Respiratory System

Camethon throat spray. Instructions for use for children, adults, analogues, price, reviews

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Cameton is throat spray drug with some diseases. It is produced by several pharmaceutical companies. The active substances and their dosages in each specific sample are practically the same.

Record content:

  • 1 Forms of release, composition of the drug, prices
  • 2 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacological properties
  • 3 Pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 At what age can the drug be used?
  • 7 Instructions for use, dosage
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Overdose
  • 10 special instructions
  • 11 Drug interactions
  • 12 Analogs
    • 12.1 Ingalipt
    • 12.2 Chlorhexidine Vialine
    • 12.3 Ingavit oral care product
    • 12.4 Proposol
    • 12.5 Miramistin for the treatment of children
  • 13 Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  • 14 Video about the drug Cameton

Forms of release, composition of the drug, prices

Cameton is a throat spray that is presented in several options at the pharmacy.

It is produced by the following organizations:

  • aerosol 30 ml or 45 ml, JSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, from 80 rubles;
  • means Vialine 45 ml, LLC "Esko-Pharm", from 80 rubles;Camethon throat spray. Instructions for children, adults, analogs, price
  • insta story viewer
  • spray 30 MO, CJSC ALTAIVITAMINS, from 75 rubles;
  • spray 20 ml, LLC "VIP-MED Firm", from 50 rubles;
  • spray 30 ml, JSC "Samaramedprom", from 80 rubles.

The standard composition assumes the use of the following components in every 10 ml of active solution:

  • chlorobutanol hemihydrate - 100 mg;
  • racemic menthol - 100 mg;
  • eucalyptus oil - 100 mg;
  • camphor - 100 mg.Camethon throat spray. Instructions for children, adults, analogs, price

When choosing a drug in a pharmacy, you should take into account the following features and differences between sprays and aerosols:

  • sprays deliver a metered volume of the mixture after pressing the pump piston, particle size from 5 microns;
  • aerosols spray the solution continuously in the form of fine particles up to 5 microns in size.

Also, some of them allow the intranasal route of administration of active substances.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacological properties

Chlorobutanol hemihydrate belongs to pain relief, local tissue soothing and antibacterial suppression. The component is often found in other products of similar purpose and is added to them to stabilize the mixture.

Racemic menthol is included in products to provide distracting properties. The effect of the substance is to irritate the nerve endings on the mucous membrane and weak anti-inflammatory activity in the treatment of ENT diseases.

Eucalyptus essential oil is a powerful natural blend of a number of ingredients that include:

  • globulol;
  • camphene;
  • cineole;
  • pinen.

Eucalyptus oil stimulates tissue regeneration, neutralizes the activity of many microorganisms, relieves inflammatory reactions. Effective against staphylococcus. Camphor naturally irritates the mucous membranes, thereby improving local tissue blood supply and stimulating regenerative processes.

Additionally, both substances refresh the oral cavity and directly the breathing of a sick person, since the activity of pathological agents is accompanied by the release of their metabolic products. These, in turn, cause unpleasant odors during illness.


Due to the low systemic absorption, data on the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug are not presented.

Indications for use

Cameton is a throat spray intended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs:

  • pharyngitis;Camethon throat spray. Instructions for children, adults, analogs, price
  • laryngitis;
  • rhinitis.

Moreover, they can be of both bacterial and viral nature. In many cases, a secondary agent is attached to the primary source of infection. At the same time, unpleasant symptoms are rapidly growing, and the condition of the sick person deteriorates significantly. In such cases, complex treatment, a combination of local remedies and systemic drugs, significantly accelerates recovery.


The solution should not be used by persons with high sensitivity to the components that make up the drug, and a history of allergic reactions to natural essential oils.

Intolerance can be expressed by the following symptoms:

  • impaired spatial coordination;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmic disorders;
  • the appearance of pain in the head;
  • noise in ears.

With caution, drugs with these components should be used under the following conditions:

  • convulsive readiness with epilepsy;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • drops in blood pressure.

In all these cases, the question of the admissibility and expediency of using a particular drug can only be decided by an observing specialist with sufficient experience in practice.

At what age can the drug be used?

The drug is not recommended for use in children under 5 years of age. Neglect of this rule can lead to the development of laryngospasm. When it appears, an involuntary contraction of the muscle fibers of the larynx begins, and the glottis closes until the airways are completely blocked.

Lack of ambulance can be fatal. Close people who have already experienced laryngospasm in a child should purchase and always keep nearby a nebulizer and a supply of several doses of Pulmicort. Another option is the ready-to-use turbuhaler Symbicort, a powder inhalation device.

Instructions for use, dosage

Spray Cameton should be used by inhalation, spraying the medicinal solution into the oral cavity towards the tonsils and the back of the pharynx. To do this, you need to remove the protective cap from the spray nozzle, then insert it into a wide open mouth and direct it towards the throat.

Then you need to press the plunger and either inhale the aerosol for 1-2 seconds, or enter several separate doses when using a spray.

Camethon throat spray. Instructions for children, adults, analogs, price

Within 1 day, inhalation is recommended to be repeated 3-4 times, at least 30 minutes before meals or drinks. The duration of therapy is until symptoms and pain disappear. If treatment is ineffective, the approach should be reconsidered and a systemic antibacterial drug should be added. This will avoid serious complications due to the lack of an adequate set of medicines.

Side effects

Cameton is a throat spray, the use of which can provoke the development of allergic reactions, skin rashes, itching. On the mucous membranes, intolerance to the components is accompanied by a burning sensation, dryness and swelling.


When a large amount enters the stomach cavity with a significant overdose, dyspeptic disorders are observed, including nausea, vomiting and pain. It is recommended to seek immediate medical attention to recover the injured person.

special instructions

In the course of treatment, several recommendations should be followed:

  • during spraying, hold the bottle only vertically;
    Camethon throat spray. Instructions for children, adults, analogs, price
    Cameton throat spray
  • in the process of treatment, the solution does not get into the eyes;
  • when introduced into the nasal passages, you must not throw your head back;
  • it is recommended to always avoid dropping the bottle to the floor.

Before initial use in a person with a history of severe allergic reactions it is necessary to consult with a specialist about the permissibility of using such a dosage form and composition.

Drug interactions

Since a systemic effect on the body when applied topically is practically excluded, any other drugs can be used in the course of drug treatment.


Currently, pharmacies offer many drugs with a similar principle of action. The cost can vary significantly, but in most cases the price of a remedy is not critical. If one or another drug is ineffective, it is recommended to consult a specialist.


The drug is produced by several pharmaceutical companies. One of the most widespread and popular among buyers is Ingalipt aerosol produced by Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC in Russia. The volume of 1 bottle is 30 ml, which, together with the instructions for medical use, is placed in a cardboard box.

Camethon throat spray. Instructions for children, adults, analogs, price

For use and dispensing, the kit also includes a special nozzle that will need to be put on the neck of the bottle after unscrewing the cap. Cost of 1 pc. from the specified manufacturer is 125 rubles on average. Analogues in most cases differ in a slightly lower price.

The preparation contains several active components, the total amount is 30 ml:

  • sulfanilamide - 0.75 g;
  • sulfatizole Na - 0.75 g;
  • eucalyptus oil - 15 mg;
  • peppermint oil - 15 mg;
  • thymol - 15 mg.

In combination with auxiliary components, the listed substances have antibacterial and antimicrobial effects against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. The additional effect of short-term pain relief enhances the therapeutic effect.

Recommendations for the medical use of the drug:

  • shake the bottle thoroughly before use to obtain a homogeneous mixture;
  • then you should remove the protective cap and put on the nozzle for further spraying;
  • you need to do this with your mouth wide open directly in the direction of the larynx and tonsils;
  • the duration of spraying is 1-2 seconds with a frequency of up to 4 times a day.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to gargle with warm boiled water each time before using the product. This will wash off layers, mucus and enhance the penetration of active ingredients into the mucous membranes.

Chlorhexidine Vialine

The drug is produced by Esko-Pharm LLC in Russia. Each 45 ml bottle, together with instructions for medical use and a special spray nozzle, are placed in a cardboard box. The cost of 1 package with the drug is about 80 rubles.

The composition of the medicinal solution includes the following components:

  • chlorhexidine bigluconate;
  • lemon extract.

For more than 60 years, chlorhexidine has been actively used as a disinfectant in medicine for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. During all this time, no data has been received on the possibility of microorganisms to acquire resistance and immunity to the neutralizing effect of chlorhexidine in their relation.Camethon throat spray. Instructions for children, adults, analogs, price

The chemical is a biguanide derivative containing 2 chlorine molecules.

The mechanism of pharmacological activity consists in interaction with cells, the result of which is a violation of osmosis. As a result, pathological agents quickly die.

A massive and intense attack leads to a quick recovery of a person and a complete cleansing of the mucous membranes in the region of the nose, pharynx and mouth in this case.

Recommendations for medical use:

  • the drug should be sprayed by directing the stream to the pharyngeal area;
  • in this case, the tongue must be kept pressed against the lower jaw;
  • after irrigation, you need to stop swallowing saliva for 5-10 minutes.

The frequency of application can be up to 1 time every hour throughout the day. The total duration of therapy is not strictly regulated and can range from several times to several days. It depends on the degree of damage to the oral cavity and the overall severity of the symptoms.

Ingavit oral care product

Cameton is a throat spray that can be replaced with a preparation based on a complex of essential oils with a high content of disinfecting substances. The cost of 1 bottle with 45 ml of solution is around 90 rubles.

Ingavit contains the following components:

  • chlorhexidine bigluconate;
  • peppermint oil;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • thyme oil;
  • polysorbate-80;
  • glycerol;
  • water.

The active ingredients provide a quick and intense healing effect for viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Chlorhexidine in the composition of the drug is the basic component, the effect of which in this case is significantly enhanced by natural supplements.

Recommendations for use:

  • frequency of use - 1-2 injections up to 4 times a day;
  • the time intervals between them should be 2-3 hours;
  • the drug should be used after eating or drinking;
  • the duration of the course of treatment is 5-10 days.

To evenly distribute the active substances throughout the volume of the solvent, it is recommended to shake the bottle vigorously each time immediately before injections.


The drug is produced by ZAO Altayvitamins.

A remedy for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity is presented on sale in 2 options:

  • bottle of 25 ml, from 130 rubles;
  • bottle of 50 ml, from 170 rubles.Camethon throat spray. Instructions for children, adults, analogs, price

Pharmacologically, the drug belongs to the group of tissue regeneration stimulants. According to consumer reviews, this spray is able to eliminate all symptoms already 2 days after the start of use, even in especially advanced cases.

It includes the following components, in a larger volume:

  • natural propolis - 3 g;
  • ethanol and glycerin - up to 50 ml.

Since the solution contains a small part of water, and the main volume is 95% ethyl alcohol, when it is sprayed, the appearance of pronounced pain is natural.

This is especially true of neglected cases with severe inflammatory processes. However, biologically, alcohol significantly enhances the disinfecting properties of propolis and promotes a speedy recovery.

The need for its use is due to the fact that natural propolis is practically insoluble in water. However, it interacts with alcohol in such a way that after mixing up to 60% of the active substances from its composition pass into solution.

The ready-to-use propolis medicated spray should be used according to the manufacturer's recommendations:

  • for 1 irrigation, you need to spray the agent 1 time on both sides of the throat;
  • frequency of use - up to 3 times a day.

Before using it, you should take into account the fact that after application, the appearance of unpleasant sensations is likely, which can provoke other reactions up to vomiting.

Therefore, in the event of such symptoms, it is allowed to spray the drug not while inhaling, but during the process of exhaling air. Despite such difficulties, in the overwhelming majority of cases, pain is reduced by 2 times already 1 day after the start of treatment.

Miramistin for the treatment of children

The vast majority of drugs on sale are prohibited for use in children. In other cases, the treatment is accompanied by discomfort. Therefore, the drug of the first choice can be Miramistin - 0.01% solution of benzyldimethyl in purified water. Outwardly, it looks like a transparent liquid without color, foaming when shaken.

Due to the wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, the preparation, presented in a volume of 150 ml and complete spray nozzle, for a long time will help in suppressing throat infections not only in children, but also in adults.

When applied topically, the active ingredient is not absorbed through the mucous membranes. Immediately after spraying, an active fight against bacteria, viruses and fungi, including complex varieties, begins.

Dosing recommendations:

  • in adults, irrigation of the throat with a ready-made solution should be done 3-4 times a day 3-4 times on the pump at a time;
  • children aged 3-6 years - 1 press up to 4 times a day;
  • children aged 7-14 years - 2 presses up to 4 times a day;
  • children over the age of 14 - up to 4 strokes 3-4 times a day.Camethon throat spray. Instructions for children, adults, analogs, price

The duration of therapy can be up to 10 days and depends on the onset of visible relief.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

Kameton medicinal spray is recommended to be stored at an ambient temperature of no more than 25 ° C in places closed for small children and in conditions excluding direct sunlight directly on spray can. During use and storage, you should avoid dropping and shock.

The shelf life from the date of production is 2 years. The timing is shown on the side of the bottle. The inscription is made with permanent dyes to preserve the information throughout the entire shelf life, even with intensive use.

Cameton is a relatively mild drug, but effective. Moreover, its cost allows you to use the tool as often as required.

Advertised, branded throat sprays and aerosols, which have rather high prices, very often either require long-term use or have practically no therapeutic effect. Therefore, when choosing a drug in a pharmacy, you should always pay close attention to the composition, not paying attention to obtrusive advertising in the media.

Video about the drug Cameton

Instructions for using the drug Cameton:

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