Human Anatomy

Small round muscle of the shoulder. Anatomy, where it is, functions, hurts, symptoms, MRI, how to treat

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Small round muscle of each shoulder is part of the shoulder girdle muscle group. It is located behind the scapula and partially provides movement of the shoulder, limb and their fixation.

The small round muscle is interconnected with the infraspinatus muscle, which is a continuation, and helps to strengthen it. The defeat of this muscle causes a violation of the mobility of the entire shoulder apparatus, which affects the work of the hands.

Record content:

  • 1 Characteristic
  • 2 Functions and properties
  • 3 Anatomy and structure
  • 4 Possible diseases and pathologies
    • 4.1 Tendinitis
      • 4.1.1 Classification
      • 4.1.2 Symptoms
      • 4.1.3 Causes
      • 4.1.4 Treatment
    • 4.2 Myositis
      • 4.2.1 Classification
      • 4.2.2 Symptoms
      • 4.2.3 Causes
      • 4.2.4 Treatment
    • 4.3 Shoulder injury
      • 4.3.1 Classification
      • 4.3.2 External signs
      • 4.3.3 Treatment
    • 4.4 Neoplasm
      • 4.4.1 Symptoms
      • 4.4.2 Treatment
    • 4.5 Salt deposits
      • 4.5.1 Causes
      • 4.5.2 Symptoms
      • 4.5.3 Treatment
  • 5 Shoulder Muscles Videos


The small round muscle of the shoulder is part of the muscle group of the shoulder girdle. It complements the deltoid, supra and infraspinatus muscles, the large round and subscapularis muscles of the shoulder girdle. This muscle originates on the infraspinatus muscle and is covered from the outside by the scapula.

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The structure of this muscle is rounded and oblong and passes into a dense accumulation of tendons, attaching to the lower part of the large tubercle on the humerus and the posterior surface of the shoulder joint. The muscle bundles inside are located in it parallel and often, which ensures smooth movement.

The small round muscle complements the muscle group of the shoulder girdle and supports the movement of the upper limbs of a person along with other muscles. Its primary supportive function allows the shoulder and arm to be locked in any position, ensuring smooth movement. Such a muscle is mirrored and is present on both the right and left sides.Small round muscle of the shoulder. Anatomy, function, hurts, symptoms, how to treat

To ensure the basic functions of the muscle, it is constantly supplied with oxygen by the artery of the subscapularis and is permeated with nerve endings from the axillary nerve, which originates at the 5th and 6th vertebrae. The proximity of nerve bundles allows for the speed of reaction and interaction with other muscles.

Functions and properties

The small round muscle of the shoulder in conjunction with other muscles of the shoulder girdle maintains the mobility of the shoulder joint and provides fixation of the right or left limb.

Small round muscle of the shoulder. Anatomy, function, hurts, symptoms, how to treat
Small round muscle of the shoulder

The small round muscle of the shoulder performs the following functions:

  • participates in the rotation of the shoulder cuff (turns the shoulder outward);
  • helps to rotate the humerus sideways;
  • provides shoulder fixation while moving the arms;
  • participates in ghosting the shoulder forward and turning back;
  • pulls back the capsule of the shoulder joint to provide greater arm mobility.

Anatomy and structure

The small round muscle of the shoulder consists of muscle tissue, which provides stretching and compression of tissues, and tendons that fix it to the bone. The muscle tissue is permeated with capillaries from the artery, which supplies them with nutrients and oxygen in the required amount.

And the nerve endings, which are brought to the bases of the muscles attachment, make it possible to provide the desired rate of mobility and reaction in movements.Small round muscle of the shoulder. Anatomy, function, hurts, symptoms, how to treat

On the one hand, the small circular muscle is fixed on the infraspinatus muscle, and on the other side its tendon is fixed near the tubercle on the humerus and the inner part of the shoulder joint. All fibers inside the small round muscle are located in parallel, which determines the main direction of its functioning.

The muscle itself begins with a rounded shape and becomes oblong, but has a dense structure. This structure makes it possible to ensure reliable fixation of the shoulder joint during limb movement.

Possible diseases and pathologies

The small round muscle, like any muscle of the shoulder, can be subjected to various negative factors of influence, which become the causes of pain in the shoulder girdle. It is possible to accurately determine the affected muscle with the help of palpation by a specialist, after which the disease or the presence of pathology is established.

After examination and additional examination, the doctor can diagnose the presence of a disease or pathology of the shoulder girdle muscle with an exact indication of its name.

These include:

  • myositis;
  • tendinitis;
  • trauma;
  • neoplasm;
  • spine diseases;
  • salt deposits.

Pain in the scapula and shoulder is difficult to clearly identify by type, and its cause can only be determined after a thorough examination. Often, pain can be given to the shoulder with angina pectoris, heart attack, inflammation of the pancreas.

In this case, pain does not appear on palpation, and the pain is associated with the symptoms of the manifestation of an attack of the main diseases, therefore only a specialist is able to accurately determine the type of disease during examination and prescribe the necessary treatment.


Tendinitis, or tendon inflammation, is an active inflammatory process at the muscle attachment points. It develops as tendon edema, which reduces the ability of the muscle tissue in the shoulder to stretch. In the back, in the area of ​​the scapula and shoulder, pain appears during movement. On the skin in the subscapularis, redness may appear on one or two sides.


Tendinitis is subdivided into:

  • infectious (after an infectious disease);Small round muscle of the shoulder. Anatomy, function, hurts, symptoms, how to treat
  • physiological (associated with physical fatigue, improper posture);
  • traumatic, which develops after a fracture, dislocation, fall;
  • other type (allergic, autoimmune or associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system).

Tendinitis develops gradually within 1 day, therefore, according to the basic rule, it includes the initial and acute stages of manifestation.


In the body at the acute stage of formation of tendonitis manifests itself:

  • soreness during movement and minor pain syndrome;
  • difficulty in performing simple movements;
  • swelling or slight redness.


The main causes of tendonitis are:

  • stretching the muscles of the shoulder girdle;

Muscle stretching occurs due to increased physical exertion and a large number of sudden hand movements, which can cause muscle strain and inflammation.

  • rupture of the ligaments of the small round muscle;

In most cases, rupture of the ligaments of the small round muscle is associated with injuries that a person receives due to blows to the shoulder girdle. However, in rare cases, the rupture can be associated with soft tissue injury from a sharp object. For example, in case of accidents, earthquakes.Small round muscle of the shoulder. Anatomy, function, hurts, symptoms, how to treat

  • elderly age;

In old age, muscle tone in the body decreases sharply. Muscles lose elasticity and often become inflamed and sore, including in the shoulder girdle. Most often, such processes develop during hormonal changes in all body systems (menopause) and during a period of weakening of immunity after an illness.

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joints;

Diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system (infectious, allergic and colds) always affect adjacent tissues. They affect the condition of the muscles, provoking inflammatory processes in it. With infectious lesions of bones, muscles, pain simultaneously appears in the small round muscle of the shoulder and adjacent muscles.

  • immobility for a long time;

Lack of shoulder mobility for 1 month. and more with fractures, sprains, reduces muscle tone. Muscles lose mass and can drastically lose their level of functionality. After removing the plaster and undergoing physiotherapy, the mobility of the small round muscle of the shoulder is gradually restored completely, returning to its previous state.

  • osteocondritis of the spine;

Osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine is associated with damage to the intervertebral discs, impaired blood supply and nerve conduction in the neck and shoulders. With osteochondrosis, muscles can suffer from a lack of nutrients and impaired conduction of nerve impulses, which leads to a decrease in the mobility of the shoulders and arms.

  • improper posture;

Poor posture provokes the development of pathologies of the spine, which affects its condition and mobility, the work of the muscles of the back and shoulders. Chronic postural disorder provokes inflammatory processes, including in the small round muscle of the shoulder.

  • depression and stressful conditions.

Stress and depression in a sharp manifestation cause disruption of the whole body. As a result of stress reactions in the small round muscle and other muscles of the shoulder, a spasm can develop, which completely blocks their work.


Treatment of tendonitis is complex and includes:

  • limiting physical activity;
  • the imposition of a tight bandage;
  • applying cold compresses for 20 minutes. 2 times a day;
  • drug therapy:

Ketarol is a broad-spectrum analgesic drug. The medicine is rapidly absorbed and takes effect after 20 minutes. after taking. Take the remedy for 1 t. As needed, but not more than 3 tab. per day.Small round muscle of the shoulder. Anatomy, function, hurts, symptoms, how to treat

Ibuprofen has enhanced anti-inflammatory properties. It helps restore blood circulation and normalize tissue health. Ibuprofen is taken 1 ton. 3 times a day for 10 days.


The small round muscle of the shoulder is susceptible to the development of myositis - an inflammation of the muscle tissue of the shoulder, which is manifested by muscle swelling. In this case, the muscles lose their functionality, movements are sharply limited, and a dull pain in the shoulders appears, which increases during movement.


Types of myositis:

Myositis is classified according to the underlying causes of the disease.

These include:

  • infectious;
  • traumatic;
  • associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system and joints;
  • allergic;
  • physical, which occurs with overexertion, poor posture and in old age.

The stages of development of the disease are also different:

  • The initial stage of inflammation in muscle tissue involves the appearance of minor inflammation locally. At this time, only some parts of the muscle are damaged. There is no pain, there is a slight discomfort when moving the hand.Small round muscle of the shoulder. Anatomy, function, hurts, symptoms, how to treat
  • The acute stage of manifestation is expressed in the appearance of severe pain and swelling. The entire muscle is completely inflamed. Pathogenic microflora accumulates in the tissues, which covers the entire surface of the lesion. Movement of the limb, shoulder is limited or completely absent. A slight fever may appear.


Inflammation in the muscle tissue of the small round muscle of the shoulder does not appear immediately, but develops gradually as the inflammatory process develops in the tissues.

After expanding the localization of inflammation, a person may experience:

  • constant pain, which increases with movement or finding the joint and limb in a certain position;
  • difficulty in performing movements;
  • small punctate formations under the skin;
  • redness of the skin at the site of the lesion;
  • increased body temperature.


Myositis can be triggered by the following reasons:

  • injuries to the shoulder and arm during falls;

Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, when the tissues of the muscles of the shoulder, capillaries are pinched and the mobility of the limbs and shoulder is temporarily limited.

  • infectious diseases;

As a result of an infectious cold, when the infection enters the muscle, inflammation and edema can develop in it. This can only happen in the teres minor muscle or affect several muscles at the same time.

  • Allergic reaction when the inflammatory process is caused by the body's response to external stimuli;
  • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical spine.

Any disturbances in the structure and condition of the spine affect adjacent tissues and muscles. Hernia, osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical spine can cause inflammation in the muscle small round muscle tissue of the shoulder as a result of impaired blood circulation and nutritional supply processes substances.


Treatment of myositis is symptomatic and includes:

  • establishing a rest regimen for a patient with limited physical activity;
  • treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular ibuprofen;

Ibuprofen is taken for inflammation of muscle tissue, also 1 tab. 3 times a day for 7-14 days. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and helps to quickly relieve swelling and improve tissue condition.Small round muscle of the shoulder. Anatomy, function, hurts, symptoms, how to treat

Diclofenac gel is used for external treatment of inflamed tissues to alleviate the condition and increase the effectiveness of treatment. The drug is applied to clean skin 2-3 times a day with a thin layer.

  • physiotherapy;

Physiotherapy helps speed up the recovery process, improves microcirculation and relieves inflammation. Physio procedures with magnets are prescribed 1 per day for 10 minutes. For 10 consecutive days.

  • folk remedies.

The cabbage leaf has unique properties. It helps to improve the condition of tissues, relieves inflammation.

  • A clean cabbage leaf must first be milled or beaten with a hammer.
  • Then it is applied to the damaged area and tied with an elastic bandage for 30 minutes.
  • Then the compress is removed and the procedure is repeated for 10 days in a row.

Shoulder injury

A blow to the scapular region or a violent fall on the back and side disrupts the condition and sometimes the integrity of the small round muscle of the shoulder, causing injuries to the ligaments and tendons. As a result of injury, pain and sometimes limited movement in the limb and shoulder can appear. Violations in this case are associated only with the site of damage and are of a local nature.


Injuries can be internal or external. Small round muscle of the shoulder. Anatomy, function, hurts, symptoms, how to treatMay be associated with tissue damage or not, since the small round muscle of the shoulder is more hidden by the scapula inside.

External signs

After injury, the following appears at the site of damage:

  • redness and then blue discoloration of the skin;
  • edema;
  • sharp and constant pain.


Shoulder injuries do not require special treatment. To restore the body, it is enough to provide the patient with peace and take an anesthetic as the pain syndrome sets in.


The development of a neoplasm in the small round muscle of the shoulder or adjacent bone tissues provokes excessive pressure and causes a disruption in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the site. With an increase in the neoplasm, it can gradually completely squeeze the muscle, causing immobility of the shoulder joint and partly of the limb.


The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • soreness when making movements;
  • limited movement;
  • loss of control of a limb or shoulder joint.


Treatment of malignant and benign growths in the event of discomfort is performed by surgical intervention. As part of the operation, the neoplasm is removed while preserving muscle and cartilage tissue. After the operation, restorative therapy is mandatory.

Salt deposits

Salt accumulated in the tissues can cause the development of pain syndrome in the small round muscle of the shoulder. Small round muscle of the shoulder. Anatomy, function, hurts, symptoms, how to treatThe buildup of deposits prevents muscle tissue from contracting normally, causing pain and inflammation.


The main reasons for the formation of salt deposits in tissues include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland.


With such a violation, in a calm state, the shoulder does not bother. Pain appears only when making movements with the hand and in certain positions of the body. It is the pain syndrome that is considered the main symptom of the disease, which is especially pronounced when making movements.


Treatment of salt deposition is carried out by changing the diet and carrying out therapy with a course of hormonal drugs in case of disorders in the thyroid gland. The patient is prescribed unsalted, non-spicy diet food, vitamins and drugs that can quickly restore metabolism.

Supradin contains 12 vitamins, minerals and trace elements that allow you to quickly restore your health, especially after surgery. Moreover, there is no iodine in its composition. The drug is prescribed in effervescent tablets, 1 ton per day for 10 days. Then a break of 10 days is taken and a second course is prescribed.

Alternatively, alternative methods of treatment can be used.

Wormwood herb helps to restore metabolism and improve digestion within 1 week from the beginning of use.

  • 1 tbsp dry wormwood herb needs to be crushed into dust.
  • Then wormwood is combined with 1 tbsp. hot water and insist in the heat for 30 minutes.
  • Then filter the mixture and drink 50 ml 2-3 times a day for 20 days in a row.

The small round muscle, which is involved in the movement of the entire shoulder, normally performs many functions and complements the muscle group of the shoulder girdle.

Due to the peculiarities of the location, in case of its defeat, the entire hand can be disabled, which causes discomfort and related complications. Only the right treatment and rest are able to quickly restore the condition of the muscle and remove all pain sensations for a long time.

Shoulder Muscles Videos

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