Reference Drugs

Sea buckthorn oil in the nose of an adult, a child. Benefit, application

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Sea buckthorn has always been valued in Russia for its healing properties. According to many adherents of traditional medicine, eating just a few sea buckthorn berries a day protects against vitamin deficiency and allows you to forget about colds, and many other acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI).

Sea buckthorn oil is especially useful for adults and children, which has a unique vitamin composition, is a natural antioxidant, helps to strengthen the immune system and increase tone organism.

Sea buckthorn oil in the nose of an adult, a child. Benefit, application

The tool is used not only internally, but also externally, for example, in the form of drops in the nose for a runny nose, sinusitis and other diseases.

Record content:

  • 1 Peculiarities
    • 1.1 Description
    • 1.2 Indications for use
    • 1.3 Compound
    • 1.4 In what form is it produced
  • 2 Medicinal and useful properties
  • 3 Action
  • 4 Potential harm
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 Application
    • 6.1 For children under 18
    • 6.2 For adults
    • 6.3 For pregnant
    • 6.4 For the elderly
  • 7 Special recommendations
  • 8 Drug interactions
  • 9 Traditional medicine recipes
    • 9.1 From a runny nose
    • 9.2 With sinusitis
    • 9.3 With a cold
    • 9.4 With adenoids
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  • 10 Video on the use of sea buckthorn oil in the nose


Official medicine began to actively use sea buckthorn oil in the 70s of the XX century. Currently, the product, which has a high biological value, is used both internally and externally for the treatment and prevention of various pathologies.


The drug is an oily liquid of orange-red color and has a characteristic aroma. For its production, sea buckthorn berries are used.

Also, the oil is obtained from the seeds of the plant, in this case it will be transparent. This product is characterized by a high content of fatty acids.

Sea buckthorn oil is especially valuable, for the production of which the pulp of berries is used together with seeds. There are two ways to produce a product - cold pressing and hot pressing. The first method is preferable, since it allows you to get a tool in which all the beneficial substances are stored.

Indications for use

It is recommended to bury sea buckthorn oil in the nose of an adult and a child if there are such problems:

  • runny nose in different stages;
  • polyps;
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis;
    Sea buckthorn oil in the nose of an adult, a child. Benefit, application
    Sea buckthorn oil in the nose can be used for pharyngitis and laryngitis.
  • sinusitis in acute and chronic form;
  • adenoids;
  • atrophic processes in the nasopharyngeal cavity.


A characteristic feature of the oil is its high content of carotenoids. Vitamin A, which is synthesized in the human body from carotenoids, has powerful wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Also, the product contains:

  • vitamin E - the strongest antioxidant that enhances the anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and wound-healing properties of vitamin A;
  • vitamin C, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, involved in the processes of hematopoiesis. According to its content, the product is a leader (second only to rosehip oil). It is in sea buckthorn oil that this component is resistant to heat treatment and does not lose its benefits;
  • B vitamins, which are active participants in protein, water-salt and lipid metabolism, are responsible for the good condition of the skin, normalize the balance of hormones;
  • vitamin K, normalizing blood clotting;
    Sea buckthorn oil in the nose of an adult, a child. Benefit, application
  • monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acidswith anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties.

In what form is it produced

The product is available in the form of an oil solution for internal or external use. The product is poured into dark glass bottles of 30, 50 or 100 ml. Depending on the volume, the price of the drug also differs.

Sea buckthorn oil prices:

The volume of the drug price, rub.
30 ml From 123
50 ml From 199
100 ml From 300

Each bottle, placed in a cardboard box, is accompanied by instructions. Also, the oil can be produced in the form of gelatin capsules placed in plastic cans (100 pcs.). Price - from 96 rubles.

Medicinal and useful properties

The oil has healing and moisturizing properties, destroys pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the development of diseases.

Also, thanks to the use of the tool:

  • edema of the mucous membrane is eliminated;
  • inflammation decreases;
  • the structure of the affected tissues is restored;
  • breathing is easier;
  • local blood flow is activated;
  • the outflow of the secret improves;
  • local immunity increases.

This is a symptomatic remedy that can be used alone with a mild course of the disease or as part of complex therapy in conjunction with other medicines.

Sea buckthorn oil in the nose of an adult, a child. Benefit, application

The drug is especially effective for rhinitis caused by prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drops. The oil helps to strengthen blood vessels and normal hydration of the mucous membrane.


When instilled into the nose, the oil has a therapeutic effect:

  • antibacterial - allows you to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • immunostimulating - helps to increase the protective forces;
  • anti-inflammatory - relieves swelling and inflammation;
  • regenerating - accelerates the healing process of tissues, restoration of the mucous membrane;
  • pain reliever - relieves pain, itching, irritation and other unpleasant symptoms;
  • moisturizing - normalizes the state of overdried mucous membranes, allows you to get rid of dried crusts.

Potential harm

When using the product, allergic reactions may develop. A burning sensation may be felt at the point of contact with the oil. Before use, it is imperative to warm the drug to room temperature, since cold oil can aggravate the course of the disease.


A remedy of natural origin has a minimum of contraindications, including:

  • children under 2 years old;
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the product;
  • pathology of the digestive system;
    Sea buckthorn oil in the nose of an adult, a child. Benefit, application
  • hepatitis;
  • sinusitis in the stage of exacerbation.

Before using the child, it is necessary to consult a specialist, since the child's body can react negatively to the drug, which will worsen the baby's condition.


Sea buckthorn oil will help relieve ENT pathologies. But at the same time, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of its use at different ages, so as not to aggravate the situation.

For children under 18

A child under 2 years of age still does not know how to hold his breath, he can draw in and swallow the drug. And as a result of the deposition of fat molecules in the lungs, exogenous pneumonia can occur. Therefore, oil formulations are contraindicated at this age.

In addition, in newborns, a runny nose is of a physiological nature, so there is no need for the procedure. By about 3 months, the narrowed nasal passages will widen and the problem will disappear without outside intervention.

Oil can only be used to treat mucous membranes in the presence of a large number of crusts, moistening them with a cotton swab.

Sea buckthorn oil in the nose of an adult, a child. Benefit, application

After 2 years, the drug can be used in the absence of individual intolerance. It is not recommended to use the product if there is liquid discharge, which is a protective reaction of the body and makes it possible to remove pathogenic microorganisms on its own.

If this is prevented, bacteria will accumulate on the mucous membrane, which will lead to an exacerbation of the disease. For children from 2 years old, to facilitate nasal breathing and moisturize the mucous membrane, 1 drop of the product is dripped three times a day.

The drug is also used for adenoids and polyps, but only after consulting a pediatrician. In this case, oil-soaked swabs are used.

For adults

Sea buckthorn oil is dripped into an adult's nose to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

In this case, it is necessary to remember some features:

  • with allergic edema, oil alone will not be enough. It can only be used as part of complex therapy. In this case, folk methods will not bring any benefit, but they can aggravate the condition. Therefore, oil is used only for the purpose of moisturizing the mucous membrane after using vasoconstrictor agents;
  • if the runny nose is of a bacterial nature, oil cannot be used. The causative agent of the disease will penetrate deeper, which will lead to the spread of the pathological process;
  • with a runny nose, which is caused by a curvature of the nasal septum, the drug is useless. It can only be used as an aid.
Sea buckthorn oil in the nose of an adult, a child. Benefit, application

For adults with ENT pathologies, it is recommended to drip 3 drops of the drug into each nostril. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day.

For pregnant

During the period of bearing a child, many medicines are prohibited. Sea buckthorn oil can be used from the second trimester after consulting a specialist, but not in pure form.

A mixture of equal proportions of sea buckthorn and olive oils is suitable. 3 drops of the agent are dripped into each nasal passage. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. You can also use oil-soaked swabs that are inserted into the nostrils for a quarter of an hour.

For the elderly

In old age, no special correction of the dosage regimen is required. Elderly people use the same doses and regimens of the drug as patients after 18 years of age.

Special recommendations

Sea buckthorn oil can be instilled into the nose of an adult or a child only after consulting a specialist. The whole process of treatment should take place under his supervision.

It is allowed to drive a vehicle after using oil, it is also allowed to perform complex and potentially dangerous work. The drug does not have a negative effect on the ability to perform such activities.

Drug interactions

Do not use the oil in conjunction with medicines that slow down blood clotting. Bleeding and bruising can result.

Traditional medicine recipes

When using a remedy for the treatment of ENT pathologies, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  • before instillation, the nasal passages should be cleaned with saline;
    Sea buckthorn oil in the nose of an adult, a child. Benefit, application
  • first you need to warm the product to room temperature;
  • even if the problem is one-sided, the agent must be instilled into both nostrils;
  • as soon as liquid discharge appears, therapy should be stopped.

From a runny nose

The tool allows you to restore nasal breathing and reduce the manifestations of the disease. The oil is instilled in 2-3 drops into each nasal passage. It is recommended to use the drug 3 to 4 times a day.

You can also insert tampons soaked in the agent into the nasal passages for 10-15 minutes. The average duration of treatment is 1 week.

A tool for the preparation of which you need to mix will also be effective:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 30 ml;
  • propolis - 15 g;
  • calendula juice - 20 ml.

The agent is instilled into both nostrils, 2 drops three times a day, after rinsing the nasal passages. For adults, a mixture of oil and garlic juice helps to remove unpleasant symptoms.

In childhood, dripping into the nose is contraindicated. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from 1 clove of garlic and mix it with 1 tsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil. The composition is dripped into both nasal passages, 2 drops every few hours.

With sinusitis

Sea buckthorn oil relieves soreness, activates local blood flow and restores damaged mucous membranes. After preliminary rinsing of the nose, 3 drops of the drug are instilled into both nostrils. You need to repeat the procedure 4 times a day until the condition improves.

Sea buckthorn oil in the nose of an adult, a child. Benefit, application

Inhalation with sea buckthorn oil is also effective. You can use a nebulizer by adding a little product to the inhalation solution. If there is no special device, you need to bring water to a boil and add oil to it (for 1 liter of liquid - 1 tbsp. l. preparation).

Leaning over the container, you need to breathe shallowly for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, rinse the nose with saline again.

If there are ulcers in the nasal cavity, it is recommended to put tampons moistened with the agent for 15 minutes into the nasal passages. The procedure is carried out once a day. Also, this method helps to get rid of pus. Children are not given such treatment.

With a cold

For the treatment of colds edema, the drug is used according to the standard scheme. After the liquid secretion appears, the therapy is stopped. Sea buckthorn oil allows you to get rid of the first manifestations of the disease, quickly restore the functions of the nose.

With adenoids

Treatment is effective only at an early stage of the pathology. Sea buckthorn oil helps to stop the growth of adenoids. It is recommended to use a product warmed up to 38 ° C. To alleviate the condition, drip 2 drops of the drug into each nasal passage three times a day.

The duration of therapy is from 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the severity of the pathology. Sea buckthorn oil allows you to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms with a cold, sinusitis and other pathologies. Before instilling the drug into the nose, an adult or a child must make sure that there are no contraindications.

Sea buckthorn oil in the nose of an adult, a child. Benefit, application

It is also important not to exceed the recommended doses of the drug, especially in childhood. If after 5 days of therapy the condition has not improved, you should consult a specialist to clarify the diagnosis.

Video on the use of sea buckthorn oil in the nose

The use of sea buckthorn oil in the nose for sinusitis:

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