this state complain of a constant breakdown and at the same time do not understand what could lead to it. They suffer from headaches and even dizziness, it can reach the point of loss of consciousness. If a person experiences minor physical exertion, he overwork very quickly, notes the paleness of the skin. In this case, the temperature can drop to 35 ° C. People who are actively involved in sports and prefer grueling workouts suffer from this.

Temperature 35.8 in an adult. Reasons for what to do
A temperature of 35.8 in an adult causes the following symptoms

Exhaustion can also be of a nervous nature. For example, if a person suffers from chronic stress, then this also leads to metabolic disorders. processes of the body, it becomes more difficult for him to adapt to such changes in temperature indicators. At the same time, they can reach a maximum mark of 34 ° C. To determine a more accurate cause of exhaustion, it is necessary to contact a therapist who will issue a referral to a more highly specialized specialist.


Temperature 35.8 in an adult (the reason may be the most unexpected) happens with hypothermia, then there is when a person does not warm enough in the cold season and arrives in the cold too for a long time. This happens if you wear too light clothes in winter or get wet in the rain.

There are several degrees of hypothermia. For example, at temperatures from 32 to 36 ° C, this is an easy stage. In this case, additional symptoms are observed in the form of minor tremors in the body. A person unconsciously begins to actively move his limbs in order to somehow warm up. It can also contract the chewing muscles, causing the teeth to chatter.

Another sign of severe hypothermia is blue skin. This is most noticeable on the face and ends of the limbs. If the body temperature drops to 32-28 ° C, then this can provoke serious depression of the nervous system and a strong slowdown in metabolic processes in the body. As a result, a so-called neuromuscular and vascular vicious circle is formed.

The body is no longer able to maintain the temperature at the required level to support normal functioning. In this case, a person experiences severe weakness, drowsiness, there may be problems with thinking, sometimes even hallucinations occur. However, this is typical even with severe hypothermia, which is characterized by a body temperature of less than 28 ° C. In difficult cases, respiratory arrest may occur. Accordingly, there is a danger of death.

Vegetovascular dystonia

VSD is a common disorder of autonomic regulation. Also, people can suffer from microcirculation disorder.Temperature 35.8 in an adult. Reasons for what to do

There are moments of hyperthermia when a person complains about:

  • increased weakness;
  • the appearance of tremors in the legs;
  • darkening in the eyes (up to loss of consciousness).

The problems are of a paroxysmal nature. As a rule, with VSD, a decrease in temperature does not occur during a cold snap, but, on the contrary, if a person stays in a stuffy room, is in the sun without drinking, suffers from severe physical exertion or prolonged stress. Usually young emotionally labile people are more susceptible to similar symptoms.

Post-viral asthenia

It is about the recovery period after an infection. At this time, the body temperature of a person can drop slightly below 36 ° C. This is due to the fact that during the period of illness, the energy reserves of the body, as well as the immune system, were depleted. In addition to the main signs of hypothermia, drowsiness and symptoms of general malaise are observed. The person feels overwhelmed and complains about this condition for several weeks.

He may have severe shortness of breath while walking or climbing stairs (even if he does not smoke or drink alcohol). How long the period of low temperature will last depends on the duration of the infection itself. Accordingly, doctors should direct all efforts to increase the energy reserves of the body and the immune system.


Temperature 35.8 in an adult (the reason may be insignificant or, conversely, requiring immediate medical attention) sometimes appears if a person's blood sugar drops less than 3 mmol / l. This leads to energy starvation of the brain, and, accordingly, the rest of the tissues.Temperature 35.8 in an adult. Reasons for what to do

Metabolic processes slow down and this leads to a decrease in temperature. A person may not even notice serious problems, but periodically complain of a loss of strength and the appearance of dizziness. But even in a fairly cool room, sweat appears on his skin. This is the first alarming symptom.

If the causes of hypoglycemia are not promptly eliminated, the condition will worsen. The temperature may continue to drop. The person will have all the signs of glucose deficiency. If it reaches a critical point, it can lead to fainting and a drop in temperature below 34 ° C.


A decrease in body temperature is one of the signs of anemic syndrome that occurs when the level of hemoglobin, as well as red blood cells in a person's blood, drops. In this case, the temperature readings range from 34 to 35.8 ° C. People also complain of increased fatigue, headaches and the appearance of flies in front of their eyes. With the prolonged development of anemic syndrome, a significant deterioration in the condition of the hair and nails can be noted. Also, a person's taste preferences may change.

There are several types of anemic syndrome:

  • Deficiency anemia. This means that the body lacks iron or vitamin B12.
  • Hereditary anemia. There are several types and is noted in patients from the moment of birth.
  • Post-hemorrhagic anemia. As a rule, it develops in the case of profuse external bleeding or internal hemorrhage in the body.
  • Aplastic anemia.
  • Hyperpolymenorrhea (develops only in women).


This pathology is characterized by the fact that the thyroid gland cannot produce the required amount hormones, which leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes, as well as inhibition of the brain center thermoregulation. As a rule, this can manifest itself against the background of external factors. At the same time, the human skin becomes very pale and takes on a waxy character. With prolonged microcirculation disorders, hair loss may begin.

Addison's disease

The adrenal cortex must produce corticosteroids, which help to improve metabolic processes, and are also necessary in order to maintain a constant and normal body temperature. If they are not enough or the production of corticosteroids is slow, then in this case, the person manifests chronic fatigue, as well as drowsiness.Temperature 35.8 in an adult. Reasons for what to do

As Addison's disease (i.e. adrenal insufficiency) progresses, other disorders are added. Accordingly, in this case, a low body temperature indicates serious systemic disorders that can be caused by pathological dysfunction of various organs.

For example, blood pressure may drop, muscle weakness may develop. The temperature can be between 35 and 33 ° C. However, if it sinks even more, then this can lead to loss of consciousness. This condition is called an Addison crisis. This is a rather serious condition in which you must immediately contact an ambulance.

Pathology of the hypothalamus

If a person suffers from diffuse inflammation or hemorrhage in the hypothalamus, then this leads to a persistent drop in temperature. At first, the deviations are not serious and can be 1-2 degrees. However, gradually the temperature readings drop to 32 ° C and it is virtually impossible to warm the patient using standard methods.

If the posterior hypothalamus is damaged, then this leads to the development of poikilothermia. This syndrome is characterized by temperature fluctuations of more than 1 degree. In such a situation, a person should in no case be in a cold environment, so otherwise, he may fall into a thermal coma with very serious head injuries brain.


If a large amount of toxic compounds accumulates in a person's blood, they gradually begin to penetrate into the brain and can disrupt connections, that is, nerve impulses. With a drop in the functional activity of the brain tissue, the body temperature can drop by 2-3 degrees. At the same time, patients experience a rather sharp deterioration in their condition, he may lose consciousness. In addition, suppression of reflexes, pallor of the skin and their cooling are noted. In such a situation, emergency medical attention is required.

After taking medications

An adult can have a temperature of 35.8 for various reasons, including prolonged use of drugs. As a rule, such problems are faced by patients who are prescribed medications of the psychotropic group, which have the property of suppressing the central nervous system. The temperature can drop when taking barbiturates, clonidine, and benzodiazepines.Temperature 35.8 in an adult. Reasons for what to do

Such funds are necessary in order to reduce muscle tremors and at the same time they help to reduce heat production. Capillaries expand and, accordingly, heat is lost very quickly by the body. That is, these drugs can cause hypothermia. However, this is possible only if the patient does not comply with the dosage or deliberately takes significantly more drug than the doctor prescribed.

Other reasons

If a person's temperature drops sharply, then this may be a sign of shock. In such a situation, the surface of the vessels expands sharply, and heat transfer simultaneously decreases. The patient very quickly falls into a serious condition, and his temperature can drop 3-4 degrees below normal. At the same time, a drop in blood pressure and pain in the chest area are diagnosed. Accordingly, we are talking about the risk of developing myocardial infarction.

Similar manifestations can be observed in the case of ischemic stroke. If there is a failure in the cerebral circulation, then this provokes a decrease in temperature, a sensitivity disorder is observed, a person cannot speak normally. There may also be short-term loss of consciousness and a sharp drop in temperature.

Rare causes of a drop in temperature

A decrease in body temperature to 35.8 ° C can be triggered by renal failure, sepsis, coma. There are also so-called iatrogenic factors. This means that during the operation, the specialists did not observe the heat balance or the temperature in the intensive care unit was too low. Also, spinal cord injuries sometimes lead to this. For example, hypothermia can occur with tumors or spinal cord injuries.

Treatment methods

A temperature of 35.8 in an adult (the reason is determined by the doctor) can be caused by various factors. To determine the most appropriate therapy option, the doctor needs to carry out diagnostic measures and accurately identify what exactly led to a decrease in body temperature. If this was a one-time symptom that appeared after being in a cold environment, then it is enough to wait a while. No further action is required.

If a person has suffered from severe hypothermia (for example, he fell into an ice hole), then in this case it is necessary to take measures to warm up. Experts recommend to perform passive heating, which means that a frozen person is placed in a warm room and covered with warm clothes. At the same time, he needs to consume more hot (but not scalding) drink. You also need to talk to the patient so that he does not fall asleep, since in this case all metabolic processes also slow down. This is critical in cases of severe hypothermia.

If a person shows signs of severe hypothermia, then active external warming must be performed. It is advisable to perform it in a medical facility where doctors can inhale warm oxygen using an endotracheal tube or mask.

Also in this case, intravenous infusion of special warm solutions is effective. Specialists can perform gastric and intestinal lavage. For this, warm solutions are also used. If it is not possible to quickly transport a person to a medical facility, then you need to rub and keep him awake until the doctors arrive.

Conservative therapy

Different drugs of different types can be prescribed to the patient.Temperature 35.8 in an adult. Reasons for what to do

Conservative therapy drugs Application features
Vitamins Their doctor can prescribe in case of general depletion of the body. For example, if a person has recently had an infectious disease, he needs to improve the state of the immune system. Also, vitamins are effective to improve neuromuscular transmission and to establish the work of metabolic processes in tissues. Alpha-tocopherol is often prescribed by experts, which is a fairly potent antioxidant. If the patient has very severe weakness, then in this case he can be injected intravenously with a glucose solution with the addition of vitamin C.
Hormones With the help of substitution therapy, metabolic processes, as well as thermogenesis, can be significantly accelerated. This allows you to quickly restore normal body temperature. Hormones are prescribed for Addison's disease. Cortisol is considered the most effective. If there is a lack of mineralocorticoids, then additionally Aldosterone may be prescribed.
Cardiotropic drugs Such medications are necessary to perform cardiac stimulation (for example, if a person is in a critical or shock state). With the help of cardiotropic drugs, you can quickly increase blood pressure and normalize the so-called cardiac output. These types of drugs include Adrenaline or Dobutamine.
Antidepressants These medicines act as agonists of serotonin receptors, thanks to which neural communication is established in different parts of the human brain. Due to stimulation with such drugs, the temperature normalizes and contractile thermogenesis increases.
Antibiotics Prescribed if hypothermia is a consequence of serious and bacterial infections. In this case, broad-spectrum antibiotics are usually prescribed, which are administered intravenously. The course of such treatment depends on the complexity of the condition and sometimes lasts until the person's temperature normalizes and his condition significantly improves.
Antidotes Doctors prescribe them in a situation of acute intoxication. Antidotes can destroy toxic bonds. Such drugs are prescribed for heavy metal poisoning or if the patient has suffered from an overdose of medications.

Surgical treatment is prescribed if a decrease in temperature was provoked by a tumor of the hypothalamus. In this case, stereotaxic surgery is performed, during which the doctor uses a gamma knife. Such complex operations are performed exclusively after the patients undergo a course of radio- or chemotherapy.

Possible consequences and complications

A temperature of 35.8 in an adult, the reason for which lies not in changes in the environment, but in serious changes in the human body, may be a sign of the development of serious pathologies. Certain diseases and conditions, such as brain tumors, can be fatal.

Temperature 35.8 in an adult. Reasons for what to do
Temperature 35.8 in an adult

A low temperature is an extremely dangerous symptom if a person has been diagnosed with severe hypothermia, when he has a discoloration of the skin and loses consciousness. If the necessary warming measures are not taken in a timely manner, then this can also provoke a fatal outcome. Accordingly, when such a symptom appears, it is imperative to pay attention to how long such symptomatology lasts.

If the temperature in an adult is kept at around 35.8, then the cause may be vegetative-vascular dystonia, stress and some other health problems. In any case, it is recommended to visit a doctor and undergo a full examination to be sure that the patient does not suffer from a dangerous pathological condition.

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