Respiratory System

Tantum Verde (Tantum Verde) tablets for sucking. Price, instructions for use, analogues, reviews

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Tantum Verde - a popular drug with pronounced antiseptic properties. Lozenges help to improve the condition of the mucous membranes in the throat.

The price of the drug is quite high, but the effectiveness justifies it, therefore the drug is actively used in the therapy of adults and children according to indications. If the instructions are followed, complications do not occur so often.

Record content:

  • 1 Indications for use
  • 2 Compound
  • 3 In what form is it produced
  • 4 Pharmacodynamics
  • 5 Pharmacokinetics
  • 6 Application
    • 6.1 For children under 18
    • 6.2 For adults
    • 6.3 For pregnant
    • 6.4 For the elderly
  • 7 Contraindications
  • 8 Overdose
  • 9 Side effects
  • 10 Drug interactions
  • 11 Storage conditions and periods
  • 12 Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies
  • 13 Analogs
  • 14 Video about Tantum Verde

Indications for use

The medication is a local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drug, which is actively prescribed to patients with damage to the mucous membrane of the throat. The medicine helps to eliminate severe pain, inflammation and other acute manifestations of diseases, which significantly reduces the risk of complications.

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The main indications for prescribing a medicine:

  • Fungal diseases of the mucous membrane of the throat and oral cavity of various forms and degrees of neglect. In this case, the remedy is not used as an independent method of treatment, but is prescribed as part of complex therapy.
  • Tonsillitis of acute and chronic forms in patients of different ages.Tantum Verde (Tantum Verde) tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, price, reviews
  • Stomatitis, gingivitis and glossitis of varying severity. Such inflammatory pathologies of the gums, tongue and oral mucosa often provoke a deterioration in the general condition, therefore, they require complex treatment.
  • Laryngitis and pharyngitis at different stages of development. The drug can be used when complications appear or in their absence.
  • The period of gum recovery after tooth extraction or manipulations involving damage to the mucous membranes.
  • Injury to the tissues of the mouth or throat as a result of various factors.
  • Periodontal disease at the initial and advanced stage.
  • The period of rehabilitation after the procedure for removing the tonsils.
  • Inflammatory diseases affecting the salivary glands.
  • Angina of various origins, in which there is severe pain. The remedy does not help to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but relieves the condition, allows the patient to take food and liquids.

The agent can be prescribed prophylactically to prevent complications before carrying out any manipulations on the tissues of the throat or oral cavity.


Tantum Verde - lozenges, the price of which is quite high, containing benzydamine as the main active ingredient. The substance has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic effects. Due to it, the main therapeutic effect is realized.

In addition, the tablets contain auxiliary ingredients:

  • Racementol.
  • Isomaltose.
  • Yellow dye.
  • Mint flavor.
  • Aspartame.
  • Citric acid monohydrate.Tantum Verde (Tantum Verde) tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Auxiliary ingredients do not have a therapeutic effect, they are necessary to impart a pleasant aroma and taste to the product, making it easier to take.

In what form is it produced

The medication is available to patients in the form of tablets, solution and spray. The tablets are green in color, they are translucent, medium in size, square in shape. There is a depression in the middle of each tablet.

Each tablet is individually wrapped in foil. In a cardboard box there are 10 pieces in individual packaging. In addition, in the box you can find instructions describing the rules for using the medicine. The tablets can have a variety of flavors, such as lemon, orange, or eucalyptus.

The spray is a colorless transparent liquid with a specific mint aroma, packaged in 30 ml polyethylene bottles. The vials are equipped with a special dispenser and spray for ease of use, they are placed in cardboard boxes, 1 piece each, detailed instructions are always attached to them.

The solution is also packaged in glass bottles of 120 ml. The liquid is transparent, but can have a green tint, has a specific mint aroma. The bottle comes with a plastic cup, which has marks for easy dispensing. Each bottle is placed in an individual cardboard box, along with instructions.

Tantum Verde (Tantum Verde) tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, price, reviews
Tantum verde

The cost of the tablets is approximately 280 rubles. The price of the spray and solution ranges from 300-400 rubles. depending on the region of distribution.


Tantum verde - tablets for resorption (the price depends on the dosage form), which have pronounced antiseptic properties due to the content of the main active ingredient. When the product is absorbed, the ingredient is distributed on the tissues, which allows for a quick therapeutic effect.

The ingredient suppresses the activity of microorganisms that provoke inflammation, which leads to their gradual death. It is worth noting that the substance affects the vast majority of microbes that lead to diseases of the mucous membranes of the throat. That is why it is considered quite effective in the treatment of most pathologies.

The antifungal effect of the agent against fungi from the genus Candida is noted. Most often, it is these pathogens that lead to damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, and the medication successfully destroys them. Additionally, the agent has anti-inflammatory properties, prevents the formation of components that aggravate the inflammatory process.

The advantage of the drug is the ability to eliminate pain, which is almost always present in inflammatory diseases of the throat of various origins. The complex effect of the remedy helps not only to eliminate the acute manifestations of the disease, but also prevents the development of complications during the progression of the condition.


When the agent enters the oral cavity, the active ingredients are actively distributed over the mucous membranes. The main substance is quite well absorbed into the affected tissues, and also enters the systemic circulation.Tantum Verde (Tantum Verde) tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Active absorption is noted when using any dosage form of the drug, which makes it effective, even with deep tissue damage by pathogenic microorganisms. In the systemic circulation, the agent does not accumulate, but a rather large amount of it remains in the affected tissues for 1-2 days after discontinuation of treatment.

The maximum concentration of ingredients in the blood is observed 2 hours after application. The processing of the substance takes place in the liver.

The evacuation of decay products is carried out with the help of the kidneys and, to a lesser extent, with the help of the intestines. In patients with pathologies of the urinary and digestive systems, the process of processing and evacuation slows down somewhat, which does not weaken the therapeutic effect, if the pathology is not on the neglected stages.


Tantum Verde is used for patients of all ages, despite the high price. Effective lozenges and other dosage forms are prescribed when indicated.

For children under 18

Tablets are allowed to be used for the treatment of children from 3 years of age. Depending on the age and disease, the treatment regimen may differ.Tantum Verde (Tantum Verde) tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Patient age

Features of the use of tablets

From 3 to 7 years old Patients of this age with acute and chronic pathologies are prescribed 2 tablets per day. They dissolve with a break of 4-6 hours. Usually this is enough to eliminate the pronounced symptoms of disorders. The duration of the therapeutic course is 5-8 days, depending on the effect of using the product
7-14 years old Such patients are prescribed 3 tablets per day. Resorption is carried out at regular intervals, which allows for a uniform effect on the mucous membranes throughout the day. Application is allowed for 1-2 weeks, depending on the severity of symptoms
14-18 years old Such patients are prescribed resorption of 1 tablet 4 times a day at regular intervals. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. In most cases, 1 week is enough to obtain a pronounced therapeutic result.

When using, experts recommend keeping the tablet in the mouth for as long as possible, which will ensure maximum efficiency.

For adults

The daily dosage for adults is 4 tablets. They should be absorbed in 1 piece. Do not take more than 1 tablet at a time. The duration of treatment in each case is adjusted by a specialist, but the standard regimen assumes application within 7-10 days.Tantum Verde (Tantum Verde) tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, price, reviews

When absorbing, it is important not to eat food or drinks 15 minutes before the procedure and within 15 minutes after it. This will allow the active ingredients to penetrate as deeply as possible into the tissues, providing a healing effect. It is worth noting that the drug is prescribed for adults without restrictions, but in the absence of contraindications.

When using pills, it is important to listen to your condition. When violations occur, it is important to discontinue use.

For pregnant

Tablets are not used for patients during lactation and pregnancy, which is due to the lack of data on their effect on the body of the mother and child. Other dosage forms do not have strict contraindications, but are not prescribed at this time, since the reaction can be unpredictable.

Despite this, if an urgent need arises, the doctor can prescribe a medication, but only if its benefits outweigh the potential risk.

For the elderly

Tantum Verde - tablets for resorption (the price depends on the dosage form), prescribed to elderly patients according to the same scheme that is used for the treatment of adults. The tool has no strict contraindications regarding the patient's age. Despite this, patients should use the tablets with caution.

The daily dosage for them is 4 tablets, which must be absorbed during the day. The maximum duration of a therapeutic course is 10 days. As a rule, this is sufficient to eliminate acute symptoms.


The drug is not prescribed for allergies to its components or a tendency to similar manifestations in the patient's history. If the patient in the past suffered from intolerance to drugs based on similar active ingredients, the drug is not used.Tantum Verde (Tantum Verde) tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Contraindications include the period of pregnancy and lactation, age up to 3 years. You can not prescribe pills for severe hepatic and renal failure. The medication is contraindicated in patients who suffer from coronary artery disease and angina pectoris in the acute stage, which is associated with an increased risk of complications.

An obstacle for use is considered to be intolerance to the auxiliary ingredients of the composition. With caution, the agent is prescribed if there is a history of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, intestinal pathologies.

For internal bleeding, the medicine is not used. It is also contraindicated in diagnosing phenylketonuria of various forms and degrees of neglect. In each case, the list of contraindications may increase depending on the organism of a particular patient.


Cases of overdose with the drug have not been recorded, but such a possibility cannot be ruled out. At the same time, patients' general condition worsens, headache and dizziness are observed. Usually, an overdose occurs as a result of prolonged use of tablets in an increased dose.

The condition can be aggravated by nausea and bouts of vomiting, intense thirst against the background of signs of dehydration. In addition, there is a disturbance in digestion, loose stools or persistent constipation, which aggravates the condition. In case of an overdose, an acute allergic reaction may develop, accompanied by urticaria or Quincke's edema.

In the first case, the condition is characterized by a large rash and itching of the skin, the spread of lesions over large areas. The condition can be aggravated by allergic conjunctivitis or rhinitis, which worsens the patient's well-being, provokes difficulties in performing ordinary household manipulations.Tantum Verde (Tantum Verde) tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, price, reviews

With Quincke's edema, the condition is aggravated, which is associated with swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat and difficulty breathing. This complication is considered dangerous because it can lead to suffocation. If signs of overdose appear, it is important to see a doctor immediately. The patient is assisted in a hospital, the drug has no specific antidote, therefore symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

Side effects

Tantum Verde - tablets for resorption (the price depends on the region of distribution), which can provoke negative reactions from internal organs and systems. In this case, complications can arise not only in violation of the instructions, but also in the case of strict adherence to it.

The most common adverse reactions:

  • Dry mouth.
  • Changes in taste buds, accompanied by impaired taste perception.
  • Thirst.
  • Stomach pain, indigestion and flatulence. The condition may be accompanied by flatulence and pain during emptying.
  • Skin rash and severe itching that occurs in patients with a tendency to allergic manifestations.
  • Headache and dizziness.
  • Sleep disturbance, weakness and fatigue, even in the absence of serious stress.
  • Numbness of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat.
  • Development of laryngospasm.Tantum Verde (Tantum Verde) tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Such complications are considered a reason for refusing to use the drug. In many patients, they disappear within a few days after discontinuation of the medication. If the manifestations worsen, special treatment is required, prescribed by a doctor.

Drug interactions

The drug is not prescribed in combination with drugs that contain the same or a similar active ingredient. This can lead to the development of complications.

Drug interactions with other medications have not been studied. Simultaneous use with anti-inflammatory drugs is allowed. Pain relievers and antibacterial agents. There is no development of negative reactions when combined with antihypertensive, vascular and sedative drugs.Tantum Verde (Tantum Verde) tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Do not prescribe tablets in combination with other local agents with similar properties. In each case, a doctor's consultation is required before prescribing the medication.

Storage conditions and periods

During storage, it is important to limit access to children and direct sunlight. The production date is indicated on the packaging.

The maximum storage time is 4 years. Application after the expiration date is categorically contraindicated.

Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies

Today, pharmacies carry out non-prescription drug dispensing, which makes it easier to purchase.


In the absence of an original drug, its analogue with similar therapeutic properties is used. Substitutes usually contain different ingredients.

The most popular analogues:

  • Grammidin Neo - lozenges, which contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components, have a pronounced effect on the mucous membranes of the throat. The remedy is prescribed for adults with angina, laryngitis, tonsillitis and other pathologies of inflammatory origin. The daily dosage is 2-4 tablets, treatment lasts 5-8 days, depending on the patient's condition. The tool is highly effective, but the use should be agreed with the doctor.
  • Ingalipt - a spray for irrigation of the throat, which can be a substitute for tablets. It has pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it is prescribed for children and adults in order to eliminate the symptoms of pathologies of the throat of inflammatory origin. Irrigation is carried out 3 to 5 times per day at regular intervals. The treatment lasts 5 to 10 days.
    Tantum Verde (Tantum Verde) tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, price, reviews
    Ingalipt - a natural remedy for sore throat
  • Hexoral - a popular and effective topical spray with pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is considered a popular substitute for lozenges. Since it has a similar effect on mucous membranes, it is prescribed for adults and children from 3 years old. Irrigation is carried out 3 times a day for 7 days. There should be equal time intervals between treatments.

Any of the analogs has similar therapeutic properties, but independent use without prior consultation is strongly discouraged.

Tantum Verde is a popular and effective lozenge used for inflammatory throat pathologies. Despite the high price of the drug, it is actively used in the treatment of adults and children from 3 years old, which is associated with high efficiency and speed.

Video about Tantum Verde

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