
Ketanov. Indications for use of tablets, ampoules for injections

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  1. Application for burns
  2. With colic
  3. For toothache
  4. For painful periods
  5. With a headache
  6. For muscle pain
  7. With oncology
  8. In the postoperative period
  9. Video about the drug Ketanov

"Ketanov" - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) and an anesthetic drug based on ketorolac tromethamine indicated for relief of postoperative pain syndrome, short-term relief of muscle, toothache and cancer pain.

The mechanism of action of the drug, like the rest of the NSAID group, is to suppress the connection of prostaglandins, leading to the removal of inflammation and the provision of an analgesic effect. Like most drugs of the NSAID group "Ketanov" it does not have a sedative and anxiolytic properties, and its effect begins after 30-50 minutes. after the introduction.

Application for burns

"Ketanov" (indications for use are described below in the article) in case of burns, it is permissible to prescribe both as first aid and for further relief of pain. Used orally or in the form of an intramuscular injection, the drug can quickly relieve pain and prevent the development of shock.

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A burn is a type of skin damage associated with the traumatic effects of high temperatures, chemicals, ionizing radiation or electric current.

The degree of burns Characteristics of pain
1st It is accompanied by slight redness and soreness of the damaged area.
2nd They are accompanied by severe pain, requiring the urgent use of painkillers to relieve the sensitivity of the "naked" nerve endings.
3rd It is accompanied by intense pain syndrome and requires urgent intramuscular administration of analgesics and NSAIDs to prevent the development of shock.
4th Due to the death of nerve endings, it may not be accompanied by pain, but requires immediate intramuscular (i / m) the introduction of anti-shock, analgesic and anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs to prevent a possible fatal outcome.

The appointment of "Ketanov" is indicated for all 4 stages of skin burns. With superficial tissue damage, a one-time use of the drug in tablet form is permissible. Burns of 2,3 and 4 degrees allow the use of "Ketanov" both as part of emergency therapy and for further relief of pain syndrome.

With colic

"Ketanov" (indications for use can be found in the instructions for the drug) for colic is used in the form of intramuscular injection.

Colic is not a separate disease, but only a painful sensation caused by irritation of nerve receptors and characterized by a paroxysmal nature.

Intestinal colic Cramping pain syndrome is associated with an intense contraction of the intestinal wall and has a sharp, prolonged (from several hours to 2-3 days) character.
Hepatic colic A sudden onset of acute pain is the main symptom of gallstone disease, appears in the area right hypochondrium, can spread throughout the abdomen, give into the right shoulder and interscapular space.
Renal colic Acute pain syndrome that occurs at rest occurs when the urinary tract is damaged by an exiting stone. Spasms in this case are intense, sharp and prolonged and can last for several hours.

The use of "Ketanov" for colic is permissible as part of the 1st stage of the approved World Organization health care (WHO) "ladder of pain relief" used for emergency relief of paroxysmal pain syndrome.Ketanov. Indications for use of tablets, ampoules for injections

Subsequently, the patient is shown oral self-administration of "Ketanov" in tablet form in as an additional medicine for the rapid relief of sudden onset pain syndrome.

For toothache

Toothache is a painful condition that occurs when nerve endings are irritated and is associated with various pathologies of the oral cavity.

Toothache can also accompany:

  • unpleasant throbbing;
  • swelling of the gums and adjacent tissues;
  • stabbing blows;
  • feeling of sipping.

Mild gum infections are characterized by the appearance of a sharp, burning pain, with a diffuse character, aggravated by pressure.

Research conducted on the basis of the dental clinic NMAPO them. P.L. Shupik has shown the effectiveness of using "Ketanov" for relieving pain in various dental pathologies. During the study, with the participation of 30 patients, it was found that containing ketorolac tromethamine the drug provided a faster and more pronounced analgesic effect compared to methimizole.

Also, as a result of the study, it was found that the effect of persistent anesthesia occurred on the 2-3rd day. treatment with the drug, while when taking metamizole, the patient was completely relieved only on the 4th-5th day.Ketanov. Indications for use of tablets, ampoules for injections

The use of "Ketanov" for the relief of toothache is indicated both in the form of tablets and in the form of an injection solution for intramuscular administration. It is also permissible to use the drug to alleviate the patient's condition during outpatient dental operations.

For painful periods

Painful menstruation (algodismenorrhea) belongs to the independent classification of diseases (ICD-10) pathologies accompanied by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, the intensity of which depends on the severity pathology.

Pathology degree Her characteristic
Mild dysmenorrhea It manifests itself as mild, mild pain sensations in the lower abdomen, which do not interfere with daily activity and, in some cases, require the use of analgesic drugs.
Average dysmenorrhea It is associated with the appearance of severe pain sensations that disrupt the normal activity of a woman, and require the regular use of pain relievers.
Severe dysmenorrhea It is accompanied by the occurrence of severe, intolerable, girdle pain in the abdomen, disrupting daily activity, radiating to the lower back.

Ketanov. Indications for use of tablets, ampoules for injectionsExperts admit the use of "Ketanov" to relieve pain during menstrual bleeding. The drug allows you to cope even with the shingles, pronounced pain syndrome characteristic of the severe stage of dysmenorrhea. It is possible to use "Ketanov" both in the form of tablets and through intramuscular injections.

With a headache

Headache (cephalalgia) is a symptom of many diseases, as well as the body's response to overwork, hypoxia, or brain injury. Acute, paroxysmal, or aching pain can begin in any part of the head, while present in one or more places.

Episodic tension headache (EGBN) occurs in short, bilateral and pressing attacks, lasting from a few minutes to 2-3 days and characterized by a mild to moderate degree intensity.

Chronic tension headache (CHD) is associated with daily or frequent pain sensations with oppressive or constricting character and lasting from several days or having a continuous, constant character.

"Ketanov" for episodic tension headaches (EGBN) can be used orally in tablet form to provide an analgesic effect and relieve painful spasm. To alleviate the condition, intramuscular administration of the solution is indicated.

For muscle pain

Myalgia associated with severe muscle pain can be of a different nature, but in most cases it is aching, pressing. Complementing the pathological condition extending to soft tissues and nerve endings, acute spasms, weakness and swelling.Ketanov. Indications for use of tablets, ampoules for injections

To relieve pain in myalgia, experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) have developed a "ladder of pain relief" program, according to which on the 1st steps (with pain of mild or moderate intensity), the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with an analgesic effect is shown, which include "Ketanov". The drug is prescribed in tablet form or in the form of a solution for intramuscular administration.

With oncology

"Ketanov" for oncological pathologies can reduce the intensity of acute or chronic pain syndrome.

Oncological (malignant) tumors are a type of neoplasm consisting of atypical (malignant) cells and affecting internal organs, skin and mucous membranes. The pain has varying degrees of intensity and, depending on the frequency of its presence, it can be paroxysmal, intermittent or constant. Its nature depends on the patient's subjective sensations, characterizing oncological pain as aching, burning, throbbing, dull or twitching.

Therapeutic tactics of pain relief for various oncological diseases is based on the use of a 3-step “ladder of pain relief”. The use of "Ketanov" in oncological pathologies is shown at the 1st and 2nd stages of anesthesia to relieve pain of weak and moderate intensity. The drug is prescribed as oral (tablet form), intramuscularly or parenterally (through the gastrointestinal tract).

In the postoperative period

Appointment of "Ketanov" in the postoperative period is recommended to relieve pain of varying degrees of intensity. It is permissible to use Ketanov both during and after a surgical intervention of any complexity. Studies have shown that the use of the drug at the final stage of the operation does not increase the duration of awakening, facilitates the patient's exit from drug sleep and the patient's transportation to the intensive care unit ward.Ketanov. Indications for use of tablets, ampoules for injections

It is allowed to use "Ketans":

  • with extensive oncological, urological gynecological surgical interventions;
  • with laparoscopic surgery;
  • with various injuries and intra-abdominal operations;
  • with outpatient surgery.

For postoperative pain relief "Ketanov" can be used in tablet form, used as intramuscular (IV) injection or parenteral.

"Ketanov" is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with an anesthetic effect, indicated to relieve pain of varying degrees of intensity.

The drug used for muscle, headache or toothache can be used as part of "analgesic cocktails", relieve the condition of gastrointestinal, hepatic or renal colic, or supplement with narcotic analgesics, for a faster and effective elimination of pain arising after extensive oncological, gynecological or urological surgical interventions.

Video about the drug Ketanov

Description and instructions for Ketanov:

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