Respiratory System

Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues

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Mukaltin effective for the treatment of children and adults in all diseases accompanied by cough. Instructions for use allows the use of a medicine from an early age, with no strict contraindication. Simple, proven tool capable of dry cough translate into a productive, facilitate the excretion of mucus with a significant reduction in the number of attacks.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Why do I need Mukaltin
  • 2 Composition Mukaltin
  • 3 In what form is available
  • 4 Application Mukaltin
    • 4.1 infants
    • 4.2 For children up to 3 years
    • 4.3 For children up to 12 years
    • 4.4 For children older than 12 years
  • 5 Inhalation Mukaltin
  • 6 Contraindications
  • 7 Overdose
  • 8 Combination with other drugs
  • 9 Conditions and terms
  • 10 Conditions of supply of pharmacies
  • 11 analogs
  • 12 Videos about Mukaltin for children

Why do I need Mukaltin

Medication, created on a plant-based, effective for different types of cough. Its main purpose - to increase the production of bronchial secretions, making it more fluid and stimulate the output of mucus from the respiratory tract. This property is useful both when dry cough and sputum viscosity at high when coughing difficult.

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Mukaltin basis of an extract from the root of marshmallow. The substances included in it have a strong expectorant action, gently envelop, reduce inflammation with irritation of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx.

Natural composition can assign Mukaltin from an early age and used in the treatment of viral, bacterial infections, systemic disease as an adjunct. At the output mucus excreted removed pathogens, their metabolic products, exfoliated mucosal sites, allowing the tissues to recover rapidly and accelerates recovery.

Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use

Indications for Mukaltin:

  1. Dry cough any origin. To determine the cause of sickness, be sure to consult your pediatrician. But even frequent cough from excess dust or dry air may be removed by taking Mukaltin.
  2. Bark, dry, painful cough without separation of mucus that requires diagnosis. To relieve symptoms and translation seizures in productive phase Mukaltin can be assigned to the final determination of reasons.
  3. Laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis. Mucolytic prescribed for viral / bacterial inflammation and colds without infection.
  4. Pneumonia. When pneumonia drug is used by a doctor, only a part of complex treatment, after the evaluation of interaction with other drugs.
  5. Emphysema, obstructive bronchitis. Mukaltin used to relieve symptoms, reduce swelling of tissues, shortening attacks.
  6. The recovery period after previous respiratory diseases. To eliminate coughing, removing residual mucus and cleanse the bronchi.

Other indications for the purpose of the preparation: bronchial asthma, tracheobronchitis, bronchiectasis, pneumoconiosis, tuberculosis, bronhoadenit.

Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use

Mukaltin children instruction on the application determines how fast way to transfer the syndrome stage moist cough in all types of respiratory diseases. Urgent cancel drug if present in sputum blood clots, it has a green tint or impurities pus. This condition requires immediate investigation.

Composition Mukaltin

As part of the preparation the main active ingredient - an extract derived from the roots of the marshmallow.

The chemical composition of plants found many useful highly active substances:

  • pectins;
  • sucrose;
  • starch;
  • steroids;
  • vegetable acid;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins and minerals.
Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use

The feedstock contains up to 35% of polysaccharides which are entering the body, are cleaved, converted into the mucus and provide basic therapeutic properties of the drug. Semi-liquid substance gently envelops the mucous membranes, making them thin film. Under the influence of the preparation the protective layer is formed not only in the bronchi, but also at mucosal digestive organs.

The higher the acidity of the stomach, the more active are the polysaccharides. Mucilages reduce inflammation bind pathogens, toxins, accelerate tissue regeneration. Expectorant effects of marshmallow is a reflex contraction of the bronchioles, causing a cough with phlegm congestion.

Further stimulated by the work of the glands that produce bronchial secretion. In this case, the mucus thickens and separates easily, allowing you to quickly withdraw the accumulated phlegm from the bronchial tubes with exfoliated cells, thickened fragments pathogens.

The drug except althea extract comprises adjuvants. Some of them enhance the effect of drugs, while others are used to preserve the integrity of the tablets.

Mukaltin Tablet Formulation (50 mg):

The main active ingredient marshmallow extract 10 mg
Excipients Sodium carbonate (soda) 14.5 mg
Wine acid 16.7 mg
Calcium stearate (thickener shaper) 0.5 mg

Soda in a preparation accelerates the softening of viscous sputum, and additionally stimulates the glands in the bronchi. The combination with tartaric acid accelerates the dissolution of the tablets in water and resorption, providing characteristic effect foaming.

In what form is available

Mukaltin produce many domestic pharmacological enterprises, but release form it is always the same - round flat tablets of 50 mg. Color medicament varies from gray-brown to yellow. Consistency loose with small patches of other colors. At present the risk of tablets, which facilitates breaking into equal shares.

Packaging of the product:

  • in flat packaging paper 10 pcs .;
  • in falgirovannye blisters 10 tablets;
  • subsequent stacking in cartons at 2, 3 and a package;
  • polymeric jars or canisters 30, 50, 100 pcs.
Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use

The vials are often further packed in cardboard boxes. Permissible sale of individual blisters unopened box.

Application Mukaltin

The main reason for the appointment of a child Mukaltin - cough.

But different types of the syndrome require separate approaches:

  1. Acute cough caused by respiratory infection, is not recommended to treat Mukaltin in the first 3 days of the disease. At this time, phlegm in the bronchi is not enough, but stimulating its formation - prematurely.
  2. With flu begin receiving mucolytic in alleviating cough that signals the secretion of bronchial secretions.
  3. Bouts of barking cough, without a discharge of mucus, may be a symptom of pneumonia. In this case, the treatment and the dosage must appoint a physician. The usual dose can be enough or need more powerful mucolytic.
  4. At the stage of wet cough treatment Mukaltin making attacks rare, but more productive with easy expectoration of large amounts of phlegm.

In rare cases, children have a lack of response to components of marshmallow. In the absence of effect within 7-8 days, drug overturned and resort to other designated doctor means.


Mukaltin children instruction on the application recommends the use of 2-year-olds. In practice, pediatricians consider the possibility of appointing vegetable mucolytic even infants.

The drug benefit and not harm babies in compliance with these rules:

  • doctor calculates the dose based on the child's body weight;
  • the daily amount of the preparation is divided into several stages;
  • tablet is dissolved in water or mixed into the milk, drinks;
  • give the child the last dose no later than 4 hours before the night's sleep.
Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use
Mukaltin children used to treat coughs. Instructions for infants suggests that the dosage of the treating physician.

Infants sputum removal process is difficult, therefore, to stimulate the secretion of the bronchi bedtime dangerous. During daytime wakefulness, active body movements stimulate expectoration. For safe removal of mucus, when a cough grudnichka take on his hands and positioned vertically.

The daily amount Mukaltin for infants does not exceed 75 mg. At a time is allowed to use ½ tablet. The course of treatment is from 7 to 14 days, depending on the severity of the disease and the doctor calculated. Accumulation of mucus can cause complications for infants, while taking mukalitikov, medical supervision is required.

For children up to 3 years

Children under 3 years of Mukaltin allowed to cook the syrup. This facilitates the reception tablet form and does not affect the efficacy. Dissolving the solid medicine in a small amount of water, it is mixed with honey, jam or sweet drinks. The composition of the drug allows its cultivation in the milk, tea, juices.

Mukaltin maximum daily dose for children under 3 years - 2 tablets (100 g).

The norm is divided into 4 doses (by ½ tablets) and give your child 30 minutes before a meal. Duration of treatment depends on the rate of disappearance of symptoms, but can not be less than 10 days.

Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use

For effective formation of sputum requires a sufficient amount of free liquid in the body. Admission Mukaltin accompany abundant drink. When due to high temperature dehydration, vomiting drug ineffective.

For children up to 12 years

Child from 3 to 12 years Mukaltin reception can be designated from 3 to 4 tablets per day. A single dose equal to 1 at the same tablet. The amount of drug depends on the child's body weight and the nature of the cough.

At this age, may use tools without dissolving in water. The whole tablet should offer the child for sucking 20 minutes before meals. Continue to give Mukaltin in dissolved form in the presence of gastric diseases. Neutralization with foaming of soda can damage gastric mucosal lesions.

The course of treatment in severe conditions can be extended to 30 days. If no effect during the first 7 days, the drug supersede other medication recommended by doctor.

For children older than 12 years

Mukaltin for children over 12 years, in the instructions for use are encouraged to nominate in adult dosages. For 4 receiving reception permitted to 400 mg per day (2 tablets at a time). Resolves medication or take in aqueous solution.

Dilution allowed entire daily requirement in 0.5 liters of water. Before each meal drink a solution of ¼ cup. The usual course of treatment - 14 days.

Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use

Attention should be paid to adequate fluid intake during treatment with teenagers. Extra caution for older patients - Marshmallow drugs are absolutely incompatible with alcohol.

Inhalation Mukaltin

Mukaltin therapeutic effect on airway increases many times if deliver it directly couples with the mucous throat, bronchi. When inhalation warm solution microscopic droplets fall directly on the inflamed sites, they are coated with a protective layer, and immediately begin to act. Rapidly eliminated throat irritation, decreased pain, tissue edema subsides.

Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use

Procedures for children over the open vessel of boiling water can be dangerous. A more convenient way of treatment - inhalation using a nebulizer. The device allows to use the minimum amount of the drug solution, to control sputtering, safe for children. Since breathing is through a special mask, there is no danger of burning the skin or mucous membranes.

For inhalation solution is prepared from 1 Mukaltin tablets and 80 ml of pure water or saline. One procedure takes only about 5 ml of finished formulation. The duration of inhalation for children - up to 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times a day for a week. Additional ingestion of the drug enhances the effect of the treatment and allows you to quickly cope with a cough.

Inhalation for adults and children spend unacceptable if the body temperature is higher than 37,5 ° C. Before stabilization Mukaltin state used only inside.


Mukaltin children instruction on the application describes as a drug that has no strict contraindication, but the child's body may react unpredictably to the unknown substance.

A tendency to allergies, especially if the reaction is observed on the plants begin reception with small doses, carefully watching the reaction of the organism. When the nausea, diarrhea, headache, skin rashes should stop treatment immediately.

Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use

Diseases for which are prohibited from using Mukaltin:

  • diabetes (Due to the high content of polysaccharides and starch);
  • phenylketonuria - a genetic inability to metabolize phenylalanine;
  • severe liver or kidney damage (Due to the impossibility O drug breakdown products).

With care prescribe a drug for ulcerative lesions of the stomach and bowel, gastritis with low acidity. Fully should refrain from treatment at the acute stage of disease.


Side effects of treatment are extremely rare Mukaltin. Most of them are associated with gastrointestinal reaction: stool disorders (constipation or diarrhea), bloating, and nausea. The symptoms disappear spontaneously after drug withdrawal or completion of treatment.

Those signs should alert if accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, edema, pruritus. Symptoms are warning of a possible overdose. Natural product contains no vegetable poisons and excessive intake is not life-threatening. If you experience symptoms of overdose cancel reception

Mukaltin further operate on the basis of symptoms:

  1. Nausea and severe vomiting washed stomach.
  2. Assigned to receive sorbent Enterosgel, Polisorb, activated carbon.
    Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use
  3. Comply with increased drinking regime. It is desirable to use sweet tea, mineral water without gas.
  4. Allergic symptoms cropped antihistamines (Suprastin, loratadine, Zodak).

Complex therapy is important to identify the real cause of intoxication. Suspect a child overdosing Mukaltin difficult because of the typical symptoms. To confirm the excess of this particular medication can be assigned to test for sugar in the blood.

Combination with other drugs

Althea extract causes increased mucus formation, which must be derived from the bronchi. Unacceptable Mukaltin combine treatment with taking any medication containing codeine. The drugs opposite. Codeine cough center block, which is why the mucus remains in the body.

Such a state is a danger of bacterial complications, severe bronchitis, pneumonia. Ethylmorphine consisting of drugs has an effect similar to codeine, its co-administration with mucolytics also prohibited. Mukaltin children User application prohibits the use of thrombosis requiring administration of heparin.

Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use

Althaea can significantly reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulants. Gently combine mucolytics with antibiotics tetracycline and penicillin group, iron preparations. Due to the increase of the absorbability in the digestive tract may require dose adjustment.

During long-term stagnation in the respiratory system, the accumulation of large amounts of thick mucus in the first days of treatment Mukaltin may experience bouts of painful cough, shortness of breath. To facilitate the marshmallow symptoms combined with bromhexine or vasicine. This combination can only be assigned to a pediatrician.

Conditions and terms

Mukaltin should be stored in a dark, dry place, respecting the integrity of the packaging. Preparations based on medicinal natural resources are particularly vulnerable to moisture and light. If stored properly pills can be used for 24 months from date of manufacture.

Sparkling with resorption of the drug are often interested in children. Mukaltin storage location must be inaccessible to them.

Conditions of supply of pharmacies

The drug is commercially available. At the pharmacy you can buy without a prescription.


Indications Mukaltin replacement analogues:

  • age of the child up to 12 years;
  • immunity of the organism to drugs based marshmallow;
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage;
  • the need to replace the synthetic preparation plant;
  • allergic response of an organism to Mukaltin.

Analogs of the drug may be made based on the same active substance (Althea extract) or have a similar effect on bronchial secretion.

Means of Herbal Cough:

  • Alteyka;
    Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use
  • Althea syrup;
  • Makrotussin;
  • Doctor MOM (syrup);
  • Tussamag;
  • Gedeliks;
  • Bronhosol;
  • Termopsol.

Synthetic analogs Mukaltin have a more pronounced effect. They are appointed to replace the vegetable mucolytics or in addition to it with hard-to-treat conditions.

Synthetic drugs are similar in action:

  • Ambroxol;
  • ambrobene;
  • bromhexine;
  • acetylcysteine;
  • Lasolvan;
  • Flavomed;
  • Dzhoset.
Mukaltin for children. Instructions for use

Analogs Mukaltin for children often produced in the form of syrup for oral administration. Funds are multi-component composition, which should be read before use. Pertussin (solution) is made of thyme extract supplemented with potassium bromide, and calms the nervous system inhibitory cough center.

Syrup Amtersol termopsisa of licorice and also reinforced with potassium bromide and ammonium chloride. Each such drug has its own limitations to receive. Mukaltin is the most simple in composition mucolytics presented in the pharmaceutical market and one of the most inexpensive.

Cheap analogues for children:

  • Rubital Forte - syrup with raspberry flavor;
  • Arida - medicine powder for dilution with water;
  • Prospan forte - effervescent tablets or syrup.

Soledum - Eucalyptus extract preparation in capsules dissolving in the intestines. Suitable for the treatment of peptic ulcer.

Mukaltin - medicine on renewable raw materials, which is an advantage in the treatment of children. But we must not forget that the use of any of the potent means can have unexpected consequences. Prior to treatment, you should carefully read the instructions for use and do not administer tablets to children without consulting a pediatrician.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos about Mukaltin for children

Dr. Komarovsky of cough and expectorants:

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