Types Of Diseases

Why do testes differ?

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  • Sexual glands
  • What causes the
  • magnitude? Additional causes of changes in the testes

Eggs of different sizes in men always. The difference is not very noticeable. Representatives of the stronger sex are attentive to the genitals. Various changes in the testicles, which occurred sharply, are cause for concern. The cause of the pathology should be clarified by a specialist.

At the medical consultation

Sex glands

Testicles are the male male gland. They produce sex cells and testosterone. There are glands in the scrotum. They are attached to the spermatic cord. From each testicle, the artery that regulates the blood flow in the scrotum leaves. The size of the gland is different. The norm in medicine is the weight of one testicle from 10 to 30 g. Height and width norms are not strictly regulated, because it depends on the individual physiological characteristics of the structure of the man. Width varies from 2 to 4 cm, height - from 4 to 6 cm.

The glands have a small difference in size, since asymmetry is present throughout the human body. One testicle is slightly lower than the other. Scientists have revealed a regularity between the size of the glands and the arm, which is the main one. If the man is left-handed, then the left gland will be bigger and vice versa.

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What causes the magnitude of

? The patient can independently detect a sharp change in the shape and size of the glands. To do this, you need to thoroughly probe the scrotum. If any changes are noticed, it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist.

Ultrasound There are a number of pathologies that affect the size of the gonads:

  • Epididymitis of the organ;
  • Orchitis;
  • Varicocele;
  • Torsion of spermatic cord;
  • .

The reasons for the development of these pathologies are different. The presence of the disease can be detected only by a specialist. Ignore a noticeable difference between the testes does not follow, as the cause may be a serious illness.


The disease develops against the background of infection of the body with influenza or angina. Inflammatory process passes to the appendages of testes and causes their increase. If epididymitis occurs on one appendage, then only one gland will increase.

Sign of the disease is a strong pulling pain in the inguinal zone. In severe lesions, the patient may develop redness and swelling of the scrotum. Men suffering from epididymitis are advised to comply with strict bed rest. Do not go to baths, saunas or swimming pools, as a drop in temperature can aggravate the problem.

Treatment should be timely. The patient is prescribed antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment can last 5-10 days. For the duration of therapy, a man must follow a special diet. It is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking and sharp spices. If therapeutic help is not rendered on time, infertility may develop.


This pathology occurs with inflammation of the testis. The patient can pay attention to the appearance of minor pain in one of the testicles. After 10 or less days, the skin of the scrotum is smoothed, and redness appears on it. This is the cause of enlargement of the gland. In acute form of orchitis, a man's body temperature rises, chills occur, and diarrhea rarely appears.

Orchitis should be treated in a hospital setting in order to avoid the occurrence of side effects. In severe cases, the patient needs surgical intervention. Orchitis can lead to impotence and infertility.

Treatment of pathology is carried out with the help of antibiotics and immunomodulators. A man is assigned to wear a special supporting bandage for the damaged gland. After removing the acute stage of the disease, the patient must undergo a course of physiotherapy to improve the trophism of the scrotum tissues.


Signs of varicocele The disease affects one of the veins that carries blood to the testes. In the venous duct, there may appear a seal or a spike for two main reasons:

  • Internal causes;
  • External.

Internal causes include various diseases, transitional age in boys and hormonal failure. External causes include various trauma to the groin area, decreased physical activity, malnutrition.

Varicocele can be either congenital or acquired. Disturbance in the structure of venous valves and walls can occur during intrauterine development. Pathology is established at birth and is surgically removed. If the disease has developed for other reasons, the treatment is prescribed depending on the severity of the pathology and the area of ​​the lesion.

After the treatment, the pathology can return. For prevention, a man must follow various rules. It is especially important to lead an active lifestyle and give up drinking alcohol.

Torsion of the spermatic cord

This ailment can lead to the loss of one of the testes. The causes of this disease have not been identified yet. The process of twisting does not depend on the physical activity of a man or from injuries. Specialists noted that the torsion of the cord occurs in most patients at night. At this time, many men sleep and are at rest.

Pathology must be eliminated within 24 hours, as the process adversely affects the condition of the gland. Torsion occurs between the spermatic cord and the vein. If the patient does not receive medical care within 24 hours, the testicles die. I have to remove the iron.

Treatment of the disease is performed only surgically.


Vodianka is a common name for pathology. In medicine, the disease is called hydrocele.

Signs of hydrocele Dropsy occurs against a background of various inflammatory processes or injuries. The patient notes a significant increase in the scrotum from one or two sides. The tissues strongly stretch and swell. When palpating the scrotum, the doctor can feel the testicles.

The hydrocele is common in newborns. The cause of dropsy may be an intrauterine trauma to the groin. Treatment in the early stages has a quick visible effect. In adults, the hydrocele is only removed by surgery.

Additional causes of changes in testes

There are many different causes that also affect the size of the testicles. They are innate. To such reasons the following pathologies of development concern:

  • Hypoplasia of testes;
  • Anorhism of the testicles;
  • Cryptorchidism.

Hypoplasia is a significant decrease in testicles in men. Pathology is revealed in adolescence. Boys do not show secondary sexual characteristics. The glands do not cope with the basic functions and do not produce the required amount of testosterone. Such young people develop according to the eunuchous type. Pathology can be cured only in some cases. Additional hormone supplementation helps to increase the number of glands and gain the required volume.

Anorhism is a rare disease that does not respond to treatment. At boys at a birth the full absence of both testicles is found out. In rare cases, the testes do not descend into the scrotum. Such patients need a constant intake of hormonal drugs. If the medication is stopped, the male symptoms disappear.

A man should be attentive to the state of the reproductive system. A monthly scrotal examination is necessary. If there are changes in the glands, the patient should consult a doctor.

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