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Arnica montana homeopathy. Indications for the use of granules, instructions, price, reviews

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In official medicine and homeopathy, it is often a plant such as arnica montana is used. It has medicinal properties and has more than a dozen indications for use. Interestingly, the scent of arnica flowers can trigger sneezing attacks.

Record content:

  • 1 Release form and composition of the drug
  • 2 Pharmacological properties
  • 3 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 At what age can the drug be used?
  • 7 Instructions for use, dosage
    • 7.1 Adults
    • 7.2 For children
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Overdose
  • 10 special instructions
  • 11 Drug interactions
  • 12 Analogs
  • 13 Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  • 14 Price
  • 15 Arnica benefits video

Release form and composition of the drug

Arnica Montana is most commonly found in the form of oral granules. The drug is made by many manufacturers, filling the drug in plastic and glass bottles of 5-25 g. Each vial of granules is placed in cardboard packaging along with detailed instructions containing recommendations for dosage and dosage regimen.

The active ingredient in homeopathic medicine is arnica extract, which has a rich chemical composition:

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  • azulene;
  • arnifoline;
  • arnidiol;
  • arnicin;
  • thymol ether;
  • coumarins;
  • flavonoids,
  • choline;
  • phenol carboxylic acid;
  • tannins.

The herbal remedy has a multifaceted therapeutic effect on the human body. In addition to the main component, the granules contain lactose and sucrose, which are indispensable as auxiliary substances for the formation of granules and their consistency, therefore, patients with diabetes should still refuse to use this medicines.

In addition to the oral form, arnica montana is available as a yellowish-green ointment for external use. Vegetable liniment is available in 30 gram aluminum tubes.

Pharmacological properties

Arnica Montana is homeopathy, the indications for which are numerous. The plant extract is used for diseases of internal organs and skin.

When used correctly, arnica is effective:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • relieving;
  • stimulant.

A homeopathic composition based on this phytocomponent has a regenerating and immunostimulating effect. According to patients' reviews, most of those who used this drug as directed had an improvement in overall well-being by strengthening the immune system.

Arnica montana helps to minimize the period of the course of colds and respiratory viral diseases, and also contributes to their easy tolerance. The extract has a positive effect on the work of the central nervous system, digestive and urinary tract.

Homeopaths consider granules based on arnica montana as a universal medicine with complex action that can be used by patients of all ages.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

After entering the esophagus, the drug is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and, spreading throughout the body, begins to act. Arnica extract helps to stop the development of the inflammatory process against the background of damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, larynx, nasopharynx.

Granules must be taken to start and activate recovery processes in case of damage to soft and hard tissues.

Arnica montana increases the body's defenses, which is manifested by an improvement in the general condition of the patient. Taking this homeopathic remedy is allowed as a preventive measure to prevent complications.

When released into the bloodstream, arnica extract:

  • reaches the bone marrow, stimulates the work of its cells;
  • relieves severe pain caused by injury or inflammatory diseases;
  • maintains a normal level of red blood cells and other blood cells;
  • helps to stabilize the work of the parts of the brain responsible for psycho-emotional balance.

When used correctly, arnica montata will help eliminate spasms, muscle pain, and establish a full-fledged trophism of tissues and blood vessels. The high absorption rate of the granules allows you to achieve the appropriate effect from the application after a few weeks. So, according to user reviews, after the first month of admission, noticeable treatment results appear.

The substance itself goes through all stages of biochemical processing in the liver, and its decay products leave the body along with urine. In diseases of the digestive system, the absorption of the active substance is much lower.

Indications for use

Arnica montana is a plant that stimulates regeneration processes in the body, so the postoperative period is considered a common indication for its use. For people who have undergone surgical treatment within the abdominal cavity or pelvic organs, homeopathy is necessary for faster tissue repair.

The second reason why this remedy is prescribed is the need to normalize hormonal levels. An impressive list of indications for the use of arnica can be explained by the fact that in the treatment of most of these diseases require an integrated approach - elimination of inflammation, healing and establishment of biochemical processes.

Arnica granules are taken orally and help with a wide range of medical problems. Homeopaths recommend using medicines for external use in case of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and skin diseases.Arnica montana homeopathy. Instructions, indications for use, reviews

In the instructions for use of arnica montana, the following indications are noted:

  • nasal bleeding caused by a fracture of the nasal septum, previous surgery;
  • diseases of the oral cavity of inflammatory and infectious genesis (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, healing of the hole after extirpation of the tooth);
  • damage to the visual organs;
  • jumps in blood pressure with predominant hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia;
  • prolonged stay in stressful situations, depression;
  • cephalalgia of various etiologies;
  • vascular disorders of the lower extremities (varicose veins, phlebitis);
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • hoarseness and overstrain of the vocal cords;
  • stool disorders in the form of diarrhea, constipation, or the same symptoms that occur alternately.

Arnica in the form of topical preparations is also prescribed if indicated.

These include:

  • various kinds of injury, damage to soft tissues of a mechanical or thermal nature;
  • skin pathologies accompanied by itching, swelling, redness and rashes;
  • hard-borne insect bites;
  • negative consequences of physical stress (sprains, muscles);
  • diseases of the joints, bones, tendons and muscles.

Arnica-based ointments are used not only to combat existing problems, but also as a preventive measure. As a prophylactic agent, the plant can be used to prevent sprains, bruises, bruises during hard physical work or during sports.

Oral granules will also help improve the patient's well-being, tone, improve the functioning of internal organs and help the body cleanse itself of harmful substances.

The annotation to the homeopathic composition also notes the possibility of using arnica in cosmetology for small skin defects (wrinkles, rashes, scars, edema, redness).


Arnica montana (homeopathy), the indications for the use of which must be determined by the doctor. The prohibition on taking the drug is the individual intolerance of the patient's body.

If an allergy to any of the components of the product appears, further use of the composition is impossible, and if of a confirmed tendency to similar manifestations to herbal preparations, treatment with arnica should be started with minimum doses.

It is also worth noting other contraindications to the use of homeopathy, which are considered relative. If they are available, the doctor independently decides on the appointment of the drug to the patient or on the prohibition of therapy.

These restrictions include:

  • post-infarction or post-stroke condition;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • renal or hepatic impairment of varying severity;
  • neurological disorders accompanied by seizures, epileptic seizures.

Also, with caution, arnica is recommended for elderly patients. The plant can cause an increase in blood pressure and complications caused by this manifestation.

At what age can the drug be used?

Arnica montana is a herbal medicine that, according to the instructions, can be given to children over 1 year old. Despite the absence of dangerous chemical components in the composition of a homeopathic medicine, it cannot be used in the treatment of a child without the consent of a doctor. The dosage should also be determined by a specialist on an individual basis.

Instructions for use, dosage

Unlike most oral pill formulations, arnica is administered sublingually. Homeopathic medicine granules should be placed under the tongue or sucked into the mouth.

Arnica treatment regimen may differ, depending on the disease for which it is used. The dosage of the drug is set according to the age and weight of the patient.


For most pathologies that can be treated with arnica, 4-5 granules are prescribed for adult patients. This is a single dose that must be repeated up to 4 times a day. The maximum duration of the recommended course of treatment is 8-9 weeks, the minimum is 10-14 days.

Arnica montana homeopathy. Instructions, indications for use, reviews
Arnica montana

In the indicated dosage, the medicine is used in most cases, including in the absence of information about the exact diagnosis. After the examination, it is possible to adjust the prescribed doses of the drug.

For children

The scheme of using arnica in the treatment of children consists of several options, each of which is used for patients of a different age category:

Child's age Single dose Frequency of receptions per day Duration of the course Application features
Up to 3 years 1 pellet 2-3 2-3 weeks, if indicated, the treatment can be repeated For children of this age, the granules must be dissolved in 1 tbsp before taking. l. water. This is to prevent the intact granule from entering the respiratory tract.
From 3 to 7 years old 2 granules 2-3 2-4 weeks Granules are recommended to be taken after meals, not in combination with other herbal compositions.
7 to 18 years old 3-4 granules 2-4 2-4 weeks With severe symptoms of a severe illness, the dosage can be increased at the discretion of the doctor.

Side effects

Arnica montana, like most homeopathic products, is easily tolerated by patients.Arnica montana homeopathy. Instructions, indications for use, reviews

If there are indications for use that require prolonged use of the drug, allergic reactions may appear in the form of:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • swelling;
  • itching;
  • redness.

Disorders from the digestive system are possible (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite). In the case of too long use of external drugs, patients may develop dryness and excessive sensitivity of the skin.

Arnica contains toxic substances, therefore, the use of drugs for external use should be preceded by an allergy test. The test is carried out by applying a small amount of the drug to the inside of the wrist.

If, after 15-30 minutes, a rash, redness, itching or other allergy symptoms do not appear on the skin, the medicine can be used in therapy.


Despite the fact that the drug contains natural ingredients, when using it, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions and do not exceed the dosage.

Otherwise, the following symptoms may occur:

  • stomach ache;
  • nausea;
  • stool disorders;
  • decreased heart rate and body temperature;
  • respiratory failure;
  • excessive sweating.

This clinical picture indicates an excess of phenolic toxic compounds in the body and is similar to the manifestations that occur with severe food poisoning.

Against the background of an allergic reaction, a large dose of arnica can lead not only to disturbances in the digestive system, but also to malfunctions of the heart, blood vessels, and liver. In case of an overdose, the patient is prescribed symptomatic therapy (taking sorbents, drinking plenty of fluids, bed rest).

special instructions

Arnica montana - homeopathy (indications for use are always indicated by the manufacturers in the annotation to drug), but, despite the natural composition, when using the product, it is important to take into account some peculiarities.

In the first 2-3 days after the start of treatment, the patient may experience a deterioration in well-being due to an increase in the symptoms of the disease. However, such a reaction of the body to the herbal preparation is considered normal and is not a reason for discontinuing treatment. If after 72 hours the patient's condition has not stabilized, it is necessary to stop taking arnica and consult a doctor.

With extreme caution, you can use drugs with this plant on the mucous membranes. If the substance accidentally comes into contact with the area around the eyes, immediately rinse the skin with warm running water.

Oral use of arnica granules does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions, as well as the ability to drive. This homeopathic remedy can be taken by people whose professional activity requires the utmost concentration of attention. During the period of treatment with arnica, there is no need to adhere to any serious restrictions in diet and lifestyle.

Drug interactions

Arnica Montana can be used concurrently with other medicines, including homeopathic formulations. When combining drugs containing the same plant extract, it is important to clearly determine the dosage in order to prevent the development of negative reactions from the body.


Arnica montana (homeopathy), the indications for which are varied, has no analogues with an identical composition. Other preparations containing plant extract in the same concentration cannot be found in pharmacies. However, instead of Arnica granules, you can use other medicines that also belong to the homeopathic group and have similar indications for use.

  • The most popular analogue is Arnica from Doctor Theiss. This is a German preparation that contains an infusion of plant flowers and is used as an external remedy. To give the composition a comfortable consistency, the manufacturer added lard and corn oil to the infusion. The price of the product, which is produced in the form of an ointment and gel, is in the range of 170-180 rubles.
  • Arnigel - French substitute for Arnica Montana. Together with the plant extract, the composition contains auxiliary components (water, ethanol, carbomer, sodium hydroxide). Arnigel is available in a 120 g tube, has a gel-like form and is used mainly for bruises and muscle strain. The approximate cost of the drug is 330 rubles.
  • For topical application, you can also use Arniku DN.Arnica montana homeopathy. Instructions, indications for use, reviewsThis is a domestic analogue based on a plant extract, petroleum jelly and anhydrous lanolin. The indications for the use of Arnica DN ointment are bruises and bruises of soft tissues. The average price of the drug is 240 rubles. Arnika-GF can be considered an almost identical replacement for Arnica DN, but the last remedy costs no more than 180 rubles.
  • If necessary, systemic therapy can be used drops Arnica-Heel. The German homeopathic medicine is a concentrated alcoholic tincture on the flowers of alpine arnica. This analogue is also intended for long-term use (a 25 ml bottle costs about 900 rubles).

In addition to the homeopathic substitutes described above, there are other pharmaceutical products that contain arnica montana. The most common means for external use are gels Zel T, Traumeel S.

They are used to relieve pain in muscles and joints resulting from sports injuries, intense physical exertion, burns, and chronic inflammation.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

Arnica montana is a homeopathic remedy and is therefore sold in pharmacies without an official doctor's prescription. In this regard, some patients decide to self-treat with the drug, without consulting a doctor.

Granules and ointments based on this herbal component have a long shelf life (up to 5 years from the date of production). It is necessary to store Arnica preparations in a dry place. The drug will retain its medicinal properties longer if it is not exposed to direct sunlight.


Like any other drug, Arnica Montana can be sold at different prices, depending on the region and the pricing policy of a particular pharmacy. On average, 1 plastic tube with granules costs about 120 rubles.

Due to the pronounced anti-inflammatory properties that arnica montana has, this plant is used not only in homeopathy. Despite the presence of direct indications, before using the medicine, the patient should undergo a medical examination to determine the severity of the disease and make sure that there are no restrictions for reception.

Arnica benefits video

Useful properties of mountain arnica:

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