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The lack of vitamin D. Symptoms in women, pregnant women, the effects of treatment. Folk remedies, food, vitamins

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Balance of vitamins in the body - the guarantee of health and longevity. Lack of vitamin D can significantly degrade overall, especially in women. The first symptoms of scarcity and oversupply would correct the situation in time.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is the role of vitamin D
  • 2 What is the recommended norm for women calciferol
  • 3 The need for women during pregnancy
  • 4 The reasons for the deficit
  • 5 Symptoms of a lack of vitamin D
  • 6 What is dangerous deficiency
  • 7 Treatment
  • 8 Foods rich in vitamin D
  • 9 Folk remedies
  • 10 The risk of overdose
  • 11 Videos about the lack of vitamin D

What is the role of vitamin D

Vitamin D - is the high-molecular compound called calciferol.

There are 2 main subtypes of this component:

  • D2 - ergocalciferol;
  • D3 - cholecalciferol.

Ergocalciferol is produced in a natural environment, plants and fungi. Only with the food it gets into the human body. vitamin D3 the human body alone produces when exposed to ultraviolet rays. Moreover calciferol body tends to store in the liver, adipose tissue and spend it as necessary.

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Lack of vitamin D in the body. Symptoms in adult women, pregnant. What are the symptoms, consequences, treatment

In the body, vitamin is converted into a steroid hormone calcitriol. That it facilitates the absorption of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, maintaining their level in the optimum quantities. The result is that vitamin D has a serious effect on bone formation, growth and strength of the heart muscle, blood vessels, liver, and kidneys.

What is the recommended norm for women calciferol

Lack of vitamin D (symptoms in women occur in brittle hair and nails, fatigue) often occurs in autumn-winter period. To determine the amount calciferol in the body have a special blood analysis "OH 25 (D)», which resulted diagnose deficiency or excess of vitamin.

Normally, both women and men, calciferol content in the blood plasma should fall within the range of 30 to 125 nanograms per 1 ml. Values ​​below these indicate a deficiency of vitamin D, the figures above normal, say hypervitaminosis.

Lack of vitamin D in the body. Symptoms in adult women, pregnant. What are the symptoms, consequences, treatment

Number of calciferol, which must fall on a daily basis in the diet, is 15 micrograms for healthy adolescents and adults, for children up to one year - 10 micrograms. For elderly people daily rate is increased to 25 mcg.

Special attention to the content of the control of vitamin D in the body should be given:

  • children
  • people with dark skin,
  • pregnant women
  • women during breastfeeding and menopause,
  • people in middle and old age.

The need for women during pregnancy

During childbearing in women increases the need for calciferol. Most of the body's own stores of vitamin gives the fetus. If a woman will not replenish stocks daily calciferol, can develop vitamin deficiencies of vitamin D.

The consequence of the deficit can be:

  • pre-eclampsia,
  • premature birth,
  • pathology fetal skeletal formation,
  • gestational diabetes,
  • underweight newborns.

Lack of vitamin D in a pregnant woman is ascertained if calciferol content in the blood plasma falls below 30ng / ml.

Vitamins for pregnant contain insufficient amount of substance. Therefore, formulations containing vitamin D, it is recommended to take apart. The daily requirement during pregnancy is 800-1200 IU.

It is summarized as the amount of active substance in multivitamin complexes, and separate preparations to prevent overdose. It is better if the daily rate will calculate an obstetrician-gynecologist, based on the results of blood tests and ultrasound fetal screening.

The reasons for the deficit

Lack of vitamin D (symptoms in women occur in half of the population in the European part of the country) is caused by lack of sunlight in the long autumn and winter. But there are no less influential factors contributing to the development of hypovitaminosis.

Lack of vitamin D in the body. Symptoms in adult women, pregnant. What are the symptoms, consequences, treatment

The first is:

  • Liver pathology. At failures in the body, broken generation hormone calcitriol.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract and intestines. It disrupted the process of digestion and absorption.
  • Overweight. With obesity calciferol deposited in adipose tissue, reducing the amount of substances into the bloodstream.
  • Unbalanced and insufficient (exhausting diets) food.
  • Long working hours indoors.
  • Life in the industrial areas, with a permanent man-made smog.
  • Abuse of sunscreen cosmetics.

Symptoms of vitamin D in women also develop when hormonal failures: puberty, menopause, pregnancy and lactation.

Symptoms of a lack of vitamin D

Lack of vitamin D (symptoms in women are pronounced) due to the fact that the female body, in contrast to the male, more actively spends calciferol.

Lack of vitamin D in the body. Symptoms in adult women, pregnant. What are the symptoms, consequences, treatment
Lack of vitamin D have a negative effect on the body


  • dry skin, flaking on the face;
  • brittle, thinning and hair loss;
  • your skin looks older biological age, the nails become brittle, grow more slowly;
  • slow healing of cuts and wounds.

Internal features:

  • reduction or complete loss of appetite, frequent bouts of nausea;
  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • depressed nervous and mental condition, depressive syndromes, emotional instability;
  • back pain, muscle cramps;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • bowel dysfunction: diarrhea and constipation alternate.

The presence of several of these symptoms should stimulate a person to pass analysis OH 25 (D).

What is dangerous deficiency

Lack calciferol leads to disruption of calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphate metabolism.

Lack of vitamin D in the body. Symptoms in adult women, pregnant. What are the symptoms, consequences, treatment

Due to prolonged vitamin D deficiency may develop severe disease:

  1. Cardio-vascular system increases the risk of heart failure, atherosclerosis, hypertension.
  2. Musculo-skeletal system reacts increased brittleness of joints, arthritis, myopathy. Skeleton face deformity, osteomyelitis, osteoporosis and osteomalacia.
  3. immune response manifested in the reduction of the protective properties of the organism, activation of autoimmune diseases, failures in the program, until the development of cancer.


The best way to fill the lack of vitamin D is the sun. Daily sun baths for 10-15 minutes - a great prevention of vitamin deficiencies. When the cloudy season vacation falls, then it should be carried out as close as possible to the equator. 10 days on the beach to replace a couple of packages of multivitamins.

In the case of lung deficiency calciferol help make up for it a diet rich in animal food. special supplements designed for vegetarians.

Lack of vitamin D in the body. Symptoms in adult women, pregnant. What are the symptoms, consequences, treatment

In a serious deficiency of vitamin D treatment is conducted using preparations cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol. High doses of vitamin permissible only on doctor's advice, after the survey. It is important during treatment to give up drinking alcohol, limit the amount of consumed coffee and strong tea.

Foods rich in vitamin D

The leader in content of vitamin D is cod liver oil. In 100 g of vitamin D contained 25 times the daily requirement. In second place on the content of calciferol is cod liver oil. Next, in descending order: fatty herring, mackerel, salmon, canned sprats. In any marine fish calciferol content more than in the liver of terrestrial animals.

Lack of vitamin D in the body. Symptoms in adult women, pregnant. What are the symptoms, consequences, treatment

In animal products contain the highest number of calciferol egg yolk. Dairy derivatives: butter and cheeses contain minimal amount of vitamin. vitamin D2 the most rich chanterelles and morels. Parsley, potato tubers, oats also contain pro-vitamin.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine advised to raise calciferol blood with the help of salads from fresh leaves of dandelion and nettle. To begin with leaves pour over boiling water, then chop finely, add the green onions, parsley, walnuts. To fill the salad should be olive or corn oil.

alfalfa seeds is recommended to be added to the food just before serving. To this end, their pre-germinated in a moist environment.

In the winter, it helps support the body daily intake of decoction of horsetail. For its preparation 1 tbsp herbs brewed 1 tbsp. boiling water. Drinking infusion to as soon as the liquid cools down at room temperature.

The risk of overdose

The overabundance of vitamin D is intoxication.

Depending on the severity of symptoms are 3 degrees of poisoning:

  • I degree. Characterized causeless nervousness, irritability, sleep disturbances. Man is constantly thirsty, becomes more frequent urination, stool becomes irregular, increased sweating, there are pain in the muscles.
  • II degree. Intoxication increases. The first to suffer cardiovascular system. magnesium level in the blood drops sharply, begins tachycardia, blood pressure surges. There is a never-ending nausea, vomiting, weight loss.
  • III degree. Severe intoxication. Frequent vomiting leads to dehydration. Pale skin. One feels a constant weakness, drowsiness. Periodically there are cramps, shortness of breath. Ledeneyut legs and arms. Increased blood pressure, arrhythmia. Immunity decreases, join various infections.

In acute course of disease symptoms occurs within the first three days due to a short use additional drugs calciferol. Prolonged use of drugs causes chronic intoxication at which symptoms occur in the form and to identify the erased calciferol overdosing possible by analysis of blood and urine.

In the blood decreases magnesium, calcium increases in urine. If you have symptoms of vitamin D in women or excess should undergo a medical examination.

Videos about the lack of vitamin D

Features D deficiency:

Foods rich in vitamin D:

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