Skin Treatment

Watery acne on the body - causes and treatment

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Watery pimples on the body can appear for various reasons. These formations are similar to ordinary pimples with transparent contents inside. In the middle of such a pimple, there may be a black rod, and some watery formations can appear very quickly and also quickly disappear, everything depends on the disease that caused them. Some types of rashes on the body require a serious approach to eliminate.

Watery pimples on the body

Watery pimples on the body

Content of the material

  • 1 Reasons for rashes and localization
  • 2 Effect of hormonal abnormalities in the functioning of the body on the rashes
    • 2.1 Infusion
    • 2.2 Dyshidrosis
    • 2.3 Pimple
  • 3 Internal diseases as a cause of rashes
    • 3.1 Video - Finger allergy
  • 4 Treatment for pimples
  • 5 Treatment of rashes with folk remedies
    • 5.1 Dyshidrosis
    • 5.2 Herpes
    • 5.3 Video - How to treat herpes at home
    • 5.4 With pemphigus
    • 5.5 Urticaria
    • 5.6 Video - How to treat urticaria effectively, simply and quickly
    • 5.7 Varicella
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Causes of rash and localization of

Those pimples that quickly appear and disappear are often located on the handsand fingers. They can be associated with an allergic manifestation in response to a local irritant, as soon as the contact stops, the pimple disappears immediately. Papules with transparent filling most often have shades of pink, red or blue-red color.

Watery formations of red color, often on the back, occur with hives, along with this, there may be a headache and an increase in body temperature. Also common are such causes of watery pimples:

  • sweating;
  • disruption of internal organs;
  • infection;
  • skin disease;
  • stress factor;
  • dyshidrosis;
  • hormonal imbalance.
Dangerous Bubble Eruption

Dangerous Bubble Eruption

Note! Since everything in the human body is interconnected, one disease can cause the appearance of another.

For example, an allergic reaction that causes rashes on the skin may result from a decrease in immunity, which, in turn, was affected by stress. Therefore it is extremely important to consult a specialist for help, to identify the root causes of skin rashes and to treat the disease correctly.

Influence of hormonal failures in the body on rashes

Skin diseases include:

  • chicken pox;
  • scabies;
  • measles;
  • herpes virus and some others.
Symptoms of measles

Symptoms of measles

Usually, the appearance of pimples is the first symptom of such phenomena.

Note! With chickenpox, small pimples first appear on the skin of the head and "descend" downward.

Dermatological diseases are caused by a decrease in the defenses of the body, and immunity also decreases under stress, then the skin can react with similar rashes.

Hormonal imbalance often occurs during adolescence, during pregnancy, with problems with the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus.


Types of sweating pots

Types of Sweats

Chicken can be both hereditary and acquired with age. This condition occurs due to disruption of the work of organs related to the endocrine system, with obesity. Causes of sweating, not related to diseases:

  • permanent wearing of synthetic clothing;
  • acclimatization in dry hot climates;
  • tight, non-ventilated shoes.

Watery pimples in this case resemble bubbles filled with water, they are very small and closely located to each other, they hurt and do not cause itching. They are usually located on the face, in the neck area, the folds of the arms and legs.


Disease, which in the prevailing majority appears in people with hyperhidrosis( increased and constant sweating of the palms and feet).Characterized by the appearance of small itchy watery blisters in these areas of the skin.

Dyshidrosis on the palms

Dyshidrosis on the palms of the

Note! Dyshidrosis often occurs in the spring-autumn period, does not belong to infectious diseases, it can arise because of a strong nervous shock.

An infection that can cause formation on the skin includes, for example, mycotic skin lesions. Fungal infection of the feet can cause the appearance of watery vesicles on it.

Note! Fungus can affect the skin not only because of direct infection from another person, it can be activated already being in a person. The causes are tight shoes, sweaty feet and decreased immunity.


Disease of the skin, which is accompanied by characteristic watery formations, mainly affects people older than 40 years. There are several forms and degrees of the disease. The most common cause is a genetic predisposition.

Manifestation of pemphigus

Pheroma manifestation

The disease is classified as non-acantholy, that is, it is less dangerous to health than the acantholytic form of pemphigus, which can lead to serious complications. Bullous pemphigus refers to a non-acantholytic form. Bubbles with fluid that appear on the skin, disappear themselves without a trace.

Note! Not treatment of this disease threatens with many complications, including pneumonia, phlegmon, sepsis and even death.

Diseases of the internal organs, as the cause of rashes

When the work of the gastrointestinal tract is broken, rashes on the skin are not uncommon. The diseases themselves can serve as a trigger mechanism for the onset of dyshidrosis, hormonal and other problems in the body.

Violation of the normal functioning of any organ from the digestive system leads to malfunctions in the metabolic processes of the body, the metabolism is violated in relation to many substances: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals. In this case, the study can show both the excess and the deficit. And that, and another condition is unnatural and harmful, leads to the development of many diseases.

Determination of the causes of rashes

Determination of the causes of rashes

If there is a lack of protein there is a decrease in immunity, frequent outbreaks of infectious diseases. With excess, there is bowel dysfunction, kidney pathology, liver disease. And all these conditions can be manifested by rashes on the skin.

Disturbance of mineral metabolism is manifested by various skin lesions:

  • by acne;
  • by acne;
  • by allergic reactions.

Characteristic and significant decrease in immunity. With deficiency of lipids, the defensive forces of the body also decrease, inflammatory skin diseases occur and hormonal balance is disturbed.

Note! Often the condition in which there is a shortage in the body of a substance occurs when irrational nutrition, controversial diets and the constant use of fast food.

Video - Allergy of the fingers

Actions when the pimples appear

For a start, do not engage in self-medication, unless it is an allergic reaction that has already manifested itself. With allergies, you can use special creams and ointments, corticosteroids.

If you have an unknown appearance of pimples, you need to contact a dermatologist, who, having established the diagnosis, will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Probably he will advise to address and to other experts: the endocrinologist, the allergist, the gastroenterologist.

Drugs that can be prescribed by specialists to get rid of watery blisters on the skin.

disease Designation drug Properties


Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Neovir, oxoline antiviral and immunomodulatory agents in the tablets, solutions, and ointments



Fukortsin, Potassium permanganate, Viferon, Zirtek Antiseptic immunomodulatory,



antipruritic solutionResorcinol, Zinc ointment, Atropine sulphate, Furosemide Antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory agents in ointments, solutions



Extract Valerian, Persen, Cipralex, Lorazepam, Novopassit Soothing, anticonvulsant, hypnotic drugs

Fungal infection

Fungal infection

Exoderil, Mikatin, Lamisil Fungicidal, antimycotic topical application



Sinaflane, Fenistil, Loratadin, Claritin, Zirtek Antipruritic,antihistamines in the form of ointments and for internal use



Diet, Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Gastal, Almagel, Omeprazole Correction of nutrition. Antimicrobial, antacid, neutralizing hydrochloric acid, analgesics

Dysbacteriosis of the intestine

Dysbacteriosis of the intestine

Diet, Lineks, Bifiform, Smecta Correction of nutrition. Means normalizing intestinal microflora



Diet, Festal, Mezim forte, No-shpa, Omez Correction of nutrition. Lipolytic, choleretic, antacid, analgesic,



Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Diprospan, Hemodialysis, Plasmapheresis Glucocorticoid preparations. Blood cleansing procedures

Treatment of rashes with folk remedies

Before starting treatment, you need to know the exact cause that caused them, otherwise you can aggravate the situation or perform useless therapy.


Along with the main treatment, you can use a decoction of the leaves of the blackberry. To do this, insist 100 grams of crushed leaves in two liters of hot water. Then it is used to rub the affected areas on the body several times a day. Also use sea buckthorn oil, a small amount of which you need to lubricate the affected area.


Herpes are treated with aloe juice or celandine juice, applied to a bandage, a piece of cellophane is put on top and bandaged overnight. Bubbles of herpes are disposed of with essential oils of bergamot( 4 drops), tea tree( 2 drops) and alcohol( teaspoonful).Bubbles lubricate the prepared solution twice a day.

Video - How to treat herpes at home with folk remedies

With pemphigus

This disease is treated with hormonal drugs. Folk remedies go in addition to basic therapy. Use the juice of the leaves of aloe for compresses, as well as the juice of the leaves of the nettle. To do this, squeeze the juice, impregnate a gauze dressing or bandage and apply to the affected area, you can do such procedures 3 times a day.

Note! Aloe juice has bactericidal properties, reduces the level of toxic substances in the body, accelerates the healing of wounds.

Pushes and helps wound healing a mixture of equal proportions of garlic, onion, honey, salt and pepper, put in the oven for 15 minutes. This mixture is smeared on the skin 2-3 times a day.


As first aid for urticaria that occurs due to the ingestion of any food, it is necessary to use products that purify the digestive tract, it can be a laxative in the form of tablets, candles or 50 grams of vegetable oil. The oil envelops the intestines and helps to promote its contents. From urticaria helps the decoction of the nettle.

For 5 liters of water take 200 gr of minced raw materials( fresh or dry form), boil water and put nettle, after 5 minutes of boiling turn off the fire and insist half an hour. Strain, 2 liters add to the bath during bathing in the morning and evening for 3-7 days, until the symptoms disappear.

With hives, juice and infusion of celery root help. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the root of the plant, rubbed on a small grater, then use the meal to eat 4 times a day on a tablespoon, and put the gruel to the affected areas.

Video - How to treat urticaria effectively, simply and quickly

Chicken pox

Camomile is poured with boiling water, calculating about 100 grams of chamomile per 1 liter of water. This broth is added to the bath with water, where the patient must bathe in the morning and evening. Calendula, lemon balm and chamomile are mixed in equal proportions;one tablespoon is poured 200 gr of boiling water and is taken after infusion after 15 minutes. Infusion should be taken thrice a day in a warm form.

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