Hormones And Biochemistry

Signs of low testosterone levels in men

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Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the body of every man. It is thanks to him that the stronger sex has a more developed musculature, low voice and some features of behavior. In addition, this substance provides a full sexual life and has an antidepressant effect. Few know that with a sharp decrease in the level of the hormone in the blood, the risk of developing a persistent decline in mood is significantly increased, which is not amenable to drug treatment.



Testosterone is present in both men and women. However, its concentration in the serum of the stronger sex significantly exceeds the same for beautiful women. With age, there are regular changes in the body, which lead to a gradual decrease in the amount of biologically active substance in the human body. According to the research of American scientists, after 35 years of its concentration is reduced by 2-3% per year. Doctors call this period "andropause", drawing parallels with the female body.

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Nevertheless, if men experience an earlier drop in hormone levels, it's worth considering medication. As practice shows, the first signs of the problem are rarely seen by patients, which leads to the progression of pathology. At the moment there are quite a variety of ways that will help increase the low reserve of biologically active substance.

Symptoms of

In the early stages, almost no man attaches much importance to the first symptoms of lowering testosterone levels in the blood. Since the whole pathological process proceeds very smoothly, they write off the presence of the problem for emotional stress, overwork at work or bad sleep. However, it is worth remembering the most important signs of a lack of substance in the body:


  1. The fall of the libido. There is no scientific data that would link the low level of testosterone in the body with a bad erection directly. The hormone does not affect the blood filling of the external genital organs in men. However, he is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses to the cerebral cortex, where the necessary reflexes and traction to the opposite sex are formed. It is this androgen that is responsible for the primitive desire to continue its genus. Too small a stock of a hormone leads to a gradual loss of interest in sex, which causes a bad erection, insufficient ejaculation and other problems.
  2. Weakening of muscle tone, obesity. Testosterone is the main natural anabolic in men and women. It is his high level that provides a quick set of muscle mass. Many bodybuilders to improve their results, accept its synthetic counterparts. With a low amount of this substance in the body, the muscles are "blown away".In addition, the growth of adipose tissue is progressing, which further inhibits androgen activity. A "vicious circle" is forming.
  3. Violation of the rhythm of sleep. The most frequent moment that men ignore for a long time, writing off everything for personal problems. A low level of substance leads to insomnia, nightmares. Representatives of the stronger sex become nervous, can not rest well and calmly, which contributes to an even greater drop in androgen concentration.

These symptoms are the most characteristic for pathology. Do not neglect them. It is better to immediately consult a specialist.

Additional manifestations of


In addition to the symptoms described above, it is necessary to know that there are still characteristic symptoms that indicate a decreased level of testosterone. These include:

  • Decrease in ejaculate volume. Not many men follow this parameter, however, it can reliably indicate the presence of a problem. The less semen is released at the peak of sexual intercourse, the lower the hormone reserve in the body.
  • Night Erection. Normally, a healthy representative of the stronger sex should experience at least 2-3 times a week this condition. This is due not to the specific nature of dreams, but to the cyclical release of a biologically active substance.
  • Feeling of "hot flashes".Here we need to draw an analogy with women's menopause. The manifestation is very similar - there is a feeling of warmth in the head, shoulders, which then spreads all the way down.
  • Dulling aggressiveness. If earlier a very active and quick-tempered young man started to bypass the conflicts with a party, stopped arguing and simply shows signs of apathy, then one should be concerned about his health. It is possible that he has a hormonal imbalance. Most likely, its main androgen is lowered in this situation.

Interesting facts

It is important to understand that a simple dip in the concentration of testosterone does not yet oblige a representative of the stronger sex to take medications or conduct appropriate treatment. The key point, which is worth paying attention to, is general health and the presence of characteristic symptoms. Often, boys with a partially reduced level of the substance are those still alfons or "alpha males".The main thing is the interaction of androgen inside the body. If its concentration is sufficient for the normal functioning of the reproductive system, then it is not necessary to interfere.


However, if you have at least some of the above manifestations of the disease, it is worthwhile to consult a specialist as quickly as possible.

The effect of testosterone on the body

Many doctors and scientists associate a number of chronic diseases with a deficiency of the main androgen. At the moment there is no evidence base that could unequivocally confirm or deny this opinion, but personal observations of doctors allow to assume the relationship between the decrease in testosterone concentration with the following chronic ailments:

  1. Osteoporosis,
  2. depression,
  3. diabetes,
  4. obesity,
  5. cardiovascular pathology.

It is precisely known that it is not possible to prescribe synthetic analogs of this substance to patients with prostate cancer or prostate adenoma. They significantly increase the growth of malignant cells and lead to the progression of the disease.

Patients who noticed characteristic manifestations of deficiency of an important hormone followed by its adequate therapy, noted in 90% of cases a significant improvement in sexual activity and normalization of general well-being. This confirms the need for timely diagnosis and treatment of the problem. Now there are many active clinical studies that are designed to improve the understanding of scientists of all aspects of this issue.

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