
Vitamin B1 in ampoules. Price, instructions for use

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  1. Composition and form of release
  2. Terms of sale, prices
  3. Properties and action on the body
  4. Indications for use
  5. Contraindications
  6. Method of administration and dosage
  7. Side effects
  8. Overdose
  9. special instructions
  10. Storage conditions
  11. Vitamin B1 video

Vitamin B1 is a vital substance. It can be purchased at any pharmacy as part of a multivitamin complex or in pure form as tablets or solutions for intramuscular injections in ampoules. It is required to use it if there are symptoms of hypovitaminosis. Only a specialist is able to establish a specific treatment regimen. Below you can find the indications and instructions for use, as well as the price of the product.

Composition and form of release

Vitamin B1 in ampoules (the price with a description of the product is given for informational purposes) is presented in the form of a transparent injection solution with a transparent, yellow or yellowish-green tint and weak smell. The active component of the drug is thiamine hydrochloride. 1 ml of the composition contains 50 mg of the active ingredient. Additional elements are water for injection with unitiol.

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Terms of sale, prices

Vitamin B1 in ampoules, the price of which is 30 rubles. per package and 6 rubles. for 1 ampoule, can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The medicine is sold in a cardboard box with partitions in the amount of 10 ampoules or 5 ampoules in a blister on one side. In the second version, the package contains 2 blisters, as well as instructions for using the product. Each package contains an ampoule scarifier. If there are dots, rings or notches on glass containers, the scarifier is not inserted.

Contoured packs of 5 or 10 ampoules are placed in cardboard boxes with approved instructions for medical use. Each ampoule has a label made of label paper or text that is applied directly to the container using ink designed for gravure printing on glass products. The medicine is available with a prescription.

Properties and action on the body

Vitamin B1 is also called thiamine. It is a vital component that takes part in almost all metabolic processes. The medicine is sold in ampoules containing a solution for intramuscular injection. The price of the product in each pharmacy may differ.Vitamin B1 (B1, thiamine) in ampoules. Instructions for use, price

The substance has the following effect on the body:

  • can act as an analgesic, wound healing and antioxidant substance;
  • normalizes digestive activity;
  • stops the aging of brain cells;
  • helps to stimulate blood formation;
  • lowers blood cholesterol;
  • prevents the risk of stroke and heart attack;
  • prevents the risk of developing infectious and viral pathologies;
  • promotes the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • eliminates metabolic toxic products;
  • participates in the reactions of lipid, protein, energy and water-salt metabolism.

Vitamin B1, together with other substances, is unable to form independently in the body. In this regard, he must come every day with food or special means. The daily volume for an adult reaches approximately 1.5 mg, for children - from 0.3 to 1.5 mg.

If the body is deficient in this substance, a depressive state may occur, which provokes the development of dangerous consequences. As a result, tremors in the hands, memory lapses, instability of sleep or insomnia, as well as severe pain in the head, appear. As a result, the ability to work is reduced. Also, vitamin deficiency affects the muscle system, which provokes the onset of pain in the calves, not allowing to fully perform normal loads.

The main factors of vitamin B1 deficiency are the following:

  • High sweat separation.
  • High hypothermia or overheating of the body.
  • Preservation of fruits and vegetables. If you sterilize the ingredients for 25 minutes, they will lose the vitamin by 25%.
  • Continuous consumption of a coffee drink. Drinking coffee every day causes the release of a large volume of hydrochloric acid, which destroys about 50% of thiamine in the body.
  • The presence of chronic infectious pathologies.
  • Long-term heat treatment of food. If the food is cooked at a temperature of 200 ℃ for 45 minutes, the active element will be lost by 50%.
  • Reducing the amount of coarse fiber in raw materials of plant origin. There is very little active substance in bleached grains, extra oat flakes, white bread and polished rice grits.
  • Frequent consumption of refined carbohydrate food. With the constant use of pasta, baked goods, confectionery and bakery treats, the lack of thiamine in the body increases by 3 times.
  • Stage of pregnancy. With the onset of the last trimester, the need almost doubles. In this regard, the daily volume of thiamine for pregnant women should reach 3 mg.Vitamin B1 (B1, thiamine) in ampoules. Instructions for use, price

If the lack of a substance lasts for a long period of time, more than 12 months, the exchange is disrupted proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and the reaction of the formation of a cellular energy source is reduced. As a result, glucose that comes from food cannot be converted into an ATP molecule. For this reason, lactic acid and pyruvate are formed in the blood, which are toxic products of partial processing of carbohydrates.

With the penetration of substances into the tissues of the spinal cord and brain, a failure occurs in their activity, provoking the risk of neurological pathologies. To prevent the factors of manifestation of disorders, it is necessary to determine and establish in time the causes that affect the lack of a water-soluble substance in the body.

From the pharmacodynamic side of thiamine chloride-darnitsa is presented in the form of a synthetic preparation of vitamin B1, which belongs to water-soluble elements. During the transfer of phosphoric acid residues, the vitamin becomes a cocarboxylase, which acts as an organic compound of most enzymatic processes.

The active ingredient takes part in metabolism and reflex-nervous regulation, influencing the execution of excitation in synapses. Also, the substance has curariform and ganglion-blocking actions. The drug can weaken the curariform effect of muscle relaxants.

From the side of pharmacokinetics, the drug is normally absorbed. The transfer of phosphoric acid residues is carried out in the liver. The accumulation occurs in the spleen, kidneys, brain, heart and liver. It can be excreted in the kidneys and liver, approximately 10% remains unchanged.

If the medicine is combined with other drugs, the following effects may appear:

  • the activity of thiamine is delayed when 5-fluorouracil and thiosemicarbazone are used;
  • the reaction of absorption of thiamine is slowed down when using ethanol;
  • it is impossible to combine thiamine with cyanocobalamin and pyridoxine, since the process of its transition to a biological form is hampered, and its hypersensitivity increases;
  • the therapeutic results of choline derivatives and depolarizing muscle relaxants are weakened;
  • the therapeutic effects of sympathomimetics and adrenergic agonists are weakened;
  • the need for a substance increases when using caffeine or drugs containing estrogens with sulfur;
  • there is a lack of an active element with the simultaneous use of antacid formulations, indomethacin, digoxin and anticonvulsants.

If the drug is injected intramuscularly together with solutions in which sodium hydrosulfite is present as a preservative or antioxidant, the active component will be unstable. Instability also manifests itself in neutral and alkaline solutions.

It is undesirable to combine vitamin B1 with the following components:

  • barbiturates;
  • iodides;
  • carbonates;
  • copper oxide;
  • tannin acid;
  • iron ammonium citrate;
  • citrates.

Indications for use

Vitamin B1 in ampoules (the price is small, but the drug effectively treats many pathologies) is indicated for use in vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis. Also, the medicine is suitable for patients who are fed with a tube, extrarenal blood purification, or have malabsorption in the small intestine.Vitamin B1 (B1, thiamine) in ampoules. Instructions for use, price

The tool can be included in the complex therapeutic treatment of the following pathologies:

  • alcoholic, diabetic damage;
  • intestinal atony;
  • lichen planus with pyoderma, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema, if there are neutrophilic changes with metabolic failure;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • neuralgia;
  • neurasthenia;
  • neuritis;
  • paralysis with peripheral paresis;
  • polyneuritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • chronic liver damage;
  • endarteritis;
  • encephalopathy;
  • ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.

So that at the stage of pregnancy the fetus is fully formed, the need for the active ingredient increases and is up to 3 mg per day. A deficiency of a substance can provoke an incorrect laying of organs and the formation of abnormalities in the activity of the central nervous system of a child.Vitamin B1 (B1, thiamine) in ampoules. Instructions for use, price

The need for thiamine arises in the last trimester, when there is strong pain in the lower back, hips due to uterine pressure on the nerve plexuses. In this regard, it is required to control that a pregnant woman regularly saturates the body with vitamin. To do this, you need to eat foods that contain thiamine every day.

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is permissible in the recommended volume and only under the supervision of a specialist.


The medicine is contraindicated in the following pathologies and conditions:

  • allergic pathologies;
  • high sensitivity to substances of the agent;
  • idiosyncrasy;
  • premenopausal and climacteric stages.

Method of administration and dosage

The medicine is injected intramuscularly so that the solution penetrates deep into the muscle.Vitamin B1 (B1, thiamine) in ampoules. Instructions for use, price

Method of use and dosage:

Age Dosage Duration of the treatment course
Adults 25 or 50 mg once every 24 hours, every day 10 to 30 injections
Children over 8 years old 12.5 mg once every 24 hours, every day 10-30 injections

For adults, injections are initially started with a small volume, not exceeding 0.5 ml. If a person tolerates the medicine well, the dosage can be increased to 1 ml.

For children, a 2.5% solution is mainly used. For children over 8 years old, it is permissible to enter a 5% composition.Vitamin B1 (B1, thiamine) in ampoules. Instructions for use, price

To improve the general well-being with Wernicke-Korsakov encephalopathy, the solution is administered intramuscularly at 50 or 100 mg twice within 24 hours. However, with the penetration of the substance, an allergic process can manifest itself.

Side effects

Vitamin B1 in ampoules (the price of a medicine in different pharmacies may differ) can have side effects:

  • anaphylactic shock with bronchospastic syndrome, angioedema, urticaria, flushing, convulsions, dermatitis, itching and rash in relation to the immune system;
  • intestinal hemorrhages with nausea and difficulty swallowing with damage to the digestive tract;
  • collapse with palpitations and tachycardia relative to the heart and blood vessels;
  • fever with swelling, weakness, trembling, chills and sweating with a general disturbance of well-being;
  • shortness of breath with heavy breathing in relation to the respiratory system;
  • paresthesia with anxiety, dizziness and pain in the head from the nervous system;
  • damage to the optic nerve relative to the visual organs;
  • failure in the activity of liver enzymes relative to the digestive system.
    Vitamin B1 (B1, thiamine) in ampoules. Instructions for use, price
    Vitamin B1 in ampoules.

The active component of the drug is capable of creating bonds with various neurotransmitters. As a result, blood pressure decreases, the central nervous system is inhibited, the contraction of skeletal muscles is disturbed, and cardiac arrhythmia is also manifested. In this case, the active substance increases the resistance of staphylococcus to antibiotics.


If you exceed the daily dosage of the drug, signs of side effects of the drug may increase. If the drug is used in large quantities over a long period of time, symptoms of excess thyroid function with insomnia, increased heart rate, tremors, agitation and pain in head.

It is necessary to refuse to take the drug and observe symptomatic therapeutic treatment.

special instructions

Before the introduction of the solution, it is required to perform a skin test for the presence of individual sensitivity to the drug. After the injection, it is required to control the general well-being for 30 minutes, since allergic reactions may occur.

If intramuscular injection is injected in a large volume, anaphylactic processes are often manifested.

After the introduction of pyridoxine, at least 12 hours should pass, then it is permissible to use thiamine injections.

With intramuscular use, the drug must be injected deep into the muscle, with intravenous use - slowly. The drug can cause pain because the solution has a low pH.

The medicine is not suitable as a complete substitute for a balanced diet. It is required to be prescribed as part of diet therapy.

The injection type of medication is prescribed for those patients who have impaired absorption or have gastric resection, is absent the possibility of taking vitamin tablets in the presence of a severe form of pathology or during the initial course of treatment in order to quickly achieve result.

In the presence of an allergic process to vitamin B1, the patient needs to give up bread, meat, buckwheat and rice groats.Vitamin B1 (B1, thiamine) in ampoules. Instructions for use, price

In patients who suffer from alcoholism, signs of side effects may increase.

At the stage of the treatment course, it is required to adhere to precautions while driving and when contact with difficult mechanisms, since side processes with respect to the nervous systems.

Storage conditions

The medicine must be kept in the original package in a place that will be inaccessible to small children. The temperature indicator should be no more than +25 ℃.

The shelf life of the drug is 24 months. After the expiration date, the product cannot be used, otherwise the health condition can be aggravated.

Vitamin B1 is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets and solutions for intramuscular injection, contained in ampoules. Injections are considered more effective, while the price of the medicine is low. Before using the drug, it is recommended to consult a specialist, since there are contraindications.

Vitamin B1 video

Thiamin. Significance, signs of deficiency:

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