Childhood Diseases

Systemic speech underdevelopment (SR). What is it with mental retardation, mental retardation, autism in children of severe moderate, mild degree

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Most children at the age of five with normal speech development they can fully talk, express their thoughts, and also use complex structures in communication.

They have a large vocabulary to properly express their thoughts. When these processes occur in the child systemic underdevelopment of speech that require specialist advice. It is important to conduct an examination to rule out serious pathological causes.

Record content:

  • 1 What is the delay of speech development (spp)?
  • 2 Norms of language development in a child
  • 3 Speech underdevelopment levels
  • 4 Symptoms of abnormalities
  • 5 Causes of speech underdevelopment
  • 6 Classification
  • 7 Degrees of systemic underdevelopment
  • 8 Underdevelopment of speech with mental retardation
  • 9 CHR treatment in children
    • 9.1 Development of fine motor skills
    • 9.2 Psychological comfort
    • 9.3 Exercises
    • 9.4 Physiotherapy
  • 10 Video about SNR

What is the delay of speech development (spp)?

The system is an underdevelopment of speech disorders of complex vocal apparatus. In this case, the pathological condition is accompanied by violation of the important components of language. We are talking about fonematiku, grammar and vocabulary. In some children, there is a delay in speech development due to the development of a more serious condition of mental and emotional nature.

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Complex disorders in the work of the speech apparatus violate the linguistic elements:

  • Phonetics. The child is hard to pronounce sounds correctly.
  • Vocabulary. The vocabulary of the child is minimal.
  • Grammar. Baby difficult to change the case endings in words form sentences.

Systemic speech underdevelopment (SR). What is it with mental retardation, CRA of severe moderate, mild degreeSystemic speech underdevelopment in the majority of cases are diagnosed in children with mental retardation. A pathological condition which is accompanied by an organic brain damage. If the hearing and intelligence stored, the patient is diagnosed - total hypoplasia speech.

Norms of language development in a child

There are certain criteria that will help parents to suspect a violation of the child and go to the hospital:

Period Description
1-8 months During this period, the child makes sounds and syllables. Little by little babble appears. Scarce plays with vocal sounds. Can call certain things and people that often communicates. It is formed as an articulation and intonation.
1-2 years The child begins to recite verbs, but the parents are taking this step in the first word. At this stage, it all depends on the child's mental development. In some situations, it is understood only close people who spend the most time with him. For 2 years in baby already says a few words or phrases. Vocabulary gradually increases.
2-3 years The number of words is gradually increasing. The kid tries to make proposals, building on the main word, resulting in a grammatical connection. At this stage, the child begins to master the change in the endings in words. He learns to mentally think about the words and structures gradually master their native language.
3-5 years At this stage, the child says complete phrases, fragments of speech with common sense. He learns to maintain communication with the interlocutor. At the same time formed the vocabulary of its language.
5-7 years The child develops a coherent speech. Learns to express his thoughts, making up whole sentences. However, he adheres to a certain sequence. He formed a colloquial logical thinking.
Systemic speech underdevelopment (SR). What is it with mental retardation, CRA of severe moderate, mild degree

The division of speech development into levels in each case occurs individually. It all depends on the child's psycho-emotional state, his physical health and individual characteristics.

Speech underdevelopment levels

The level of speech development depends on the severity of the violations present.

In medicine, the following stages of manifestation of disorders are distinguished:

Name Description
Level I The child in conversation uses babbling words, onomatopoeia, gestures and facial expressions.
II level Some rudiments of common speech are present. The child communicates primitively, his words are distorted. Elementary grammatical forms and constructions are also present.
III level The child's speech is detailed, but there are elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment.
IV level All components of speech change slightly.

At any level, speech underdevelopment will prevent a child from mastering new skills and gaining knowledge. Limited thinking will affect writing and full communication with other people. Timely consultation with a specialist will help to correct the situation.

Symptoms of abnormalities

Clinical signs that occur in children of different ages with speech underdevelopment will help a qualified specialist correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

Systemic speech underdevelopment is accompanied by the following clinical symptoms:

  • small children under one year old do not make sound combinations and react poorly to the words of the people around them;
  • gesticulation and fine motor skills are disturbed;
  • at 1.5 years old, the baby does not repeat the words or actions of adults;
  • at the age of 2 years, it is difficult for a child to pronounce words or phrases;
  • the timbre of the voice changes.

With the normal development of the child's speech, the parents understand him in the conversation.

Depending on the degree of systemic speech underdevelopment, the following clinical symptoms appear in a small patient:Systemic speech underdevelopment (SR). What is it with mental retardation, CRA of severe moderate, mild degree

Name Symptoms
Mild degree
  • there is minor dysgraphia;
  • minimum vocabulary;
  • sound pronunciation is slightly impaired;
  • difficulty in pronouncing difficult speech materials;
  • in the course of retelling, the meaning of the sentences is lost.
  • the pronunciation of a certain group of sounds is disturbed;
  • there are problems with phonemic analysis and hearing;
  • the child does not understand well words with a figurative or hidden meaning;
  • schoolchildren prefer passive communication;
  • when retelling, the text is distorted, meaning is lost;
  • limited lexicon.
  • the pronunciation of various sound groups is impaired;
  • it is difficult for a child to form words, phrases;
  • using one sound, the baby names several objects or phenomena;
  • phonemic analysis and perception are significantly impaired;
  • it is difficult for a child to perceive sentences and form them independently;
  • impaired speech perception;
  • in communicating with other people, children use gestures and facial expressions;
  • the vocabulary is reduced as much as possible;
  • fine motor skills are impaired, writing skills are at a minimum;
  • the strength of the voice is reduced, there is a monotonous intonation.
Systemic speech underdevelopment (SR). What is it with mental retardation, CRA of severe moderate, mild degree

Systemic speech underdevelopment is a serious diagnosis that is more often diagnosed in children after the age of five. It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination to confirm it. The diagnosis and treatment is carried out by a psychiatrist, neurologist or speech therapist.

Causes of speech underdevelopment

There are numerous internal or external factors that provoke a violation of the development of speech in a child.

Name Description
Internal factors
  • pathological damage to the female body during the period of bearing a baby;
  • abortion;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • severe toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • childbirth at an early or late age;
  • bad habits (abuse of alcoholic beverages, drugs and tobacco products during the period of bearing a baby);
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • birth trauma, which provokes a malfunction of the brain in the baby.
External causes
  • severe diseases of the central nervous system in a child;
  • improper upbringing of the baby;
  • lack of verbal communication in the period up to a year;
  • cerebral paralysis;
  • rickets;
  • asthenia;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • colds and complications in their background;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.
Systemic speech underdevelopment (SR). What is it with mental retardation, CRA of severe moderate, mild degree

Developmental disorders of speech also appear as a result of severe emotional stress that the baby experiences in the family. Problems provokes an insufficient contact with the child. Harm children can syusyukanem when parents mispronounce words in a conversation with the crumbs.


There is also a certain classification of systemic speech underdevelopment, which is based on general disorders:

Name Description
Level I The child has no speech skills at all.
II level The stage of development of the baby, in which the initial elements of speech and a large amount of agrammatism are present.
III level The child uses separate phrases in conversation, but the sounds and meaning of communication are practically absent.
IV level Speech delay at this stage is characterized by the individual issues. The child has impaired vocabulary, phonetics, grammar and phonemics.

In the early stages of impaired development of speech the child has a favorable forecasts. Timely help will allow the baby to fill in the gaps in communication. In the later stages of speech underdevelopment, the situation is more complicated and the baby will need long, difficult treatment. Despite critical evaluation, it is also possible to obtain positive results after therapy.

Degrees of systemic underdevelopment

Systemic speech underdevelopment is a complex pathology that requires qualified assistance from specialists.

Depending on the changes present in the child, in medicine, disorders are classified as follows:

Name Description
CHP mild The vocabulary of a child is so weak that it would be hard to pronounce sounds, oblique cases, plurals, or to capture the difficult moments. He cannot understand cause and effect relationships.
SMR medium The child does not perceive complex sentences or words with a figurative meaning. It is also difficult for him to build the meaning of the retold fragment. Active speech is weak, vocabulary is at a minimum, coordination of language movement is incorrectly set.
Severe CHR It is difficult for a small patient to perceive speech, there is no ability to connect words and sentences. Fine motor skills are impaired. The child does not know how to write or read, in some situations these abilities are given with great difficulty.
Systemic speech underdevelopment (SR). What is it with mental retardation, CRA of severe moderate, mild degree

Parents on their own will not be able to establish the degree of speech impairment. It is necessary to contact a qualified speech therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination, interview the baby, draw his own conclusions and, if necessary, prescribe an additional examination. The results and the correct diagnosis will help the doctor choose the most effective treatment methods.

Underdevelopment of speech with mental retardation

Systemic speech underdevelopment is a serious pathological condition that, when mental retardation is accompanied by the following clinical symptoms:

  • memory is impaired;
  • the patient's motor activity increases;
  • it is difficult for a child to focus his attention;
  • there is no conscious will;
  • the language system is poorly developed in comparison with the established norms;
  • the child has difficulties in defining simple concepts, setting a connection between them;
  • the patient's thinking is partially or completely absent.

The child's psychoemotional development is also impaired. The present disorders negatively affect the patient's verbal communication with the people around him. They also interfere with the formation of other socially important skills.

CHR treatment in children

The effectiveness of therapy depends on numerous factors, including the speed of providing assistance to the child, as well as the severity of the disorders present. Parents need to constantly monitor the health of the baby in order to timely identify a speech disorder and go to the hospital.Systemic speech underdevelopment (SR). What is it with mental retardation, CRA of severe moderate, mild degree

The scheme and methods of therapy are selected by the speech therapist, while taking into account other disorders in the child. If necessary, a small patient may need additional advice from other specialized specialists (psychologist).

Development of fine motor skills

Systemic speech underdevelopment is a pathological condition that occurs more often as a result of problems with fine motor skills. In this situation, parents are encouraged to pay more attention to the child. Do with him modeling, needlework, applique and origami. Interesting and joint activities will also help parents to get closer to their child.

Psychological comfort

The main principle of the therapeutic method is to provide the child with psychological assistance as much as possible. It is necessary to protect the crumbs from the ridicule of others. Kindergarten teachers or teachers at school should be asked not to focus on existing problems. You cannot scold a child if he lags behind the general pace of development of the entire class, group.

He needs to be taught to read, but without undue pressure. Let him understand what needs to be learned, it is also recommended to take breaks from study. You should not rape a child, the whole process is already hard for him.

Psychological comfort will help create positive emotions. Parents need to praise their baby, even for minor achievements. He will have the desire and desire to do more, better. There will be no benefit from swearing and negativity.


In most cases, a speech therapist uses special exercises to help develop speech and thinking in a child. If such activities do not frighten the baby, then they can be carried out at home. It is recommended to discuss the set of exercises with a speech therapist.Systemic speech underdevelopment (SR). What is it with mental retardation, CRA of severe moderate, mild degree

The specialist will tell you which of them will help you develop your speech better:

  • You can make sentences starting with a few words and ending with complex constructions.
  • It is also recommended to conduct classes where the child needs to finish drawing numbers or letters.
  • You can sculpt letters and numbers from plasticine or make them from sticks.
  • An exercise in which the baby tries to read the crossed out words is useful.
  • Additionally, it is also recommended to form words from mixed syllables and letters.

In difficult situations, taking into account the results of a comprehensive examination and the individual characteristics of the child's condition, a small patient is selected drug therapy:

Drug group Name Application
Aminobutyric acid derivatives Aminalon, Pantogam Medicines stimulate oxygen metabolism and slow down nerve impulses. Children are prescribed 1-2 g per day. The dosage depends on age and can be divided into 2 doses. The course of treatment lasts at least 2-3 weeks.
Pyritinol derivatives Cerebol, Enerball The drugs improve glucose utilization. The medicine is taken 2-3 times a day after meals. Children are prescribed 0.05-0.3 g for 2 months.
Psychostimulants Ceraxon, Piracetam The medicine improves energy metabolism, memory, attention and eliminates congestion. Children are prescribed 30-50 mg once a day.
Multivitamin complexes Multivit, Milgamma The drugs support the functioning of the nervous system. For children, the medicine is prescribed ½ tablet 1 time per day.
Systemic speech underdevelopment (SR). What is it with mental retardation, CRA of severe moderate, mild degree

Additionally, extracts of animal nerve cells are prescribed. Medicines promote the regeneration of damaged nerve fiber cells.


To stimulate the speech area of ​​the brain and the centers that are responsible for intelligence, are used physiotherapy procedures (electroreflexotherapy, magnetic therapy, hippotherapy and efficient therapy).

Any method of treatment should be discussed with the attending physician, since it is possible to cause the opposite effect and provoke epileptic seizures in a child, as well as a mental disorder or seizures.

Interaction with horses or dolphins reduces hypertonicity, muscle spasm of small muscles. There is a stimulation of the speech centers of the brain.

Systemic speech underdevelopment in children is more often diagnosed as a result of brain damage. A serious violation is accompanied by incorrect pronunciation of words and sounds, while vocabulary is at a minimum. A speech therapist consultation will allow you to determine the degree of violations and choose the most effective method of correction.

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Systemic speech underdevelopment:

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