Respiratory System

Sialor for children. Reviews, instructions for use, drops, analogues, price

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Sialor drops act as a fairly strong antiseptic. They are astringent and relieve inflammation. This drug is used to treat the common cold in children and to relieve its symptoms.

It promotes healing of damaged nasal mucosa and forms a protective layer on its surface. Before use, it is recommended to read the instructions and read the reviews on this medication.

Record content:

  • 1 Forms of release and composition of the drug
  • 2 Pharmacological properties
  • 3 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 At what age can drops be used?
  • 7 Instructions for use, dosage
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Overdose
  • 10 special instructions
  • 11 Drug interactions
  • 12 Analogs
  • 13 Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  • 14 Price
  • 15 Video about the drug Sialor

Forms of release and composition of the drug

The main constituent substance in the preparation is protargol, in other words, silver proteinate. It is stabilized by the auxiliary component polyvinyl-N-pyrrolidone. Purified water is added as the dissolving liquid.

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Sialor for children, consumer reviews of which are both positive and negative, has several forms of release:

  • Powder. Usually, an aqueous solution is diluted in a pharmacy, observing strict proportions.
  • Pills. The solution is diluted without assistance. The contents of the box consist of:
  1. tablets of a flat-cylindrical shape of a light brown or black shade without any odor;
  2. a 10 ml tinted glass bottle, which is equipped with a spray bottle or pipette;
  3. breeding instructions are inside the box or on the opposite outside of the box;
  4. purified water in 10 ml ampoule.

As a result of dilution, a 2% solution will be obtained.

  • Drops. Usually available in 5 ml and 10 ml glass containers.

Infrequently, there may be a brown or gray staining of the secreted mucus when the drug is taken. In medicine, the drug is used exclusively in the form of an odorless aqueous solution. Its color is dark brown, reminiscent of iodine. The taste is bitter.

Pharmacological properties

When ingested, silver has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Its astringent properties have a beneficial effect on the nasal mucosa.

Sialor for children. Reviews, instructions, drops, analogues, price

Under the influence of the drug, most infectious agents die. The cause of diseases of the nasopharyngeal organs is often a group of streptococcal infections. The microflora of the digestive system is not destroyed when using Sialor.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

When microparticles of silver ions penetrate the protective layer of the nasal sinuses, they interact with microorganisms and bind to their DNA. Subsequently, the reproduction processes stop in bacteria, viral infections and various kinds of fungi. The body's defense reactions to inflammatory processes are activated.

Thanks to the preparation, damaged tissues are covered with a protective film. The hypersensitivity of the tissue surface decreases, the vessels of the nasal sinuses narrow and the outflow of fluid returns to normal. As a result, inflammation is relieved and swelling is reduced. The healing of mucosal tissues is faster.

Sialor solution 1% has bacteriostatic properties. This concentration of the solution does not kill bacteria, but only stops their development and reproduction. Liquid with a concentration of 2% kills infectious agents at any stage of development.

Sialor for children, reviews of patients about which are mostly positive, is used exclusively in a local way. The drug accumulation effect is insignificant. When used, no cases of poisoning with the main substance were found.Sialor for children. Reviews, instructions, drops, analogues, price

The drug with a concentration of 2% is recommended for the treatment of chronic rhinitis. In order to only reduce the activity of pathogens and enable the body to cope with the disease itself, you can use a drug with a concentration of 1%. In preventive measures, you can also use a low-strength solution.

Indications for use

Often, Sialor is prescribed to relieve swelling and inflammation of the sinuses that have been affected by infections. Initially, the drug is used in pediatrics. Its use in urology, surgery and gynecology is not excluded.

Diagnoses for which drops are shown:

  • diseases of the nasal mucosa, which are inflammatory or allergic in nature;
  • for the treatment of otitis media, which is accompanied by hearing impairment, shooting and dull pain;
  • chronic diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • sinusitis;Sialor for children. Reviews, instructions, drops, analogues, price
  • minor lesions on the mucous membranes;
  • purulent rhinitis;
  • feeling of dryness in the nose;
  • sinusitis;
  • inflammation in the nasopharyngeal glands;
  • infectious processes of the mucous membranes of the larynx and nose;
  • conjunctival diseases;
  • blepharitis in infants;
  • inflammation in the cervical region;
  • vaginitis and salpingitis;
  • disease of the reproductive and urinary systems.

When you need to get rid of nasal congestion when moving from one climatic zone to another, you can use Sialor. It also helps relieve discomfort in the nose caused by air pollution or smoking.


It is forbidden to use the drug in case of individual intolerance to its constituent components. It also includes the lactation period and the entire period of pregnancy.

With caution for the following diseases:

  • increased heart rate;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • closed form of glaucoma;
  • rhinitis with atrophy of the nasal mucosa;
  • high blood pressure;
  • thyroid disease;
  • immediately after the operation of the meninges of the brain;
  • blockage of blood vessels.

At what age can drops be used?

Sialor is recommended to be used after the child has been examined by a specialist. There is no specific information from what age it can be taken. Although pediatricians prescribe this drug even to newborns, health officials advise against using it for children under 5 years of age. According to some consumer reviews, if used incorrectly, a headache and dry nasal mucosa appear.

Instructions for use, dosage

Usually, for children, a drug with a concentration of 1% and an adult concentration of an active substance of 2% is used. The solution is not intended for oral administration. The duration of treatment and the exact dosage for the patient is prescribed by a qualified specialist individually. At the same time, the patient's condition is assessed and his age is specified.Sialor for children. Reviews, instructions, drops, analogues, price

Dosages for children, given the nature of the disease:

Children under 6 years of age Children in the age category from 6 years old
Diseases Conjunctivitis, eye diseases Runny nose and sinus inflammation Diseases and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes Runny nose and sinus diseases Diseases and inflammation of the auricles
Dosage 1-2 drops in the morning and evening in each conjunctival sac. 1-3 drops in each nostril 1-3 times a day, depending on age. 2-3 drops in each eye every 4-5 hours. 2-4 drops for each sinus in the morning and evening. 3-5 drops in each ear every 5-6 hours.

The procedure for introducing drops in stages:

  1. Cleanse the nose with a solution of sea or regular salt. You can prepare such a solution yourself. It is enough to dilute 1 tbsp. salt in 1. l of purified boiled water.
  2. To cleanse the sinuses of newborns, use a baby nasal aspirator or cotton swabs.
  3. Lay the child on his back. Tilt your head to the side.
  4. Inject the designated number of drops into each nasal passage.
  5. Leave the child in a horizontal position for a few minutes and let the medicine get to the focus of inflammation.
  6. Remove the remnants of mucus and solution with an aspirator.
  7. Due to the imperfection of the respiratory system, it is enough for infants to lubricate the nasal sinuses with a cotton swab or swab previously soaked in medicine. The medicated tourniquet should not be placed too deep.

The duration of the course of treatment will depend on the complexity of the disease. It should not exceed 5-7 days. Silver has a tendency to accumulate in the body, so it should not be overused.Sialor for children. Reviews, instructions, drops, analogues, price

Dosages according to diseases for adults:

Diseases Inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes and their diseases Inflammatory diseases of the nose Treatment and prevention of inflammation of the hearing system Gynecological and urological diseases


2-3 drops into each conjunctival sac every 4-5 hours. 3-4 drops in each nasal passage every 5 hours.

1-2 injections of the medicine in the form of a spray.

3-5 drops in each ear every 5 hours. Douching procedure is performed.

The mucous membrane is lubricated with the prepared medicinal liquid using tampons or the medicine is injected through droppers.

The duration of treatment should not exceed one week. Extension of the course is possible only according to the indications of the attending physician, depending on the complexity and neglect of the disease. Uncontrolled and independently prescribed treatment with Sialor drops can lead to unpredictable consequences. Allergic reactions are also possible.

Side effects

Side effects from using Sialor are rare. To avoid unpleasant situations while taking the medication, you need to strictly adhere to the prescribed doses and the duration of its administration.

Side effects include:

  • burning, itching in the sinuses, a feeling of dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose and its swelling, frequent bouts of sneezing;
  • lethargy and lethargy, drowsiness;
  • shortness of breath and feeling short of breath, increased pressure, rapid pulse and tachycardia;
  • redness of the eyes;Sialor for children. Reviews, instructions, drops, analogues, price
  • skin rashes;
  • headache;
  • rarely: anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema with individual intolerance to the composition of the components.

In case of accidental intake of a large amount of medication, you should immediately take any sorbent and call medical workers. If at least one of the above symptoms appears, you should immediately stop using the medication and consult a doctor.


Sialor for children, reviews of which few parents are controversial due to a rather large list side effects, very effective and cases of overdose with this drug have been identified did not have. Although the active active ingredient does not enter the bloodstream, it is strictly prohibited to use drops longer than the prescribed period.

special instructions

To exclude undesirable consequences from taking the drug, it is necessary to test it on the inside of the bend of the elbow. One drop will be enough to detect adverse reactions. Doctors do not advise using the drug if any blotches, irritation, itching or a feeling of heat appear on the skin.

When purchasing a drug, you must make sure that the period for use is valid.

Pay attention to the following instructions:

  • upon contact with air, silver very quickly loses its quality, therefore, remove the tablet directly at the time of dilution with water;
  • if there is no improvement or deterioration in health after 3 days of taking the drug, you need to consult a doctor;
  • when a strong burning sensation appears, the sinuses are washed with plenty of water;
  • it is not advisable to take Sialor at the same time as drugs, in which the main components are alkaloid salts or epinephrine;
  • observance of equal intervals of time between procedures is of great importance.
    Sialor for children. Reviews, instructions, drops, analogues, price
    Sialor for children

Despite the fact that the drug does not inhibit the speed of psychomotor reactions and has no effect on work central nervous system, children can develop addiction, so you need to use it for the child as much as possible fewer days.

Drug interactions

When interacting with organic bases, drops lose their medicinal qualities. Does not combine with medicines, the main active ingredient of which is silver.

In combination, it can be used with sprays and ointments, which are indicated for diseases of the nose. You can not simultaneously use silver proteinate with drugs that increase blood pressure, antidepressants and psychotropic drugs.


In terms of structural composition, it is quite difficult to find an analogue of Sialor. Silver-based medicines are practically not available.

Popular and similarly acting analogs:

  • Collargol. Powder in blue or light green color. It should be used with caution. The percentage of silver content is ten times higher than in Sialor;
  • Protargol. Identical in composition, only cheaper.Sialor for children. Reviews, instructions, drops, analogues, price
  • Vitargol forte. The main active ingredient is silver proteinate. From the date of manufacture, the shelf life is 3 years.
  • Argosulfan. The active ingredient is silver sulfathiazole. Available in the form of an ointment.
  • Sialor Aqua. The main substance is sea water. It is often prescribed for prophylaxis. They cleanse the impurities of the sinuses, use it to stimulate the rapid healing of microcracks in the mucous membrane and to increase resistance to infections.
  • Otrivin. Based on xylometazoline. Allowed from the age of six, provided that there are no reactions to auxiliary components: mint and essential oils.
  • Rinostop. The main ingredient is xylometazoline. For the removal of viscous mucus and narrowing of small capillaries, to alleviate the course of the disease and relieve inflammation. Allowed from 2 years old.
  • Pinosol. Nasal drops based on herbal ingredients.

Sialor for children, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness and quick help at the initial stage of the development of the disease, eliminates a runny nose as early as 2-3 days after the start of therapy sessions. Analogues based on other components are not as effective as Sialor.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

An unopened bottle is usable for 2 years. The production date is indicated on the packaging. It must be stored in a dry place that will be inaccessible to the child.

The storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. Keep freshly prepared liquid in the refrigerator and use within 30 days. After a month, the drops become unusable. No prescription is required to purchase Sialor in pharmacies.


The cost of one 200 mg bottle of Sialor with a pipette varies from 250-350 rubles. and the cost of the same kit with a sprayer costs from 300-400 rubles. In both cases, the solution is prepared independently. The drug Sialor is prescribed for the treatment of the common cold both as an independent remedy and as part of complex therapy.

Judging by the reviews not only of doctors, but also of patients, drops are an effective and affordable tool that can be used to treat children. Parents' dissatisfaction is noted about the need to prepare the solution on their own, the short shelf life of the finished product and its unpleasant taste.

Video about the drug Sialor

About Protargol:

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