Reference Drugs

Allergy injections for adults, children of a new generation, non-hormonal long-acting: Dexamethasone, Ruzam, Diprospan, Prednisolone, Suprastin

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To combat allergies in adults and children, not only pills are used in medicine, but also drugs of plorongated action. The effect of the injections is much better, since the drug immediately enters the bloodstream and after a few minutes the person is relieved.

The tablets take much longer to first dissolve in the stomach, then enter the intestines, and only then into the blood.

Record content:

  • 1 Classification of allergy injections
    • 1.1 Long-acting injections
    • 1.2 Fast acting injections
  • 2 Types of drugs
    • 2.1 Hormonal group
    • 2.2 Non-hormonal group
  • 3 What is a hot shot?
  • 4 What stings an ambulance for allergies?
  • 5 Indications and contraindications for the appointment of allergy injections
  • 6 Review of ampoule medicines for allergy shots
    • 6.1 Hormonal drugs
    • 6.2 Long-acting non-hormonal drugs
    • 6.3 New generation drugs for children
    • 6.4 Preparations for pregnant women
  • 7 Consequences of long-term treatment with injections
  • 8 Could there be an allergy to the injection itself?
  • 9 Allergy Medication Videos

Classification of allergy injections

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There are several options for allergy shots. Injections differ in the principle of action, active substance and other characteristics.

Long-acting injections

Such injections are actively gaining popularity. This method of treatment is called ASIT, that is, allergen-specific immunotherapy. The principle of this method is that the body begins to slowly get used to the irritant, and over time it more and more weakens the attacks of allergies.

However, it will take years to completely get rid of the disease, but the chances of recovery are quite high.

Injections of this type last for about 1 year. During this time, the patient does not experience any inconvenience and lives his usual life. But the duration of the effect depends on many factors, including the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Therefore, it sometimes happens that the effect lasts for several months.

ASIT injections are recommended for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis.

Among the main advantages of such therapy, the following should be highlighted:

  • In the process of taking the body there is a prophylactic effect. That is, the allergy will not become more intense every year.
  • The period of remission after each injection increases.
  • The drugs used are applicable for complex forms of allergies.
  • The body needs less anti-allergenic drugs.
    Allergy injections for adults, children of a new generation, non-hormonal long-acting
    ASIT therapy - allergy injections for adults, which will help the body to stop responding to allergens

The principle of action of long-acting injections is based on the fact that a small amount of an allergen is introduced into the patient's body. However, this amount of irritant is not enough to provoke an attack. Gradually, the dosage of the allergen increases, thereby strengthening the immunity against it.

Allergists recommend starting such therapeutic measures as early as possible, then the chances of a complete and faster cure increase. This method is effective in 75% of cases.

There are 2 schemes of ASIT treatment: accelerated and classical. In the first case, injections should be done three times a day for 2-3 weeks. The classic version implies a longer course.

Fast acting injections

Allergy injections (for adults it is easier to endure procedures) of short exposure are used to relieve severe allergic attacks. Such drugs are not used for long-term treatment, they are only suitable for a one-time rare use in particularly difficult situations where a person may suffocate or be hurt by others consequences.

Medicines of this type have a stronger sedative effect. They are contraindicated during pregnancy or if a woman is breastfeeding.

Types of drugs

Protivallergic injections come in three categories depending on their generation.Allergy injections for adults, children of a new generation, non-hormonal long-acting

Generation Drug name

How does it work

I Demidrol, Diazopin, and Suprastin Differs in a short period of validity. The drugs of this generation have a sedative effect on the human body. With their longer use, the load on the cardiovascular system increases.
II Loratadin, Ebastin If you accurately follow a certain dosage, then the body will have a sedative effect without stress on the cardiovascular system. Long-term treatment is allowed, but the result of such drugs is short-lived (the effect lasts about a day).
III Ruzam and Tsityrizin New generation drugs are active metabolites of previous generations.

Doctors give more preference to new generation drugs. This is due not only to a longer preservation of the effect, but also to specific medicinal components that can eliminate the so-called allergic status.

Means of this type are able to improve the state of the immune system and develop a persistent reaction to an irritant. Category III drugs are involved in the synthesis of components that can reduce the intensity of symptoms.

Allergy shots (for adults and children, they help get rid of 90% of symptoms) can reduce the susceptibility of the human body to most of the known allergens (insect venom, pollen, medicines, etc.).

Among the disadvantages of treatment through direct administration of the drug, one can single out the long term of therapy and the risk of an unpredictable response from the immune system. This rarely happens.

Some patients may develop a complication. But this usually happens if a person has not passed the appropriate examination or even independently determined the dosage and type of drug. Also, some groups of drugs have contraindications and a fairly extensive list of side effects.

Hormonal group

Drugs in this group are used if other methods of therapy have proved to be ineffective. With hormonal injections, drugs are used that contain corticosteroids. They are synthetic analogues of natural substances that the adrenal glands normally produce.Allergy injections for adults, children of a new generation, non-hormonal long-acting

Substances of this type have a strong anti-shock effect. This allows you to quickly relieve swelling, lower blood pressure and stop other signs of severe allergies.

Non-hormonal group

This group includes several types of drugs at once. The broadest category is desensitizing drugs.

These include:

  • Calcium gluconate. This drug helps to reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, reduce swelling. Also, calcium gluconate is able to enhance the effectiveness of drugs that belong to the antihistamine group. Typically, this drug is prescribed to treat allergic dermatitis. The advantage of this remedy is that it can be used while carrying a child, as well as in the process of taking Suprastin at the same time.
  • Calcium chloride. This drug is able to relieve allergic rashes, itching, swelling. Also, this substance restores the lack of calcium in the blood.
  • Sodium bromide. Has a similar effect with calcium chloride.

The non-hormonal group of drugs also includes sorbents. These are substances that eliminate an allergic reaction in a shorter time.

At the same time, sorbents contribute to the elimination of toxins and other toxic substances from the body, which can be formed during inflammation. Sorbents are also effective if a person suffers from a strong reaction to medications.

Saline solution, Reosorblact or sodium thiosulfate are used as sorbents. However, these drugs are more often used only as adjunctive therapy.

The next category of non-hormonal agents is antihistamines. This is the largest group of substances used against allergies. This group contains funds from all generations.

Injections using non-hormonal agents are most effective for primary manifestations of allergies. The rest of the time, only some of the symptoms are relieved. Therefore, after the emergency administration of such drugs, it is necessary to continue therapy with the use of other means.

If the allergy is mild, then the doctor can prescribe such drugs on an ongoing basis, if they belong to a new generation of medicines. However, even in this case, the course of treatment will last about a year.

What is a hot shot?

Allergy shots that relieve the condition of adults and children can affect a person in different ways. For the production of a hot shot, calcium gluconate and calcium chloride are used. Such treatment provokes a feeling of heat. The composition of these drugs contains salts that provoke vasodilation.

Allergy injections for adults, children of a new generation, non-hormonal long-actingAllergy injections for adults, children of a new generation, non-hormonal long-acting

Substances of this type can only be administered intravenously. If an intramuscular injection is made in the buttock, it can lead to tissue necrosis as soon as the active substances enter the skin.

What stings an ambulance for allergies?

The specific drug in this case is determined depending on the allergic reaction. For example, with skin manifestations, antihistamines of the 1st generation are usually sufficient (Chloropyramine, 1-2 ampoules injected intravenously).

In case of general malaise or swelling of the upper respiratory tract and in case of breathing problems, an extended list of drugs is required. At the same time, an antihistamine and a hormonal agent can be administered to the patient (Prednisolone is often used).

If the patient has anaphylactic shock, then antishock agents are administered intravenously.

The patient may need instrumental treatment: intubation followed by ventilation of the lungs, catheterization, or heart rate monitoring.

Indications and contraindications for the appointment of allergy injections

Allergy shots (adults and children can be prescribed the same remedies) can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Such therapeutic measures are used for:

  • an acute allergic reaction in the form of an attack;
  • a large number of insect bites, when there is a risk that too much poison can enter the body;
  • predisposition to exacerbations of allergies;
  • pathologies, during the treatment of which an acute reaction may occur;
  • severe swelling of the lungs and other respiratory organs.Allergy injections for adults, children of a new generation, non-hormonal long-acting

Antihistamine preparations are prohibited for those who suffer from hypersensitivity. Also, they are not recommended if a person suffers from severe attacks of bronchial asthma. Such drugs are contraindicated in children, lactating women and pregnant women.

Hormonal agents should not be taken by those diagnosed with generalized mycosis. Also, drugs in this group adversely affect health in case of hypertensive eye lesions or after myocardial infarction. Such substances should not be given to young children.

Only on the recommendation of a doctor, hormonal substances can be used in case of immunodeficiency, pathologies of the endocrine or digestive system.

Review of ampoule medicines for allergy shots

Allergy medications can come from many different categories. Each product has its own properties.

Hormonal drugs

The principle of action of hormonal drugs against allergies is extremely simple. Such drugs activate special processes that begin to develop actively after the interaction of the drug itself with the receptors of DNA cells. This has a positive effect on changes in the protein balance in the human body, that is, the synthesis of allergy mediators is reduced.

The most popular remedies of this type are:

  • Diprospan. This drug belongs to the category of long-acting drugs. The active ingredient is betamethasone. The results are visible after the first application of the product. This solution is administered exclusively intramuscularly. After that, the active substance begins to be slowly absorbed into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. The peak of the action of the remedy occurs at 2-3 weeks of treatment. The active substance lasts for two weeks. In addition, this type of agent is used in case of severe attacks, since Diprospan begins to affect the body very quickly. This drug is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women or children. The dosage of the agent, as well as the method of administration of the agent, is determined depending on the stage of the pathology. With systemic use, usually 1-2 ml of the drug is prescribed.Allergy injections for adults, children of a new generation, non-hormonal long-acting
  • Prednisolone. The active ingredient in this drug is prednisone without any additives. This is a popular hormonal group drug that is able to suppress inflammatory processes in the human body. The effect is almost immediate. However, Prednisolone is contraindicated for those who suffer from gastritis, gastric ulcer, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. The doctor may exclude this drug for some pathologies of the cardiovascular system. This is due to the fact that Prednisolone has side effects in the form of increased acidity in the stomach, surges in blood pressure. With prolonged use of the drug in some patients, the protective functions of the body decrease, and they become more vulnerable to infectious diseases.
  • Dexamethasone. It is a potent dexamethasone phosphate based remedy. As a rule, it is used in the event of an attack of anaphylactic shock, angioedema and other dangerous allergic conditions. Dexamethasone should not be taken with other medicines. If the agent is administered intravenously by a jet or drip method (in case of an acute or urgent condition), then 4-20 mg is usually required 3-4 times a day. The duration of such treatment is usually several days. Thereafter, the dosage is reduced and doctors prescribe a maintenance dose. In the case of an acute period against a background of various pathologies, an increase in the standard dose is allowed.
  • Hydrocortisone. A preparation based on hydrocortisone acetate can also be used in case of an acute allergic reaction. The dosage is selected individually. As a rule, in the case of a complex attack, the patient is first given 100 mg of the drug in 30 seconds. In the next 10 minutes, a person should receive another 500 mg of the active ingredient. This procedure is repeated after 2-6 hours until the person feels better.
    Allergy injections for adults, children of a new generation, non-hormonal long-acting
    Hydrocortisone ampoules

    The subsequent use of the drug depends on the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. Higher doses are used only if an urgent need to stabilize the condition. In this case, the administration of the drug should not last more than 72 hours. This substance is contraindicated in pregnancy and has side effects.

Long-acting non-hormonal drugs

Allergy injections for adults and children are prescribed only by a doctor. Even if these are non-hormonal drugs, it is necessary to determine the acceptable amount of the active ingredient.

Among the most popular non-hormonal drugs, it is worth highlighting:

  • Diphenhydramine. Allows you to effectively relieve itching, inflammation, tearing and other allergy symptoms. Suitable for mild forms of the disease, as well as at the time of exacerbation. The product is prohibited for pregnant women and children under 5 years of age. Also, Diphenhydramine should not be taken for glaucoma, alcoholism and problems with the digestive system.
    Allergy injections for adults, children of a new generation, non-hormonal long-acting
    Diphenhydramine in ampoules
  • Ruzam. The preparation for subcutaneous administration is suitable for adults and children over the age of 6 years. In the first case, the dosage is 0.2 ml 1 time in 7 days. If we are talking about children, then it is halved. The course of treatment is usually less than 10 weeks. The drug should not be taken during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

New generation drugs for children

If we talk about injections, then the same drugs are used for children as for adults. The only difference is the dosage, which is significantly reduced. Most drugs can be administered to children over 3-6 years of age.

If the child is younger, then in this case, funds are used not for subcutaneous or intravenous administration, but drops, tablets, syrups and other forms of drugs. The main components of the drugs should have a weaker effect.

For children, new generation non-hormonal drugs are usually used:

  • Fenistil. The main component of this drug is dimethindene maleate. The drug is sold in the form of tablets, drops. It can be taken by adults and children from the age of 1 month. The dosage of the drug is calculated from 100 μg of the substance per 1 kg of the child's body weight. Children under the age of 12 and adults are allowed to take 60-120 drops per day, but you must definitely divide this dose into 3 doses.
  • Zyrtec. Another remedy in the form of drops and tablets, which is allowed to be prescribed for children and adults. If the child is over 6 years old, but under 12 years old, then the dosage is 20 drops per day. At the age of 2-6 years, the drug can be given to the child, 5 drops twice a day. The dosage for adults is 2 times more.

Since the child is more sensitive to various substances, the drug can only be selected after tests.

Preparations for pregnant women

If a woman is pregnant, then the choice of the drug depends on the period of gestation.

For example, in the 1st trimester:Allergy injections for adults, children of a new generation, non-hormonal long-acting

  • For respiratory allergic reactions, you can take Aqua Maris, Pinosol, Salin. These are drops or sprays on a natural basis, which is mainly sea water and some plants. They are safe histamine blockers and neutralizers. The main advantage of these drugs is that they do not have any side effects, but they perfectly cleanse the nasal cavity.
  • In case of conjunctivitis, the doctor prescribes Innoxa in the form of drops. This drug allows you to get rid of the symptom of lacrimation, eliminates eye irritation and inflammation.
  • With cutaneous atopy, pregnant women can take Zinc ointment, Fizogel. These medications relieve itching. They also help cleanse the skin from peeling, dermatosis, and rashes.

If you are allergic to food, then food cleaning is required. For this, Enterosgel or activated carbon is best suited. Also, these remedies help soothe hives and get rid of skin rashes. They are absorbents that also help in the elimination of toxins.

Other drugs are acceptable in the second trimester:

  • Suprastin. It is used when various reactions of atopic type occur. Suprastin may cause drowsiness. Also, patients often complain of dry mouth. However, the drug can be taken during this period of pregnancy.
  • Diazolin. It can be prescribed for any type of allergy, does not cause drowsiness and other side effects.
    Allergy injections for adults, children of a new generation, non-hormonal long-acting
    Diazolin tablets
  • Pheniramine. The tool effectively relieves nasal congestion, inflammation of the visual organs and many other symptoms of an allergic reaction.

In difficult situations, the doctor may prescribe Dexamethasone. However, hormonal drugs are not recommended for pregnant women, as they can penetrate the placenta. This increases the risk to the fetus. But sometimes there is no choice.

At a later date, mild antihistamines are also allowed.

Consequences of long-term treatment with injections

Doctors recommend resorting to injections only if the allergic reactions are very strong and affect the person's quality of life. The drugs that are used for injections are potent, therefore, with prolonged use, they can create stress on the cardiovascular and other body systems.

When using hormonal drugs, there is a risk of complications of an infectious type. Therefore, with moderate allergies, it is recommended to use drugs in the form of tablets, drops, syrups and others.

Could there be an allergy to the injection itself?

An allergic reaction to the drug itself may occur if the doctor has not previously conducted a test for individual intolerance or if the patient bought the product himself without a prescription doctor.Allergy injections for adults, children of a new generation, non-hormonal long-acting

Also, a complication can occur if the dose of the active ingredient is too high or if the drug is expired or is completely fake.

In other cases, there should be no allergic reaction. Sometimes after the injection of the drug, swelling or redness may appear at the injection site. This is considered the norm. As a rule, this reaction stops with the subsequent use of the product. Or the doctor may prescribe another drug.

Long-term injections can also cause rashes. This suggests that the calculation of the amount of the allergen was made incorrectly and it is enough just to clarify the dosage. But even such situations are usually excluded if the treatment is carried out by a doctor.

Thus, allergy injections should be done only when urgently needed. Today there are many drugs of different groups that are suitable for adults and children. All that remains is to undergo examination and start treatment. After 1-2 years, allergy symptoms will almost completely disappear.

Allergy Medication Videos

Malysheva on allergy medications:

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