Respiratory System

Sinupret for inhalation by a nebulizer for adults, children. Dosage

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Sinupret is a herbal preparation, which contains several components of natural origin and helps to improve the condition of patients when diagnosing pathologies of the respiratory system. The drug is often used for inhalation with a nebulizer, since the penetration of its vapors into the lungs and bronchi significantly shortens the recovery period.

Record content:

  • 1 Terms of dispensing from pharmacies, drug price
  • 2 Chemical composition
  • 3 Principle of action, efficiency
  • 4 For what diseases is it used?
  • 5 For whom inhalation with Sinupret is not recommended
  • 6 How to dilute drops with saline, dosage
  • 7 Instructions for use in a nebulizer
  • 8 Instructions for use with a cold
  • 9 When coughing
  • 10 With adenoids
  • 11 Duration and characteristics of treatment
  • 12 Analogs
  • 13 Sinupret video

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies, drug price

The medicine is dispensed today in different pharmacies without presenting a special prescription form from a doctor, which makes it easier to purchase. Its cost differs in different regions, but the average price ranges from 350-500 rubles. per bottle.

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Chemical composition

The herbal remedy is available for patients in various forms, but drops are usually used for inhalation. They are a liquid with a specific aroma, packaged in small dark glass bottles of 100 ml.

The vials are placed in cardboard boxes, in which you can also find instructions. A medicine is also produced in the form of pills and syrup for oral administration. The drops are intended for oral administration, but they are often used for inhalation.

The drug contains several active ingredients of plant origin:

  • Primrose flower extract.
  • Gentian root extract.
  • Sorrel.
  • Verbena extract.
  • Elder.

Sinupret for nebulizer inhalation for adults, childrenAs an additional component, the composition contains ethyl alcohol at a concentration of 19%. Dragee and syrup contains the same active substances, but different auxiliary ingredients.

Principle of action, efficiency

Sinupret for nebulizer inhalation can be used due to its pronounced therapeutic properties. The principle of action of the drug is based on stimulating the excretion of phlegm and alleviating the condition with a debilitating dry cough. In the second case, the medication promotes the formation of mucus, liquefies it, which leads to a rapid evacuation from the bronchi and lungs, and greatly facilitates the condition.

Verbena extract in the composition of the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect. The ingredient also helps to improve the condition of the liver, normalizes metabolic processes, and stimulates the restoration of cells in the respiratory system. As a result, the recovery period is shortened, and the risk of complications is significantly reduced.

Other components in the composition of the drug also have pronounced properties:

  • Primrose extract provides an expectorant effect when applied. It also has antispasmodic properties, helps to eliminate respiratory discomfort that occurs against the background of persistent coughing. There is a slight sedative effect of the component, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition. Patients' sleep improves, anxiety and anxiety are eliminated against the background of symptoms of the underlying disease.
  • The extract from sorrel has pronounced antiallergic properties, helps prevent the addition of an allergic reaction against the background of aggravation of the symptoms of pathologies of the respiratory system. The effect on the body of patients who have a tendency to similar reactions or suffer from bronchial asthma is especially pronounced.
  • Gentian extract stimulates the production of mucus in the respiratory organs, helps to remove it and has antiseptic properties. In combination with other components in the composition of the drug, the substance accelerates the healing process and prevents the rapid progression of the disease.

The action of several herbal ingredients helps to have a positive effect on the body. Natural substances not only improve the functioning of the respiratory system, but also have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and endocrine system.

As a result, the general condition improves. High efficiency is noted when using the drug in the therapy of children and adults.

When used for inhalation, the active components of the composition are concentrated mainly in the tissues of the bronchi and lungs, in the upper respiratory tract. This reduces the amount of components in the blood and the risk of developing complications as a result of their accumulation.

The effect of the drug is manifested 15-20 minutes after the procedure. It usually lasts several hours, which is considered a good indicator. When the components enter the blood, they quickly spread throughout the body and have a positive effect on the internal organs.

Long-term use does not lead to the accumulation of ingredients in the blood, which is also considered an advantage of the herbal remedy over other medicines.

For what diseases is it used?

Sinupret is often used for inhalation with a nebulizer when symptoms of respiratory system pathologies occur.Sinupret for nebulizer inhalation for adults, children

The main indications for the appointment:

  • Sinusitis in acute and chronic form, accompanied by pronounced manifestations of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Sinusitis in the acute stage is a chronic course of a pathological condition. In this case, the violation is often accompanied by other symptoms and leads to an aggravation of symptoms.
  • Obstructive bronchitis of varying severity.
  • Acute and chronic bronchitis, accompanied by different types of cough.
  • The initial stage of the inflammatory process of the lungs.
  • Severe chronic laryngitis and tonsillitis.
  • Adenoids of different stages and severity. In the chronic course of the pathology, the remedy helps to alleviate the condition.

The drug can be used for colds and viral pathologies, when symptoms are accompanied by severe disorders of the respiratory system.

For whom inhalation with Sinupret is not recommended

Despite the versatility and safety of the drug for adults and children, it has contraindications.

Do not use drops in the following cases:

  • Intolerance to the components of the composition or a tendency to such manifestations in the patient's history. In this case, it is worth considering the presence of bronchial asthma. In some cases, the disease is considered a contraindication for prescribing a medication.
  • Acute attacks of suffocation of various origins.
  • Severe heart failure and coronary heart disease, recovery period after myocardial infarction.
  • Rehabilitation period after acute ischemic stroke. Patients are allowed to use the product after restoring all functions in the body.
  • Acute gastritis and other pathologies of the digestive tract in acute form. It is especially dangerous to use in case of exacerbation of gastric ulcer, intestinal ulcer, since the medication can provoke severe complications.
  • Diagnosing mental disorders.
  • Epileptic seizures, severe course of the disease.
  • Neurological disorders in the acute stage.
  • The patient's age is up to 2 years.
  • Severe trauma or brain disease.
  • Chronic course of alcoholism.
  • Severe liver failure, liver pathology of viral origin.

Sinupret for nebulizer inhalation for adults, childrenThe medication is used with extreme caution during lactation and pregnancy, as well as in the treatment of elderly patients, which is associated with an increased risk of complications.

Sinupret for inhalation with a nebulizer is used more often than other drugs, due to its natural composition and pronounced properties. But doctors note that the drug can provoke complications. Allergic manifestations are considered the most pronounced.

With the development of a similar reaction in patients, a rash appears on the face, itching and burning are added. The rash can spread to large areas of the skin, which only aggravates the symptoms and leads to the appearance of disorders of the nervous system. Patients speak of increased irritability, sleep disturbance and severe headache.

Patients with chronic pathologies of the digestive system have a history of stomach pain, indigestion and impaired appetite. Such manifestations are considered a reason for immediate refusal of treatment and a visit to the doctor. The specialist examines and interviews the patient, after which, if necessary, prescribes drugs to normalize the condition.

How to dilute drops with saline, dosage

Doctors draw the attention of patients to the fact that the official instructions do not indicate the features of the use of drops for the purpose of inhalation. The medicine in this form is intended for oral administration. Despite this, drops are often used for inhalation.

When applying, it is important to pre-dilute the medicine with a saline solution of sodium chloride 0.9%. This recommendation is considered mandatory for children and adults.

When used in adult therapy, it is required to dilute drops in a 1: 1 ratio. This will provide a mild effect on the body. Children should add more saline. For every 3 drops, there are at least 5-8 drops of the solution. The specific dosage depends on the age of the patient and the disease.

When diluting, it is worth using a sterile saline solution, as well as studying the information on its label. After dilution, the treated mixture should be used immediately. It is allowed to mix liquids in a separate container or add them directly to the nebulizer container.

Instructions for use in a nebulizer

Sinupret for nebulizer inhalation is usually used according to the standard therapeutic regimen. It is important to properly dilute the product with saline beforehand, and then carry out the manipulations.Sinupret for nebulizer inhalation for adults, children

Adults take courses for 10-14 days, depending on the severity of the condition and the presence of concomitant deviations. The procedures are carried out daily from 1 to 3 times, depending on the severity of the symptoms. After the solution is injected into a special edema of the device, it is ready for use in 2 minutes.

The procedure takes up to 10 minutes. During its implementation, the patient must take deep breaths and exhalations, which will allow the active substances in the vapors of the agent to quickly penetrate into the respiratory system.

After the manipulation, it is worth not going outside for 30 minutes and not performing any heavy manipulations. For children, the drug is prescribed according to the same scheme, but the treatment lasts no more than 10 days in case of a severe course of the disease.

After diluting the drops, the child inhales the vapors for 7-8 minutes. The procedures are carried out no more than 2 times a day. Application features do not differ from those recommended for adults.

Instructions for use with a cold

When diagnosing rhinitis of various origins and severity, the drug is diluted according to the standard scheme for adults and children. One of the features of such treatment is the need to inhale the vapors of the drug only through the nose.

For this, vasoconstrictor drops are introduced into the nasal passages 30-40 minutes before the manipulation. The manipulation is carried out 1-2 times a day for 5-8 minutes. Adults are allowed to use this method for no longer than 7 days, children are usually 5 days enough.

When treating a common cold in this way, additional drugs are usually used that enhance and consolidate the action of the drug. It is strongly not recommended to renew the course on your own.

When coughing

When treating cough with herbal drops, you should carefully follow all recommendations to avoid the development of complications. Dilution of the product is carried out according to the standard scheme, that is, for adults at the rate of 1: 1, for children - for every 3 drops of a solution of 6-8 drops of sodium chloride 0.9%.

The procedures are carried out in the morning and in the evening for 5-10 minutes. Usually, experts recommend a longer manipulation for adults, while 5 minutes is enough for children to obtain a pronounced result. The therapeutic course lasts 1-2 weeks. In each case, its duration is determined individually.Sinupret for nebulizer inhalation for adults, children

Doctors draw the attention of patients to the need to take expectorant drugs after inhalation. Often, methods are combined to obtain a more pronounced result within a short period of time.

With adenoids

Therapy of adenoids requires an integrated approach. That is why specialists usually prescribe several drugs to patients, and also combine therapy with inhalation of herbal medicines.

The treatment is carried out within 10 days, the procedures are carried out according to the standard scheme 2 times a day for 8 minutes. Usually, a similar pathology occurs in children, therefore, the dilution is also carried out according to the standard scheme, that is, for 3 drops of a solution of 6-8 drops of sodium chloride.

Throughout the entire course of therapy, patients are additionally recommended to use nasal drops to obtain a more pronounced result.

Duration and characteristics of treatment

Sinupret for inhalation with a nebulizer is used no longer than 2 weeks. However, this duration is usually allowed when treating an adult patient. For children, in most cases, 10 days is enough.

Doctors do not recommend to carry out manipulations at home without preliminary examination. In case of severe coughing during the procedure, it is worth stopping it temporarily. If the symptoms worsen, concomitant deviations appear, you should stop using it and consult a doctor.

Sinupret for nebulizer inhalation for adults, children
Sinupret for nebulizer inhalation

During the first 3 days of therapy, the patient shows improvements. If they are absent after 7 days of therapy, you should consult a doctor. The drug may not be suitable for a particular patient. Despite the effectiveness of the drug, it is worth remembering its plant origin.

With a severe course of bronchitis and pneumonia of bacterial origin, you should not rely only on Sinupret. Usually, the appointment of antibiotics, mucolytics, antipyretics and some other medicines is required to normalize the condition, prevent the development of complications.

Often, use for inhalation is combined with taking the drug inside. This allows you to achieve a more pronounced therapeutic effect. A single dosage for an adult in this case is 50 drops, it is taken 3 times a day.

Children take 15 drops 3 times a day. The treatment lasts 10 to 14 days. A feature of the therapy for children is the need to dilute drops before use. 15 drops account for 50 ml. Combined treatment should be agreed with a specialist.


The tool has no structural analogs, but it is allowed to use medicines that have similar properties, despite a different composition.

Product name


Suprima-Broncho An effective medication in the form of a syrup, which is prescribed to patients when diagnosing pathologies of the upper respiratory tract of various forms and degrees of neglect. The drug contains several herbal ingredients, which makes it effective and relatively safe for patients. The use of the medication for adults and children from 3 years old is allowed. It can be used not only for bronchitis, but also for the chronic course of laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and some other pathologies. Despite this, the use is allowed only for oral administration, but not for inhalation. The cost of an analogue starts at 160 rubles.
Tonsilgon N Sinupret for nebulizer inhalation for adults, childrenAn effective agent in the form of drops for oral use, which is also actively used for patients for inhalation with a nebulizer. The drug has a herbal composition, but includes many more components, which makes it effective. It is allowed to use the medication for the treatment of adults and children over 6 years old in the presence of symptoms of bronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and other pathologies of the respiratory system. The drug is considered effective, helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of diseases. Its cost starts from 250 rubles.
Tonsipret The drug is in the form of drops, which is prescribed only to adults in the presence of pathologies of the respiratory system of acute and chronic forms. With laryngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and tracheitis, the drug is considered effective. It is taken orally and is not used for inhalation, but the treatment is considered to be no less effective. The medicine has a herbal composition, which makes it relatively safe. The price of the product starts from 220 rubles.

Any of the analogs should be used only as directed by a doctor, which will avoid various negative symptoms from the internal organs. You cannot choose a substitute yourself. Each remedy contains other components and can aggravate the course of the pathology.

Sinupret is considered an effective herbal medicine with pronounced properties. It is often used for inhalation with a nebulizer, despite the lack of a description of such a method in the official instructions. When applying, you must follow all the recommendations and visit a doctor in case of complications.

Sinupret video

Instructions for Sinupret:

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