Hormones And Biochemistry

High TSH at low free T4

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A thyroid-stimulating hormone( TTG) is a secret that is responsible for the functioning of the thyroid gland and secretion of concomitant secrets( T4 and T3) that control the regulation of metabolism in the body. Timely diagnosis and treatment of elevated hormone TSH in the blood allows you to avoid problems with the health of the patient.

TTG( or thyrotropic hormone) is a hormone that is released under the influence of the pituitary gland and is responsible for the thyroid gland, where, in turn, hormones T3 and T4 are produced. T4( thyroxine) is a thyroid hormone that affects the work of the stomach, cardiovascular system, the passage of metabolic processes, as well as the mental state of a person. This means that hormones T3 and T4 in the complex allow you to work correctly all the most important systems of the human body. In the event of a violation of their balance in the blood, some systems of the human body may malfunction.

Causes of

Based on the fact that the thyroid-stimulating hormone regulates the thyroid gland, it also regulates the amount of T3 and T4 in the blood. With insufficient amounts of thyroxin and triiodothyronine, the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone increases, with excess - decreases.

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Negative feedback between the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland allows to regulate the state of hormones in a person's blood. Low TSH is not a sign of any disease if it is within normal limits. Oscillations of TSH occur in the range from 0.4 to 4.0 μIU / ml. This means that abnormalities in the concentration of this hormone in the blood above or below the norm may indicate abnormalities in the pituitary or pancreatic gland.

Reasons for lowering TSH:

  1. When TSH is lowered, and T3 and T4 are free( do not exceed the norm).In this state, there is no production of TSH, or it is produced in small amounts, and T4 is free. Depending on the indicators of the analysis performed, the cause and methods of eliminating the problem are determined.
  2. TTG is lowered, and T3 and T4 are elevated( are above the norm).This ratio of hormones is called hyperthyroidism. In this case, imbalance of hormones can lead to serious violations of human health. Hyperthyroidism has its own classification, causes and peculiarities of the course.
  3. The thyroid-stimulating hormone is lowered, and with it hormones of a thyroid gland are lowered. This condition is the opposite to hyperthyroidism and has the name - hypothyroidism. Most often, hypothyroidism occurs in people older than 40 years.

TTG elevated:

  1. The onset of a tumor in the brain( pituitary).
  2. The pathology of the thyroid gland, when it can not produce enough secrets, and there is a decrease in T4 or it is free in the blood.
  3. Syndrome, in which there is an irregular development of the secretions of the thyroid gland.
  4. Hashimoto's thyroiditis( acute form).
  5. The occurrence of complications( gestosis) during pregnancy.
  6. Iodine intake in large quantities.
  7. Lead poisoning.
  8. Removal of the gallbladder.
  9. Adrenal malfunction.
  10. Insensitivity of the pituitary gland to the amount of thyroid hormones produced due to genetics.


If the hormone TSH is increased only once - this is not necessarily an indicator of any pathology, this may be a consequence of the adoption of certain types of medications. Also in women during pregnancy, this indicator can be increased due to an uncharacteristic load for the body, while T4 will be free or reduced.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a disease in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough of its secrets, while the hormones T3 and T4 decrease and the thyrotropic secretion increases.

The main symptoms of this syndrome can be:

  • obesity,
  • lethargy,
  • slowness,
  • hair loss is more normal,
  • dry and rough skin,
  • gastrointestinal malfunction,
  • myxedema( illness caused by abnormal thyroid function orits atrophy).

There is an opinion that to treat a high thyroid stimulating hormone, with free or reduced T4 and T3 - is not worth it. In fact, to adjust the level of hormones is necessary, since their concentration in the blood affects the entire body. And their lack or excess for a long time can lead to irreversible consequences.


It is worth noting that hypothyroidism can occur secretly( without any significant symptoms).In this case, diagnosing the disease is difficult.

Treatment of

Treatment of hypothyroidism occurs with the help of medications prescribed by the attending physician. The necessary medications are chosen based on the value( indicators) of the analyzes passed. One of the drugs prescribed for people with an elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone is Levothyroxine. It promotes the regulation of the secretion of the pituitary and thyroid gland.

It should be noted that levothyroxine has many side effects. During pregnancy and lactation, it is prescribed very rarely, since it can affect the condition of the fetus.

Hypothyroidism in children

The thyroid gland of the child produces hormones from the second week of intrauterine life. After birth( if there are indications) the newborn takes blood from the heel for analysis on the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Hypothyroidism in newborns is manifested by such symptoms:

  1. facial swelling and eyelids,
  2. baby's hoarse crying,
  3. jaundice( congenital),
  4. dry skin,
  5. reduced appetite( newborn does not take breast),
  6. reduced body temperature.

Regulate the low rate of hormones in the blood of a newborn with the help of special medications and feeding recommendations.

In more adult children, the disease can lead to improper development of certain organs and systems, as well as affect the cognitive development of the child and his mental state. It should be noted that in this case, the endocrinologist ascribes drugs that will regulate TSH and a low level of T3 and T4.The dosage of this or that drug will depend on the value of the tests and the age of the child.

In most cases, a child will have to compensate for a lifetime of a lack of thyroid hormones. This means that only in this way it will be possible to ensure the normal development of the baby. Lack of treatment for this disease can lead to incorrect development of the musculoskeletal system, organs( heart, lungs, liver, GIT, etc.), as well as the mental component of the child's health.

TTG is elevated in elderly women

Women over 45 years are prone to develop various diseases associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland. Thus, the fact that TSH in the blood is elevated is a fairly common occurrence among older women.


Most often, this disease in the elderly is hidden. This is due to the fact that his symptoms are almost identical with the typical behavior of older people.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism in the elderly:

  1. frequent depression,
  2. behavioral disorders,
  3. neuropathy,
  4. mental disorders,
  5. cognitive impairment.

To diagnose the disease, as a rule, it is possible only at the extreme stage. This means that patients of senile age can not be diagnosed with an ailment only after myxedematous coma. At this stage, the T4 indicator may be low or free.

Treatment of this disease in elderly women is carried out under the care of a doctor or endocrinologist. In this case, the patient is prescribed a thyroxine in a certain dosage. A high thyrotropic secret in the blood can affect the general condition of organs and systems, so treatment of this syndrome should be mandatory. The drug is taken approximately 8 weeks each day. After the course of treatment the patient should periodically take blood tests for the amount of hormones in the blood.

If the tests show that TSH in the blood is elevated, then do not delay the treatment to avoid more negative consequences.

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