
The left side hurts in the bottom of a stomach or belly at women - learn or find out all about the reasons of pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly

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Painful sensations on the left side of the abdomen can indicate various inflammatory processes and other ailments. In this case, the pain can have a different character - be sharp, tingling, cutting, pulling the entire stomach, pulsating only in the side. Consideration of this issue should start from physiology. In this part of the body there is a small intestine, one of the ovaries, the pancreas, the spleen, and the back - the kidney. All of these organs in the presence of an illness can give down the abdomen from the left side.

Warning! Tenderness in the lower abdomen may occur on the ground of diseased vessels, problems with lymph nodes or hip bones. An exact diagnosis can be determined only by a doctor after a detailed examination of the body.

The left side hurts in the bottom of a stomach or belly at women

Pain in the left side of the abdomen in women

Content of the material

  • 1 Important points in the occurrence of pain
  • 2 Diseases that cause left-sided pain in women
  • 3 Symptoms in disorders of the spleen
  • insta story viewer
  • 4 What kind of pain?
    • 4.1 Video - Pain sensations in the lower abdomen. The main causes of
  • 5 What should I do if I have pain?

Important points in the occurrence of pain

Most organs of the abdominal cavity can provoke pain of a different nature, which gives down the abdomen. Just pay attention to the fact that on the left side you will never be disturbed by inflamed appendicitis( it is characterized by the appearance of pain exclusively on the right side).

The disorder of the digestive tract will be more severe, which is accompanied by problems with stools. The main cause of the appearance of pain in this case is the pancreas. With its dysfunction, an insufficient number of enzymes are produced, which are required for compulsory digestion of food. Moderate changes in natural processes cause painful sensations. When taking additional enzymes, discomforts subside a little. Soreness can disappear if the main problem is still in the pancreas. The accuracy of the diagnosis should always be confirmed. If we consider other aspects, the following reasons stand out:

  • problems with circulatory circulation in the pelvic area;
  • inflammation;
  • dysfunction or pathological changes in one of the internal organs.

Please note! Pain can be localized in the lower abdomen, both in front and behind, or can be clearly sideways. There is also a different intensity and nature of pain.

Symptoms of gynecological diseases

Symptoms of gynecological diseases

If you talk about specialists, then when you have pain in a woman in the lower abdominal area on the left side, you need to visit a gynecologist( in the first place), an endocrinologist, a surgeon and a gastroenterologist. It is very important for every woman not to forget to undergo a routine examination with a gynecologist, since most of the pains that are localized in the lower abdomen( regardless of left or right) may indicate a gynecological illness. Statistics confirm that about 70% of patients who complained of painful feelings had female diseases. Almost one in five people consult a doctor with a complaint of pain on the left side of the peritoneum.

Diseases that cause left-sided pain in women

In addition to digestive organs, the female genitourinary system can be disturbed. There are several pathological processes that provoke discomfort in the left side of the abdomen.

Gynecologic disease What is characterized?

Inflammatory process of the fallopian tubes A woman can notice inflammation in her if she has regular menstruation, which is accompanied by high fever and drawing pains.

Endometriosis The physiological structure of the uterus consists of epithelial tissues. In the event of pathological processes, these tissues can go outside the uterus and spread to other organs of the

Rupture of one of the ovaries . If a woman has a ruptured ovary, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. To diagnose it it is possible on sharply arisen pain of an acute character, significant depression of pressure, the accelerated palpitation

Ectopic pregnancy To confirm an exact pain in the left side at an ectopic pregnancy it is impossible, as it can flow to the right side. Any movement is accompanied by increased pain. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the woman is urgently sent for surgery. Otherwise, there may be a rupture of the fallopian tube
Causes of pain by localization

Causes of pain in the localization of

This is important! If a pain occurs in the lower abdomen( left), a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist, if he does not confirm any pathology, then it is necessary to go to the examination of the intestine and spleen, in which the inflammatory process of may occur.

Additionally, ultrasound examinations of pelvic bones, joints, nerves can be prescribed. Also with the help of ultrasound it is necessary to examine the spleen, because in the presence of symptoms such as lack of appetite, fast fatigue, unpleasant sensations after eating can indicate a new growth in the spleen.

Symptomatology for disorders of the spleen

As it turned out, the pain in the left lower abdomen can occur with dysfunction of the spleen. Pathology can manifest as follows:

  1. In the hypochondrium pains a dull character, which after a while falls to the bottom of the abdomen.
  2. Each breath is accompanied by an increase in soreness.
  3. Elevated body temperature is noted.
  4. Internal bleeding may occur.

If doctors have diagnosed bleeding, an urgent organ removal is required. Thus, the functional of the spleen passes to the lymphatic system and the liver.

Symptoms of diseases of the spleen

Symptoms of diseases of the spleen

Spleen flap is accompanied by a cutting and stitching pain. Since the spleen is the organ in which there are a large number of nerve endings, there is a sharp reaction to the pathological process. The ailment can be provoked, both by an inborn defect, and by a sudden trauma. In this case, a woman will have frequent vomiting, bloating.

Warning! When the spleen is turned, there can be a life threat, so a woman can be sent for surgery.

What kind of pain?

The approximate ailment can be determined by the way pain is manifested. If there are colic on the left side, then the possibility of stone disease in the kidneys or ureter is not ruled out.

This is important! Very often, when there is increased pain on the left side, it is recommended to apply cold compresses to eliminate painful sensations, but in the case of kidney stones, the cold is strictly contraindicated. So only you can only strengthen the spasms.

Symptoms of kidney stones

Symptoms of kidney stones

About violations of the functionality of the urinary system can confirm urine, if it is turbid, then this is an obvious pathology. Problems with the kidneys are accompanied by pain during urination. When pathology is hidden in the intestine, then in addition to acute pain, there are rezi during urination, high fever, diarrhea and bloating. When inflammatory process in the intestine is best to hold one day diet and consume only water.

For a woman are the usual pain on the sides during menstruation. Such discomfort is easily eliminated by taking an analgesic drug or the pain gradually subsides in a couple of days itself. When menstruation is not foreseen, but there is still pain on the side, and in addition there are incomprehensible vaginal discharge, then it is worth considering about the sexual infection.

If the pain is severe, then most likely, physiological disorders occur in the bladder. Shooting pain that occurs in the lower abdomen on the left and gives back, warns of problems with joints or rupture of ligaments.

Statistics! One percent of patients do not notice any pain in pelvic organs.

Symptoms of pancreatitis

Symptoms of pancreatitis

Cholecystitis and pancreatitis are some of the most common ailments that are characterized by gnawing pain. In addition, the patient may experience nausea. To exacerbate these ailments leads to excessive consumption of fatty foods, so there is a malfunction in the pancreas.

If in general to consider the causes of pain in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to revise the video.

Video - Pain sensations in the lower abdomen. The main causes of

What should I do if I have pain?

If the body gives such signals, then it is necessary to think about the presence of a serious pathology. Take an anesthetic drug is not worth it, because this will only temporarily eliminate the unpleasant sensations, but it will not get rid of the main cause provoking soreness. To act when there is pain in the left side, it is necessary as follows:

  1. Take the most comfortable position for yourself to relieve the pain.
  2. Think of any additional symptoms to tell the doctor next.
  3. If the pain is sharp and worse, you can not hesitate to call an ambulance. When a similar attack happened repeatedly, and then the condition improved, then you can visit a doctor on your own.
  4. In no case should you apply cold or hot compresses without knowing the exact diagnosis, it will only exacerbate the clinical picture.
  5. Do not take any pain medications, especially self-medication, independently setting the diagnosis. Even if the pain is very severe, you need to wait for the ambulance to arrive( any drugs can eliminate the main symptoms, so making the diagnosis becomes more difficult).
  6. After a detailed examination and conversation with the patient, the doctor can be redirected to another specialist or sent to an ultrasound examination, ignoring the doctor's recommendations is not worth it.
If you have pain in the lower abdomen, you need to visit a medical institution for examination

If you have pain in the abdomen, you need to visit a medical facility for examination

. Even if there is not severe pain in the left side of the abdomen, the woman should still visit the medical facility for examination. After all, with the appearance of the slightest discomfortable sensations, one can assume about the onset of the development of the pathological process.

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