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Is it possible to cure a bone on the big toe?

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bone on the thumb

Page Contents

  • 1 Bone on the big toe - causes of formation
  • 2 Manifestations of valgus deformation
  • 3 Degrees of deformation
  • 4 Valgus deformation: possible complications
  • 5 How to get rid of the bone on the big toe?
  • 6 Medical treatment
  • 7 Methods of physiotherapy
  • 8 Methods of surgical treatment

Valgus deformity of the foot or, in simple terms, the bone on the big toe is a pathology in which metatarsophalangeal joints are subjected to curvature. And they are deformed in such a way that they are located at an angle to each other, which is accompanied by a characteristic protrusion of one of the phalanges. What becomes the cause of such changes and how to get rid of the stone on the big toe, you will learn from our article.

Bone on the big toe - reasons for the formation of

bone on the thumb

The main factors that provoke the development of valgus deformation of the foot are:

  • Wearing the wrong shoe. Especially often from a bone on a leg women suffer. And it's not for nothing, after all, following the fashion trends, women wear high-heeled shoes with a narrow toe, which causes orthopedic problems. Constant wearing of inconvenient, incorrectly matched shoes of synthetic materials causes the same problems for men. Injury of the foot. Dislocations, fractures, stretchings, especially those suffered in childhood, when the locomotor apparatus is not completely formed, remind of themselves and in adulthood and often cause deformation of the joints.
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  • Hereditary factor. Scientists have proved that the genetic predisposition to foot deformities can be inherited. And if one of the parents has a valgus deformity of the feet, the probability of developing the same pathology in the child is great.
  • High foot stress caused by a professional factor( if a person spends all day on legs) or overweight( obesity).
  • Diseases of the bone apparatus( osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis) or congenital and acquired foot abnormalities( flat feet) that develop when the arch of the leg arches. In this case, the load on the foot becomes uneven, which speeds up the process of deformation and protrusion of the stone.

In any case, no matter what the deformity of the foot is caused by, the protruding bone gives the wearer considerable discomfort and is accompanied by very painful manifestations that increase during walking.

Manifestations of valgus deformation

Valgus deformity

How the bone on the leg aches near the thumb, many know. In addition to the fact that an ugly cone is formed in the area of ​​the thumb, which spoils the appearance of the foot, it causes severe painful sensations and significantly complicates the choice of suitable footwear. And wearing a pair of shoes you like is problematic, because the constant pressure on the bone during walking leads to severe discomfort, causes rapid fatigue and heaviness in the legs.

At the initial stage of the disease, the deformation of the first metatarsophalangeal joint leads to an imbalance in the tension of the foot muscles. The instability of the joint provokes a displacement of the metatarsal head and the gradual formation of a bone growth( cones) on the big toe.

When walking on the fork, pressure is exerted on tight and uncomfortable shoes, as a result of pain, legs quickly become tired, and the area around the thumb swells, turns red and becomes very painful. And if at the beginning of the disease discomfort is poorly expressed, then in the late stages of burning and severe pain persecuted while walking constantly.

Simultaneously, the foot loses its normal shape, flattening and widening. The thumb is deflected at an angle and can go into the second, provoking its deformation with its pressure. On the big toe formed a large, ugly lump. If the skin in the area of ​​bone deformation reddened and inflamed, walking is accompanied by severe soreness and discomfort.

Such manifestations make the problem even more acute, significantly complicate the movement, selection of shoes and make a person move less and less often go out. As a result of a sedentary lifestyle, other illnesses manifest themselves, excess weight appears, which means that the load on the affected foot increases, which further depresses the situation.

Degree of deformation

valgus deformity

With valgus deformity of the foot, the thumb is deflected away from the rest of the toes and lies on them. Simultaneously, in the joint area begins to form a bone, which forms the protruding head of the phalanx of the finger. In the future, it is constantly increasing in size due to overgrowth of the periosteum. Upon examination, the doctor will necessarily assess the appearance of the foot and the size of the stone and determine the stage of development of the pathological process.

  1. 1 degree - at this stage, the size of the protruding bone is negligible, the angle of deviation of the thumb is less than 25 °.When walking, discomfort and pain does not occur.
  2. 2 degree - the big toe is shifted to more than 25 °, there is discomfort and pain in the legs after a long walk, redness, swelling and a bone on the leg in the area of ​​the thumb.
  3. 3 degree - the thumb moves more than 35 °, walking is accompanied by severe discomfort and severe pain, the foot swells, the cone in the area of ​​the thumb reaches a large size, which makes it difficult to select shoes. Walking becomes a torment, there is a heaviness in the legs, the skin in the area of ​​the aching joint turns red and inflames.

Valgus deformity: possible complications

Running forms of the disease lead to the development of unpleasant consequences. Deformation of the joints is often accompanied by a transverse flatfoot, which leads to the formation of calluses or ingrown nails. With further deformation of the foot, the load on the knee, hip joints and spine is distributed unevenly, which causes the development of arthrosis, bursitis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

If you notice that a bone is growing on the foot of your thumb, try to seek help from an orthopedist as soon as possible and begin treatment.

How to get rid of bones on the big toe?

In the treatment of valgus deformities of the foot, medicinal preparations, orthopedic foot correction, special gymnastics, massage procedures are used. In severe, neglected cases - the only radical method of treatment remains a surgical operation.

Medical treatment


The methods of conservative therapy consist in taking medications - chondroprotectors, which prevent the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue and further deformation of the joints. To remove the pain syndrome, anti-inflammatory drugs( Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen) are prescribed in the form of tablets, ointments, gels, creams.

Topical drugs are applied directly to the inflamed area, they quickly relieve pain and swelling, reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. Taking NSAIDs inside or injecting drugs is justified in severe cases, with severe pain and inflammation. Take these drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor and short courses, since they have an extensive list of contraindications and, if misused, provoke serious adverse reactions from various body systems.

Orthopedic correction

The methods of non-surgical correction include the use of various pads on the big toe that fix it in a certain position and do not allow further deformation of the foot. You need to wear such fasteners for a long time, it will help to keep the thumb in the right position, to train and strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot.

But if the thumb is already heavily curved, and the bone has grown to a significant size - the fixators will not be able to solve the problem. At the initial stage of valgus deformation of the foot, the doctor will choose orthopedic shoes or special pads. At this stage, the following options are most commonly used:

  • Finger correctors( night bandage).A special pad( rather bulky) on the big toe that fixes it in the correct position. In the daytime with such a patch it is impossible to walk, so the corrective device is worn on the foot for the night.
  • Rollers and interdigital arch supports. Separate the thumb from the other toes of the foot, which helps to evenly distribute the load on the front of the foot and slow the deformation of the foot. Orthopedic Insoles. Ensure the correct distribution of load on the foot, which helps relieve stress from the joints and spine.
  • Orthopedic braces. They are elastic bands with special inserts that support and straighten the transverse arch of the foot. Such correctors are not intended for permanent wearing.
  • Orthopedic tires. One of the most effective methods of correction, which, with prolonged wearing, straightens the arch of the foot and restores its natural structure, which allows you to eliminate pain, discomfort and get rid of the stone. A special fixator in the form of a tire is used for 1-2 stages of the disease. The design is fixed directly to the thumb and foot. Such a tire can be worn under the shoes and worn constantly.


Massage procedures are very useful for a deformed foot. They restore the broken blood circulation, relax the calf muscles and feet, relieve tension from the joints, ligaments and tendons.

A very good effect is provided by acupressure of the foot, since all biological active points that are directly connected to all internal organs are concentrated on it. Influencing them, the masseur not only relieves stress from the feet, but also helps the health of the body as a whole. The course of massage is 10 days, after which it is recommended to take a break in three weeks.

Therapeutic exercises

Simple exercises for feet are recommended to be done daily. In the initial stages of the disease, the foot gymnastics will help to strengthen the foot and slow the processes leading to the appearance of the stone. At home, do the following exercises:

  • walk on the floor barefoot, on socks, for 10-15 minutes;
  • scatter small objects on the floor and try to assemble them with your toes;
  • throw the crumpled fabric to the floor, and then straighten it, but not with your hands, but with your toes;
  • grasp between the toes of a pen or pencil and try to write on paper letters or numbers.

Physiotherapy methods

Physiotherapy procedures supplement the treatment with orthopedic appliances, and are also used after surgery to speed recovery. For this purpose, ultrasound and magnetic therapy sessions are used. The course of physiotherapy will help reduce inflammation, relieve pain and swelling, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the tissues of the feet.

How to treat the severe stages of valgus deformation of the foot when the bone reaches a large size, and each step is difficult to give and is accompanied by a sharp pain, inflammation and flushing of the foot in the area of ​​the thumb? In this case, only a surgical operation will help.

Methods of surgical treatment


To date, there are more than a hundred surgical operations on the bone of the big toe. And if in the past such interventions were very traumatic and required a long and painful recovery period, now sparing surgical techniques have been developed. They allow to restore the correct position of the anterior arch of the foot and to eliminate the angle of inclination of the metatarsophalangeal joints.

One of such progressive techniques is the operation to remove the stone with a laser. The most popular option, based on the use of laser technology, is:

  • Osteotomy. In the course of the operation, the bones of the thumb are crossed with a laser beam, after which they are placed in the correct position and fixed with special miniature cogs, which in the future do not need to be removed. The advantage of the method is a short rehabilitation period( 4 weeks) and no complications.

Other methods of surgical correction are performed with moderate and severe deformation of the foot.

  • Exostectomy. The essence of the method is to correct the deformation of the foot by partial excision of the bone. Thus, the lump and soft tissues are removed around the deformed joint.
  • Artoplasty resection. In this case, an operation is performed to remove a portion of the deformed joint. Fragments of bones are fastened with metal structures. In severe lesions, the joint block is completely replaced with an artificial one. Recovery after surgery takes up to 3 months, all this time the foot is in a cast.

There is also a gentle operation to correct the transverse arch of the foot, after which the patient leaves the clinic within 24 hours, and all restrictions are removed within 7-10 days after the intervention.

The disadvantages of surgical intervention include a high risk of complications associated with infection, bleeding, or displacement of bone fragments. Many techniques involve the extraction of metal structures that are installed during surgery to fix the bones. And this means that three months after the intervention will have to do another operation. If we add to this the long rehabilitation period and the slow coalescence of the bones, it becomes clear why not every patient with valgus deformity of the foot is being solved for radical methods of treatment.

Treatment of folk remedies
propolis and honey Propolis and honey

At home, proven folk remedies are used to relieve discomfort and pain. They are quite effective at the initial stages of the disease, when the deformation of the foot is poorly expressed. Iodine compress. This method of treatment helps to reduce inflammation in the joint and relieve the pain when walking. First, make up a composition of 10 ml of alcohol solution of iodine and powder from the tablets of acetylsalicylic acid( enough will be 5 tablets, which must first be thoroughly crushed).The composition is well mixed and left in a closed bowl for a day. Bones on my feet are lubricated with a ready-made iodine compound, and a woolen sock is put on top. The procedure is recommended to be done before bedtime and repeated every night for a month.

  • Compress with Propolis .A small piece of propolis is softened in a water bath, then applied to the bumps and fixed with adhesive tape and bandage. The compress is left overnight. Turbine lotions .For the procedure you need a fresh sheet of burdock and turpentine. On the leaves you need to apply turpentine and wrap them not only with the aching joint, but also the entire leg to the knee. After that, the leg is wrapped in polyethylene film and wrapped with a woolen shawl or rug. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, the duration of treatment is 2 to 3 months.
  • Useful to know
    In the process of treatment, do not forget about dieting. From the diet, you need to exclude all foods that enhance the inflammatory process in the joints. These are sharp, fatty, pickled dishes, pickles, canned food, smoked products. Preference should be given to low-fat meat and fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, sour-milk products.

    An important point is the correct selection of shoes. The toe of shoes or shoes should not be narrow, this will help prevent the fingers from squeezing and deforming the toes. Choose high-quality footwear from natural materials, with a small stable heel( not more than 4 cm).In combination with orthopedic insoles, such shoes will provide the necessary comfort when walking and will help correctly distribute the load on the foot, which means that there will be no conditions for further bone growth.

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