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Lizobact for sore throat. Reviews, use in an adult, children, during pregnancy

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Lizobact is an antiseptic medication, which is often used for sore throat in adults and children. Reviews about the action of the remedy are predominantly positive, which is associated with a relatively safe composition and a pronounced effect.

Despite this, not every patient is allowed to use the remedy without preliminary examination and identification of the cause of the pain, as well as the degree of neglect of the condition.

Record content:

  • 1 Terms of dispensing from pharmacies, drug price
  • 2 Composition, release form
  • 3 Operating principle
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications and side effects
  • 6 Precautionary measures
  • 7 Instructions for use
  • 8 How to take during pregnancy
    • 8.1 1 trimester
    • 8.2 2 trimester
    • 8.3 3 trimester
  • 9 Children from one year and older
  • 10 Some analogues
  • 11 Video about Lizobact

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies, drug price

The drug is currently dispensed in different pharmacies in different regions without a prescription from a doctor, which facilitates the acquisition, but is not considered a reason for independent uncontrolled use of the medicine.

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The cost of the medication is approximately 160-230 rubles. depending on the region of distribution.

Composition, release form

The drug is available for purchase by patients in the form of small lozenge tablets. They are white, round in shape, packaged in foil plastic plates, 10 pieces each.

In a small cardboard box, there are usually 3 plates with tablets and detailed instructions describing the nuances of using the medication and possible complications if the recommendations are violated. The drug contains lysozyme and pyridoxine. These 2 components have a therapeutic effect.Lizobact for sore throat. Feedback, application

Other substances act as auxiliary ingredients in the composition:

  • Gum.
  • Lactose.
  • Sodium saccharinate.
  • Vanillin.
  • Magnesium stearate.

Additional components are necessary to impart aroma and taste to the medicine, they do not have medicinal properties.

Operating principle

Lizobact for sore throat (reviews of the remedy are mostly positive) is considered a fairly effective remedy. Its principle of action is based on the effect of active ingredients on the tissues of the throat and mouth.

The tool has pronounced local antiseptic properties due to the presence of lysozyme in the composition of the active substance. The component not only destroys various bacteria, but also increases local defenses, which has a beneficial effect on the condition, helps to shorten the recovery period.

The substance stimulates the process of tissue repair, and also improves the general condition, which prevents the development of complications from the nervous system and other internal organs. The presence of pyridoxine in the composition enhances the activity of the drug and increases its effectiveness.

The drug also has other properties:

  • Creates a protective film on the mucous membranes, which destroys microbes, and also prevents their rapid multiplication and spread to healthy areas.
  • Eliminates sore throat, which allows the patient to eat and drink normally during the recovery period.
  • Improves the condition of tissues by stimulating the processes of their recovery. With proper use, the drug somewhat shortens the recovery period if it is prescribed in the initial stages.
  • Promotes the normalization of the microflora of the oral cavity.
  • Prevents the development of aphthous stomatitis, which develops as a result of a weakening of general and local immunity.
  • Helps eliminate edema, which is often present with the development of an inflammatory disease of the throat or oral mucosa.
  • Pyridoxine further improves the state of the central nervous system when it enters the systemic circulation after dissolving in the oral cavity.

The product is intended for absorption in the oral cavity, therefore, the main therapeutic effect is carried out precisely in the area of ​​the lesion, that is, on the mucous membrane of the throat and oral cavity.

Despite this, a sufficient amount of active components enters the systemic circulation, as it is absorbed in the digestive tract. With prolonged use, there is a concentration of components in muscle tissues, central nervous system, liver and other internal organs.

The agent is processed in the liver, after which its active components are evacuated from the body with the help of the kidneys. In case of violations of the kidneys and the digestive tract, a slowdown in the absorption of the components of the composition in the body is noted. This does not affect the therapeutic effect in the throat and oral cavity.

Indications for use

Lizobact is prescribed not only for sore throat, but also for other conditions.

Reviews of the tool confirm its effectiveness in various diseases:

  • Stomatitis in acute and chronic form, accompanied by various disorders and the formation of ulcerations on the oral mucosa. In this case, the process of eating is disrupted and the patient needs help.
  • Pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis at different stages of development. In an acute course, the agent can be used as part of a complex treatment; in a chronic course of the condition, it can be used as the only method of therapy.
  • Aphthous form of stomatitis, accompanied by the appearance on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of small foci covered with a white bloom. At the same time, tissue nutrition is disrupted, which can provoke the spread of foci to large areas, the upper palate, and the throat.
  • Severe sore throat, in which purulent foci and acute signs of inflammation appear.Lizobact for sore throat. Feedback, application

The drug can be used as part of the complex treatment of gingivitis, cheilitis and herpetic lesions of the mucous membranes of the throat or oral cavity. The medicine can be prescribed during the recovery period after the procedure for removing the tonsils.

Contraindications and side effects

The tool is strictly forbidden to use when detecting acute or subacute intolerance to the components of the composition, as well as a tendency to such manifestations in the patient's history.

Other barriers to treatment include:

  • The presence of large purulent foci in the oral cavity or on the mucous membrane of the throat.
  • Diagnosing a lactase deficiency is also considered a barrier to medication.
  • The age of patients is up to 3 years.
  • Acute internal bleeding that occurs when the mucous membranes of the digestive tract are damaged. In this case, there is an aggravation of the general condition, and the pills can provoke complications if they enter the stomach.
  • Impaired swallowing function, in which, during resorption, the tablet can enter the patient's respiratory tract.
  • Acute renal failure, in which the functioning of the organ and the process of removing the components of the composition from the body is disrupted.
  • Severe stage of liver failure.

The drug can provoke complications if the instructions are violated, especially in the case when patients have a history of pathologies of the internal organs of a chronic form.

Lizobact for sore throat (drug reviews are usually left by patients who took it in courses) is considered a fairly effective drug. But this is considered a reason for its uncontrolled use.

Failure to comply with the rules will certainly provoke complications that can affect internal organs and systems. Disorders do not always affect only the mucous membranes in the area of ​​application, they often disrupt the general condition.Lizobact for sore throat. Feedback, application

Damage area Frequent complications of therapy
Nervous system From the side of the nervous system, disorders do not appear as an independent disorder. They usually occur with the progression of local negative manifestations. At the same time, patients may experience headache and severe weakness, fatigue and sleep disturbance. Such disorders lead to a decrease in performance and a deterioration in mental activity. With prolonged persistence of symptoms, the development of a depressive state, apathy and other disorders is possible.
Respiratory system Respiratory disorders can occur against the background of aggravated pathologies of the respiratory system, if patients suffer from chronic forms of disorders. The condition is accompanied by shortness of breath, lack of air. In this case, symptoms can manifest themselves during exercise and at rest.
Digestive organs On the part of the digestive tract, disorders are often manifested, especially in patients who suffer from chronic diseases of the digestive system. Patients most often report pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, upset stools, and intense thirst. Often, the patient develops dehydration against the background of frequent vomiting and stool disorder, therefore, if such complications appear, it is worth refusing to use the medication to consult a doctor.
Mucous membranes and skin During treatment, mucous membranes suffer quite often if patients develop an allergic reaction to the components of the composition. In this case, there is swelling, redness of tissues, pain when eating food and liquids. The skin can be affected with the progression of an allergic reaction, when a rash appears on the face, itching and irritation join, and peeling. Gradually, the foci spread to the limbs, trunk. At the same time, other reactions are aggravated. In severe allergies, acute urticaria may develop.
Lizobact for sore throat. Feedback, application
Lizobact for sore throat

The severity of complications may differ in different patients, depending on the regimen of use and the duration of the therapeutic course. The drug usually does not provoke an overdose, but if taken for a long time in large quantities, it can lead to similar violations.

In this case, all negative symptoms are aggravated, which can lead to a deterioration in the general condition, as well as the development of other complications. Most often, with the development of an overdose, patients show signs of Quincke's edema.

In this case, there is a pronounced swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat and oral cavity, which leads to a violation of the passage of air to the lungs. As a result, oxygen starvation of tissues develops, as well as suffocation.

If left untreated for a short period of time, the risk of death increases. That is why, when symptoms appear, it is worth stopping use immediately and seeking help from a doctor.

In a hospital setting, specialists prescribe enterosorbents, antihistamines, as well as special solutions to restore the water balance in the body. This will allow you to quickly eliminate acute symptoms and normalize the condition.

Precautionary measures

When using the drug for children, it is worth giving the tablets only under the supervision of adults in order to eliminate the risk of getting the medicine into the respiratory tract. During the period of therapy, you should not use other drugs that have similar therapeutic properties. This can lead to the development of complications.Lizobact for sore throat. Feedback, application

The best effect is achieved by prescribing a topical medication in combination with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medications. If you need to use the product in combination with other medicines, it is important to consult your doctor first.

During the period of treatment, spontaneous prolongation of the course or an increase in the daily dosage is not allowed. Any negative reactions are considered a reason for contacting a doctor and refusing to use the medication.

Instructions for use

The standard regimen for the use of the medication involves the resorption of the tablets to the oral cavity until they are completely dissolved after a preliminary examination by a doctor and identifying the degree of neglect of the condition.

The patient dissolves 1 tablet per day no more than 4 times. Sometimes the remedy can be used 1 tablet 5 times a day. The duration of use depends on the patient's condition, but usually 5-8 days is enough. A repeated course is allowed to be carried out 1-3 months after the break, but only as directed by a doctor.

Do not exceed the daily dosage, as well as the duration of the course, even in the absence of a pronounced therapeutic effect. When taking the pill, it is necessary to dissolve slowly, you can not chew it or swallow it whole. This will reduce the effectiveness of therapy to a minimum.

When using the drug, it is important not to eat food and liquids 20 minutes before and 20-30 minutes after the tablet is resorbed. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the treatment is significantly reduced.

How to take during pregnancy

Lizobact for sore throat (reviews of the remedy may be negative if the patient is allergic to the components of the composition) can be prescribed to pregnant patients. Despite this, it is important to exclude the risk of complications.

1 trimester

In the 1st trimester, the agent is not recommended to be used, since at this stage the organs and system of the fetus are formed. The drug acts mildly, but even at the initial stages, it can provoke complications.Lizobact for sore throat. Feedback, application

If an urgent need arises, it is allowed to use in short courses of 4-5 days with taking the drug 2 times a day, 1 tablet. If there is no effect, it is not worth continuing the treatment. In this case, the doctor prescribes other means.

2 trimester

At this period of gestation, the medicine is used according to the standard scheme, that is, in courses of 8 days with the use of 1 tablet 4 times a day.

The product dissolves in the oral cavity, which allows you to get the maximum therapeutic effect. If complications arise, the patient should immediately consult a doctor.

3 trimester

In the later stages of bearing a child, the drug is also used according to the standard therapeutic regimen, 4 tablets per day for 8 days.

However, at this stage, it is important to first visit a doctor who will determine the appropriateness of the application and eliminate the risk of treatment. If the patient's throat pathology symptoms disappear after 3-4 days, it is allowed to discontinue use. The decision to cancel is made by the doctor based on the diagnostic data.

Children from one year and older

For patients under 3 years of age, the drug is not prescribed, therefore, it cannot be used to treat children over 1 year old. For patients from 3 years of age, a special medication marked 3+ is issued.

The daily dosage for patients from 3 to 7 years old is 3 tablets, which should be absorbed at regular intervals. The duration of the course in the treatment of patients is no more than 7 days.

When treating patients from 7 to 12 years old, a standard scheme is used, which involves taking pills for 7 days, 3-4 pieces per day. Usually, 3 tablets are enough for such patients, but in severe cases of violation, the dosage may be increased.Lizobact for sore throat. Feedback, application

When treating children under 5 years old, it is important to carefully monitor the intake of the pill, which will eliminate complications if the instructions are violated. It is categorically contraindicated to use the drug for the treatment of children without first visiting a doctor.

Some analogues

The tool has many analogues that have the same therapeutic properties.

Most popular substitutes:

  • Septefril is considered the most affordable analogue, since its price is 30-40 rubles. for 10 tablets. The drug has pronounced therapeutic properties, helps to destroy pathogenic bacteria, helps to eliminate inflammation and other manifestations of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Grammidin possesses antibacterial properties and is considered the most effective analogue. It costs about 200-300 rubles. depending on the amount of the product in the package, it is available in the form of lozenges. The drug is prescribed in short courses and is considered very effective, contains gramicidin in the composition.

There are other analogs that can be used to treat throat pathologies. But each remedy has its own contraindications, so you should not choose a substitute yourself.

Lizobact is considered an effective remedy for sore throat, it is prescribed for children from 3 years old and for adult patients. Reviews about the action of the drug are mostly positive, which proves its action and relative safety.

Video about Lizobact

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