Respiratory System

Bronhomunal. Instructions for use for children, Price 10 capsules, real doctors, analogues of domestic producers

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Bronhomunal for children is a preparation aiming to enhance the child's body defenses. on the application under consideration Medicine Manual is presented below in detail.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Bronhomunal children - Composition
  • 2 Structure
  • 3 pharmacological properties
  • 4 Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics
  • 5 As drug acts
  • 6 testimony
  • 7 Contraindications
  • 8 Instructions for use for children
  • 9 drug interactions
  • 10 Side effects
  • 11 Overdose
  • 12 Terms of sale and storage
  • 13 Domestic and foreign counterparts bronhomunal
  • 14 Price caps in the drugstores of Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions (make a table)
  • 15 Reviews of doctors about the drug
  • 16 Videos about Broncho

Bronhomunal children - Composition

Medications sold in capsule form, white-blue color, filled with yellow or beige powder. One cardboard box contains 10 tablets in the blister pack, each of which is composed of 3.5 mg of active substance. Also, medicines are sold in large packages, which contain 30 capsules, 10 pcs. in each blister.


Pharmacological means comprises a lysate of bacteria, which in most cases provoke pathological conditions of the upper respiratory tract. Viewed component reduces the activity of pathological microorganisms, whereby they lose their ability to cause disease.

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The lysate is a fine powder consisting of killed bacteria.

In the present drugs have a particle:

  • Pfeiffer sticks;
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae;
  • alpha streptococcus;
  • A beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A;
  • Friedlander's bacillus;
  • Klebsiella ozaenae;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Moraxella catarrhalis.
Bronhomunal. Instructions for use for children, Price 10 capsules, analogues of the domestic manufacturer

Additional substances included in the medicament:

  • sodium glutamate;
  • beckons;
  • corn starch;
  • ester of gallic acid and propanol.

The drug is designed in such a way as to minimize all possible negative manifestations of its use.

pharmacological properties

Bronhomunal for children when used helps to activate the protective functions of the immune system. The bacteria exposed to the drug active substance described in the instructions for use, coming into contact with mucous membranes, promote the formation of local immune reactions.

Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

Viewed Medications represents bacterial immunomodulator intended for oral administration. During the use of the drug decreases the severity of the disease, which makes it possible to reduce the dosage used antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

After the use of pharmacological agents a body made rapid formation of specific immunoglobulins. It allows a person to develop a persistent immune response to certain pathogens and emerging diseases are easier to carry.

As drug acts

The medicament has an action similar to the vaccine. At the use of the capsule in the child's body penetrate dead bacteria, which are not capable of harm, but carry a certain genetic information.

Bronhomunal. Instructions for use for children, Price 10 capsules, analogues of the domestic manufacturer

The immune system responds to the penetration of dead bacteria antibodies.

As a result, if during the period of active work of immunity child becomes infected with an infectious disease, his body already It has a set of protective proteins to combat it, which do not allow the disease to develop or contribute to its easy flow.

Bronhomunal, instructions for use for children which indicates that the active substance is stored in the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and thence affects the entire body, helps the child less often infected by SARS, not only during the period of receiving the drug, but also for a long time after the treatment.

The pharmaceutical preparation improves the immune system at the cellular level and helps produce T-cells that result in destruction of the damaged cells. Penetrating into the gastrointestinal tract, the drug active ingredient activates the production of a protein of the globular nature of the mucous surfaces in the digestive and respiratory systems.

Studies have shown that medications has the following effects on the body:

  • stimulates the macrophages destroy abnormal cells;
    Bronhomunal. Instructions for use for children, Price 10 capsules, analogues of the domestic manufacturer
  • It reduces the amount of IgE in the blood, to reduce the chance of allergic reactions;
  • promote the development of adhesion molecules.

Use of the medicament promotes faster recovery of the child without receiving antibacterial agents. Immunologists assure that Bronhomunal not only contributes to the development of specific immunity (vs. certain bacteria), but also non-specific, aimed at combating any pathogens diseases.

Improving the immune system manifests itself in:

  1. antibacterial effect. Pathogenic microorganisms die and can not develop normally.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect. Inflammation subsides within a short period of time and are no longer shown.
  3. leukopoietic effect. It comes enhanced production of white blood cells to protect the body.
  4. desensitizing effect. Reduced ability of the body to allergic manifestations.
  5. reparative effect. It increases the speed of regeneration of damaged tissues.

The drug shows high efficiency in the use of children autoimmune diseases.


The pharmaceutical preparation is assigned in the complex therapy of diseases of the upper respiratory tract to activate the immune system.

Also, the drug is indicated for use to prevent the development of:

  • bronchitis chronic course;
  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • re manifestations tracheitis, laryngitis or pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
    Bronhomunal. Instructions for use for children, Price 10 capsules, analogues of the domestic manufacturer
  • inner ear inflammation.

To carry intake of medication should only be on the recommendation of a specialist.


Implement the use of Medicine is prohibited if there is an individual intolerance of one of its components. Also, experts do not recommend to take the medication during pregnancy and for children under 6 months because they were not clinical studies, according to which the proven negative impact on the development of pharmacological agents fetus.

During the period of breastfeeding is prohibited to take Bronhomunal.

Clinical studies in animals have shown a negative result, but the study of the reactions of women and newborns in the components of the preparation was carried out. Experts recommend not to use a medical facility with intestinal disorders, as a part of the drug is a component that can cause diarrhea.

Instructions for use for children

Medications indicated for the treatment and prophylaxis of acute respiratory diseases in children between the ages of 6 months. For carrying out preventive measures, medication should be used in an amount of 10 days - 1 capsule before the first meal. After 3 weeks, it is necessary to repeat the course of taking immunomodulators.

Total prophylactic course is 3 months. In compliance with the course of treatment the pharmaceutical preparation comes noticeable result in 1-2 months. During exacerbation of diseases of the upper respiratory tract child should be given 1 capsule after awakening to reduce the severity of symptoms, but not less than 10 days.

The contents of the capsules can be mixed with drinks or food, it does not change the properties of the drug and will not spoil the taste of the product.

Bronhomunal. Instructions for use for children, Price 10 capsules, analogues of the domestic manufacturer
Bronhomunal. Instructions for use for children suggests that the drug can be combined with food or drink.

After passage of the therapeutic course, prevention should not be, because the body already has the necessary materials to produce high-grade immunity. Important! Bronhomunal children at a dose of 3.5 mg can be used up to 12 years. Older children should be applied medicament containing 7 mg of active ingredient in each capsule.

Bronhomunal (instructions for use for children set out above for information and does not replace the official annotations to the drug) should be used taking into account some special features.

They are as follows:

  1. If you experience an allergic reaction bronhomunal intake should be stopped. If allergy symptoms pronounced, it is necessary to spend symptomatic therapy.
  2. The use of pharmacologic agents is prohibited during the months after setting the child live vaccine inoculation. This also applies to the therapeutic and prophylactic course.
  3. Mannitol, which is part of the drug can lead to diarrhea. This symptom is not a direct indication for cessation of treatment if this does not cause discomfort to the child.
  4. Receiving medicament is only necessary to carry out on an empty stomach, not earlier than 30 minutes before taking food. The capsules should be washed down with a large volume of liquid.
  5. Preventive course is recommended during the warmer months before the period of colds.
  6. As part bronhomunal hardly contain sodium.
  7. Medical facility does not adversely affect the central nervous system. Its application is admissible, even with the need to maintain concentration.

Bronhomunal implemented in children's and adult form. To carry the child drug treatment for adults should not be, since it is not possible to accurately perform the dosing of the active substance.

Bronhomunal. Instructions for use for children, Price 10 capsules, analogues of the domestic manufacturer

Children with a tendency to periodic chronic pathologies of the upper respiratory tract is recommended to carry out routine course of a year. To carry out more frequent use of Medicine is not recommended.

If necessary, a repeated course of immunomodulatory therapy should see a specialist and to pick up the medication with another active ingredient.

Important! Medications are not able to leave acute infectious process, so if the temperature rises above 38 degrees, it is necessary to produce additional drug therapy.

drug interactions

Medications are allowed to be used in the complex treatment in conjunction with other medical means. Negative interaction has been recorded with other drugs.

Antibiotic therapy is also compatible with reception of immunomodulatory agent.

But keep in mind the fact that tetracycline antibiotics will produce less effect than without an immunomodulatory agent. Experts advise to refuse to accept the considered means if the child uses tranquilizers, TB drugs or preparations for the maintenance of the heart, as there is no accurate data about their interaction.

Side effects

Eating Medicine can provoke in the following negative aspects of the child:

  • pain in the head;
  • coughing;
    Bronhomunal. Instructions for use for children, Price 10 capsules, analogues of the domestic manufacturer
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea;
  • rashes on the skin.

In rare cases, there may be fatigue, an allergic reaction, and nausea and vomiting. Experts recommend to continue therapy with the appearance of negative symptoms, as the vast majority of cases they are alone in the further use drug. The exception is an allergic reaction.


Bronhomunal, instructions for use for children is evidence of its safety, has several manifestations of its excessive use.

For example:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • rash.

Animal studies have shown that the development of an overdose is unlikely.

Terms of sale and storage

Medications sold in retail networks without a prescription from a doctor. Keep the drug should be out of reach of small children and direct UV rays. Optimal storage temperature - 15-25 degrees. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years. Eating at the end of the retention period it is prohibited.

Domestic and foreign counterparts bronhomunal

Bronhomunal has a high cost, so that many people want to choose analogue cheaper, but this is not possible, as all preparations are identical actions are expensive.

Bronhomunal. Instructions for use for children, Price 10 capsules, analogues of the domestic manufacturer
Name Manufacturer Dosage age limit Price
Ismigen, 7 mg Russia 1 tablet per day. Course - 10 days. From 3 years. A package containing 10 tablets, worth 551 rubles.
Imudon 2.7 mg Russia Up to 6 tablets per day. From 3 to 12 years. Packaging, comprising 40 pills, worth 649 rubles.
Broncho-Vaxom for children 3.5 mg Switzerland 1 capsule per day. Course - 10 days. With six months. The cost of 10 tablets of 540 rubles.
IRS-19, a nasal spray. Germany One injection into each nostril up to 5 times a day. With 3 months. 20 ml vial is 510 rubles.

Despite the similar composition, similar drugs may differ from each other has an effect. This is due to differences in the applied materials and manufacturing technologies.

Price caps in the drugstores of Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions (make a table)

Acquire the drug can be in pharmaceutical networks or over the Internet.

The cost varies depending on the point of sale and on the highway:

Name of the village Pharmacy chain cost of
Moscow Internet pharmacy "Dialogue" 435 rubles. 10 tablets
Omnifarm 413 rubles. 10 capsules
St. Petersburg Vita-Express 422 rubles. 10 tablets
Regions Shop Online 544.7 rubles. 10 capsules

Bronhomunal, instructions for use for children is evidence of its effectiveness, should only be used by expert recommendations, despite the fact that he sold without a prescription.

Bronhomunal. Instructions for use for children, Price 10 capsules, analogues of the domestic manufacturer

The most profitable to carry out the purchase of packages with 30 capsules, because of their cost varies from 1,000 to 1,200 rubles., Which is equal to the price of two packages of 10 tablets. Large packing enough for preventive course for one child.

Reviews of doctors about the drug

Experts say that the work of the funds strengthens local immunity, but does not exclude the possibility of infection of the child colds. Acute respiratory disease when therapy using Bronhomunal tested without complications and do not require receiving antibacterialsBronhomunal. Instructions for use for children, Price 10 capsules, analogues of the domestic manufacturer

Bronhomunal for children is not a panacea for colds. But a preventive course of a year, according to the instructions for use, will help to improve local the immune system and allow the child's body on their own to cope with upper respiratory diseases ways.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

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