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Backing circle for bedsores. How to choose the size for the tailbone, where to buy, how to use

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Caring for the elderly and disabled is energy-consuming and requires a lot of patience. Backing discs from bedsores are one of those devices with which you can relieve the well-being of a recumbent person and prevent the development of necrotic lesions of soft tissues.

Record content:

  • 1 Purpose and form
  • 2 Types of the medical community
  • 3 Indications for use
    • 3.1 Other reasons for using the products
    • 3.2 Backing disc for pelvic problems
  • 4 How to choose (choose the right size)
  • 5 Where to buy
  • 6 Terms of use and disinfection
  • 7 How to use the product correctly?
  • 8 Storage rules
  • 9 Bedsore Pillow Videos

Purpose and form

Anti-bedsore circles are most often used as tools for caring for people who, due to various diseases and injuries, are bedridden.

First of all, this applies to patients in inpatient medical institutions, who are shown lying on the eve of or after surgery. These devices can also be useful for patients with limited mobility due to limb fractures, severe bruises, edema, and wounds.

A pressure sore backing disc is a medical device that has the shape of a hollow ring. A number of sanitary and hygienic requirements are imposed on the materials from which it is made. Decubitus circles are usually hypoallergenic. They are equipped with one or more air inlets and outlets.

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Externally, the anti-decubitus pads resemble an inflatable life buoy. The device is used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The rubber circle is inflated with air and fixed under the affected areas of the patient's body so that nothing will affect the pressure sore. The focus of inflammation or necrosis should be in an open space, no pressure should be exerted on it.

It is worth noting that all pressure sore underlays have an almost identical hollow ring shape with a large opening and sleeve for air filling and deflation.Backing circle for bedsores. How to choose, sizes, how to use

Pillows, mattresses, and some rubber ducks are also sometimes used for a similar purpose. Their main task is to prevent the spread of the necrotic process and bacterial infection to healthy tissues.

Types of the medical community

Anti-decubitus pads are classified by the size and type of material used to make them. By the way, it is the first indicator that is of fundamental importance when choosing a circle.

Conventionally, medical devices of this group are divided into:

  • small, suitable for small areas of damage;
  • average - are in high demand, suitable for the treatment and prevention of necrotic ulcers in the areas of the body most susceptible to pressure ulcers;
  • big - are used for obese patients with excess weight.

The smallest lining circles do not exceed 30 cm in diameter, while the larger ones can reach 60 cm or more.

The second and important point when choosing a medical anti-decubitus product is a material, the quality of which must meet a number of sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The backing circle must:

  • be hypoallergenic, which is important for its functionality and the safety of the patient's health;
  • have a soft and comfortable covering for the body;
  • be regularly treated with disinfectant solutions.

Cheap products are made from rubber and PVC, expensive ones - from latex or silicone. Some circles have an additional surface coating made from natural materials. If there is such an absence, a napkin or sheet must be placed between the rubber circle and the patient's body.

Indications for use

The product intended for the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers is indicated for use by patients who are in prolonged bed rest due to:

  • pelvic injuries;Backing circle for bedsores. How to choose, sizes, how to use
  • bruises of the spine, coccyx;
  • undergoing rehabilitation after rectal surgery;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • complete or partial paralysis of the body due to impaired cerebral circulation.

People with neurological conditions that involve spinal cord injury are more likely to develop pressure ulcers and are more difficult to treat.

The thing is that in such pathological conditions, the sensitivity of the tissues decreases, and the person practically does not feel discomfort and pain against the background of their excessive squeezing.

In order to prevent necrotic ulcers, it is recommended to use inflatable rings when the first complaints of pain and discomfort appear in places with the highest probability of developing necrosis.

You should start using the pads when there is visually noticeable redness and swelling on the body, namely in the sacro-lumbar region and on the outside of the hip region. If the patient already has necrotic lesions on the skin, the use of inflatable medical circles, rather than anti-decubitus mattresses, will be more effective.

In addition to the main indications for the use of rubber devices, it is worth noting a number of other unfavorable factors that can be attributed some bedridden patients are at risk of pressure ulcers:

  • advanced age - in older people, the skin becomes less elastic and elastic due to a lack of collagen produced, thinner and dry, so the ability of the epidermis to recover is reduced, and the likelihood of ulcers increases;
  • low body weight and muscle hypotonia - can lead to muscle atrophy, thinning of the fatty layer, which acts as a kind of protective barrier between the vessels, external connective and osteochondral tissue;
  • lack of control over the processes of urination and defecation - In patients with incontinence, pressure ulcers develop much faster due to their higher vulnerability to skin lesions and bacterial infection (microorganisms contained in excrement can provoke the development of inflammation on damaged areas).Backing circle for bedsores. How to choose, sizes, how to use

Mental behavior disorder is an aggravating circumstance in some patients. With neurological disorders, the patient may reject the help provided for him, prevent the implementation of therapeutic and prophylactic manipulations.

Other reasons for using the products

The risk of pressure ulcers increases with an unbalanced diet and a lack of fluid in the body. For the full functioning of metabolic processes at the cellular level and normal tissue trophism, it is important to ensure regular intake of a sufficient amount of fluid, beneficial and nutritious microelements.

Sufficient moisture in the epidermis is equally important. The condition of the skin must be stable. Excessive sweating, overheating, or hypothermia can negatively affect elasticity of the integument, lead to dehydration, dryness, provoke the appearance of cracks, irritations and bedsores.

If the patient often has muscle cramps, cramps or other involuntary movements that cause the skin to rub against the bed, he also has every chance of encountering the problem of bedsores.

Smokers are at risk of acquiring bedsores. This bad habit is especially detrimental to bedridden patients. All smokers suffer from hypoxia of internal organs and tissues, which is a consequence of inadequate blood supply to cells.

The only way to minimize the likelihood of pressure ulcers is continuous and competent patient care. It is important to constantly monitor the condition of the skin and carry out timely treatment of the slightest epidermal lesions in bedridden patients.

Backing disc for pelvic problems

This product can be used not only by patients who are constantly in a supine position. The use of anti-decubitus circles is recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. for one reason or another. In some cases, instead of circles, orthopedic pillows are used, also designed to prevent necrotic ulcers.

Backing circle for bedsores. How to choose, sizes, how to use
The backing circle is used not only for pressure sores, but also for the prevention of other diseases, for example, hemorrhoids

The pressure sore circle helps to reduce the pressure on the pelvis and the organs located inside it, to normalize blood circulation and maintain a healthy posture. The inflatable product helps to relieve discomfort amid exacerbated hemorrhoids. Place the backing circle on a chair or sofa and sit on top of it.

In case of disorders of the musculoskeletal system or injuries of the coccyx, such devices are necessary to relieve persistent pain syndrome and accelerate the healing process. Backing discs prevent the development of pressure ulcers in people with disabilities who move with the help of a wheelchair and constantly stay in a sitting position.

Another category of patients who need to use inflatable rings is women in the postpartum period. If, due to pain caused by damage to the tissues of the pelvic floor, underwent episiotomy or caesarean section, it is impossible for the patient to even just sit on a chair, the woman needs to put a protective adaptation.

How to choose (choose the right size)

As noted earlier, circles used to prevent pressure ulcers differ in materials and sizes.

In order for the product to bring maximum benefits, it is important to select it in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • the smallest circles with a diameter of less than 30 cm are suitable for preventing pressure sores on the limbs, legs, elbows, scalp, neck;
  • devices, the diameter of which is in the range of 30-40 cm, are considered universal, since they can used to prevent the appearance of ulcers and skin irritations on the shoulders, thighs, lumbosacral department;
  • inflatable pads with a diameter of more than 40 cm are intended for the treatment and prevention of necrotic process in patients with large body weight and obese constitution.Backing circle for bedsores. How to choose, sizes, how to use

When buying an anti-decubitus circle, one should take into account the compliance of its parameters with the patient's anthropometric data, including the width of the torso, thighs or other parts of the body, depending on the location of the skin area most at risk damage.

Where to buy

The backing circle is the simplest medical remedy for bedsores, so its use at home is not prohibited. Inflatable devices are sold not only in fixed retail outlets specializing in the sale of medical equipment.

Today, thanks to the Internet, the purchase of medical goods is not difficult, so backing wheels can be easily purchased in online stores.

These products are in demand among consumers, so manufacturers offer various options. The price of backing discs for bedsores is in the range of 250-3000 rubles. The cost depends on the size, properties of materials, fillers, service life, care features.

It should also not be forgotten that purchasing the relevant products over the Internet requires prudence and caution. Before buying, be sure to make sure that the seller has the appropriate license and certificate.

Terms of use and disinfection

The device, designed to prevent pressure sores, looks like a deflated rubber bag, reminiscent of a life buoy.

To start using a new backing disc, you must:

  1. Pump it up with air. You can inflate the product yourself, filling its inner space with air from the lungs through the corresponding hole, or by using the pump that is sold with some models. If you have to inflate the circle with your mouth, you must first wipe the valve with alcohol or cover it with sterile gauze.
  2. If the circle is made of rubber and does not have an additional cotton cover, it must be wrapped with a sheet or cloth before use.
  3. The product must be installed under the patient's body so that the traumatic area of ​​the skin is in the middle, in the free hole and is not squeezed by anything.

The formed bedsore must be regularly treated with antiseptic solutions. With constant use of the backing circle and proper treatment, the patient will be able to completely get rid of necrotic ulcers.Backing circle for bedsores. How to choose, sizes, how to use

For people who are completely unable to move independently, doctors recommend using an anti-decubitus mattress. However, its use does not allow 100% to guarantee the absence of necrosis in case of violation of the rules of caring for a sick person. One of the prerequisites is periodic disinfection of the medical device.

It is recommended to treat the backing disc for bedsores with 1% chloramine. Before the procedure, it is necessary to deflate the product and immerse the rubber bag in a disinfectant solution for 30-40 minutes.

In home walls, you can clean the surface of a rubber device from bedsores using simple pharmacy antiseptics (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide) or a regular soap solution.

How to use the product correctly?

For the backing circle to perform its protective functions for a long time, preventing the occurrence of skin lesions and necrotic ulcers, it is important to correctly apply it when caring for a bedridden patient:

  1. The patient must be turned on its side.
  2. The inflated and processed circle should be placed under the area of ​​the body that is subjected to maximum pressure (most often this is the sacrum).
  3. It is necessary to carefully lay the person on their back, making sure that the site of inflammation does not come into contact with the medical circle or other surfaces. At the same time, the body should not be too far from the inflatable boards, so the product must be chosen carefully, focusing on the area of ​​the bedsore lesions.Backing circle for bedsores. How to choose, sizes, how to use

The air-filled circle should not be too hard or soft. A moderately elastic product will not be felt by the patient and will not cause discomfort.

There are practically no restrictions on the use of underlay anti-decubitus circles, with the exception of:

  • dermatological diseases (eczema, psoriasis, mycosis) during an exacerbation;
  • allergic reactions to the material of the product;
  • spine fracture.

In order for the process of restoring the affected tissues to proceed faster, it is advisable to use not 1, but 2 or 3 circles. Observance of basic hygiene rules and regularity of product disinfection are of great importance.

The backing circle must be rinsed with clean water every time the patient has to be turned from one side to the other. Moreover, it is not necessary to wipe dry the rubber device from bedsores.

Storage rules

A pressure sore backing disc, like any other medical device, requires certain storage conditions. If there is no need for operation, the air from the device must be deflated, then carefully folded circle in a plastic bag and send to a dark, dry place that small children cannot reach.

Since backing discs are made from flexible and soft PVC, one of the most common problems with using them is seam divergence. Most often, damage occurs when the product is stored near sources of high temperatures (stove, battery, iron, air heater).

By regularly using the circle, you will be able to minimize the risk of pressure ulcers in those areas that have been pressurized for a long time.

However, the likelihood of developing a necrotic process will remain quite high even in the presence of a rubber circle, if a person remains in a permanent position for a long time. This should not be allowed in any case, therefore, from time to time, a person needs to be helped to roll over from one side to the other.

In order for the backing circle to be a really effective remedy for bedsores, it is important not to be mistaken with the size of the product and follow the rules for its operation. If necrotic ulcers have already appeared, you can get rid of them only with complex treatment.

Bedsore Pillow Videos

Anti-decubitus pillows:

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