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Ozonation of drinking water. What is it, reviews, benefits and harms

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Ozonation of water for further drinking is one of the most effective and modern methods of cleaning this liquid from biological contaminants and chemicals. To carry out water treatment of this type, it is necessary to use a special ozonation station, which can be installed in industrial facilities, in educational institutions, as well as in home conditions.

Record content:

  • 1 Features of ozonized water
    • 1.1 Description
    • 1.2 Compound
  • 2 Beneficial features
    • 2.1 For women
    • 2.2 For men
    • 2.3 For children
  • 3 Potential harm
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 Ozonation process at home
  • 6 Video about ozonized water

Features of ozonized water

Ozonized drinking water has a number of distinctive features that are directly related to the method of purifying it from infectious microorganisms, metals and other chemical elements.


Ozonated water fully retains all drinking properties and biological value for the human body. The main difference of this liquid is that at the moment of its saturation with ozone, the death of bacteria, viruses, spores of fungal microorganisms occurs.

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Certain strains of infectious disease pathogens have acquired resistance to the effects of weakly concentrated chlorine solutions. The use of this disinfectant does not guarantee complete disinfection of the water. Under the influence of ozone, all living microorganisms that are in the composition of raw water die.

Ozonation of drinking water lasts from 20 to 50 minutes. depending on what type of disinfection installation is used in a particular case. At the moment ozone passes through the liquid, the cells of bacteria, viruses and fungi are oxidized, which leads to the destruction of their shell and further death.

After 5 minutes. from the beginning of the ozonation process, not a single living microorganism remains in the treated water. Drinking water, which comes from the general city water supply, passes through old and worn pipes, contains particles of organic matter.

Water may contain molecules of iron, manganese and other chemical elements, the use of which is harmful to the human body. Purification of liquid using ozonation allows you to neutralize impurities, as well as make the drink completely transparent.Ozonation of drinking water. What is it, benefit and harmOzonation of drinking water. What is it, benefit and harm

In this case, the implementation of the principle of water purification from color and chemicals is provided by the effect of the strongest oxidation. Inorganic compounds that come into contact with ozone molecules decompose to the state of water and carbon dioxide.

Minerals that cannot be chemically degraded coagulate and then precipitate. Further delay and removal of these impurities is carried out using a filtration system.

Ozonation of drinking water allows not only to cleanse the liquid from infectious microorganisms, chemicals, but also to give it complete transparency, pleasant taste and freshness. The water treatment process itself takes place in several technological stages, which are described in detail in the table below.

Stages of water purification by ozonation method Description of the water treatment process
Stage 1. Sterilization of liquid. At this stage, ozone passes through the water column, creating a strong oxidation effect. Under the influence of gas molecules, chemical sterilization of the liquid occurs with the complete death of living microorganisms. After ozonation, even the water that initially had signs of biological pollution is subjected to high-quality disinfection. For example, sewage, poor quality water coming from the city water supply.
Stage 2. Filtration of catalytic oxidation products. Upon completion of the sterilization stage, the stage of filtration of mineral components begins, which disintegrated, but did not completely dissolve under the influence of ozone molecules. In this case, chemical impurities precipitate and then are retained by the charcoal filter. Every 3-7 days, mechanical cleaning and washing of the filtration equipment is performed to remove mineral components neutralized by ozone during the catalytic oxidation process.
Stage 3. Conversion of a compound of manganese and iron. Chemicals based on iron and manganese also cannot be completely dissolved by ozone. After contact with the molecules of this gas, a partial decomposition of these metals occurs with their transition into insoluble compounds. In this case, the effect of removing manganese and metal particles from the composition of drinking water is achieved with further redirection of the formed sediment to the filtration equipment.
Stage 4. Mechanical water purification. The final stage of water treatment using ozonation is pumping the already disinfected and oxidized liquid through a filter filled with activated carbon. This is a control method of cleaning, which guarantees that after using this method of disinfection, a person will receive high-quality water without microorganisms and mineral components.
Ozonation of drinking water. What is it, benefit and harm
Ozonation of drinking water

As the equipment that ozonizes water is used, it becomes necessary to flush the carbon filter. This procedure is performed once a week as chemicals accumulate inside the filtration elements.

In this case, the following distinctive features of water ozonation can be distinguished:

  • during decomposition, the disinfecting gas ozone ensures the saturation of water with an additional amount of oxygen, which contributes to an increase in its taste;
  • in the process of liquid oxidation with ozone, the formation of stable chemical compounds that can harm the human body (this the peculiarity of ozonation can be considered an advantage over the chlorination method, as a result of which secondary products with toxic properties);
  • ozone molecules are not able to change the acidity level of water, and also retain sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium ions, which are necessary for the full functioning of the body;
  • the ozonation method is detrimental to microorganisms of all types and strains, causing their 100% destruction;
  • the process of ozone molecules action takes a few seconds, and the complete decomposition of this gas takes no more than 15 minutes;
  • the generation of ozonizing gas is carried out directly at the place of operation of the disinfection installation (in in this case, it is not required to refuel or replace cylinders, or to carry out other organizational events).

The main disadvantage of using the water ozonation method is that this disinfection method is very expensive. Ozone gas belongs to the category of toxic substances, and its use must be carried out under the supervision of specialists with appropriate qualifications.


Water that has undergone ozonation has a standard chemical composition, but at the same time it is characterized by an increased oxidizing ability. The acquisition of these properties is due to the fact that in the process of saturating a liquid with a gas-air mixture, a greater amount of oxygen enters its composition.Ozonation of drinking water. What is it, benefit and harm

Ozone itself is a triatomic oxygen, the action of which is decomposition of tissues of living organisms and inorganic compounds, by implementing the principle of total oxidation. After 15 minutes. after the completion of water sterilization, the chemical decomposition of ozone occurs, but at the same time the water retains a pronounced oxidizing ability.

Beneficial features

Ozonation of drinking water allows you to obtain a high-quality drinking product that has many beneficial properties for the body of women, men and children.

For women

For the female body, the main benefit of ozonized water is that during pregnancy or during the period breastfeeding tissues of the expectant mother, as well as the developing fetus, receive only clean water without strangers impurities.

In this case, protection against infection by bacterial, viral and fungal microorganisms is provided, disease-causing activity of which can lead to health disorders, or provoke anomalies embryonic development.Ozonation of drinking water. What is it, benefit and harm

Ozonized water can be used for the hygiene of the female genital organs, since its use excludes the possibility of pathogenic microflora entering the vaginal cavity.

For men

The beneficial properties of ozonized water are in the following effect on the male body:

  • blood and tissues of internal organs receive clean water without infectious microorganisms and chemical impurities;
  • efficiency increases;
  • the period of complete recovery of the muscular system and the musculoskeletal system after heavy physical exertion is reduced;
  • metabolic processes in the organs of the excretory system are improved;
  • there is a natural cleansing of the liver from accumulated toxins, as well as other harmful substances that worsen the work of this organ;
  • the development of urological diseases, the occurrence of which is associated with an infectious and inflammatory process in the genitourinary system, is prevented.Ozonation of drinking water. What is it, benefit and harm

Regular use of ozonized water allows you to maintain youth and health of internal organs, as well as all tissues of the male body. Drinking biologically purified water, which is saturated with additional oxygen, has a positive effect on the process of spermatogenesis.

For children

Ozonation of drinking water can be carried out in educational institutions or at home.

Water that has undergone the ozone disinfection procedure has the following beneficial properties for the child's body:

  • activates the protective functions of the immune system;
  • minimizes the risk of infection of the child with bacterial, viral and fungal microorganisms;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functions of the digestive tract;
  • protects the tissues of the liver and kidneys of the child from the effects of chemicals of toxic etiology;
  • eliminates the factor of infection of the gastrointestinal tract of children with enterovirus infection, as well as helminth eggs, which may be present in raw tap water that has not passed the preliminary purification stage.Ozonation of drinking water. What is it, benefit and harm

A child who regularly uses ozonized water gets full physical development. Due to the fact that disinfected water enters the gastrointestinal tract of children, the load on the immune system decreases. The child is much less likely to suffer from colds and infectious diseases, does not suffer from disorders of the digestive system.

Potential harm

Disinfection of water using ozonation is considered a simple and sufficient safe procedure. Despite this, it is believed that the incorrect application of this technique can cause harm that is as follows:

  • due to the fact that ozone is a toxic gas, the operation of the air ozonization plant must be carried out in strict observance of safety rules (in Otherwise, this substance may get into the air, which will lead to poisoning of the body of people in the immediate vicinity of the source of generation ozone);
  • it is believed that the excessive accumulation of ozone in the intracellular space of the tissues of the human body entails their excessive oxidation, further death or the appearance of signs mutational changes (this potential danger of ozonized water is indicated by scientists who conducted laboratory experiments concerning the properties of water enriched with triatomic oxygen);
  • ozonized water is highly corrosive, causing oxidative processes in equipment and containers used for its storage;
  • an incorrectly selected water ozonation regime can lead to a violation of the chemical coagulation process decay products (in this case, it is impossible to exclude the preservation of some of the harmful impurities that can subsequently enter the body person);
  • infection with a bacterial, viral or fungal infection after drinking water, ozonation of which was carried out 3-4 hours ago (disinfection of liquid with ozone is not ensures the achievement of a bactericidal effect of prolonged action, since after the complete disintegration of this gas, the reappearance of pathogenic microflora);
  • during ozonation, a large amount of organic carbon is formed in the disinfected water, which becomes a breeding ground for infectious microorganisms.

Most experts are inclined to believe that despite all the advantages of ozonation, this method cannot be used as the only way to purify polluted water.Ozonation of drinking water. What is it, benefit and harm

In order to minimize the risk of infection with pathogens of infectious diseases, it is recommended to use water immediately after the completion of the process of its saturation with ozone. It is not recommended to leave the prepared drink under the influence of direct sunlight, store it in a plastic container in a room with an air temperature above +25 degrees Celsius.


Drinking water enriched with ozone is contraindicated for children, adult men and women who have the following health problems:

  • individual intolerance to ozone gas, which is expressed in the form of local or extensive allergies (such a reaction of the body is extremely rare);
  • violations of the physiological process of blood clotting;
  • epilepsy, accompanied by cramps of the lower extremities;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland in the form of hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis;
  • a decrease in the level of platelets in the bloodstream;
  • recent stroke of the brain;
  • hypocoagulation and bleeding from the tissues of internal organs;
  • acute intoxication with alcoholic beverages;
  • hypocalcemia;
  • acute phase of development of myocardial infarction.

The presence of the above diseases and pathological conditions of the body is the basis for a categorical refusal to use water that has been purified with ozone.

At the same time, the following relative contraindications for the use of ozonized water are distinguished:

  • parallel administration of drugs, the therapeutic properties of which are in blood thinning (aspirin, as well as drugs from the category of anticoagulants);
  • bleeding caused by menstruation.

In the latter case, it is recommended to refrain from drinking ozonized water, since the increased the concentration of oxygen contained in this fluid promotes cell oxidation and liquefaction blood. Before you start drinking ozone-purified water on a regular basis, you must go through a comprehensive examination by a general practitioner, to exclude the possible presence of latent diseases with a chronic form currents.

Ozonation process at home

In order to carry out ozonation of drinking water at home, you will need to use the following equipment:

  1. Stationary station for saturation of incoming water with disinfecting gas.
  2. An electronic gas analyzer to monitor the process of saturation of a liquid with ozone, as well as to have information on the concentration of a given substance.
  3. Water mixing system, which consists of PVC pipes and pressure sensors.
  4. Activated carbon filter.
  5. A device that removes excess ozone.

The mixing system of the ozonation station is connected to the common water supply from which water comes of poor quality, contaminated with infectious, parasitic microorganisms or chemical substances.Ozonation of drinking water. What is it, benefit and harm

In order to start the process of liquid disinfection using ozone gas, it is enough to turn on the already mounted station, and then set the optimal mode of saturation of water with triatomic oxygen. It's believed that the indicator of the norm of ozone concentration in the composition of drinking water is 1 g per 1 cubic meter.

This amount of disinfecting gas will cleanse the liquid from pathogens of infectious diseases and will not harm the human body. The water that goes through the ozonation process enters a special storage tank, tank or bottle.

Carrying out ozonation of water at home is as follows:

  1. The person operating the disinfection station starts the operation of this device.
  2. Raw and untreated water is pumped into the mixing system using an injection pump.
  3. Then, due to the operation of this pump, a pressure resonance is created inside the system, which is necessary for the correct operation of the Venturi injector.
  4. The released ozone enters the flow of passing water, which is saturated with triatomic oxygen.
  5. Gas compounds that have not gone through the dissolution stage are released into the atmospheric air through a device called an ozone destructor.

To perform ozonation at home, it is necessary to use only ordinary water without gases and an increased concentration of mineral components. After the completion of the ozonation process, the purified water can be used as a drink, or it can be used for bathing, shampooing.

It is recommended to store the liquid saturated with ozone in glass containers. Do not use plastic bottles or tanks made of metal that oxidizes rapidly.

Ozonation is a modern method of purifying drinking water from chemicals, bacterial, viral and fungal microorganisms. In order to carry out the disinfection procedure, it is necessary to have equipment in the form of an ozonation station, which is equipped with a liquid mixing system and an activated carbon filter.

The principle of operation of this device is that raw and untreated water is saturated with triatomic oxygen, which starts the process of total oxidation of the liquid.

Microorganisms present in the treated water die within a few seconds. Ozone gas entering the air has toxic properties, and its molecules, dissolved in water, are completely safe for the human body.

Video about ozonized water

The benefits and harms of the ozonizer:

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