Respiratory System

Nazarel nasal spray. Instructions for use, cheap analogs, price, reviews

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Nazarel is nasal spray with hormonal composition. The main purpose of the medication is to eliminate the allergic reaction, as well as to combat swelling and inflammation in the nasal cavity. Despite the hormonal composition, the drug is allowed to be used in children from 4 years of age. For ease of use, the spray is equipped with a dispenser.

Record content:

  • 1 Forms of release and composition of the drug
  • 2 Pharmacological properties
  • 3 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 At what age can the drug be used?
  • 7 Instructions for use, dosage
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Overdose
  • 10 special instructions
  • 11 Drug interactions
  • 12 Analogs
  • 13 Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  • 14 Price
  • 15 Video about nasal sprays

Forms of release and composition of the drug

Nazarel is produced as a nasal spray. A solution of uniform consistency and white color is placed in a darkened glass bottle. The container has a special spray nozzle that allows you to accurately dose the amount of medicine.

The composition of the Nazarel solution includes:

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Name of the components

Component characteristics

Active substance
Fluticasone propionate A hormonal substance with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and also blocks the production of histamines, preventing the development of an allergic reaction
Auxiliary elements
Polysorbate 80 Solvent, used as a binder
Dispersive cellulose The substance gives the solution the desired texture, and is also used as a preservative
Dextrose Restores water and electrolyte balance in the nasal mucosa
Benzalkonium chloride Antiseptic. Contributes to the destruction of viral and fungal infections.
Phenylethanol Preservative, has antibacterial properties, and also has an emollient effect on the mucous tissues of the nose
Water Gives the solution the desired consistency
Nazarel nasal spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

The capacity of the bottle is 60, 120 and 150 doses. One dose (one injection) contains 50 μg of active ingredient.

The spray is placed in a cardboard container along with instructions for use. To protect against dirt, the bottle dispenser is covered with a protective cap.

The spray manufacturer is Teva, a Czech company.

Pharmacological properties

Nazarel is a hormonal nasal spray with antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Nazarel is a nasal spray that, after being introduced into the nasal cavity, has the following therapeutic actions:

  • eliminates puffiness, as a result, breathing through the nose is normalized;
  • suppresses the production of substances responsible for the development of the inflammatory process, as a result, inflammation decreases;
  • blocks the formation of histamines (cells "responsible" for the development of allergies), as a result of which the allergic reaction is prevented or stopped;
  • prevents the development and reproduction of pathogenic microflora in the nasal cavity;
  • reduces the amount of secretions from the nose;
  • eliminates itching in the nasal cavity;
  • blocks the sneezing reflex;
  • reduces lacrimation caused by an allergic reaction.

Elimination of puffiness and allergic symptoms is noted approximately 2 hours after using the product and lasts up to 24 hours (even with a single use).

After injecting the medication, a small part of the solution is absorbed by the tissues of the nasal cavity. Most of the drug flows down the nasal passages into the throat and is swallowed. In this regard, the active substance penetrates into the blood in an amount of no more than 1%. Nazarel is excreted from the body with feces.

Nazarel nasal spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
Mechanism of action of glucocorticosteroids

The active element practically does not have a negative effect on the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and adrenal glands (unlike other hormonal agents).

Indications for use

Experts recommend using the hormonal nasal spray Nazarel for the following pathologies:

  • elimination of allergic rhinitis. It can be used both at the beginning of allergies and at a later stage;
  • preventing the development of seasonal allergic rhinitis. The tool needs to be applied approximately 2 weeks before the onset of seasonal allergies;
  • reduction of a runny nose caused by polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • reduction of swelling of the mucous membranes in the nasal passages (may appear without a runny nose). Expressed by nasal congestion;
  • soreness in the paranasal sinuses, which is caused by swelling or the development of an inflammatory process;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the mucous tissues of the nose;
  • colds without the addition of a bacterial infection;
  • elimination of allergic sneezing and itching in the nose (can occur without a severe runny nose).

Nazarel also allows you to get rid of profuse lacrimation caused by allergies.


Nazarel is a nasal spray that has a hormonal basis, so use a medication allowed after excluding the presence of contraindications in the patient:

  • intolerance to the main or auxiliary components of the drug;
  • open injuries in the nasal cavity or surgery on the tissues of the nose in recent times;
  • allergy to the components of the drug (detected in rare cases);
  • the presence of oncological pathology (not only in the nasal cavity).Nazarel nasal spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

The conditional prohibitions (if any, the medication can be used only under the supervision of a doctor) include:

  • the presence of a viral infection, including herpes. In this case, Nazarel should be used in combination with approved antiviral agents;
  • identification of a bacterial infection in the nasal cavity. The specialist prescribes a course of antibiotics. After the destruction of bacteria, the doctor selects a course for the use of Nazarel. A combination treatment can also be matched;
  • the presence of ulcerative lesions in the nasal mucosa. Whether or not the spray can be used, the doctor decides;
  • the postoperative period, during the operation in the nasal cavity. The spray is allowed to be used only after scarring all the seams. Therefore, the possibility of using the tool is established by a specialist;
  • the recovery period after injury to the tissues of the nose. The doctor determines the possibility of using the spray according to the condition of the damaged tissues;
  • the presence of tumors in the nasal cavity of an unexplained nature. Since if the tumor is malignant, then the use of a hormonal agent can lead to its growth;
  • diagnosis of increased intraocular pressure. With this pathology, the spray can only be used under the supervision of a physician;
  • exacerbation of pathologies of the liver and cardiovascular system. The possibility of using the spray is determined by the attending physician according to the general condition of the patient.

Additionally, it is forbidden to use Nasonex during lactation and pregnancy. It has not been studied whether the active substance passes into milk or through the placenta. Therefore, the possibility of harm to the child is not excluded. If it is necessary to use the medication during lactation, the child must be transferred to artificial nutrition.

At what age can the drug be used?

Spray Nazarel is allowed to be used for the above indications after the patient reaches 4 years of age.Nazarel nasal spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues At the same time, at the age of 4 to 12 years, a reduced dosage of the drug is used. After 65 years, the course of treatment with medication does not require adjustment.

Instructions for use, dosage

Nazarel cannot be used without consulting a doctor, as it is a hormonal drug. The specialist, after the examination, selects the individual dosage of the nasal medication or allows it to be used according to the instructions that come with the spray.

Table of single and daily dosage of the drug, depending on age and purpose of use:

Patient age Single and daily dosage of the medication Features of use
Allergic rhinitis (seasonal or perennial)
From 4 to 12 years old It is required to inject the drug 1 dose into each nasal passage once a day in the morning. In the absence of a positive result within 3 days, it is allowed to increase the dosage of the spray to 2 injections into each nasal passage once a day. The increased dosage can be used for no more than 3 days. Further, a dose reduction or replacement of the medication is required (if the result is also absent).
Over 12 years old Assigned 2 injections in each nasal passage 1 time during the day If no improvement is noted, then it is allowed to increase the dosage by 2 injections into each nostril 2 times during the day. After 3 days, you need to go to the standard dosage. After you feel better, it is enough to inject 1 dose of the drug into each nostril once a day.
Prevention of the development of allergies
From 4 to 12 years old Nazarel needs to be administered 1 dose 1 time per day With prophylactic use, it is not recommended to increase the dosage of the spray.
Over 12 years old It is recommended to inject 1-2 doses 1 time during the day If the patient's allergic reaction is pronounced (in the absence of treatment), then for the prevention of pathology, it is advisable to inject 2 doses of the medication. And if the allergy manifested itself weakly, then 1 dose in each nostril is enough.
Runny nose caused by polyps in the nasal cavity
From 4 to 12 years old 1-2 doses are prescribed in each nostril 1 time per knock  If necessary, you can increase the dosage by 1 dose in each nostril 2 times a day. The enhanced course should last no more than 3 days.
Over 12 years old It is required to inject 2 doses into each nostril 2 times during the day It is not recommended to increase the dosage if there is no effect. A doctor's consultation is required to adjust the treatment.
From 4 to 12 years old Prescribed 1 dose in each nostril 1 time per day In the absence of an effect, it is impossible to increase the dosage of the drug, but it is allowed to carry out complex treatment (prescribed by a pediatrician).
Over 12 years old It is required to inject 1 dose into each nostril 2 times a day It is impossible to increase the dosage, but it is allowed to use complex treatment.
Inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa or sinuses
From 4 to 12 years old It is necessary to inject 1 dose of the drug into each nostril 1-2 times a day The multiplicity of manipulations is required to be selected according to the patient's condition.
Over 12 years old Used for 2 doses of medication in each nostril 2 times a day After you feel better, you need to reduce the dosage to 2 doses 1 time per day.
Nazarel nasal spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

During the course of the course, you cannot skip procedures, and you also need to adhere between manipulations at equal intervals of time.

To achieve the desired effect, it is important to first familiarize yourself with the rules for using the spray:

  1. Initially, you need to prepare Nazarel for use:
  • the bottle should be removed from the carton and shaken;
  • remove the protective cover from the dispensing tip and press the dispenser for about 6 times. Spraying should be done in the air.

When the medication starts to spray, the bottle is ready to use.

  1. After that, it is necessary to prepare the nasal mucosa for the administration of the medication:
  • initially it is recommended to wash your hands with bactericidal soap, blow your nose and wash your hands again;
  • using a cotton swab, you need to remove the remnants of mucus from the nasal passages (and also remove dry crusts, if any). It is important that a new stick is used for each nostril (one or more, depending on the degree of contamination of the nasal passages);
  • then you need to shake the spray, pinch one nostril with your finger, and enter the dispenser into the second and carry out the required number of clicks;
  • remove the dispenser from the nostril and wipe it with a sterile cotton swab;
  • repeat the manipulations for the second nostril, and then take a deep breath of air through the nose. When inhaling, the drug is better distributed in the nasal cavity.
  1. After injecting the medication, you must immediately prepare the spray for the next use:
  • remove the dispensing device from the bottle and rinse it in warm water;
  • dry the dispenser using a convenient method and put it back on the bottle;
  • close the dispenser with a protective cap.Nazarel nasal spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

To exclude the sun's rays from entering the bottle, it is recommended to place it in a cardboard container (in which it was sold). With further therapy, only 2 and 3 points will need to be repeated. If the opened bottle is not used for more than 7 days, then the manipulations will need to be repeated from the first point.

If the tip is clogged (nasal discharge or dust), then to clean it, it should be placed in a container with warm water for about 3-5 hours. After that, the dispenser needs to be rinsed and dried. It is strictly forbidden to clean the hole with sharp objects (pin, needle). There is a high probability of expansion of the hole, as a result, the required dosage of the medication will not be observed.

For the period of administration of the drug, you can not breathe through the nose. Otherwise, the drug will mostly settle in the lower respiratory tract, and not in the mucous membranes of the nose. As a result, the effectiveness of the medication will decrease, and the likelihood of side effects will increase.

Side effects

The use of Nazarel spray may be accompanied by the side effects discussed below:

  • respiratory failure or bronchospasm due to the ingress of a large amount of solution into the lower respiratory tract. Also, this symptom can be caused by an allergic reaction to the components of the medication;
  • anaphylactic shock. A side effect can be caused by a sharp allergy to one of the components of the product;
  • skin rash, swelling of the nasal mucosa. Symptoms are also the result of an allergy to the elements of the drug;
  • headache. It can be noted both at the beginning of the course of therapy and with prolonged use of the drug;
  • change in taste. Most of the spray is swallowed, resulting in this symptom;
  • deterioration of smell;
  • decreased visual acuity due to increased intraocular pressure;
  • bleeding from the nasal cavity, possibly at the beginning of the use of the spray or with a long course of therapy;
  • dryness or irritation of the nasal mucosa or pharynx;
  • in extremely rare cases, a violation of the condition of the nasal septum (curvature or perforation) is possible;
  • with prolonged use of the spray in children, growth retardation is noted, as well as a violation of the state of bone tissue.

Sometimes the development of thrush in the oral cavity was noted (mainly in children). When registering side effects, the patient must be examined by a specialist; dosage adjustment or medication replacement may be required.


Nazarel is a nasal spray that can cause the development of symptoms of an overdose with prolonged use in large doses, as well as if the product is accidentally swallowed.

Nazarel nasal spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

An overdose of medication can be detected by the following signs:

  • analyzes reveal a violation of the hormonal background in the patient;
  • there is a deterioration in general well-being and a breakdown;
  • soreness in the abdomen. May be accompanied by profuse vomiting and frequent loose stools;
  • headaches without provoking signs;
  • profuse bleeding from the nasal cavity;
  • a sharp decrease in the clarity of vision;
  • pronounced allergic symptoms from severe itching to choking;
  • jumps in the pressure indicator;
  • increased aggression or anxiety.

At the moment, no information has been recorded about an overdose of the spray. If an overdose is suspected, it is necessary to contact the nearest hospital to stabilize the patient's condition. In severe cases, an emergency call is required.

special instructions

When using Nazarel spray, you need to familiarize yourself not only with the dosage, but also with the features of the treatment:

  • with long-term treatment, tests are required to prevent the development of hormonal imbalance;
  • using a spray after a course of hormonal therapy is necessary in small doses;
  • in children, it is necessary to track growth, if it slows down, you need to consult a pediatrician;
  • with seasonal allergies (if the amount of allergens in the air is large), it may be necessary to use additional antihistamines (not hormonal);
  • with chronic herpes or tuberculosis, it is required to use the spray under the supervision of a physician;
  • in childhood, it is required to monitor the psychological state of the child, since the drug can cause sleep disturbances and causeless anxiety;
  • for the period of use of the drug Nazarel, the protective function of the immune system decreases, therefore, crowded places should be avoided so as not to get infected;
  • after the end of the course, it is necessary to cancel the drug gradually. Since the addictive effect is noted. Abrupt withdrawal of the medication may be accompanied by apathy or aggression.

If no improvement in well-being is noted on the fourth day of using the spray, then the replacement of the medication with an analogue is required.

Drug interactions

Nazarel is a nasal spray that cannot be used in complex treatment without consulting a doctor. The specialist identifies the possible compatibility of drugs.

The medication can not be categorically combined with medications:

  • potent antiviral and antifungal drugs can cause an increase in the development of side effects from the use of the spray;
  • other hormonal agents (tablets, ointments, drops). When used together, the side effects of both types of medicines are enhanced;
  • Nazarel and the medications used in the treatment of HIV positive patients are incompatible. They reduce the effectiveness of each other, and increase the development of side effects.

Also, you can not combine the use of a spray with drugs for bronchial asthma.


If the use of the spray caused the development of side effects or is absent positive dynamics in treatment, then the following analogues are recommended by specialists:Nazarel nasal spray. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

  • Nazofan. Hormonal spray with a similar active substance;
  • Fliksonase. The spray is also based on fluticasone propionate;
  • Benarin. The active substance is budesonide;
  • Nazonex. The active element is mometasone furoate;
  • Nasobek. Multi-component nasal preparation with antihistamines and anti-inflammatory properties.

The purchase of drugs is possible only with a prescription from a doctor.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

You can buy Nazarel spray only if you have a prescription indicating the prescribed course. After purchase, it is necessary to store the medication in a dark place at a temperature of 6 to 25 degrees above zero. Subject to these rules, the shelf life of an unopened bottle is 3 years from the date of issue and 3 months after opening.


The price of the spray varies from region of purchase and the number of doses in the bottle.

The average price for a medicine in Russia is as follows:

  • for 60 doses - 300 rubles;
  • for 120 doses - 350 rubles;
  • for 150 doses - 400 rubles.

In an Internet pharmacy, a nasal remedy can be purchased for approximately 320 rubles. for 120 doses.

Nazarel is a hormonal drug, therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use it without a doctor's prescription (especially in childhood). Patients noted that improvement in the condition of the nasal mucosa occurs on the second day of regular use. It is important not to miss the use of the spray.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana

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