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Saline solution for compressing the joint, throat, knee, swelling wound. How to cook, proportions

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Saline solutions for compresses are widely used to treat a wide variety of ailments, as it is a powerful and most affordable absorbent. Salt is a versatile preservative. That is why, during the Great Patriotic War, it was the use of compresses with saline solutions that was imposed even on rather impressive wounds.

This was the only way to rid the soldiers of gangrene. Since then, salt has also been used for various lesions. Surgeons also note that such solutions not only heal wounds, but also preserve leukocytes, as well as living blood cells and skin.

Record content:

  • 1 Peculiarities
    • 1.1 Description
    • 1.2 Storage
    • 1.3 Chemical composition and mining methods
  • 2 Healing properties
    • 2.1 For women
    • 2.2 For men
    • 2.3 For children
  • 3 Contraindications
  • 4 Application
    • 4.1 For headaches
    • 4.2 With liver diseases
    • 4.3 With heart disease
    • 4.4 With purulent wounds
    • 4.5 For colds and their complications
    • 4.6 With caries
    • 4.7 For skin diseases
    • 4.8 With hypertension and other diseases
  • 5 Video about saline solutions for compresses


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In the mid-60s, in one of the clinics, it was possible to cure six people from chronic appendicitis in just 7 days. Over the next 9 days, one of the patients was treated for a shoulder abscess. In this case, even surgical intervention was not required.

In 5 days, the surgeon, using ordinary salt diluted in water, was able to cure bursitis of the knee joint in another patient. Moreover, all described cases did not respond to standard, classical treatment regimens. This suggests that normal saline is a very powerful natural medicine.


Table, cooking, stone (this component has a lot of names) salt is a well-known food product, or rather a seasoning. It has the form of colorless crystals. In the salt of natural (sea) origin there are also impurities of various other mineral salts, due to which the color of the main product may acquire a different shade.Saline solution for compressing the joint, throat, knee, swelling wound. How to cook

Salt is coarse or fine, pure, iodized. There are also different varieties (for example, "Extra" or "First"). They differ depending on the volume of impurities in the form of mineral salts.

The saline solution for the compress is easy to prepare, all the ingredients are in the house. Please note that the salt content should not exceed 10%.

To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to dilute 3 tbsp. l. salt with a small slide (about 100 g) in 1 liter of boiled distilled water (if one is not available, then boiled tap water is also suitable). The ready-made solution is applied to 8 layers of gauze, from which you can make a bandage.

When it comes to which salt is best for medical treatments, the choice is usually between sea salt and the cheaper rock salt. Since both of these products are based on the same substance, the effect of the compresses will be the same. But due to the fact that other minerals are additionally present in sea salt, it has a more varied healing effect.


Salt has a high level of hygroscopicity. This means that it perfectly absorbs water and dissolves in it. Therefore, the salt must be stored in a dry place. Otherwise, this product will turn into a homogeneous lump that cannot be used.

If the salt is in a cardboard box, then it is better to pour it into a glass jar and close it tightly with a lid. It is advisable to store sea salt in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. It has too high humidity and a lot of odors that the salt will immediately absorb.Saline solution for compressing the joint, throat, knee, swelling wound. How to cook

There are also certain storage periods for different types of salt:

A kind of salt How much can be stored
Cookery (most common type) 1.5 to 2.5 years old
Marine Not more than 1.5 years
Iodized It is stored for 3 months, after which it turns into ordinary table salt and can be stored for another 1.5-2.5 years.
Salt with spices The shelf life depends on the specific composition. It is indicated by the manufacturer.
"Extra" 2 years

Chemical composition and mining methods

The classic edible salt is sodium chloride (NaCl).

This product is obtained in several ways:

  • Evaporation. This is one of the oldest methods. Under intense exposure to direct sunlight, the water from the salt spring begins to evaporate. Only the precipitate remains in the form of a crude salt. It is enough to collect it, clean it from impurities, sift it and crush it into smaller particles.Saline solution for compressing the joint, throat, knee, swelling wound. How to cook
  • Through open pit mining. This method involves collecting salt in places where there used to be seas or salt lakes. It remains only to grind it and clean it.
  • Mine method. To extract salt in cavities, which are underground chambers, operators work on special combines.
  • Vacuum evaporator. This is the most modern method that produces the purest product possible. In this case, using specialized equipment, specialists dissolve underground salt layers, clean them with special chemicals and evaporate them under low pressure.

Healing properties

Salt has a lot of useful properties, for example, it is effective for dehydration, restores bone metabolism. Salt dressings are often used to treat purulent wounds. Damage heals faster.

Also, salt-based solutions are widely used in the fight against neoplasms (including malignant ones).

It should be noted that a 10% salt solution is an active sorbent. Even if we are not talking about ingestion, but about dressings, the salt still penetrates the human body through the skin.

The saline solution for the compress is distinguished by a local effect, that is, it affects only the diseased organ. Through the skin, the agent gradually penetrates to the affected area and removes poisons, microbes, viral bacteria and other substances that have a disease-causing origin.Saline solution for compressing the joint, throat, knee, swelling wound. How to cook

In the process of exposure to the therapeutic composition, the tissues of the diseased organs begin to renew themselves, and they are disinfected. As a result, the pathological process is gradually and completely eliminated.

For women

Salt is widely used in various cosmetic procedures. For example, it helps to get rid of cellulite (if you perform a kind of salt massage), smooth and cleanse the upper layers of the skin (if you use salt as a scrub).

Salt baths have an excellent relaxing effect. For example, during PMS (premenstrual syndrome), this simple procedure can help you deal with irritation, depression, and other emotional manifestations of PMS.

The female body needs salt (within reasonable limits) in the process of carrying a child. This product saturates the body with sodium. If a pregnant woman suffers from a lack of it, then this leads to a decrease in appetite, which in turn is harmful to the fetus.

Nevertheless, you should not abuse salt in the process of bearing a fetus, even if we are talking about a compress. Salt will still enter the body, albeit in a smaller amount.

For men

Adenoma (benign tumor) of the prostate gland is an alarming diagnosis for many. But a salt solution is able to solve this problem without surgery. However, for this you need to prepare such lotions systematically over many months.

For children

Salt dressings can be safely used even for the smallest children. However, you should definitely consult a pediatrician beforehand. Salt is widely used in the treatment of colds in children.

Saline solution for compressing the joint, throat, knee, swelling wound. How to cook
Saline solution is used not only for compress, but also for gargling.

For example, medicinal baths are made with sodium chloride, this product is used to warm up and gargle. Previously, children were given hot salt to their noses to warm up the maxillary sinus and quickly relieve the child of a runny nose and nasal congestion.

Salt solution is effective for whooping cough. In Soviet times, saline compresses were placed on their backs or on the chest for small children, which relieved coughing attacks in a few hours.


Saline solutions that are used for compresses do not have serious contraindications. However, there are several situations where such treatment should be abstained from.

For example, if a person suffers from:

  • the acute phase of a particular inflammatory process;
  • severe headaches and migraines;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the kidneys or genitourinary system;
  • allergies.


Before starting such self-treatment, you need to remember several important rules:

  • The dressing must be of good air permeability. But compresses, which are covered with polyethylene or other insulating materials on top, are not worth doing. For a breathable headband, it is best to choose a cotton or linen fabric. Medical gauze is also suitable.Saline solution for compressing the joint, throat, knee, swelling wound. How to cook
  • Do not make too strong a solution. For the body, a 10% composition is usually used, but for headbands it is recommended to make a weaker mixture (about 8%). If you do not follow this rule and prepare the so-called hypertonic solutions (very concentrated), then there is a risk that small capillaries located in the area for which the compress is used will begin to collapse.
  • After applying the dressing, the patient may begin to complain of coldness in the area where the tissue is laid. In this case, it is recommended to warm up the saline solution a little (to 60 ° C) before use.
  • No additional materials should be placed on top of the bandage to improve fixation. It is enough to properly bandage body parts. For example, a wider bandage will be required for the abdomen, chest. Narrower bands of bandages are used for the hands, neck, and other parts of the body.

It is also worth considering the features of medicinal solutions and tips for their use.

For headaches

A saline solution for a compress can help relieve pain when these symptoms occur.

There are two options for using the dressing:

  • With migraine. For the first option, you need to prepare a 9% salt solution (90 g of sodium chloride must be added to the water). After that, you need to moisten the bandage in liquid, squeeze out a little and wrap your head (you should get a kind of hat that will cover the head up). A dry gauze or calico bandage should be tied over the compress. When the fabric is dry (after 8-9 hours), the gauze bandage must be removed. The headache usually disappears the next day.
  • With a runny nose (in addition to headache, a person complains of nasal congestion and other signs of rhinitis). It is necessary to moisten the tissue in the prepared medicinal solution and make a simple bandage-strip that will pass through the frontal and occipital zones. The next morning, the symptoms will disappear or become less severe.

It is important to consider that such medical compresses on the head are contraindicated for those who suffer from sclerosis of the cerebral vessels.

With liver diseases

The saline solution for the compress is highly effective in various liver diseases. The dressing should be made using a cotton towel, which must be folded twice to form 4 layers. It should be applied to a specific area.Saline solution for compressing the joint, throat, knee, swelling wound. How to cook

In height, the bandage should be located on a segment from the base of the chest, located on the left side, to the navel. If we talk about the other part of the compress, then the width of the strip should be laid in the area from the chest to the middle of the spine. That is, the bandage (or rather, the part that is soaked in saline) should cover the left side and go over the back.

It is necessary to bandage such a bandage with one wide bandage. You need to wear it for 10 hours. After that, you need to use a heating pad (placed on the epigastric region) for 30 minutes. Thanks to warming measures, the bile flow will expand. Dehydrated and too thick masses of bile will begin to be excreted into the intestines.

Warming up is a prerequisite for this saline dressing. If you do not use a heating pad, then the bile duct, on the contrary, becomes clogged. This can provoke severe pain. It is also worth considering that a weaker solution (8-9%) should be used to treat the liver.

There is also one important point to keep in mind. If water with salt has not been used in the last 10-12 hours, then it should not be used. Better to pour it out and prepare a new solution. Otherwise, the effectiveness of such treatment will be much lower.

With heart disease

Plain table salt can help with myocarditis and pericarditis. For treatment, it is necessary to moisten a three times folded towel with a solution, wring it out and place it on the left shoulder so that the tissue is located in the region of the heart in the back and front. The ends of the towel can be fixed to the chest with a regular bandage. The procedure must be repeated every week.

However, if a person suffers from a heart valve defect or coronary artery disease, then such events are categorically contraindicated.

With purulent wounds

In such situations, only natural cotton is also used (if there is no bandage or gauze, then, as a last resort, you can use cotton wool). After that, you need to apply a bandage and secure it with a bandage. In no case should it be covered with polyethylene and other materials.Saline solution for compressing the joint, throat, knee, swelling wound. How to cook

Before applying the material, it is necessary to wash the wound well with ordinary laundry soap.. If there is an antiseptic, then you can use it and then dry the skin with napkins.

For colds and their complications

For health problems like these, there are many ways to use salt.

For example, such treatment is used in the following cases:

  • ARI, ARVI and influenza. It is recommended to use a saline dressing (weak solution) at the first manifestations of the disease. If symptoms appear in the pharynx and bronchi, then the gauze soaked in salt is placed on the neck and back. Place two dry cotton towels on top of the dressings. The fabric should be free of any dyes, patterns.
  • Whooping cough. Therapeutic compresses should be applied to the back at night. The child is relieved after just a few hours using this method of treatment. Very often, the next morning there is no cough left.
  • Lung pathology (for example, pneumonia or bronchitis). In this case, it is necessary to lay gauze soaked in solution on the entire back. You can cover your back with cotton towels from above.Saline solution for compressing the joint, throat, knee, swelling wound. How to cook It should be borne in mind that in the case of an inflammatory process, it is imperative to consult a therapist. If he allows such treatment, then at least 7 saline dressings should be done per day. The course of treatment will be 3 weeks. For the first 7 days, bandages should be applied daily, and for the next two weeks, every other night.

With caries

For the treatment of some dental diseases, you can use a medicinal solution in which a strip of gauze (8 layers) is moistened. After that, you need to wrap your jaw with a bandage and go to bed.

The course of treatment is several weeks. However, you need to understand that the use of saline compresses in this case will only help relieve pain. It is necessary to carry out a full-fledged treatment, therefore, as soon as possible, you need to consult a dentist, cure caries and other possible pathologies.

If there are large enough cavities in the teeth, then you can moisten cotton pads or tampons in a salt solution and lay them in these cavities using curved nail scissors. Tampons should be replaced with fresh ones after each meal. The course of such treatment is 2 weeks.

For skin diseases

Compresses with salt help with psoriasis, dermatitis, various types of eczema. The only problem is that such bandages are inconvenient to use on the face. Therefore, you can make lotions. At the same time, it is important to place them as far from the eyes as possible, since salt can cause not only serious irritation of the visual organ, but also other complications.Saline solution for compressing the joint, throat, knee, swelling wound. How to cook

If the skin disease is localized on the body, then it is enough to apply several layers of gauze soaked in solution to the affected area. Inflammation is noticeably reduced after the first procedure. Puffiness decreases.

With hypertension and other diseases

If the bad condition (pressure problems) is caused by stress, then you need to put 3-4 layers of gauze on the lower back. For treatment, it is better to use a weaker solution. Already after the third procedure, relief comes. The pressure starts to stabilize.

With kidney disease, blood pressure also rises. In this case, it is necessary to make 10-15 bandages on the lower back. They must be done at night.

Compresses of this type are used for mastopathy. In this case, salt diluted in water has an antibacterial, anti-toxic effect. The bandage should be applied to the chest. Thanks to the beneficial properties of salt, viruses will begin to be crowded out, and disease-causing bacteria will stop multiplying.

Saline solutions for medical compresses are not a panacea for all existing diseases. For example, this medicine should not be used to treat the eyes. Salt dressings help relieve inflammation, relieve pain, and have a choleretic effect.

However, it is worth taking such treatment only as additional therapeutic procedures. It is possible to completely get rid of most of the disease only with a course of medication treatment.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Video about saline solutions for compresses

Salt dressings for 100 diseases:

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