Respiratory System

Lasolvan for inhalation. Dosage for children, adults, instructions, analogues, reviews, price

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When a cough occurs during a cold, any person wants to get rid of it as soon as possible. For these purposes, in the pharmacy network, you can find a number of drugs, among which, one of the best, in terms of price - quality - efficiency, Lazolvan is recognized by many doctors.

It is available both for oral administration and for inhalation. This remedy is very effective in case of respiratory obstruction, bronchitis, pneumonia. The medicine can be used by both children and adults. Lazolvan can be purchased without a prescription, but the dosage of the medication should be discussed with your doctor beforehand.

Record content:

  • 1 Forms of release and composition of the drug Lazolvan for inhalation
  • 2 Pharmacological properties
  • 3 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 At what age can the drug be used for inhalation?
  • 7 Instructions for use, dosage
    • 7.1 For children
    • 7.2 For adults
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Overdose
  • 10 special instructions
  • 11 Drug interactions
  • 12 Analogs
  • 13 Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  • insta story viewer
  • 14 Price in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions
  • 15 Video about the drug

Forms of release and composition of the drug Lazolvan for inhalation

For more than a quarter of a century, Lazolvan has occupied a leading place among mucolytics - means that help thin and remove phlegm from the lungs. The agent is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract of various origins (etiology).

Lazolvan is produced both for inhalation and for ingestion in amber glass bottles. Each bottle has a drip tip and re-screw cap for easy dispensing. The drug is sold in a cardboard box, inside which you can find detailed instructions and a measuring cup.

The main active ingredient of Lazolvan is ambroxol hydrochloride.

Ambroxol is a copy of the natural molecule of the natural extract of the plant Adhatoda vasica, which grows in India, Sri Lanka, and the island of Java. All natural parts of this plant (flowers, fruits, rhizomes) can be used for medicinal purposes.

Of particular value is the leaf juice containing vazicin and vazicinin, which was used in ancient times to treat respiratory diseases.Lasolvan for inhalation. Dosage for children, adults, instructions, analogs, price

The concentration of the active substance ambroxol per 1 ml of Lazolvan solution is 7.5 mg. In addition to the main active ingredient, Lazolvan contains auxiliary substances (citric acid, water, some chemical compounds).

A significant difference between Lazolvan and other mucolytics is the existence of a dosage form of this drug, designed for inhalation therapy using a nebulizer. When carrying out such a procedure, the effect of the drug is achieved very quickly, literally within 30-35 minutes, and lasts for 6-12 hours.

In addition to solutions for inhalation in pharmacies, you can find tablets, lozenges and syrups with the name Lazolvan. However, thanks to the inhalation therapy, which is popular today, carried out with the help of nebulizers, the effectiveness of the use of Lazolvan aerosol is the highest.

Pharmacological properties

Lazolvan for inhalation, the dosage of which during treatment is established by a doctor, has the following pharmacological properties:

Secretolytic Aimed at diluting the sputum in the respiratory tract (bronchi, lungs).
Secretomotor Aimed at activating the discharge of mucus when coughing. Due to the secretomotor effect, the activity of the epithelium, which covers the airways, is enhanced, and also the peristalsis of the respiratory bronchioles, which contributes to the successful discharge of the liquefied sputum.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics are sections of pharmacology that study the chemical properties of drugs and the features of their effect on the human body.

Pharmacodynamics (studies the mechanisms of action of drugs on the body) For all medicines containing ambroxol, when it enters the body, it is characteristic of a very rapid and almost complete absorption of the active component. The presence of the drug in plasma proteins is about 90% after 1.5-2 hours. At the same time, the transition of ambroxol from blood to tissue is carried out very quickly and to the greatest extent it is concentrated in the lungs. When excreted from the body, about 30% of the dose of the drug taken passes through the liver. Over the next 5 days after the application of Lazolvan, 83% of the incoming substance is removed from the body along with urine.
Pharmacokinetics (studies the chemical transformations of drugs in the body) Studies have shown that the active component of the drug Lazolvan Ambroxol increases the secretion of secretions in the respiratory organs. It causes an increase in the secretion of pulmonary fluid in the alveoli and increases the normal content of mucus. All this leads to an increase in production and an increase in sputum discharge. This helps to alleviate coughing attacks, contributes to a speedy recovery of patients and a reduction in the consumption of antibacterial drugs.

Indications for use

Lazolvan for inhalation, the dosage of which is selected individually by the doctor for each patient is indicated for such diseases and conditions as:

  • pneumonia (unilateral, bilateral pneumonia);
  • bronchitis (acute and chronic);Lasolvan for inhalation. Dosage for children, adults, instructions, analogs, price
  • other acute and chronic diseases affecting the respiratory system, and provoking the appearance of sputum and cough (influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus infections);
  • bronchial asthma (in case of difficulties with mucus discharge);
  • bronchiectasis (characterized by the presence of a chronic suppurative process in the lower part of the bronchi);
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is a life-threatening disease that causes shortness of breath and severe attacks of shortness of breath with partial or complete loss of working capacity.


Like any strong drug, Lazolvan has a number of contraindications:

  • it is forbidden to use the drug in the presence of hypersensitivity to its components, including ambroxol;
  • for children under 6 years of age, the drug is not prescribed for inhalation;
  • for women during gestation up to 12 weeks (1 trimester), the drug is not prescribed;
  • it is also forbidden to use it when breastfeeding;
  • if the patient has lactose deficiency or lactose intolerance, the agent cannot be used;
  • when diagnosed with glucose-galactose malabsorption, drugs with ambroxol are not prescribed.

In addition to obvious contraindications, there are a number of conditions in which the use of the drug is possible, however, it is prescribed with caution, taking into account the existing risks:

  • pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester;
  • in case of violations in the work of the kidneys and liver (failure).

At what age can the drug be used for inhalation?

According to the list of contraindications given above, Lazolvan for inhalation is not prescribed for small patients under 6 years of age. For the treatment of children under this age, Lazolvan can be used in the form of a syrup. It is allowed for use in children from 2 years of age.

Instructions for use, dosage

Lazolvan for inhalation, the dosage of which does not differ in childhood and adulthood, should be used strictly according to the annotation attached to the medicine.

It should also be remembered that, despite the fact that the drug can be purchased without a prescription, it cannot be used alone, especially for treating a child. Before inhalation with Lazolvan, you should definitely consult with your attending physician or pediatrician.Lasolvan for inhalation. Dosage for children, adults, instructions, analogs, price

In order to use the product at home, you must have a modern inhalation device - a nebulizer. It can be compressor or ultrasonic, but not steam.

Before use, Lazolvan's solution is mixed with saline. Do not combine the medicine with seawater for inhalation, cromoglycic acid, as this can cause the solution to cloud and precipitate out of ambroxol.

Lazolvan for inhalation should be mixed with saline in a certain proportion. To achieve the optimal result and the most comfortable humidification of the breathing air during the procedure, the dosage of the drug in relation to the saline solution should be 1 to 1.Lasolvan for inhalation. Dosage for children, adults, instructions, analogs, price

The resulting ready-to-use solution for inhalation is isotonic (non-irritating) and does not have a detrimental effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Despite this, the very conduct of inhalations can provoke coughing attacks.Lasolvan for inhalation. Dosage for children, adults, instructions, analogs, price

For this reason, there are some rules for this procedure:

  • you should not specially speed up your breathing, try to inhale more than usual, breathing should be normal, calm and even;
  • before the procedure, the resulting solution is slightly warmed up to a temperature equal to body temperature;
  • inhalation is carried out no earlier than 60 minutes later. after eating food;
  • the duration of the procedure should not be more than 7 minutes;
  • with bronchial asthma, in order to minimize the risks of irritation and spasm of the respiratory tract, bronchodilators are taken before inhalation;
  • if there is no effect from the procedures after 4-5 days, you should consult a doctor.

For children

For children over 6 years old, the dosage of Lazolvan during treatment is 2-3 ml. Accordingly, this amount of the drug is diluted in 2-3 ml of saline before use. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day.

For adults

A feature of this drug is its equal dosage for both children and adults. The instructions indicate the same proportions for the inhalation procedure in adults as in children - 2-3 ml 1-2 times a day.

Side effects

Lazolvan for inhalation, the dosage of which during treatment is set by the instructions and the doctor, has a number of side effects:

  • from the digestive tract - in 1-10% of cases, patients complain of developing nausea, decreased sensitivity of receptors in the oral cavity and pharynx. In 0.1-1% of cases, people taking the drug may experience stool disorder, vomiting, dyspepsia, dry mucous membranes in the oral cavity. In even rarer cases (from 0.01% to 0.1%), dry throat may appear;
  • from the nervous system - quite often (1-10%) a violation of taste sensations develops;Lasolvan for inhalation. Dosage for children, adults, instructions, analogs, price
  • on the part of immunity and skin - rarely (0.01 -0.1%) may occur:
  1. hives;
  2. skin rash;
  3. an allergic reaction of an immediate type;
  4. hypersensitivity;
  5. itching.


The described overdose cases are associated with a medical error.

In this case, the symptoms of the above side effects were observed:

  • lightheadedness, nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • dyspepsia (pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen);
  • abdominal pain.

In case of an overdose, it is necessary to forcefully induce vomiting, which will help to clear the stomach. This should be done within 1-2 hours after the onset of clinical signs. Symptomatic therapy is also used, the purpose of which is to alleviate the patient's condition.

special instructions

Lazolvan's manufacturers also indicate special points that should be borne in mind when using this remedy to treat cough:

  • when used for aerosol inhalation with Lazolvan, you should not use other antitussives that complicate the discharge of sputum from the lungs;Lasolvan for inhalation. Dosage for children, adults, instructions, analogs, price
  • people with excessive sensitivity (reactivity) of the lungs and upper respiratory tract should be aware that the drug contains benzalkonium chloride, which causes spasmodic contractions of the bronchi;
  • with an increase in the pH level (> 6.3), a precipitate may appear in the solution;
  • people who are forced to adhere to a hyponatric diet should take into account that the medicinal solution for inhalation contains sodium (in the recommended dose for treatment - 42.8 g);
  • with poor kidney activity, Lazolvan can only be used with a doctor's prescription.

When using Lazolvan for inhalation, the effect of the drug on the decrease in concentration and attention was not found, therefore, data on the ban on driving vehicles and other no mechanisms. There is no sufficient information about the effect of the drug on psychoemotional reactions.

In the gestational period, according to the instructions, the use of the drug is prohibited in the 1st trimester, and in the 2nd and 3rd trimester it is allowed only taking into account the assessment of all risks with the permission of the doctor. This is due to the fact that the main active ingredient, ambroxol, tends to penetrate the placenta to the fetus.

Therefore, the drug can be prescribed in exceptional cases, taking into account the comprehensive assessment of the gynecologist and therapist of the potential benefits of such treatment and potential risks to the fetus.

When breastfeeding, you should also refrain from using Lazolvan for inhalation (syrup too). The conducted examinations did not establish negative consequences in infants whose mothers received treatment with this drug, however, the active component ambroxol was detected in breast milk.

Drug interactions

According to the studies carried out, no negative effects of Lazolvan on other medicinal products have been revealed when they are used simultaneously. It is known that the drug increases the penetration into the secretion of the bronchi secreted by some antibiotics - erythromycin, cefuroxime, amoxicillin.

When preparing the composition for the procedure, it is not recommended to dilute the medicine with distilled water, solutions of hormonal agents, as well as a solution of sodium chloride. To dilute the drug, you should use a saline solution purchased from the pharmacy network.


Lazolvan, intended for inhalation, has many analogues:

  • Ambrohexal - inhalation is allowed in children from 2 years old with the permission of a pediatrician;Lasolvan for inhalation. Dosage for children, adults, instructions, analogs, price
  • Ambrobene - suitable for prescribing to children from the moment of birth;
  • Ambrovix - is prescribed for adults and children over 6 years old;
  • Flavamed can also be used to treat children from birth.

All these medicines contain the main active ingredient - ambroxol.

In addition to inhalation solutions, all of the above drugs, as well as Lazolvan, have a release form in the form of tablets and syrups. The use of Lazolvan solution for aerosol inhalation is most effective, however, in situations where inhalation for some reason cannot be carried out, agents containing ambroxol are prescribed in the form of syrups or tablets.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

You can buy Lazolvan for inhalation without a prescription at any pharmacy. The drug has a long shelf life - 5 years. If the expiration date has expired, it is, of course, prohibited to use the product. Lazolvan is stored in a place that is hard to reach for children, where direct sunlight does not penetrate, at a temperature of no more than 25C.

Price in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

Prices for Lazolvan for inhalation (100 ml bottle) in Moscow vary from 250 rubles. up to 380 rubles.

In St. Petersburg, the cost of a similar drug is about 393 rubles. In the regions (Krasnodar, Voronezh, Vladivostok, Ivanovo), the price for this drug varies from 290 rubles. up to 400 rubles.

All of the listed analogs of Lazolvan are in approximately the same price category - from 110 rubles. up to RUB 185

Lazolvan in the form of a solution for inhalation is a very effective and safe antitussive agent. The inhalation method of treatment has a number of advantages - with this method, the drug enters the bronchi and lungs faster, which contributes to the speedy dilution and discharge of sputum, and hence recovery.

The dosage of this drug in children from 6 years of age and in adults does not differ. The drug, as a rule, is well tolerated, affordable and has few side effects, which has a positive effect on the ongoing therapeutic therapy.

Video about the drug

Instructions for the use of Lazolvan solution:

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