Skin Treatment

What frees did freckles in Russia: the best folk recipes

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The majority of the population of Russia was made up of people of Slavic nationality and appearance. This type has a thin light skin, which with prolonged exposure to the sun was covered with freckles. And in the sun our ancestors spent a lot of time. During the spring-summer period they were engaged in field work, i.e.under the open sun. Therefore freckles were not uncommon.

What frees freckles in Russia

In Russia freckles

Girl of Slavic appearance with freckles

girl of Slavic appearance with freckles

But in addition to the solar factor there are a number of reasons for the appearance of these yellow spots on the face:

  • is a hereditary factor caused by a change in the skin cells that are responsible for the synthesis of melanin. The appearance of freckles is associated with a lack of this substance, which is observed mainly in people of the Slavic type of appearance( light skin, blond or red hair, sulfur and blue eyes);
  • hormonal failure in the body;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder;
  • stress;
  • vitamin deficiency.
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Freckles can appear due to diseases or hormonal failures

Freckles can appear due to diseases or hormonal failures

Content of material

  • 1 Prevention of freckles appearance
  • 2 Methods of fighting freckles in Russia
  • 3 Freckles in children
  • 4 Age freckles
    • 4.1 Video - How to get rid of freckles?

Preventing the appearance of freckles

In Russia, of course, there were no salon procedures that modern beauties can take advantage of. Therefore, the girls tried to protect their skin in advance. And resorted to various preventive measures:

  • tried not to appear in the sun during its greatest activity from 11 to 16 hours;
    Girls tried to avoid the scorching sun

    Girls tried to avoid the scorching sun

  • becausethe execution of the first point was not always possible because the girls were working in the fields, they covered their faces with handkerchiefs or special transparent mesh, they put on clothes with long sleeves, becausefreckles appear not only on the face, but also on the back, shoulders, hands;
    Clothing with long sleeves protected from the appearance of freckles on the body

    Clothing with long sleeves protected against the appearance of freckles on the body

  • due to the lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in the spring, the diet included sauerkraut, rich in vitamin C, wet cranberries - a storehouse of nutrients and trace elements, dairy products to make up for the lack of vitaminsin the body, which is one of the reasons for the appearance of freckles.


    Wet cranberries

    Wax cranberry

Methods of fighting freckles in Russia

  1. Sour cream and sour-milk products of , of which masks and lotions were made. Fresh sour cream or kefir was applied abundantly on the face, left for 10-15 minutes and washed off with water. Such masks have a whitening and cooling effect.
    Dairy products

    Sour-milk products

    Mask of sour cream

    Mask from sour cream

  2. Cucumber .Made of masks, tinctures, lotions. Means of cucumber moisturize, nourish and lighten the skin. To make a mask it's enough just to cut the cucumber with mugs and put on a cleaned face.
    Cucumber mask

    Cucumber mask

  3. Honey Known for its healing and regenerative properties. You can mix honey with milk and apply the mixture to your face. Also on the basis of honey, a lotion was made, for which honey was mixed with a decoction of herbs. The resulting infusion was stored in a dark place.
    Honey and milk are the ingredients of whitening masks and lotions

    Honey and milk are the ingredients of whitening masks and lotions

  4. Eggs .You can use both yolk and protein. In addition to whitening properties, the eggs soften the coarsened skin, nourish and smooth it.
    Mask from egg for face

    Facial Mask

  5. Decoction of parsley was used to rub the face. By the way, now the parsley extract is a part of many modern lotions and tonics.
    Decoction of parsley

    Decoction of parsley

  6. Cabbage leaves of , which were simply applied to the face. In the spring period, sauerkraut cope with this task.
    Cabbage leaves

    Cabbage leaves

    Cabbage Mask

    Cabbage mask

When using all masks, it is worth remembering one important rule. To apply them it is necessary only for the night. Do not in any way before going out.

Freckles in children

Freckles in children

Freckles in children

In children, freckles appear mainly at the age of three to six years. And, if a modern mother this fact can cause fear, then in Russia about such children said that they "kissed the sun."Special procedures for the removal of freckles in children were not performed.

Freckles in children usually do not exclude anything

Freckles in children usually do not lead to anything

Age freckles

Freckles can appear not only in childhood or adolescence, but also in mature enough, for example, in 45-55 years. And, if in their childhood they were not taken in any way, then after 40 of them they tried to get rid of them.

Age freckles

Age freckles

Despite the fact that medicine in Russia has not yet reached a high level, already then understood the seriousness and even the danger of freckles in adulthood. Therefore, in addition to cosmetic masks, they used special infusions and decoctions of herbs. Many recipes were known only to doctors and healers. But some recipes have reached to our times.

  1. Bearberry leaves and licorice root are mixed in equal proportions, filled with boiling water, filtered and infused for several days in a dark place.
    Bearberry Leaves

    Bearberry leaves

    Liquorice root

    Licorice root

  2. Birch leaves, chamomile flowers and aloe leaves .Fill with water, boil for 10-15 minutes. The resulting broth is stored in a dark place. They can wipe not only the face, but also rinse the whole body after water and bath procedures. It strengthens the skin, gives an easy tan effect, but the background of which freckles become less noticeable.
    Birch leaves

    Birch leaves

    Chamomile flowers

    Chamomile flowers

    Juicy leaves of aloe have a unique healing composition

    Juicy aloe leaves have a unique curative composition

  3. Juice of horseradish .Sliced ​​horseradish was chopped and pounded in a mortar until juice was obtained. The resulting juice was diluted with water and rubbed face, left for 5-10 minutes, then rinsed with water. This tool can be attributed to some ancient Russian peelings. Due to the mustard oil included in its composition, horseradish has a strong exfoliating property. And its constituent vitamins PP and E are known for their rejuvenating and restoring properties. The tool was very popular in Russia. But when using it, modern beauties should watch for allergic reactions. And first check it for individual portability.


  4. Juice celandine , which since ancient times have been removed warts and corns. But to remove freckles celandine is used not in pure form, but diluted with water. Otherwise, you risk getting a skin burn.
    Pharmacy juice celandine

    Pharmaceutical juice of celandine

  5. Decoction of dill and ivy .Used as lotions.
    Ivy medicinal

    Ivy medicinal



All decoctions and herbal tinctures should be stored in a dark glass container in a cool place where sunlight can not be accessed. For greater effectiveness, infusions were made on alcohol. Water solutions are stored no more than 4-5 days, alcohol - 10-12 days.

Many beauties, in pursuit of snow-white skin, used dangerous and poisonous plants, such as leaves of castor oil, rhizome of aronica, etc. But these plants are very poisonous and can penetrate the skin through the skin. Using them inside is strictly prohibited!

Method Efficacy Contraindications
Preventive measures

Preventive measures

It's not for nothing that they say prevention is the best treatment. Preventive measures can become one of the most effective in the fight against freckles. In Russia they always knew about it and remembered it. Therefore, long sleeves, skirts and scarves were one of the preventive measures. This method has no contraindications.
Masks from fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products

Masks from fruit, vegetables, fermented milk products

Have an average efficiency. In the fight against mild pigmentation may well help. But you need to use them regularly. And only for the night. It is worth checking the mask for individual portability. Becausesome components can cause allergic reactions.
Herbal medicinal herbs

Herbal decoctions

This method was considered one of the most effective in Russia. Recipes of infusions were passed from generation to generation and the secret of their preparation was carefully kept. This method has the largest number of contraindications. Do not use little-known or poisonous plants.this can lead to the poisoning of the whole body, due to the strong intoxication of poisonous grasses. And, like any broth cooked at home, it should be checked for individual tolerability.

Our ancestors knew many ways to fight freckles. Many highly effective recipes that have been tested for more than one century can be used by modern girls who choose accessibility, naturalness and efficiency in skin care!

Video - How to get rid of freckles?

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