Respiratory System

Sage tablets for sucking. Price, instructions for use for cough, which is better: Rubicon, Natur Product, Evalar, reviews

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Sage lozenges Is a natural herbal medicine that is designed to treat inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. This medication is for topical use.

The medication can be used as a monotherapeutic agent, or it can be included in the general course of treatment with other tablets and broad-spectrum injections. The average price of Sage preparation varies from 100 to 120 rubles, depending on the internal policy of the pharmacy management.

Record content:

  • 1 Indications for use
  • 2 Compound
  • 3 In what form is it produced
  • 4 Pharmacodynamics
  • 5 Pharmacokinetics
  • 6 Application
    • 6.1 For children under 18
    • 6.2 For adults
    • 6.3 For pregnant
    • 6.4 For the elderly
  • 7 Contraindications
  • 8 Overdose
  • 9 Side effects
  • 10 Drug interactions
  • 11 Storage conditions and periods
  • 12 Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies
  • 13 Analogs
  • 14 Sage Tablets Videos

Indications for use

Sage in the form of tablets for resorption is indicated for use in children, adult men and women who have been diagnosed with the following diseases of the nasopharynx, mouth and respiratory system:

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  • chronic tonsillitis with signs of sluggish inflammation (this drug can also be used during an exacerbation of the painful condition of the tonsils);
  • stomatitis, accompanied by extensive damage to the oral mucosa;
  • gingivitis of the gums;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;Sage tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, reviews, which are better
  • tonsillitis of all types and severity;
  • tracheitis and other inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, which are distinguished by acute symptoms and a rapidly developing pathological process;
  • periodontal diseases, as well as related diseases associated with erosive destruction of tissues that hold the root system of the teeth.

Sage tablets for resorption are equally effective against the above types of diseases that are caused by pathogens of bacterial, viral and fungal infections.Sage tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, reviews, which are better

This drug is very popular, as it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory action, does not possess toxic properties, and its price is affordable for most consumers with an average level prosperity.


The medicinal product Sage in the form of tablets of a local spectrum of action contains in its composition a natural plant extract with pronounced healing properties. The table below describes in detail the components of this drug, which are an integral part of its biochemical formula.

Components of Sage tablets Description of the components of the drug
Dry sage extract Dry sage extract is the active component of this drug, which ensures the implementation of the therapeutic properties of the tablets. This substance is obtained by industrial processing and extraction of dried leaves of the medicinal plant sage. The concentration of dry extract is 12.5 mg in 1 anti-inflammatory tablet. This component is a mixture of biologically active compounds with antiseptic and wound healing properties.
Sage essential oil Sage essential oil is also the active substance of these tablets, the mass fraction of which is 2.4 mg. This component enhances the therapeutic properties of the dry extract, has a beneficial effect on the work of the upper respiratory tract, and also contributes to a faster recovery of patients suffering from tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis.
Ascorbic acid Ascorbic acid is a chemical that has a supportive function. This component helps to strengthen the protective functions of the immune system, accelerates wound healing, increases the body's resistance to infectious agents. Ascorbic acid belongs to the category of chemical compounds that have a powerful antioxidant formula.
Dye yellow In order for Sage tablets to have a pleasant color shade, food coloring E104 is used in the process of their production. This component is completely safe for the human body, and its excretion is carried out along with urine through the kidneys.
Magnesium stearate Magnesium stearate is an excipient of the Sage preparation. This component is used as an anti-caking agent. Magnesium stearate allows you to maintain a dense structure of the drug, prevents the disintegration of tablets to a powder state. Once in the human body, this substance does not enter into chemical reactions and drug interactions with other medicines.
Malic acid Malic acid is an auxiliary component that is used to stabilize the chemical composition of the drug. This substance acts as a natural preservative. Malic acid retains all the beneficial properties of dry extract and sage essential oil, protects the drug from its premature chemical decay.
Flavoring Sage tablets are designed to be absorbed in the mouth. In order for this drug to have a pleasant taste, auxiliary components are added to its composition in the form of a honey flavor, which is identical to natural.
Silica Silicon dioxide is an excipient that is used to improve the structural properties of a medicine. This component makes Sage tablets dense, prevents their deformation and disintegration under the influence of air masses with a high level of humidity.
Indigocarmine Indigo carmine (disodium salt) is a dietary supplement that is used to give the medication a bluish tint. In pharmacology, this substance is also found under the E132 label.
Sage tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, reviews, which are better

Sage - tablets for resorption (the price of the medication is much lower than that of drugs with similar properties), which have a completely safe biochemical composition. This drug has no toxic, carcinogenic or mutagenic properties, which allows it to be used in the treatment of children of younger, middle and older age groups.

In what form is it produced

The main form of release of the medicinal product Sage is tablets with an unusual bluish-green tint. This color is obtained by simultaneously mixing yellow and blue dyes.

The tablets have a regular round shape with beveled edges. The anti-inflammatory agent Sage has a distinct herbaceous aroma that resembles the smell of fresh hay. On both sides of the tablets are engraved in the form of Latin letters NP.

The Sage preparation is packaged in blisters made of plastic and foil. Each such plate contains 10 lozenges. The main package of the drug is a cardboard box, complete with detailed instructions for the use of the drug.

Sage tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, reviews, which are better
Sage tablets and lozenges

1 pack can contain 10 or 20 tablets, depending on how much medication is needed for a particular buyer.


Sage - tablets for resorption (the price of the drug is acceptable for most consumers), the pharmacodynamic properties of which are due to the action of their constituent components.

In the process of resorption of this drug, a complex of biologically active substances is released in the form of a dry extract and sage essential oil. These components are mixed with the patient's saliva, together with which they get to the focus of the inflammatory process. This allows the local action of the drug to be realized.

In the process of treating diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the therapeutic effect of the drug is achieved by absorbing its constituent components into the general bloodstream.

Sage resorption tablets have the following pharmacodynamic properties:

  • have a complex antimicrobial effect regardless of the strain of bacterial, viral or fungal infection;
  • eliminate signs of the inflammatory process;
  • reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and epithelial tissues of the oral cavity, tonsils, larynx;
  • accelerate the healing process of wounds and ulcers that have arisen due to the pathogenic activity of pathogens;
  • contribute to the liquefaction of sputum and the removal of foreign mucus from the cavity of the upper respiratory tract;
  • have an expectorant effect on the bronchopulmonary system of patients who have a dry and barking cough;
  • prevent premature loss of dentition in people with severe forms of periodontitis;
  • strengthen the local immunity of the nasopharynx, and also increase the body's resistance against pathogens of infectious diseases.

Sage - tablets for resorption (the price of the medication does not exceed 125 rubles. per package), which can be taken to prevent the recurrence of tonsillitis and other bacterial diseases of the throat, characterized by a chronic form of the course. The pharmacodynamic properties of this drug are characterized by the complex and combined action of its constituent components.


Sage tablets are a drug, the pharmacokinetics of which is characterized by a local spectrum of action. Most of the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic substances of the drug are realized in the oral parish and larynx in the process of its resorption.

The rest of the constituent components enters the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract, where it is absorbed into the general bloodstream. Due to this pharmacokinetic feature of the drug, its expectorant and astringent effect is achieved, which it has on the mucous contents of the respiratory system.


The medicinal product Sage is prescribed for use only by a doctor of the appropriate profile based on the results of a preliminary examination of the patient. This medication can be used for the complex therapy of children, adult men and women, as well as elderly patients who do not suffer from severe diseases of the organs of the excretory system.

For children under 18

Sage - tablets for resorption (the price of this medication compares favorably with other wound healing and anti-inflammatory drugs of the local spectrum of action), which are indicated for use in children aged 5 years and older. This drug is not used for younger patients.Sage tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, reviews, which are better

Children aged 5 to 10 years should take 1 tablet 3 times a day, observing the time interval between each dose of at least 4 hours. A child aged 10 to 15 years should be absorbed 4 tablets per day with an interval of 3 hours.

Children over 15 years of age should take 6 tablets daily. In this case, the time interval between dosages is no more than 2 hours. The total duration of the therapeutic course for children of all age groups ranges from 5 to 7 days.

Sage tablets should not be chewed or softened to a powder. The medication must only be absorbed in the oral cavity until it is completely dissolved by saliva.

For adults

Patients in the adult age category should take 6 tablets per day, observing a time interval of 2 hours. The drug is absorbed in the oral cavity until it is completely dissolved.

After 30 minutes. after taking the medication Sage is not recommended to eat, drink water or any other drinks, as this can reduce the therapeutic efficacy of the tablets in the area of ​​their topical application. The course of treatment with this drug is no more than 7 days.

In the event that, after 1 week of regular intake of Sage tablets, the state of health has not improved, then it is necessary to consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of using more potent medicines.

For pregnant

Women who are in a state of pregnancy, as well as nursing a newborn baby with breast milk, are contraindicated to undergo treatment with Sage. Violation of this rule may negatively affect the child's health and physical development.

For the elderly

Elderly patients are shown to receive the standard dosage of the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent Sage, which is 6 tablets per day with a time interval of 2 hours. The drug also only needs to be absorbed. The course of treatment is 5 to 7 days.Sage tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, reviews, which are better

Elderly patients must necessarily undergo a preliminary examination of the body in order to exclude the possible presence of chronic diseases of internal organs. Particular attention is paid to the functional state of the kidneys, which carry out the excretion of the constituents of the Sage preparation.


The natural pharmacological formula of Sage Lozenges is completely safe for most patients.

Despite this, this drug is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • individual hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary components of the drug, which manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions;
  • history of phenylketonuria;
  • acute nephritis or other kidney diseases that significantly reduce their performance;
  • congenital or acquired fructose intolerance.

The attending physician who prescribes the intake of Sage tablets should make sure that the patient has there are absolutely no other chronic diseases of internal organs that exclude therapy with this medication.


Until now, there have been no cases of overdose with Sage tablets in medical practice.Sage tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, reviews, which are better

In case of deliberate use of a large amount of this drug, it is possible the onset of symptoms of general intoxication of the body, namely:

  • nausea;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • loss of appetite;
  • Strong headache;
  • discharge of vomit;
  • cramping pain in the central part of the abdominal cavity;
  • diarrhea;
  • heart palpitations;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • allergic reactions in the form of a rash, redness of epithelial tissues, itching, urticaria, edema;
  • dizziness;
  • physical weakness and general loss of strength;
  • increased urination.

Patients with signs of an overdose with Sage tablets should be hospitalized in the toxicology department, where symptomatic therapy is indicated for them.Sage tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, reviews, which are better

Measures for gastric lavage are carried out, sorbent preparations are used. In case of severe dehydration of the body, provoked by diarrhea and vomiting, intravenous droppers with saline are used.

Side effects

Sage is well tolerated by most patients of all age groups.

Despite this, the manifestation of side properties of the drug is not excluded, which have the following signs:

  • a red rash on the surface of the skin of the abdomen, back, neck, face, and upper extremities;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • itching of epithelial tissues in the area of ​​the appearance of the rash;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx.

Sage lozenges do not cause severe side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and cardiovascular disorders.

The constituents of this drug do not cause a decrease in the reaction rate and do not affect the level of concentration. In this regard, this medication can be used by drivers of vehicles, as well as by people whose occupation is associated with the performance of work of increased danger.

Drug interactions

Medicinal product Sage It is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with medicines that have a direct effect on GABA receptors. Joint therapy with drugs belonging to the category of benzodiazepines and barbiturates is completely prohibited.Sage tablets for sucking. Instructions for use, reviews, which are better

Sage extract is able to enhance the pharmacological effect of drugs with sedative properties, as well as those produced on the basis of ethanol (alcoholic tinctures and concentrates). It is not recommended to carry out the simultaneous administration of Sage tablets with anticonvulsant and hypoglycemic medications.

Storage conditions and periods

Sage lozenges should be stored in a cool and dark place away from children. The ambient temperature should not be higher than +25 degrees.

The tablets should be left only in the original packaging of the manufacturer, which is not exposed to direct sunlight. The shelf life of this medication is 3 years, after which the further use of the tablets is prohibited and dangerous to health.

Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies

To purchase Sage tablets, you do not need a special prescription from your doctor.


The following local spectrum drugs are present on the pharmaceutical market, which have antimicrobial, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic properties, and are also analogs Sage tablets:

  • lozenges with sage extract and vitamin C from the Doctor Theis company - the average cost of a medicine is 285 rubles;
  • sage and honey lollipops (Dr. Thais) - the price of this drug is 250 rubles;
  • sage and orange lollipops (the manufacturer is Doctor Theis) - the average cost of a medication is 215 rubles.
  • Angi Sept - tablets for resorption, the active ingredient of which is sage extract (the price of the drug is 255 rubles);
  • Sage Ka - sage-based lollipops with honey flavor (the average cost of a medicine is 130 rubles).

Sage is a lozenge tablet that has a local spectrum of action. This drug is indicated for use in children over the age of 5 years, as well as for adult men and women.

The medicinal product Sage allows you to effectively fight infectious diseases in the form of chronic and acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis. Timely use of this medication prevents further progression of periodontitis and destruction of the root tissues of the tooth.

The price of the drug is affordable for most consumers with an average income level, but at the same time it is much lower than that of drugs with similar properties.

Sage Tablets Videos

Sage extract tablets Dr. Theissa:

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