Respiratory System

Throat tablets are inexpensive but effective for sucking in children and adults. List of the best, prices, reviews

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Modern pharmacology offers a large selection of inexpensive throat pills. In order for the drug to be effective, it should be selected not only according to the symptoms and age of the patient, but also according to the individual characteristics of the organism.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Sore throat medications for adults
  • 2 Pills for pregnant women
  • 3 Products for children
  • 4 Sore throat treatment video

Sore throat medications for adults

Preparations for the elimination of pain in the headusually act locally. Therefore, the tablet (or lozenge) must be kept in the mouth until it is completely absorbed.

Throat pills are inexpensive but effective for children and adults. List, prices, reviews

One of the popular drugs that quickly help get rid of a sore throat is "Grammidin". The drug contains an antibiotic and milk sugar, so you can use it only when you reach 12 years of age. The tool has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the patient's body.

People suffering from galactose intolerance should take another medication. The price of the medication is 250 rubles.

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"Teraflu Lar" tablets are an inexpensive remedy for sore throat that fights viruses just as effectively. The drug contains lidocaine, so it is recommended to use it for signs of flu. The active substances do not irritate the mucous membranes. Cost - 200 rubles.

Throat pills are inexpensive but effective for children and adults. List, prices, reviews
Throat pills Teraflu Lar

"Strepsils" has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates infection. The active substance not only destroys the focus of the disease, but also eliminates pain and relieves swelling. The manufacturer has developed a similar drug, which contains a "+" in the name. "Strepsils +" contains lidocaine, which quickly blocks pain. Product price: 200 rubles.

"Novosept Forte" refers to those drugs that quickly eliminate pain. The tablets should also be sucked. The medication is excellent at fighting bacteria that cause infection. Therefore, the medicine not only relieves the symptoms, but also acts on the cause of the disease itself.

It should be noted that it is necessary to treat pills with caution with the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • increased body temperature.

Doctors do not recommend using the drug for more than 5 days, as the body may become addictive. The average price of a package is 150 rubles.

Throat pills are inexpensive but effective for children and adults. List, prices, reviews
Novosept forte

"Tantum Verde" is one of the most effective drugs that can immediately get rid of many symptoms of the disease. In addition to eliminating pain syndrome, the medicine copes well with swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat, helps to get rid of congestion in the throat.

In order for the result from the use of Tantum Verde tablets to be better, they should be absorbed more slowly.

The drug has a very short list of contraindications. It is forbidden to use it by children under 6 years of age. Until the age of 12, the drug is taken with caution and strictly under the supervision of adults. The price is 230 rubles.

Throat pills are inexpensive but effective for children and adults. List, prices, reviews
Tantum verde

Throat pills are inexpensive, but effective, can be used without a strict prescription from a doctor. However, in case of complications, it is recommended to use "Erythromycin". It is necessary to take probiotics together with it.

The medicine quickly relieves all symptoms, as a rule, this may take from one to two days. However, you should drink the full course, which lasts 5 days. Packing price is 100 rubles.

What to do if an adult has a sore throat:

Among the inexpensive remedies for sore throat, "Streptocid" should be distinguished. The medicine does a good job of killing harmful bacteria that cause infection. However, it is prescribed in conjunction with other drugs. Before using the drug, it is necessary to irrigate the throat with a solution of soda. The cost of one package of tablets is 60 rubles.

"Flemoxin Solutab" is one of the most effective remedies among analogues. It helps even with chronic infections. The medicine also copes with increased body temperature, inflammation of the lymph nodes and a runny nose. In rare cases, the use of the medication can cause nausea. The average cost of a package is 200 rubles.

"Amoxiclav" is often prescribed for angina, it is an antibiotic. Therefore, when taking it, you should purchase probiotics in advance, which will protect the gastrointestinal tract from the adverse effects of the drug. You should drink 2-3 tablets per day. The very action of the drug is that it thinns the walls of bacteria, which leads to their death. The price is 150 rubles.

Throat pills are inexpensive but effective for children and adults. List, prices, reviews

Another inexpensive remedy is Azithromycin. It should be taken 2 hours before meals, and only needs to be taken once a day. It is also an antibiotic, so it must be combined with other drugs. The tablets interfere with the growth of bacteria and prevent them from multiplying. The price of the medicine is 80 rubles.

"Anti-Angin" will help well with severe pain syndrome. You can take up to 6 tablets per day. It should be noted that 2 hours should pass between doses. The duration of the course is no more than 5 days. The price is about 150-160 rubles.

Throat pills are inexpensive but effective for children and adults. List, prices, reviews

"Suprima Lor" has antiseptic properties. Suitable for children. Copes not only with pain, but also relieves inflammation and fights infection. It must be kept in the mouth until the tablet is completely absorbed. The composition of the medicine is natural. Adults can take up to 8 tablets per day. The price is 115 rubles.

Throat pills "Ampicillin" have a broad action, quickly cope with bacterial infection. Adults are usually prescribed to drink 4 tablets per day. Price - 80 rubles.

Throat pills are inexpensive but effective for children and adults. List, prices, reviews

Sentefril is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 18 years of age. Rinse your mouth thoroughly before taking the pill. Antiseptic. Copes with germs and fungi. The cost is about 80 rubles.

"Karmolis" tablets do not contain sugar, they contain many oils and extracts. Adults can consume up to 6 lozenges per day. The drug softens the throat and easily relieves pain. Possesses antiviral, antibacterial properties. An excellent antiseptic, tastes good. The price is 250 rubles.

Tonsilotren tablets allow you to cope with tonsillitis in both acute and chronic forms. The drug can be used by children from two years of age. The medicine effectively copes with the enlargement of the palatine tonsils, in addition, it can be easily used in the prevention of recurrent tonsillitis.

Tonsilotren contains 5 components. This combination allows you to quickly eliminate both bacterial and viral infections.

The drug has antipyretic properties and easily copes with pain. As a rule, patients notice the effect of taking the medicine after 2 days; on the fifth day, in most cases, all the symptoms cease to bother. The price of the drug is 230 rubles.

Pills for pregnant women

In order not to harm her body and the unborn child, a pregnant woman needs to be especially careful about the choice of medicines.

Falimint is an inexpensive, safe and effective remedy that has no contraindications for pregnancy and lactation. Helps to disinfect the oral cavity, quickly cope with coughs, relieves inflammation in the oral cavity and respiratory tract. When absorbed, a coolness is felt, which additionally soothes. Does not cause dryness and numbness. Price - 180 rubles.

Throat pills are inexpensive but effective for children and adults. List, prices, reviews

If it is necessary to take an antibiotic, specialists usually prescribe Erythromycin to a pregnant woman. It negatively affects bacteria, destroying the integrity of their shell. The medicine is effective. The dosage should be checked with the attending physician.

Usually, relief is felt after a few days of using the drug. However, you cannot stop taking the pills at this point. You should drink the entire course, it is usually about a week. The average cost of a medicine is 170 rubles.

Throat pills are inexpensive, but effective "Lizobact" are approved for use during all trimesters of pregnancy and breastfeeding. They do not adversely affect the microflora. They perfectly cope with pain syndrome, are able to destroy bacteria, fungi and viruses. The medicine relieves inflammation. The average cost of the drug is 230 rubles.

Throat pills are inexpensive but effective for children and adults. List, prices, reviews

"Geksaliz" is no less effective drug. Copes with germs and viruses. It actively affects the bacteria that cause sore throat. Usually, a pill is taken every 4 hours. However, during pregnancy, the drug is prescribed only if there are strict indications. The price of the drug is 250 rubles.

Products for children

A good remedy for treating sore throat for children is Faringosept. Taking pills is prescribed after reaching the age of three. The drug must be absorbed. The medicine kills germs and bacteria that can lead to sore throat. The average cost of the drug is 150 rubles.

Throat pills are inexpensive but effective for children and adults. List, prices, reviews

"Astrasept" also refers to inexpensive drugs. The tablet should be sucked every 3 hours. The medicine treats inflammation and infection easily. However, a child should not take pills until the age of 5. The price is 150 rubles.

Throat pillsshould be not onlyinexpensive but also effective. In this case, they will be more in line with the wishes of the consumer. Before use, you should carefully consider contraindications, take into account the category of the patient. It is imperative to consult a doctor.

Sore throat treatment video

How to quickly cure tonsillitis and tonsillitis:

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